use Modern::Perl; use CGI; use File::Temp qw/tempfile/; use Getopt::Long; use Test::MockModule; use Test::More tests => 6; use t::lib::Mocks; use t::lib::TestBuilder; use C4::Auth qw( checkauth ); use C4::Output qw( output_html_with_http_headers ); use Koha::Database; use Koha::FrameworkPlugin; use Koha::Util::FrameworkPlugin qw( biblio_008 ); our @includes; GetOptions( 'include=s{,}' => \@includes ); #not used by default ! my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema; $schema->storage->txn_begin; our $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; our $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new; subtest 'Test01 -- Simple tests for new and name' => sub { plan tests => 7; test01(); }; subtest 'Test02 -- test build with old styler and marc21_leader' => sub { plan tests => 5; test02(); }; subtest 'Test03 -- tests with bad plugins' => sub { test03(); }; subtest 'Test04 -- tests with new style plugin' => sub { plan tests => 5; test04(); }; subtest 'Test05 -- tests with build and launch for default plugins' => sub { test05( \@includes ); }; subtest 'Test06 -- test biblio_008' => sub { plan tests => 5; t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('DefaultCountryField008', 'nl' ); # deliberately shorter than 3 pos t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('DefaultLanguageField008', 'dutch' ); # deliberately too long my $field = biblio_008(); is( length($field), 40, 'Check length' ); is( substr($field, 15, 3), 'nl ', 'Check country right padded' ); is( substr($field, 35, 3), 'dut', 'Check language' ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('DefaultCountryField008', '' ); $field = biblio_008(); is( substr($field, 15, 3), '|||', 'Check country fallback for empty string' ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('DefaultCountryField008', undef ); $field = biblio_008(); is( substr($field, 15, 3), '|||', 'Check country fallback for undefined' ); }; $schema->storage->txn_rollback; sub test01 { #empty plugin my $plugin= Koha::FrameworkPlugin->new; is( ref($plugin), 'Koha::FrameworkPlugin', 'Got an object' ); isnt( $plugin->errstr, undef, 'We should have an error for missing name'); is( $plugin->build, undef, 'Build returns undef'); #tests for name and path, with/without hashref $plugin= Koha::FrameworkPlugin->new( { name => '' } ); is( $plugin->name, '', 'Check name without path in hash' ); $plugin= Koha::FrameworkPlugin->new( '' ); is( $plugin->name, '', 'Check name without path' ); $plugin= Koha::FrameworkPlugin->new( 'cataloguing/value_builder/' ); is( $plugin->name, '', 'Check name with path' ); $plugin= Koha::FrameworkPlugin->new({ path => 'cataloguing/value_builder', name => '' }); is( $plugin->name, '', 'Check name and path in hash' ); } sub test02 { # first test an old style item plugin my $old = old01(); # plugin filename my $path; if( $old =~ /^(.*)\/([^\/]+)$/ ) { # extract path $path = $1; $old = $2; } my $plugin= Koha::FrameworkPlugin->new({ name => $old, path => $path, item_style => 1, }); my $pars= { id => '234567' }; is( $plugin->build($pars), 1, 'Build oldstyler successful' ); is( length($plugin->javascript)>0 && !$plugin->noclick, 1, 'Checked javascript and noclick' ); # now test marc21_leader $plugin= Koha::FrameworkPlugin->new( { name => '' } ); $pars= { dbh => $dbh, id => '123456' }; is( $plugin->build($pars), 1, 'Build marc21_leader successful' ); is( $plugin->javascript =~ //s, 1, 'Javascript looks ok' ); is( $plugin->noclick, '', 'marc21_leader should have a popup'); } sub test03 { #file not found my $plugin= Koha::FrameworkPlugin->new('file_does_not_exist'); $plugin->build; is( $plugin->errstr =~ /not found/i, 1, 'File not found-message'); #three bad ones: no perl, syntax error, bad return value foreach my $f ( bad01(), bad02(), bad03() ) { next if !$f; $plugin= Koha::FrameworkPlugin->new( $f ); $plugin->build({ id => '998877' }); is( defined($plugin->errstr), 1, "Saw: ". ( $plugin->errstr//'no error??' )); } done_testing(); } sub test04 { #two simple new style plugins my $plugin= Koha::FrameworkPlugin->new( good01() ); my $pars= { id => 'example_345' }; is( $plugin->build($pars), 1, 'Build 1 ok'); isnt( $plugin->javascript, '', 'Checked javascript property' ); $plugin= Koha::FrameworkPlugin->new( ugly01() ); $pars= { id => 'example_456' }; is( $plugin->build($pars), 1, 'Build 2 ok'); is( $plugin->build($pars), 1, 'Second build 2 ok'); is( $plugin->launch($pars), 'abc', 'Launcher returned something' ); #note: normally you will not call build and launch like that } sub test05 { my ( $incl ) = @_; #mock to simulate some authorization and eliminate lots of output my $launched = 0; my $mContext = Test::MockModule->new('C4::Context'); my $mAuth = Test::MockModule->new('C4::Auth'); my $mOutput = Test::MockModule->new('C4::Output'); $mContext->mock( 'userenv', \&mock_userenv ); $mAuth->mock( 'checkauth', sub { return ( 1, undef, 1, all_perms() ); } ); $mOutput->mock('output_html_with_http_headers', sub { ++$launched; } ); my $cgi=CGI->new; my ( $plugins, $min ) = selected_plugins( $incl ); # test building them my $objs; foreach my $f ( @$plugins ) { $objs->{$f} = Koha::FrameworkPlugin->new( $f ); my $pars= { dbh => $dbh, id => $f }; is( $objs->{$f}->build($pars), 1, "Builded ".$objs->{$f}->name ); } # test launching them (but we cannot verify returned results here) undef $objs; foreach my $f ( @$plugins ) { $objs->{$f} = Koha::FrameworkPlugin->new( $f ); my $pars= { dbh => $dbh, id => $f }; $objs->{$f}->launch({ cgi => $cgi }); # may generate some uninitialized warnings for missing params is( $objs->{$f}->errstr, undef, "Launched ".$objs->{$f}->name ); } is( $launched >= $min, 1, "$launched of ". scalar @$plugins.' plugins generated output '); done_testing(); } sub selected_plugins { my ( $incl ) = @_; #if you use includes, FIRST assure yourself that you do not #include any destructive perl scripts! You know what you are doing.. my ( @fi, $min); if( $incl && @$incl ) { @fi = @$incl; $min = 0; #not sure how many will output } else { # some default MARC, UNIMARC and item plugins @fi = qw| |; $min = 16; # the first four generate no output } @fi = grep { !/ajax|callnumber(-KU)?\.pl|labs_theses/ } # skip these @fi; return ( \@fi, $min); } sub mock_userenv { my $branch = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch' }); return { branch => $branch->{branchcode}, flags => 1, id => 1 }; } sub all_perms { my $p = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT flag FROM userflags"); my $rv= {}; foreach my $module ( @$p ) { $rv->{ $module } = 1; } return $rv; } sub mytempfile { my ( $fh, $fn ) = tempfile( SUFFIX => '.plugin', UNLINK => 1 ); print $fh $_[0]//''; close $fh; return $fn; } sub old01 { # simple old style item plugin: note that Focus has two pars # includes a typical empty Clic function and plugin subroutine return mytempfile( <<'HERE' sub plugin_javascript { my ($dbh,$record,$tagslib,$field_number) = @_; my $function_name = $field_number; my $res = " "; return ($function_name,$res); } sub plugin { return ""; } HERE ); } sub good01 { #very simple new style plugin, no launcher return mytempfile( <<'HERE' my $builder = sub { my $params = shift; return qq| |; }; return { builder => $builder }; HERE ); } sub bad01 { # this is no plugin return mytempfile( 'Just nonsense' ); } sub bad02 { # common syntax error: you forgot the semicolon of sub1 declare return mytempfile( <<'HERE' my $sub1= sub { my $params = shift; return qq||; } return { builder => $sub1 }; HERE ); } sub bad03 { # badscript tag should trigger an error return mytempfile( <<'HERE' my $sub1= sub { my $params = shift; return qq|function Click$params->{id} (event) { alert("Hi there"); return false; }|; }; return { builder => $sub1 }; HERE ); } sub ugly01 { #works, but not very readable.. return mytempfile( <<'HERE' return {builder=>sub{return qq||;},launcher=>sub{'abc'}}; HERE ); }