#!/usr/bin/perl #script to show list of budgets and bookfunds #written 4/2/00 by chris@katipo.co.nz #called as an include by the acquisitions index page use C4::Acquisitions; use C4::Biblio; #use CGI; #my $inp=new CGI; #print $inp->header; my ($count,@results)=bookfunds; print <
BUDGETS AND BOOKFUNDS printend ; my $total=0; my $totspent=0; my $totcomtd=0; my $totavail=0; for (my $i=0;$i<$count;$i++){ my ($spent,$comtd)=bookfundbreakdown($results[$i]->{'bookfundid'}); my $avail=$results[$i]->{'budgetamount'}-($spent+$comtd); print <"; $total+=$results[$i]->{'budgetamount'}; $totspent+=$spent; $totcomtd+=$comtd; $totavail+=$avail; } print <"; print <
Use your reload button [ctrl + r] to get the most recent figures. Committed figures are approximate only, as exchange rates will affect the amount actually paid.
Budgets Total SpentComtdAvail
$results[$i]->{'bookfundname'} $results[$i]->{'budgetamount'} EOP ; printf ("%.2f", $spent); print ""; printf ("%.2f",$comtd); print ""; printf ("%.2f",$avail); print "

Total $total printend ; printf ("%.2f",$totspent); print ""; printf ("%.2f",$totcomtd); print ""; printf ("%.2f",$totavail); print "
printend ; #close ;