0 ***** A ***** A "thesaurus category": it refers to a thesaurus category. See the corresponding admin table. ***** A "value builder": values builders are perl programs that help you select the value of the field. They are MARC-flavor dependant and sometimes fill another subfield automatically. ***** A MARC record is stored in the breeding farm as long as you have no item. When you type the ISBN or title of a biblio, it's searched for in the breeding farm. If it is found, the biblio is added to Koha active table and removed from the breeding farm. ***** About ***** Abstract ***** Account for ***** Account Management Fee ***** ACCOUNTING DETAILS ***** acquisitions ***** Acquisitions ***** action=modrequest.pl method=post> ***** ACTUAL ***** Actual Cost ***** Adam Thick ***** add ***** Add ***** Add a book by barcode ***** Add a New Item for ***** Add a system preference ***** Add another Website Link ***** Add Authorised value ***** Add authorised Value ***** Add biblio ***** Add Bookfund ***** Add Budget ***** Add Category ***** Add category ***** Add Child ***** Add criteria ***** Add currency ***** Add Currency ***** Add item ***** Add Item ***** Add Item Type ***** Add item type ***** Add Member ***** Add member ***** Add New Branch ***** Add New Category ***** Add new Institution ***** ADD NEW ITEM ***** Add New Item to Existing Group ***** Add New Item to New Group ***** Add New Junior Member ***** Add New Member ***** Add New Shelf ***** Add New Website ***** Add or Remove Book Shelves ***** Add order : enter keyword or title ***** Add organisation ***** Add printer ***** Add Printer ***** Add Shelf ***** Add Stop word ***** Add supplier ***** Add System preference ***** Add Tag ***** Add Thesaurus entry ***** Add this Website Link ***** Add to existing group ***** Add word ***** Add Z39.50 Server ***** Add Z39.50 server ***** addbiblio ***** addcategory_validate ***** Adding ***** Adding a new Biblio ***** Additional Author ***** Additional Authors ***** Additional authors ***** Address ***** add_form ***** add_validate ***** adult ***** Adult ***** Advanced Search (More Options) ***** Age Required ***** Ajouter ***** Al Banks ***** align=center background=> ***** all ***** All item fields are in the same tag and in item tab ***** ALL items fields MUST ***** Allow library staff to see my reading record ***** AllowedNot allowed ***** ALTERNATE CONTACT DETAILS ***** Alternative Contact ***** ALTERNATIVE CONTACT DETAIL ***** Alternative Phone ***** Ambrose Li ***** Amount ***** AMOUNT ***** AMOUNT OWING ***** An "authorised value": it refers to a list of authorised values for this subfield. See the corresponding admin table. ***** and ***** and all entries depending from this one ***** and has been returned. ***** and Simon Blake, Amanda Atkins, Operations Manager, Olwen Williams, Finlay Thompson, Gynn Lomax, Richard Anderson, Jeremy Blake, Rebecca Holden, Olive T. Canine ***** and they must all be in the 10 (items) tab ***** Andrew Arensburger ***** Andrew Hooper ***** Année début ***** Année fin ***** any ***** Any ***** Apache version ***** AQUISITIONS ***** Area ***** Attempting to issue by to . ***** Auth value ***** Author ***** AUTHOR ***** Authorised ***** Authorised value ***** Authorised value or ***** Authorised values ***** Authorised values admin ***** Authority ***** Authority lib ***** Avail ***** Available ***** B ***** Back ***** Back to acquisition ***** Bar Code ***** Barcode ***** BARCODE ***** Barcode '' has already been assigned. ***** BASKET ***** Basket ***** Baycorp Adjustment ***** be in tab -1 ***** be in the SAME tag (for example : 090$a and 090$b) ***** be mapped to a MARC subfield, ***** be mapped to the same tag, ***** Become a Member ***** Benedykt P. Barszcz (polish for 2.0) ***** Between Brothers by Irene Morck at Main Library ***** bgcolor=#99cccc background=/images/background-opac.gif background="/images/background-mem.gif"> ***** bgcolor=#99cccc background=/images/background-opac.gif> bgcolor="#ad11ad"> ***** bgcolor=#99cccc background=/images/background-opac.gifbgcolor=#ccccff background="/images/background-mem.gif"> ***** Biblio # ***** biblio and biblionumber ***** Biblio number ***** BIBLIO RECORD ***** Biblio related ***** Biblio Search Results ***** biblioitems.itemtype defined ***** Biblionumber ***** biblionumber and biblioitemnumber mapped correctly ***** Biblios found ***** Biblios in breeding farm ***** Biblios in koha ***** Bold ***** Book fund ***** Book fund administration. Remember to edit your book funds before you start editing the budgets. ***** Book fund name ***** Book funds ***** Bookfund ***** Bookfund admin ***** Bookshelves ***** Borrower ***** borrower ***** Borrower Information ***** Borrowernumber ***** borrowers ***** BORROWERS ***** Branch ***** Branch code ***** branch table empty ***** branch table filled with at least 1 value ***** Branch transfers ***** Branches ***** Branches Categories ***** Brig C. McCoy ***** Browse Members ***** Budget ***** Budget admin ***** Budget amount ***** budgetamount ***** Budgeted Cost ***** Budgeted GST ***** BUDGETED TOTAL ***** Budgets ***** BUDGETS AND BOOKFUNDS ***** Build your request using MARC fields and subfields. Add criteria lets you add another criteria to your search. Search commits the request and displays the results. ***** Bulk ***** button [left] to amend the biblio. Any changes you make will update the record for ***** C ***** Cancel ***** Cancel reservation and then attempt transfer ***** Cancelled ***** Cannot be selected ***** Card ***** Card Number ***** Cardnumber ***** Cash Refund ***** Cat maintenance ***** Cataline Library ***** Catalogue ***** CATALOGUE ***** CATALOGUE DETAILS ***** Catalogue Search ***** Categories ***** Category ***** Category admin ***** Category code ***** categorydelete_confirmed ***** change ***** Change Password ***** Change Settings ***** Change status to waiting and print ***** CHANGES TO AFFECT THESE BARCODES ***** Character encoding (MARC21 or UNIMARC) ***** Charge ***** Charges ***** CHARGES ***** Charges amounts for itemtypes / borrower types. ***** Checked ***** checked > No ***** checked > Yes ***** Checked (searched by default) ***** checked value=1> ***** checked> M     ***** checked>Active ***** checked>F ***** checked>Inactive ***** checked>No ***** checked>Yes ***** Checks the MARC structure. USE IT before working with real data. It will show mistakes that can BREAK Koha's database! ***** Chercher ***** CHILD ***** Choose and validate 1 of the following for ***** Chris Cormack, 1.2 release manager ***** Circulation ***** Circulation: Issues ***** Circulation: Returns ***** Circulation: Select Printer and Branch Settings ***** Circulation: Transfers ***** Class ***** class="button">Request ***** Classification ***** Clear ***** Clear all Fields ***** Click ***** Click on the ***** click on the appropriate radio button (in the green boxes), and choose to either re-assign the item/s to a record already in the system, or modify this record. IF your changes only apply to some items, tick the appropriate ones and a new group record will be created automatically for them. ***** Click submit to force the subject ***** clr ***** Code ***** Code date publication ***** Collection ***** coming from ***** Compact Disc ***** Company ***** COMPANY DETAILS ***** Company Name ***** Comtd ***** Configuration OK, you don't have errors in your MARC parameters table ***** Confirm delete ***** CONFIRM DELETION ***** CONFIRM DELETION of this entry ***** Confirm Password ***** Confirm Record ***** CONTACT DETAILS ***** Contact Name ***** Contents of shelf ***** Copies ***** Copyright ***** Copyright Date ***** Core team ***** COUNT ***** Create Empty biblio ***** Create Manual Credit ***** Create Manual Invoice ***** Credit ***** Credits ***** Currencies ***** Currencies admin ***** Currency ***** Current Branch ***** CURRENT STATUS ***** D ***** Daily Report (today) ***** Daily Report (yesterday) ***** Daniel Holth ***** Data about the current version of Koha for bug reports (or general interest). ***** Data deleted ***** Data recorded ***** Database ***** Date ***** DATE ***** Date arrived at current branch ***** Date d'enregistrement ***** Date Due ***** Date of Birth ***** Date Of Birth ***** Date/time ***** Date: