package C4::AuthoritiesMarc; # Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, # Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA use strict; require Exporter; use C4::Context; use C4::Database; use C4::Koha; use MARC::Record; use C4::Biblio; #use ZOOM; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT); # set the version for version checking $VERSION = 0.01; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw( &AUTHgettagslib &AUTHfindsubfield &AUTHfind_authtypecode &AUTHaddauthority &AUTHmodauthority &AUTHdelauthority &AUTHaddsubfield &AUTHgetauthority &AUTHfind_marc_from_kohafield &AUTHgetauth_type &AUTHcount_usage &getsummary &authoritysearch &AUTHhtml2marc &merge &FindDuplicate ); sub AUTHfind_marc_from_kohafield { my ( $dbh, $kohafield,$authtypecode ) = @_; return 0, 0 unless $kohafield; $authtypecode="" unless $authtypecode; my $marcfromkohafield; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select tagfield,tagsubfield from auth_subfield_structure where kohafield= ? and authtypecode=? "); $sth->execute($kohafield,$authtypecode); my ($tagfield,$tagsubfield) = $sth->fetchrow; return ($tagfield,$tagsubfield); } sub authoritysearch { my ($dbh, $tags, $and_or, $excluding, $operator, $value, $offset,$length,$authtypecode) = @_; my $query; my $attr; # the marclist may contain "mainentry". In this case, search the tag_to_report, that depends on # the authtypecode. Then, search on $a of this tag_to_report # also store main entry MARC tag, to extract it at end of search my $mainentrytag; ##first set the authtype search $query="\@attr 1=1013 \@attr 5=100 ".$authtypecode; ##No truncation on authtype my $dosearch; my $and; my $q2; for(my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#{$value} ; $i++) { if (@$value[$i]){ ##If mainentry search $a tag if (@$tags[$i] eq "mainentry") { $attr =" \@attr 1=21 "; }else{ $attr =" \@attr 1=47 "; } if (@$operator[$i] eq 'phrase') { $attr.=" \@attr 4=1 \@attr 5=100 \@attr 3=1 ";##Phrase, No truncation, first in field###It seems not implemented by indexdata } else { $attr .=" \@attr 4=6 \@attr 5=1 ";## Word list, right truncated, anywhere } $and .=" \@and " ; $attr =$attr."\"".@$value[$i]."\""; $q2 .=$attr; $dosearch=1; }#if value } ##Add how many queries generated $query= $and.$query.$q2; warn $query; $offset=0 unless $offset; my $counter = $offset; $length=10 unless $length; my $oAuth=C4::Context->Zconnauth("authorityserver"); if ($oAuth eq "error"){ warn "Error/CONNECTING \n"; return("error",undef); } my $oAResult; my $Anewq= new ZOOM::Query::PQF($query); $Anewq->sortby("1=21 i< 1=47 i<"); eval { $oAResult= $oAuth->search($Anewq) ; }; if($@){ warn " /CODE:", $@->code()," /MSG:",$@->message(),"\n"; return("error",undef); } my $nbresults=0; $nbresults=$oAResult->size() if ($oAResult); my @result = (); my @finalresult = (); if ($nbresults>0){ ##fIND tags using authority my $newsth = $dbh->prepare("select distinct tagfield from marc_subfield_structure where authtypecode=?"); $newsth->execute($authtypecode); my $tags_using_authtype; while (my ($tagfield) = $newsth->fetchrow) { $tags_using_authtype.= "'".$tagfield."9',"; } ##Find authid and linkid fields my ($authidfield,$authidsubfield)=AUTHfind_marc_from_kohafield($dbh,"auth_header.authid",$authtypecode); my ($linkidfield,$linkidsubfield)=AUTHfind_marc_from_kohafield($dbh,"auth_header.linkid",$authtypecode); while (($counter < $nbresults) && ($counter < ($offset + $length))) { ##Here we have to extract MARC record and $authid from ZEBRA AUTHORITIES my $rec=$oAResult->record($counter); my $marcdata=$rec->raw(); my $authrecord; my $linkid; my @linkids; my $separator=C4::Context->preference('authoritysep'); my $linksummary=" ".$separator; $authrecord = MARC::File::USMARC::decode($marcdata); my $authid=$authrecord->field($authidfield)->subfield($authidsubfield); ## we could have these defined in system pref. if ($authrecord->field($linkidfield)){ my @fields=$authrecord->field($linkidfield); foreach my $field (@fields){ $linkid=$field->subfield($linkidsubfield) ; if ($linkid){ ##There is a linked record add fields to produce summary my $linktype=AUTHfind_authtypecode($dbh,$linkid); my $linkrecord=AUTHgetauthority($dbh,$linkid); $linksummary.=getsummary($dbh,$linkrecord,$linkid,$linktype).$separator; } } }# my $summary=getsummary($dbh,$authrecord,$authid,$authtypecode); if ($linkid && $linksummary ne " ".$separator){ $summary="".$summary."".$linksummary; } ## Fix Async search and move Zconn to here my %newline; $newline{summary} = $summary; $newline{authid} = $authid; $newline{linkid} = $linkid; # $newline{used} =$count; $newline{biblio_fields} = $tags_using_authtype; $newline{even} = $counter % 2; $counter++; push @finalresult, \%newline; }## while counter $oAResult->destroy(); #$oAuth->destroy(); ### my $oConnection=C4::Context->Zconn("biblioserver"); if ($oConnection eq "error"){ warn "Error/CONNECTING \n"; } my $oResult; for (my $z=0; $z<@finalresult; $z++){ my $nquery; $nquery= "\@attr GILS 1=2057 ".$finalresult[$z]{authid}; $nquery="\@or ".$nquery." \@attr GILS 1=2057 ".$finalresult[$z]{linkid} if $finalresult[$z]{linkid}; eval{ $oResult = $oConnection->search_pqf($nquery); }; if($@){ warn " /CODE:", $@->code()," /MSG:",$@->message(),"\n"; } my $count=$oResult->size() if ($oResult); $finalresult[$z]{used}=$count; }##for Zconn $oResult->destroy(); # $oConnection->destroy(); }## if nbresult return (\@finalresult, $nbresults); } # Creates the SQL Request sub create_request { my ($dbh,$tags, $and_or, $operator, $value) = @_; my $sql_tables; # will contain marc_subfield_table as m1,... my $sql_where1; # will contain the "true" where my $sql_where2 = "("; # will contain m1.authid=m2.authid my $nb_active=0; # will contain the number of "active" entries. and entry is active is a value is provided. my $nb_table=1; # will contain the number of table. ++ on each entry EXCEPT when an OR is provided. for(my $i=0; $i<=@$value;$i++) { if (@$value[$i]) { $nb_active++; if ($nb_active==1) { $sql_tables = "auth_subfield_table as m$nb_table,"; $sql_where1 .= "( m$nb_table.subfieldvalue like '@$value[$i]' "; if (@$tags[$i]) { $sql_where1 .=" and concat(m$nb_table.tag,m$nb_table.subfieldcode) IN (@$tags[$i])"; } $sql_where1.=")"; } else { $nb_table++; $sql_tables .= "auth_subfield_table as m$nb_table,"; $sql_where1 .= "@$and_or[$i] (m$nb_table.subfieldvalue like '@$value[$i]' "; if (@$tags[$i]) { $sql_where1 .=" and concat(m$nb_table.tag,m$nb_table.subfieldcode) IN (@$tags[$i])"; } $sql_where1.=")"; $sql_where2.="m1.authid=m$nb_table.authid and "; } } } if($sql_where2 ne "(") # some datas added to sql_where2, processing { $sql_where2 = substr($sql_where2, 0, (length($sql_where2)-5)); # deletes the trailing ' and ' $sql_where2 .= ")"; } else # no sql_where2 statement, deleting '(' { $sql_where2 = ""; } chop $sql_tables; # deletes the trailing ',' return ($sql_tables, $sql_where1, $sql_where2); } sub AUTHcount_usage { my ($authid) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; # find MARC fields using this authtype my $authtypecode = AUTHfind_authtypecode($dbh,$authid); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select distinct tagfield from marc_subfield_structure where authtypecode=?"); my $tags_used=$sth->execute($authtypecode); my $tags_using_authtype; while (my($tagfield) = $sth->fetchrow){ # warn "TAG : $tagfield"; $tags_using_authtype.= "'".$tagfield."9',"; } chop $tags_using_authtype; ### try ZOOM search here my $oConnection=C4::Context->Zconn("biblioserver"); my $query; $query= "\@attr GILS 1=2057 ".$authid; my $oResult = $oConnection->search_pqf($query); my $result=$oResult->size() if ($oResult); ### OLD API # if ($tags_using_authtype) { # $sth = $dbh->prepare("select count(*) from marc_subfield_table where concat(tag,subfieldcode) in ($tags_using_authtype) and MATCH(subfieldvalue) AGAINST(? IN BOOLEAN MODE)"); # } else { # $sth = $dbh->prepare("select count(*) from marc_subfield_table where subfieldvalue=?"); # } # warn "Q : select count(*) from marc_subfield_table where concat(tag,subfieldcode) in ($tags_using_authtype) and d MATCH(subfieldvalue) AGAINST($authid IN BOOLEAN MODE) "; # $sth->execute($authid); # my ($result) = $sth->fetchrow; # warn "Authority $authid TOTAL USED : $result"; return ($result); } sub AUTHfind_authtypecode { my ($dbh,$authid) = @_; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select authtypecode from auth_header where authid=?"); $sth->execute($authid); my ($authtypecode) = $sth->fetchrow; return $authtypecode; } sub AUTHgettagslib { my ($dbh,$forlibrarian,$authtypecode)= @_; $authtypecode="" unless $authtypecode; my $sth; my $libfield = ($forlibrarian eq 1)? 'liblibrarian' : 'libopac'; # check that authority exists $sth=$dbh->prepare("select count(*) from auth_tag_structure where authtypecode=?"); $sth->execute($authtypecode); my ($total) = $sth->fetchrow; $authtypecode="" unless ($total >0); $sth= $dbh->prepare( "select tagfield,liblibrarian,libopac,mandatory,repeatable from auth_tag_structure where authtypecode=? order by tagfield" ); $sth->execute($authtypecode); my ( $liblibrarian, $libopac, $tag, $res, $tab, $mandatory, $repeatable ); while ( ( $tag, $liblibrarian, $libopac, $mandatory, $repeatable ) = $sth->fetchrow ) { $res->{$tag}->{lib} = ($forlibrarian or !$libopac)?$liblibrarian:$libopac; $res->{$tab}->{tab} = ""; # XXX $res->{$tag}->{mandatory} = $mandatory; $res->{$tag}->{repeatable} = $repeatable; } $sth= $dbh->prepare("select tagfield,tagsubfield,liblibrarian,libopac,tab, mandatory, repeatable,authorised_value,authtypecode,value_builder,kohafield,seealso,hidden,isurl,link from auth_subfield_structure where authtypecode=? order by tagfield,tagsubfield" ); $sth->execute($authtypecode); my $subfield; my $authorised_value; my $authtypecode; my $value_builder; my $kohafield; my $seealso; my $hidden; my $isurl; my $link; while ( ( $tag, $subfield, $liblibrarian, , $libopac, $tab, $mandatory, $repeatable, $authorised_value, $authtypecode, $value_builder, $kohafield, $seealso, $hidden, $isurl, $link ) = $sth->fetchrow ) { $res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{lib} = ($forlibrarian or !$libopac)?$liblibrarian:$libopac; $res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{tab} = $tab; $res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{mandatory} = $mandatory; $res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{repeatable} = $repeatable; $res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{authorised_value} = $authorised_value; $res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{authtypecode} = $authtypecode; $res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{value_builder} = $value_builder; $res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{kohafield} = $kohafield; $res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{seealso} = $seealso; $res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{hidden} = $hidden; $res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{isurl} = $isurl; $res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{link} = $link; } return $res; } sub AUTHaddauthority { # pass the MARC::Record to this function, and it will create the records in the authority table my ($dbh,$record,$authid,$authtypecode) = @_; #my $leadercode=AUTHfind_leader($dbh,$authtypecode); my $leader=' a ';##Fixme correct leader as this one just adds utf8 to MARC21 #substr($leader,8,1)=$leadercode; # $record->leader($leader); my ($authfield,$authidsubfield)=AUTHfind_marc_from_kohafield($dbh,"auth_header.authid",$authtypecode); my ($authfield2,$authtypesubfield)=AUTHfind_marc_from_kohafield($dbh,"auth_header.authtypecode",$authtypecode); my ($linkidfield,$linkidsubfield)=AUTHfind_marc_from_kohafield($dbh,"auth_header.linkid",$authtypecode); # if authid empty => true add, find a new authid number if (!$authid) { my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select max(authid) from auth_header"); $sth->execute; ($authid)=$sth->fetchrow; $authid=$authid+1; ##Insert the recordID in MARC record ##Both authid and authtypecode is expected to be in the same field. Modify if other requirements arise $record->add_fields($authfield,'','',$authidsubfield=>$authid,$authtypesubfield=>$authtypecode); $dbh->do("lock tables auth_header WRITE"); $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into auth_header (authid,datecreated,authtypecode,marc) values (?,now(),?,?)"); $sth->execute($authid,$authtypecode,$record->as_usmarc); $sth->finish; }else{ ##Modified record reinsertid $record->delete_field($authfield); $record->add_fields($authfield,'','',$authidsubfield=>$authid,$authtypesubfield=>$authtypecode); $dbh->do("lock tables auth_header WRITE"); my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update auth_header set marc=? where authid=?"); $sth->execute($record->as_usmarc,$authid); $sth->finish; } $dbh->do("unlock tables"); zebraopauth($dbh,$authid,'specialUpdate'); if ($record->field($linkidfield)){ my @fields=$record->field($linkidfield); foreach my $field (@fields){ my $linkid=$field->subfield($linkidsubfield) ; if ($linkid){ ##Modify the record of linked AUTHaddlink($dbh,$linkid,$authid); } } } return ($authid); } sub AUTHaddlink{ my ($dbh,$linkid,$authid)=@_; my $record=AUTHgetauthority($dbh,$linkid); my $authtypecode=AUTHfind_authtypecode($dbh,$linkid); #warn "adding l:$linkid,a:$authid,auth:$authtypecode"; $record=AUTH2marcOnefieldlink($dbh,$record,"auth_header.linkid",$authid,$authtypecode); $dbh->do("lock tables auth_header WRITE"); my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update auth_header set marc=? where authid=?"); $sth->execute($record->as_usmarc,$linkid); $sth->finish; $dbh->do("unlock tables"); zebraopauth($dbh,$linkid,'specialUpdate'); } sub AUTH2marcOnefieldlink { my ( $dbh, $record, $kohafieldname, $newvalue,$authtypecode ) = @_; my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "select tagfield,tagsubfield from auth_subfield_structure where authtypecode=? and kohafield=?" ); $sth->execute($authtypecode,$kohafieldname); my ($tagfield,$tagsubfield)=$sth->fetchrow; $record->add_fields( $tagfield, " ", " ", $tagsubfield => $newvalue ); return $record; } sub zebraopauth{ my ($dbh,$authid,$op)=@_; my $Zconnauthority; my $tried=0; my $recon=0; reconnect: $Zconnauthority=C4::Context->Zconnauth("authorityserver"); if ($Zconnauthority ne "error"){ my $record = AUTHgetauthority($dbh,$authid); my $Zpackage = $Zconnauthority->package(); $Zpackage->option(action => $op); $Zpackage->option(record => $record->as_xml_record); retry: eval { $Zpackage->send("update"); }; if ($@) { if($@->code()==10007 && $tried==0){ ##Timedout -retry $tried=1; goto "retry"; }elsif($@->code()==10004 && $recon==0){##Lost connection -reconnect $recon=1; goto "reconnect"; }else{ warn "Error-authority updating $authid $op /CODE:", $@->code()," /MSG:",$@->message(),"\n"; zebrafiles($dbh,$authid,$op); return; } } $Zpackage->("commit") if (C4::Context->authorityservershadow); $Zpackage->destroy; }else{ zebrafiles($dbh,$authid,$op); } } sub zebrafiles{ my ($dbh,$authid,$folder)=@_; my $record=AUTHgetauthority($dbh,$authid); my $zebradir = C4::Context->zebraconfig("authorityserver")->{directory}."/".$folder."/"; #my $zebradir = C4::Context->authoritydir."/".$folder."/"; unless (opendir(DIR, "$zebradir")) { warn "$zebradir not found"; return; } closedir DIR; my $filename = $zebradir.$authid; if ($record){ open (OUTPUT,">", $filename.".xml"); print OUTPUT $record->as_xml_record; close OUTPUT; } } sub AUTHfind_leader{ ##Hard coded for NEU auth types my($dbh,$authtypecode)=@_; my $leadercode; if ($authtypecode eq "AUTH"){ $leadercode="a"; }elsif ($authtypecode eq "ESUB"){ $leadercode="b"; }elsif ($authtypecode eq "TSUB"){ $leadercode="c"; }else{ $leadercode=" "; } return $leadercode; } sub AUTHgetauthority { # Returns MARC::Record of the biblio passed in parameter. my ($dbh,$authid)=@_; my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select marc from auth_header where authid=?"); $sth->execute($authid); my ($marc) = $sth->fetchrow; my $record=MARC::File::USMARC::decode($marc); return ($record); } sub AUTHgetauth_type { my ($authtypecode) = @_; my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh; my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select * from auth_types where authtypecode=?"); $sth->execute($authtypecode); return $sth->fetchrow_hashref; } sub AUTHmodauthority { my ($dbh,$authid,$record,$authtypecode,$merge)=@_; my ($oldrecord)=&AUTHgetauthority($dbh,$authid); if ($oldrecord eq $record) { return; } my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update auth_header set marc=? where authid=?"); #warn find if linked records exist and delete them my($linkidfield,$linkidsubfield)=AUTHfind_marc_from_kohafield($dbh,"auth_header.linkid",$authtypecode); if ($oldrecord->field($linkidfield)){ my @fields=$oldrecord->field($linkidfield); foreach my $field (@fields){ my $linkid=$field->subfield($linkidsubfield) ; if ($linkid){ ##Modify the record of linked my $linkrecord=AUTHgetauthority($dbh,$linkid); my $linktypecode=AUTHfind_authtypecode($dbh,$linkid); my ( $linkidfield2,$linkidsubfield2)=AUTHfind_marc_from_kohafield($dbh,"auth_header.linkid",$linktypecode); my @linkfields=$linkrecord->field($linkidfield2); foreach my $linkfield (@linkfields){ if ($linkfield->subfield($linkidsubfield2) eq $authid){ $linkrecord->delete_field($linkfield); $sth->execute($linkrecord->as_usmarc,$linkid); zebraopauth($dbh,$linkid,'specialUpdate'); } }#foreach linkfield } }#foreach linkid } #Now rewrite the $record to table with an add $authid=AUTHaddauthority($dbh,$record,$authid,$authtypecode); ### If a library thinks that updating all biblios is a long process and wishes to leave that to a cron job to use merge_authotities.p ### they should have a system preference "dontmerge=1" otherwise by default biblios will be updated ### the $merge flag is now depreceated and will be removed at code cleaning if (C4::Context->preference('dontmerge')){ # save the file in localfile/modified_authorities my $cgidir = C4::Context->intranetdir ."/cgi-bin"; unless (opendir(DIR, "$cgidir")) { $cgidir = C4::Context->intranetdir."/"; } my $filename = $cgidir."/localfile/modified_authorities/$authid.authid"; open AUTH, "> $filename"; print AUTH $authid; close AUTH; }else{ &merge($dbh,$authid,$record,$authid,$record); } return $authid; } sub AUTHdelauthority { my ($dbh,$authid,$keep_biblio) = @_; # if the keep_biblio is set to 1, then authority entries in biblio are preserved. zebraopauth($dbh,$authid,"recordDelete"); $dbh->do("delete from auth_header where authid=$authid") ; # FIXME : delete or not in biblio tables (depending on $keep_biblio flag) } sub AUTHfind_authtypecode { my ($dbh,$authid) = @_; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select authtypecode from auth_header where authid=?"); $sth->execute($authid); my ($authtypecode) = $sth->fetchrow; return $authtypecode; } sub AUTHhtml2marc { my ($dbh,$rtags,$rsubfields,$rvalues,%indicators) = @_; my $prevtag = -1; my $record = MARC::Record->new(); #---- TODO : the leader is missing # my %subfieldlist=(); my $prevvalue; # if tag <10 my $field; # if tag >=10 for (my $i=0; $i< @$rtags; $i++) { # rebuild MARC::Record if (@$rtags[$i] ne $prevtag) { if ($prevtag < 10) { if ($prevvalue) { $record->add_fields((sprintf "%03s",$prevtag),$prevvalue); } } else { if ($field) { $record->add_fields($field); } } $indicators{@$rtags[$i]}.=' '; if (@$rtags[$i] <10) { $prevvalue= @$rvalues[$i]; undef $field; } else { undef $prevvalue; $field = MARC::Field->new( (sprintf "%03s",@$rtags[$i]), substr($indicators{@$rtags[$i]},0,1),substr($indicators{@$rtags[$i]},1,1), @$rsubfields[$i] => @$rvalues[$i]); } $prevtag = @$rtags[$i]; } else { if (@$rtags[$i] <10) { $prevvalue=@$rvalues[$i]; } else { if (length(@$rvalues[$i])>0) { $field->add_subfields(@$rsubfields[$i] => @$rvalues[$i]); } } $prevtag= @$rtags[$i]; } } # the last has not been included inside the loop... do it now ! $record->add_fields($field) if $field; return $record; } sub FindDuplicate { my ($record,$authtypecode)=@_; # warn "IN for ".$record->as_formatted; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; # warn "".$record->as_formatted; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select auth_tag_to_report from auth_types where authtypecode=?"); $sth->execute($authtypecode); my ($auth_tag_to_report) = $sth->fetchrow; $sth->finish; # build a request for authoritysearch my (@tags, @and_or, @excluding, @operator, @value, $offset, $length); if ($record->field($auth_tag_to_report)) { push @tags, $auth_tag_to_report; push @and_or, ""; push @excluding, ""; push @operator, "all"; push @value, $record->field($auth_tag_to_report)->as_string(); } my ($finalresult,$nbresult) = authoritysearch($dbh,\@tags,\@and_or,\@excluding,\@operator,\@value,0,10,$authtypecode); # there is at least 1 result => return the 1st one if ($nbresult>0) { return @$finalresult[0]->{authid},@$finalresult[0]->{summary}; } # no result, returns nothing return; } sub getsummary{ ## give this a Marc record to return summary my ($dbh,$record,$authid,$authtypecode)=@_; # my $authtypecode = AUTHfind_authtypecode($dbh,$authid); my $authref = getauthtype($authtypecode); my $summary = $authref->{summary}; my @fields = $record->fields(); # chop $tags_using_authtype; # if the library has a summary defined, use it. Otherwise, build a standard one if ($summary) { my @fields = $record->fields(); foreach my $field (@fields) { my $tag = $field->tag(); my $tagvalue = $field->as_string(); $summary =~ s/\[(.?.?.?.?)$tag\*(.*?)]/$1$tagvalue$2\[$1$tag$2]/g; if ($tag<10) { } else { my @subf = $field->subfields; for my $i (0..$#subf) { my $subfieldcode = $subf[$i][0]; my $subfieldvalue = $subf[$i][1]; my $tagsubf = $tag.$subfieldcode; $summary =~ s/\[(.?.?.?.?)$tagsubf(.*?)]/$1$subfieldvalue$2\[$1$tagsubf$2]/g; } } } $summary =~ s/\[(.*?)]//g; $summary =~ s/\n/
/g; } else { my $heading; # = $authref->{summary}; my $altheading; my $seeheading; my $see; my @fields = $record->fields(); if (C4::Context->preference('marcflavour') eq 'UNIMARC') { # construct UNIMARC summary, that is quite different from MARC21 one # accepted form foreach my $field ($record->field('2..')) { $heading.= $field->as_string(); } # rejected form(s) foreach my $field ($record->field('4..')) { $summary.= "   ".$field->as_string()."
"; $summary.= "      see: ".$heading."
"; } # see : foreach my $field ($record->field('5..')) { $summary.= "   ".$field->as_string()."
"; $summary.= "      see: ".$heading."
"; } # // form foreach my $field ($record->field('7..')) { $seeheading.= "      see also: ".$field->as_string()."
"; $altheading.= "   ".$field->as_string()."
"; $altheading.= "      see also: ".$heading."
"; } $summary = "".$heading."
".$seeheading.$altheading.$summary; } else { # construct MARC21 summary foreach my $field ($record->field('1..')) { if ($record->field('100')) { $heading.= $field->as_string('abcdefghjklmnopqrstvxyz68'); } elsif ($record->field('110')) { $heading.= $field->as_string('abcdefghklmnoprstvxyz68'); } elsif ($record->field('111')) { $heading.= $field->as_string('acdefghklnpqstvxyz68'); } elsif ($record->field('130')) { $heading.= $field->as_string('adfghklmnoprstvxyz68'); } elsif ($record->field('148')) { $heading.= $field->as_string('abvxyz68'); } elsif ($record->field('150')) { $heading.= $field->as_string('abvxyz68'); } elsif ($record->field('151')) { $heading.= $field->as_string('avxyz68'); } elsif ($record->field('155')) { $heading.= $field->as_string('abvxyz68'); } elsif ($record->field('180')) { $heading.= $field->as_string('vxyz68'); } elsif ($record->field('181')) { $heading.= $field->as_string('vxyz68'); } elsif ($record->field('182')) { $heading.= $field->as_string('vxyz68'); } elsif ($record->field('185')) { $heading.= $field->as_string('vxyz68'); } else { $heading.= $field->as_string(); } } #See From foreach my $field ($record->field('4..')) { $seeheading.= "   ".$field->as_string()."
"; $seeheading.= "      see: ".$seeheading."
"; } #See Also foreach my $field ($record->field('5..')) { $altheading.= "      see also: ".$field->as_string()."
"; $altheading.= "   ".$field->as_string()."
"; $altheading.= "      see also: ".$altheading."
"; } $summary.=$heading.$seeheading.$altheading; } } return $summary; } sub merge { my ($dbh,$mergefrom,$MARCfrom,$mergeto,$MARCto) = @_; my $authtypecodefrom = AUTHfind_authtypecode($dbh,$mergefrom); my $authtypecodeto = AUTHfind_authtypecode($dbh,$mergeto); # return if authority does not exist my @X = $MARCfrom->fields(); return if $#X == -1; my @X = $MARCto->fields(); return if $#X == -1; # search the tag to report my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select auth_tag_to_report from auth_types where authtypecode=?"); $sth->execute($authtypecodefrom); my ($auth_tag_to_report) = $sth->fetchrow; my @record_to; @record_to = $MARCto->field($auth_tag_to_report)->subfields() if $MARCto->field($auth_tag_to_report); my @record_from; @record_from = $MARCfrom->field($auth_tag_to_report)->subfields() if $MARCfrom->field($auth_tag_to_report); # search all biblio tags using this authority. $sth = $dbh->prepare("select distinct tagfield from marc_subfield_structure where authtypecode=?"); $sth->execute($authtypecodefrom); my @tags_using_authtype; while (my ($tagfield) = $sth->fetchrow) { push @tags_using_authtype,$tagfield."9" ; } # now, find every biblio using this authority ### try ZOOM search here my $oConnection=C4::Context->Zconn("biblioserver"); my $query; $query= "\@attr GILS 1=2057 ".$mergefrom; my $oResult = $oConnection->search_pqf($query); my $count=$oResult->size() if ($oResult); my @reccache; my $z=0; while ( $z<$count ) { my $rec; $rec=$oResult->record($z); my $marcdata = $rec->raw(); push @reccache, $marcdata; $z++; } $oResult->destroy(); foreach my $marc(@reccache){ my $update; my $marcrecord; $marcrecord = MARC::File::USMARC::decode($marc); foreach my $tagfield (@tags_using_authtype){ $tagfield=substr($tagfield,0,3); my @tags = $marcrecord->field($tagfield); foreach my $tag (@tags){ my $tagsubs=$tag->subfield("9"); #warn "$tagfield:$tagsubs:$mergefrom"; if ($tagsubs== $mergefrom) { $tag->update("9" =>$mergeto); foreach my $subfield (@record_to) { # warn "$subfield,$subfield->[0],$subfield->[1]"; $tag->update($subfield->[0] =>$subfield->[1]); }#for $subfield } $marcrecord->delete_field($tag); $marcrecord->add_fields($tag); $update=1; }#for each tag }#foreach tagfield my $oldbiblio = MARCmarc2koha($dbh,$marcrecord,"") ; if ($update==1){ &NEWmodbiblio($dbh,$marcrecord,$oldbiblio->{'biblionumber'},undef,"0000") ; } }#foreach $marc }#sub END { } # module clean-up code here (global destructor) =back =head1 AUTHOR Koha Developement team Paul POULAIN =cut # $Id$ # $Log$ # Revision 1.26 2006/05/20 14:32:54 tgarip1957 # If an authority is modified biblios related to this authority were not updated but a list of modified authorities was written to disk. Now by defult they get modified as well unless a system preference 'dontmerge' is defined. dontmerge=1 will keep the previous behaviour. # # Authority zebra server may have different shadow settings. Support is added # # Revision 1.25 2006/05/19 18:09:39 tgarip1957 # All support for auth_subfield_tables is removed. All search is now with zebra authorities. New authority structure allows multiple linking of authorities of differnet types to one another. # Authority tables are modified to be compatible with new MARC frameworks. This change is part of Authority Linking & Zebra authorities. Requires change in Mysql database. It will break head unless all changes regarding this is implemented. This warning will take place on all commits regarding this # # Revision 2005/06/07 10:02:00 tipaul # porting dictionnary search from head to 2.2. there is now a ... facing titles, author & subject, to search in biblio & authorities existing values. # # Revision 2005/05/31 14:50:46 tipaul # fix for authority merging. There was a bug on official installs # # Revision 2005/05/30 11:24:15 tipaul # fixing a bug : when a field was repeated, the last field was also repeated. (Was due to the "empty" field in html between fields : to separate fields, in html, an empty field is automatically added. in AUTHhtml2marc, this empty field was not discarded correctly) # # Revision 2005/04/28 08:45:33 tipaul # porting FindDuplicate feature for authorities from HEAD to rel_2_2, works correctly now. # # Revision 2005/02/28 14:03:13 tipaul # * adding search on "main entry" (ie $a subfield) on a given authority (the "search everywhere" field is still here). # * adding a select box to requet "contain" or "begin with" search. # * fixing some bug in authority search (related to "main entry" search) # # Revision 2005/02/24 13:12:13 tipaul # saving authority modif in a text file. This will be used soon with another script (in crontab). The script in crontab will retrieve every authorityid in the directory localfile/authorities and modify every biblio using this authority. Those modifs may be long. So they can't be done through http, because we may encounter a webserver timeout, and kill the process before end of the job. # So, it will be done through a cron job. # (/me agree we need some doc for command line scripts) # # Revision 1.9 2004/12/23 09:48:11 tipaul # Minor changes in summary "exploding" (the 3 digits AFTER the subfield were not on the right place). # # Revision 1.8 2004/11/05 10:11:39 tipaul # export auth_count_usage (bugfix) # # Revision 1.7 2004/09/23 16:13:00 tipaul # Bugfix in modification # # Revision 1.6 2004/08/18 16:00:24 tipaul # fixes for authorities management # # Revision 1.5 2004/07/05 13:37:22 doxulting # First step for working authorities # # Revision 1.4 2004/06/22 11:35:37 tipaul # removing % at the beginning of a string to avoid loooonnnngggg searchs # # Revision 1.3 2004/06/17 08:02:13 tipaul # merging tag & subfield in auth_word for better perfs # # Revision 1.2 2004/06/10 08:29:01 tipaul # MARC authority management (continued) # # Revision 1.1 2004/06/07 07:35:01 tipaul # MARC authority management package #