INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `type` ) VALUES ('AccountAutoReconcile','0',NULL,'If enabled, patron balances will get reconciled automatically on each transaction.','YesNo'), ('AcqCreateItem','ordering','ordering|receiving|cataloguing','Define when the item is created : when ordering, when receiving, or in cataloguing module','Choice'), ('AcqEnableFiles','0',NULL,'If enabled, allows librarians to upload and attach arbitrary files to invoice records.','YesNo'), ('AcqItemSetSubfieldsWhenReceiptIsCancelled','', '','Upon cancelling a receipt, update the items subfields if they were created when placing an order (e.g. o=5|a="bar foo")', 'Free'), ('AcqItemSetSubfieldsWhenReceived','','','Upon receiving items, update their subfields if they were created when placing an order (e.g. o=5|a="foo bar")','Free'), ('AcquisitionDetails', '1', '', 'Hide/Show acquisition details on the biblio detail page.', 'YesNo'), ('AcqViewBaskets','user','user|branch|all','Define which baskets a user is allowed to view: his own only, any within his branch or all','Choice'), ('AcqWarnOnDuplicateInvoice','0','','Warn librarians when they try to create a duplicate invoice','YesNo'), ('AdditionalFieldsInZ3950ResultSearch', '', NULL, 'Determines which MARC field/subfields are displayed in -Additional field- column in the result of a search Z3950', 'Free'), ('AddressFormat','us','us|de|fr','Choose format to display postal addresses', 'Choice'), ('AdlibrisCoversEnabled','0',NULL,'Display cover images in OPAC results and detail listing from Swedish retailer Adlibris.','YesNo'), ('AdlibrisCoversURL','',NULL,'Base URL for Adlibris cover image web service.','Free'), ('advancedMARCeditor','0','','If ON, the MARC editor won\'t display field/subfield descriptions','YesNo'), ('AdvancedSearchLanguages','','','ISO 639-2 codes of languages you wish to see appear as an Advanced search option. Example: eng|fre|ita','Textarea'), ('AdvancedSearchTypes','itemtypes','itemtypes|ccode','Select which set of fields comprise the Type limit in the advanced search','Choice'), ('AgeRestrictionMarker','',NULL,'Markers for age restriction indication, e.g. FSK|PEGI|Age|','free'), ('AgeRestrictionOverride','0',NULL,'Allow staff to check out an item with age restriction.','YesNo'), ('AggressiveMatchOnISBN','0', NULL,'If enabled, attempt to match aggressively by trying all variations of the ISBNs in the imported record as a phrase in the ISBN fields of already cataloged records when matching on ISBN with the record import tool','YesNo'), ('AggressiveMatchOnISSN','0', NULL,'If enabled, attempt to match aggressively by trying all variations of the ISSNs in the imported record as a phrase in the ISSN fields of already cataloged records when matching on ISSN with the record import tool','YesNo'), ('AllFinesNeedOverride','1','0','If on, staff will be asked to override every fine, even if it is below noissuescharge.','YesNo'), ('AllowAllMessageDeletion','0','','Allow any Library to delete any message','YesNo'), ('AllowFineOverride','0','0','If on, staff will be able to issue books to patrons with fines greater than noissuescharge.','YesNo'), ('AllowHoldDateInFuture','0','','If set a date field is displayed on the Hold screen of the Staff Interface, allowing the hold date to be set in the future.','YesNo'), ('AllowHoldItemTypeSelection','0','','If enabled, patrons and staff will be able to select the itemtype when placing a hold','YesNo'), ('AllowHoldPolicyOverride','0',NULL,'Allow staff to override hold policies when placing holds','YesNo'), ('AllowHoldsOnDamagedItems','1','','Allow hold requests to be placed on damaged items','YesNo'), ('AllowHoldsOnPatronsPossessions','1',NULL,'Allow holds on records that patron have items of it','YesNo'), ('AllowCheckoutNotes', '0', NULL, 'Allow patrons to submit notes about checked out items.','YesNo'), ('AllowItemsOnHoldCheckoutSIP','0','','Do not generate RESERVE_WAITING and RESERVED warning when checking out items reserved to someone else via SIP. This allows self checkouts for those items.','YesNo'), ('AllowItemsOnHoldCheckoutSCO','0','','Do not generate RESERVE_WAITING and RESERVED warning in the SCO module when checking out items reserved to someone else. This allows self checkouts for those items.','YesNo'), ('AllowMultipleCovers','0','1','Allow multiple cover images to be attached to each bibliographic record.','YesNo'), ('AllowMultipleIssuesOnABiblio',1,'Allow/Don\'t allow patrons to check out multiple items from one biblio','','YesNo'), ('AllowNotForLoanOverride','0','','If ON, Koha will allow the librarian to loan a not for loan item.','YesNo'), ('AllowOfflineCirculation','0','','If on, enables HTML5 offline circulation functionality.','YesNo'), ('AllowPatronToSetCheckoutsVisibilityForGuarantor', '0', NULL, 'If enabled, the patron can set checkouts to be visible to his or her guarantor', 'YesNo'), ('AllowPatronToSetFinesVisibilityForGuarantor', '0', NULL, 'If enabled, the patron can set fines to be visible to his or her guarantor', 'YesNo'), ('AllowPKIAuth','None','None|Common Name|emailAddress','Use the field from a client-side SSL certificate to look a user in the Koha database','Choice'), ('AllowPurchaseSuggestionBranchChoice','0','1','Allow user to choose branch when making a purchase suggestion','YesNo'), ('AllowRenewalIfOtherItemsAvailable','0',NULL,'If enabled, allow a patron to renew an item with unfilled holds if other available items can fill that hold.','YesNo'), ('AllowRenewalLimitOverride','0',NULL,'if ON, allows renewal limits to be overridden on the circulation screen','YesNo'), ('AllowRenewalOnHoldOverride','0',NULL,'If ON, allow items on hold to be renewed with a specified due date','YesNo'), ('AllowReturnToBranch','anywhere','anywhere|homebranch|holdingbranch|homeorholdingbranch','Where an item may be returned','Choice'), ('AllowSelfCheckReturns','0','','If enabled, patrons may return items through the Web-based Self Checkout','YesNo'), ('AllowStaffToSetCheckoutsVisibilityForGuarantor','0',NULL,'If enabled, library staff can set a patron''s checkouts to be visible to linked patrons from the opac.', 'YesNo'), ('AllowStaffToSetFinesVisibilityForGuarantor','0',NULL,'If enabled, library staff can set a patron''s fines to be visible to linked patrons from the opac.', 'YesNo'), ('AllowTooManyOverride','1','','If on, allow staff to override and check out items when the patron has reached the maximum number of allowed checkouts','YesNo'), ('alphabet','A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z',NULL,'Alphabet than can be expanded into browse links, e.g. on Home > Patrons','free'), ('AlternateHoldingsField','',NULL,'The MARC field/subfield that contains alternate holdings information for bibs taht do not have items attached (e.g. 852abchi for libraries converting from MARC Magician).','free'), ('AlternateHoldingsSeparator','',NULL,'The string to use to separate subfields in alternate holdings displays.','free'), ('AmazonAssocTag','','','See:','free'), ('AmazonCoverImages','0','','Display Cover Images in Staff Client from Amazon Web Services','YesNo'), ('AmazonLocale','US','US|CA|DE|FR|IN|JP|UK','Use to set the Locale of your Web Services','Choice'), ('AnonSuggestions','0',NULL,'Set to enable Anonymous suggestions to AnonymousPatron borrowernumber','YesNo'), ('AnonymousPatron','0',NULL,'Set the identifier (borrowernumber) of the anonymous patron. Used for Suggestion and reading history privacy',''), ('ArticleRequests', '0', NULL, 'Enables the article request feature', 'YesNo'), ('ArticleRequestsLinkControl', 'calc', 'always|calc', 'Control display of article request link on search results', 'Choice'), ('ArticleRequestsMandatoryFields', '', NULL, 'Comma delimited list of required fields for bibs where article requests rule = ''yes''', 'multiple'), ('ArticleRequestsMandatoryFieldsItemsOnly', '', NULL, 'Comma delimited list of required fields for bibs where article requests rule = ''item_only''', 'multiple'), ('ArticleRequestsMandatoryFieldsRecordOnly', '', NULL, 'Comma delimited list of required fields for bibs where article requests rule = ''bib_only''', 'multiple'), ('AudioAlerts','0','','Enable circulation sounds during checkin and checkout in the staff interface. Not supported by all web browsers yet.','YesNo'), ('AuthDisplayHierarchy','0','','Display authority hierarchies','YesNo'), ('AuthoritiesLog','1',NULL,'If ON, log edit/create/delete actions on authorities.','YesNo'), ('AuthorityControlledIndicators','# PERSO_NAME 100 600 696 700 796 800 896\nmarc21, 100, ind1:auth1\nmarc21, 600, ind1:auth1, ind2:thesaurus\nmarc21, 696, ind1:auth1\nmarc21, 700, ind1:auth1\nmarc21, 796, ind1:auth1\nmarc21, 800, ind1:auth1\nmarc21, 896, ind1:auth1\n# CORPO_NAME 110 610 697 710 797 810 897\nmarc21, 110, ind1:auth1\nmarc21, 610, ind1:auth1, ind2:thesaurus\nmarc21, 697, ind1:auth1\nmarc21, 710, ind1:auth1\nmarc21, 797, ind1:auth1\nmarc21, 810, ind1:auth1\nmarc21, 897, ind1:auth1\n# MEETI_NAME 111 611 698 711 798 811 898\nmarc21, 111, ind1:auth1\nmarc21, 611, ind1:auth1, ind2:thesaurus\nmarc21, 698, ind1:auth1\nmarc21, 711, ind1:auth1\nmarc21, 798, ind1:auth1\nmarc21, 811, ind1:auth1\nmarc21, 898, ind1:auth1\n# UNIF_TITLE 130 440 630 699 730 799 830 899\nmarc21, 130, ind1:auth2\nmarc21, 240, , ind2:auth2\nmarc21, 440, , ind2:auth2\nmarc21, 630, ind1:auth2, ind2:thesaurus\nmarc21, 699, ind1:auth2\nmarc21, 730, ind1:auth2\nmarc21, 799, ind1:auth2\nmarc21, 830, , ind2:auth2\nmarc21, 899, ind1:auth2\n# CHRON_TERM 648 \nmarc21, 648, , ind2:thesaurus\n# TOPIC_TERM 650 654 656 657 658 690\nmarc21, 650, , ind2:thesaurus\n# GEOGR_NAME 651 662 691\nmarc21, 651, , ind2:thesaurus\n# GENRE/FORM 655 \nmarc21, 655, , ind2:thesaurus\n\n# UNIMARC: Always copy the indicators from the authority\nunimarc, *, ind1:auth1, ind2:auth2',NULL,'Authority controlled indicators per biblio field','Free'), ('AuthorityMergeLimit','50',NULL,'Maximum number of biblio records updated immediately when an authority record has been modified.','integer'), ('AuthorityMergeMode','loose','loose|strict','Authority merge mode','Choice'), ('AuthoritySeparator','--','10','Used to separate a list of authorities in a display. Usually --','free'), ('autoBarcode','OFF','incremental|annual|hbyymmincr|EAN13|OFF','Used to autogenerate a barcode: incremental will be of the form 1, 2, 3; annual of the form 2007-0001, 2007-0002; hbyymmincr of the form HB08010001 where HB=Home Branch','Choice'), ('AutoCreateAuthorities','0',NULL,'Automatically create authorities that do not exist when cataloging records.','YesNo'), ('AutoEmailOpacUser','0',NULL,'Sends notification emails containing new account details to patrons - when account is created.','YesNo'), ('AutoEmailPrimaryAddress','OFF','email|emailpro|B_email|cardnumber|OFF','Defines the default email address where \'Account Details\' emails are sent.','Choice'), ('AutoShareWithMana','subscription','','defines datas automatically shared with mana','multiple'), ('AutoLocation','0',NULL,'If ON, IP authentication is enabled, blocking access to the staff client from unauthorized IP addresses','YesNo'), ('AutomaticItemReturn','1',NULL,'If ON, Koha will automatically set up a transfer of this item to its homebranch','YesNo'), ('autoMemberNum','0','','If ON, patron number is auto-calculated','YesNo'), ('AutoRemoveOverduesRestrictions','0',NULL,'Defines whether an OVERDUES debarment should be lifted automatically if all overdue items are returned by the patron.','YesNo'), ('AutoResumeSuspendedHolds','1',NULL,'Allow suspended holds to be automatically resumed by a set date.','YesNo'), ('AutoReturnCheckedOutItems', '0', '', 'If disabled, librarian must confirm return of checked out item when checking out to another.', 'YesNo'), ('AutoSelfCheckAllowed','0','','For corporate and special libraries which want web-based self-check available from any PC without the need for a manual staff login. Most libraries will want to leave this turned off. If on, requires self-check ID and password to be entered in AutoSelfCheckID and AutoSelfCheckPass sysprefs.','YesNo'), ('AutoSelfCheckID','','','Staff ID with circulation rights to be used for automatic web-based self-check. Only applies if AutoSelfCheckAllowed syspref is turned on.','free'), ('AutoSelfCheckPass','','','Password to be used for automatic web-based self-check. Only applies if AutoSelfCheckAllowed syspref is turned on.','free'), ('AutoSwitchPatron', '0', '', 'Auto switch to patron', 'YesNo'), ('Babeltheque','0','','Turn ON Babeltheque content - See to subscribe to this service','YesNo'), ('Babeltheque_url_js','','','Url for Babeltheque javascript (e.g.','Free'), ('Babeltheque_url_update','','','Url for Babeltheque update (E.G.','Free'), ('BakerTaylorBookstoreURL','','','URL template for \"My Libary Bookstore\" links, to which the \"key\" value is appended, and \"https://\" is prepended. It should include your hostname and \"Parent Number\". Make this variable empty to turn MLB links off. Example:',''), ('BakerTaylorEnabled','0','','Enable or disable all Baker & Taylor features.','YesNo'), ('BakerTaylorPassword','','','Baker & Taylor Password for Content Cafe (external content)','Free'), ('BakerTaylorUsername','','','Baker & Taylor Username for Content Cafe (external content)','Free'), ('BarcodeSeparators','\\s\\r\\n','','Splitting characters for barcodes','Free'), ('BasketConfirmations','1','always ask for confirmation.|do not ask for confirmation.','When closing or reopening a basket,','Choice'), ('BatchCheckouts','0','','Enable or disable batch checkouts','YesNo'), ('BatchCheckoutsValidCategories','',NULL,'Patron categories allowed to checkout in a batch','Free'), ('BiblioAddsAuthorities','0',NULL,'If ON, adding a new biblio will check for an existing authority record and create one on the fly if one doesn\'t exist','YesNo'), ('BiblioDefaultView','normal','normal|marc|isbd','Choose the default detail view in the catalog; choose between normal, marc or isbd','Choice'), ('BibtexExportAdditionalFields', '', NULL , 'Define additional BibTex tags to export from MARC records in YAML format as an associative array with either a marc tag/subfield combination as the value, or a list of tag/subfield combinations.', 'textarea'), ('BlockExpiredPatronOpacActions','1',NULL,'Set whether an expired patron can perform opac actions such as placing holds or renew books, can be overridden on a per patron-type basis','YesNo'), ('BlockReturnOfLostItems','0','0','If enabled, items that are marked as lost cannot be returned.','YesNo'), ('BlockReturnOfWithdrawnItems','1','0','If enabled, items that are marked as withdrawn cannot be returned.','YesNo'), ('BorrowerMandatoryField','surname|cardnumber',NULL,'Choose the mandatory fields for a patron\'s account','free'), ('borrowerRelationship','father|mother','','Define valid relationships between a guarantor & a guarantee (separated by | or ,)','free'), ('BorrowerRenewalPeriodBase','now','dateexpiry|now|combination','Set whether the borrower renewal date should be counted from the dateexpiry, from the current date or by combination: if the dateexpiry is in future use dateexpiry, else use current date ','Choice'), ('BorrowersLog','1',NULL,'If ON, log edit/create/delete actions on patron data','YesNo'), ('BorrowersTitles','Mr|Mrs|Miss|Ms',NULL,'Define appropriate Titles for patrons','free'), ('BorrowerUnwantedField','',NULL,'Name the fields you don\'t need to store for a patron\'s account','free'), ('BranchTransferLimitsType','ccode','itemtype|ccode','When using branch transfer limits, choose whether to limit by itemtype or collection code.','Choice'), ('BrowseResultSelection','0',NULL,'Enable/Disable browsing search results fromt the bibliographic record detail page in staff client','YesNo'), ('CalculateFinesOnReturn','1','','Switch to control if overdue fines are calculated on return or not','YesNo'), ('CalendarFirstDayOfWeek','0','0|1|2|3|4|5|6','Select the first day of week to use in the calendar.','Choice'), ('CanMarkHoldsToPullAsLost','do_not_allow','do_not_allow|allow|allow_and_notify','Add a button to the "Holds to pull" screen to mark an item as lost and notify the patron.','Choice'), ('canreservefromotherbranches','1','','With Independent branches on, can a user from one library place a hold on an item from another library','YesNo'), ('CardnumberLength', '', '', 'Set a length for card numbers with a maximum of 32 characters.', 'Free'), ('casAuthentication','0','','Enable or disable CAS authentication','YesNo'), ('casLogout','0','','Does a logout from Koha should also log the user out of CAS?','YesNo'), ('casServerUrl','https://localhost:8443/cas','','URL of the cas server','Free'), ('CatalogModuleRelink','0',NULL,'If OFF the linker will never replace the authids that are set in the cataloging module.','YesNo'), ('CataloguingLog','1',NULL,'If ON, log edit/create/delete actions on bibliographic data. WARNING: this feature is very resource consuming.','YesNo'), ('CheckPrevCheckout','hardno','hardyes|softyes|softno|hardno','By default, for every item checked out, should we warn if the patron has borrowed that item in the past?','Choice'), ('CircAutoPrintQuickSlip','qslip',NULL,'Choose what should happen when an empty barcode field is submitted in circulation: Display a print quick slip window, Display a print slip window or Clear the screen.','Choice'), ('CircControl','ItemHomeLibrary','PickupLibrary|PatronLibrary|ItemHomeLibrary','Specify the agency that controls the circulation and fines policy','Choice'), ('CircSidebar','0',NULL,'Activate or deactivate the navigation sidebar on all Circulation pages','YesNo'), ('ClaimsBccCopy','0','','Bcc the ClaimAcquisition and ClaimIssues alerts','YesNo'), ('ClaimReturnedChargeFee', 'ask', 'ask|charge|no_charge', 'Controls whether or not a lost item fee is charged for return claims', 'Choice'), ('ClaimReturnedLostValue', '', '', 'Sets the LOST AV value that represents "Claims returned" as a lost value', 'Free'), ('ClaimReturnedWarningThreshold', '', '', 'Sets the number of return claims past which the librarian will be warned the patron has many return claims', 'Integer'), ('CoceHost', '', NULL, 'Coce server URL', 'Free'), ('CoceProviders', '', 'aws,gb,ol', 'Coce providers', 'multiple'), ('COinSinOPACResults','1','','If ON, use COinS in OPAC search results page. NOTE: this can slow down search response time significantly','YesNo'), ('ConfirmFutureHolds','0','','Number of days for confirming future holds','Integer'), ('ConsiderOnSiteCheckoutsAsNormalCheckouts','1',NULL,'Consider on-site checkouts as normal checkouts','YesNo'), ('CronjobLog','0',NULL,'If ON, log information from cron jobs.','YesNo'), ('CumulativeRestrictionPeriods',0,NULL,'Cumulate the restriction periods instead of keeping the highest','YesNo'), ('CurrencyFormat','US','US|FR|CH','Determines the display format of currencies. eg: \'36000\' is displayed as \'360 000,00\' in \'FR\' or \'360,000.00\' in \'US\'.','Choice'), ('CustomCoverImages','0',NULL,'If enabled, the custom cover images will be displayed in the staff client. CustomCoverImagesURL must be defined.','YesNo'), ('CustomCoverImagesURL','',NULL,'Define an URL serving book cover images, using the following patterns: %issn%, %isbn%, FIXME ADD MORE (use it with CustomCoverImages and/or OPACCustomCoverImages)','free'), ('dateformat','us','metric|us|iso|dmydot','Define global date format (us mm/dd/yyyy, metric dd/mm/yyy, ISO yyyy-mm-dd, dmydot','Choice'), ('DebugLevel','2','0|1|2','Define the level of debugging information sent to the browser when errors are encountered (set to 0 in production). 0=none, 1=some, 2=most','Choice'), ('decreaseLoanHighHolds',NULL,'','Decreases the loan period for items with number of holds above the threshold specified in decreaseLoanHighHoldsValue','YesNo'), ('decreaseLoanHighHoldsControl', 'static', 'static|dynamic', "Chooses between static and dynamic high holds checking", 'Choice'), ('decreaseLoanHighHoldsDuration',NULL,'','Specifies a number of days that a loan is reduced to when used in conjunction with decreaseLoanHighHolds','Integer'), ('decreaseLoanHighHoldsIgnoreStatuses', '', 'damaged|itemlost|notforloan|withdrawn', "Ignore items with these statuses for dynamic high holds checking", 'Choice'), ('decreaseLoanHighHoldsValue',NULL,'','Specifies a threshold for the minimum number of holds needed to trigger a reduction in loan duration (used with decreaseLoanHighHolds)','Integer'), ('DefaultClassificationSource','ddc',NULL,'Default classification scheme used by the collection. E.g., Dewey, LCC, etc.','ClassSources'), ('DefaultCountryField008','','','Fill in the default country code for field 008 Range 15-17 of MARC21 - Place of publication, production, or execution. See MARC Code List for Countries','Free'), ('DefaultLanguageField008','','','Fill in the default language for field 008 Range 35-37 of MARC21 records (e.g. eng, nor, ger, see MARC Code List for Languages)','Free'), ('DefaultLongOverdueChargeValue', '', NULL, "Charge a lost item to the borrower's account when the LOST value of the item changes to n.", 'integer'), ('DefaultLongOverdueDays', '', NULL, "Set the LOST value of an item when the item has been overdue for more than n days.", 'integer'), ('DefaultLongOverdueLostValue', '', NULL, "Set the LOST value of an item to n when the item has been overdue for more than defaultlongoverduedays days.", 'integer'), ('DefaultPatronSearchFields', 'surname,firstname,othernames,cardnumber,userid',NULL,'Comma separated list defining the default fields to be used during a patron search','free'), ('defaultSortField','relevance','relevance|popularity|call_number|pubdate|acqdate|title|author','Specify the default field used for sorting','Choice'), ('defaultSortOrder','dsc','asc|dsc|az|za','Specify the default sort order','Choice'), ('DefaultToLoggedInLibraryCircRules', '0', NULL , 'If enabled, circ rules editor will default to the logged in library''s rules, rather than the ''all libraries'' rules.', 'YesNo'), ('DefaultToLoggedInLibraryNoticesSlips', '0', NULL , 'If enabled,slips and notices editor will default to the logged in library''s rules, rather than the ''all libraries'' rules.', 'YesNo'), ('DefaultToLoggedInLibraryOverdueTriggers', '0', NULL , 'If enabled, overdue status triggers editor will default to the logged in library''s rules, rather than the ''default'' rules.', 'YesNo'), ('delimiter',';',';|tabulation|,|/|\\|#||','Define the default separator character for exporting reports','Choice'), ('Display856uAsImage','OFF','OFF|Details|Results|Both','Display the URI in the 856u field as an image, the corresponding Staff Client XSLT option must be on','Choice'), ('DisplayClearScreenButton','0','','If set to ON, a clear screen button will appear on the circulation page.','YesNo'), ('displayFacetCount','0',NULL,NULL,'YesNo'), ('DisplayIconsXSLT','1','','If ON, displays the format, audience, and material type icons in XSLT MARC21 results and detail pages.','YesNo'), ('DisplayLibraryFacets', 'holding', 'home|holding|both', 'Defines which library facets to display.', 'Choice'), ('DisplayMultiPlaceHold','1','','Display the ability to place multiple holds or not','YesNo'), ('DisplayOPACiconsXSLT','1','','If ON, displays the format, audience, and material type icons in XSLT MARC21 results and detail pages in the OPAC.','YesNo'), ('DumpTemplateVarsIntranet', '0', NULL , 'If enabled, dump all Template Toolkit variable to a comment in the html source for the staff intranet.', 'YesNo'), ('DumpTemplateVarsOpac', '0', NULL , 'If enabled, dump all Template Toolkit variable to a comment in the html source for the opac.', 'YesNo'), ('EasyAnalyticalRecords','0','','If on, display in the catalogue screens tools to easily setup analytical record relationships','YesNo'), ('ElasticsearchIndexStatus_authorities', '0', 'Authorities index status', NULL, NULL), ('ElasticsearchIndexStatus_biblios', '0', 'Biblios index status', NULL, NULL), ('ElasticsearchMARCFormat', 'ISO2709', 'ISO2709|ARRAY', 'Elasticsearch MARC format. ISO2709 format is recommended as it is faster and takes less space, whereas array is searchable.', 'Choice'), ('EmailAddressForSuggestions','','',' If you choose EmailAddressForSuggestions you have to enter a valid email address: ','free'), ('emailLibrarianWhenHoldIsPlaced','0',NULL,'If ON, emails the librarian whenever a hold is placed','YesNo'), ('EmailPurchaseSuggestions','0','0|EmailAddressForSuggestions|BranchEmailAddress|KohaAdminEmailAddress','Choose email address that new purchase suggestions will be sent to: ','Choice'), ('EnableAdvancedCatalogingEditor','0','','Enable the Rancor advanced cataloging editor','YesNo'), ('EnableBorrowerFiles','0',NULL,'If enabled, allows librarians to upload and attach arbitrary files to a borrower record.','YesNo'), ('EnableOpacSearchHistory','1','YesNo','Enable or disable opac search history',''), ('EnableSearchHistory','0','','Enable or disable search history','YesNo'), ('EnhancedMessagingPreferences','1','','If ON, allows patrons to select to receive additional messages about items due or nearly due.','YesNo'), ('EnhancedMessagingPreferencesOPAC', '1', NULL, 'If ON, show patrons messaging setting on the OPAC.', 'YesNo'), ('expandedSearchOption','0',NULL,'If ON, set advanced search to be expanded by default','YesNo'), ('ExpireReservesMaxPickUpDelay','0','','Enabling this allows holds to expire automatically if they have not been picked by within the time period specified in ReservesMaxPickUpDelay','YesNo'), ('ExpireReservesMaxPickUpDelayCharge','0',NULL,'If ExpireReservesMaxPickUpDelay is enabled, and this field has a non-zero value, than a borrower whose waiting hold has expired will be charged this amount.','free'), ('ExpireReservesOnHolidays', '1', NULL, 'If false, reserves at a library will not be canceled on days the library is not open.', 'YesNo'), ('ExcludeHolidaysFromMaxPickUpDelay', '0', NULL, 'If ON, reserves max pickup delay takes into accountthe closed days.', 'YesNo'), ('ExportCircHistory', 0, NULL, "Display the export circulation options", 'YesNo' ), ('ExportRemoveFields','',NULL,'List of fields for non export in (separated by a space)','Free'), ('ExtendedPatronAttributes','1',NULL,'Use extended patron IDs and attributes','YesNo'), ('FacetLabelTruncationLength','20',NULL,'Specify the facet max length in OPAC','Integer'), ('FacetMaxCount','20',NULL,'Specify the max facet count for each category','Integer'), ('FailedLoginAttempts','','','Number of login attempts before lockout the patron account','Integer'), ('FallbackToSMSIfNoEmail', 0, 'Enable|Disable', 'Send messages by SMS if no patron email is defined', 'YesNo'), ('FeeOnChangePatronCategory','1','','If set, when a patron changes to a category with enrolment fee, a fee is charged','YesNo'), ('FilterBeforeOverdueReport','0','','Do not run overdue report until filter selected','YesNo'), ('FineNotifyAtCheckin','0',NULL,'If ON notify librarians of overdue fines on the items they are checking in.','YesNo'), ('FinePaymentAutoPopup','0',NULL,'If enabled, automatically display a print dialog for a payment receipt when making a payment.','YesNo'), ('finesCalendar','noFinesWhenClosed','ignoreCalendar|noFinesWhenClosed','Specify whether to use the Calendar in calculating duedates and fines','Choice'), ('FinesIncludeGracePeriod','1',NULL,'If enabled, fines calculations will include the grace period.','YesNo'), ('FinesLog','1',NULL,'If ON, log fines','YesNo'), ('finesMode','test','off|test|production','Choose the fines mode, \'off\', \'test\' (emails admin report) or \'production\' (accrue overdue fines). Requires accruefines cronjob.','Choice'), ('FRBRizeEditions','0','','If ON, Koha will query one or more ISBN web services for associated ISBNs and display an Editions tab on the details pages','YesNo'), ('GDPR_Policy','','Enforced|Permissive|Disabled','General Data Protection Regulation - policy', 'Choice'), ('gist','0','','Default Goods and Services tax rate NOT in %, but in numeric form (0.12 for 12%), set to 0 to disable GST','Integer'), ('GoogleIndicTransliteration','0','','GoogleIndicTransliteration on the OPAC.','YesNo'), ('GoogleJackets','0',NULL,'if ON, displays jacket covers from Google Books API','YesNo'), ('GoogleOpenIDConnect', '0', NULL, 'if ON, allows the use of Google OpenID Connect for login', 'YesNo'), ('GoogleOAuth2ClientID', '', NULL, 'Client ID for the web app registered with Google', 'Free'), ('GoogleOAuth2ClientSecret', '', NULL, 'Client Secret for the web app registered with Google', 'Free'), ('GoogleOpenIDConnectAutoRegister', '0',NULL,' Google OpenID Connect logins to auto-register patrons.','YesNo'), ('GoogleOpenIDConnectDefaultBranch', '','','This branch code will be used to create Google OpenID Connect patrons.','Textarea'), ('GoogleOpenIDConnectDefaultCategory','','','This category code will be used to create Google OpenID Connect patrons.','Textarea'), ('GoogleOpenIDConnectDomain', '', NULL, 'Restrict Google OpenID Connect to this domain (or subdomains of this domain). Leave blank for all Google domains', 'Free'), ('hidelostitems','0','','If ON, disables display of\"lost\" items in OPAC.','YesNo'), ('HidePatronName','0','','If this is switched on, patron\'s cardnumber will be shown instead of their name on the holds and catalog screens','YesNo'), ('hide_marc','0',NULL,'If ON, disables display of MARC fields, subfield codes & indicators (still shows data)','YesNo'), ('HighlightOwnItemsOnOPAC','0','','If on, and a patron is logged into the OPAC, items from his or her home library will be emphasized and shown first in search results and item details.','YesNo'), ('HighlightOwnItemsOnOPACWhich','PatronBranch','PatronBranch|OpacURLBranch','Decides which branch\'s items to emphasize. If PatronBranch, emphasize the logged in user\'s library\'s items. If OpacURLBranch, highlight the items of the Apache var BRANCHCODE defined in Koha\'s Apache configuration file.','Choice'), ('HoldFeeMode','not_always','any_time_is_placed|not_always|any_time_is_collected','Set the hold fee mode','Choice'), ('HoldsAutoFill','0',NULL,'If on, librarian will not be asked if hold should be filled, it will be filled automatically','YesNo'), ('HoldsAutoFillPrintSlip','0',NULL,'If on, hold slip print dialog will be displayed automatically','YesNo'), ('HoldsLog','0',NULL,'If ON, log create/cancel/suspend/resume actions on holds.','YesNo'), ('HoldsQueueSkipClosed', '0', NULL, 'If enabled, any libraries that are closed when the holds queue is built will be ignored for the purpose of filling holds.', 'YesNo'), ('HoldsSplitQueue','nothing','nothing|branch|itemtype|branch_itemtype','In the staff client, split the holds view by the given criteria','Choice'), ('HoldsToPullStartDate','2',NULL,'Set the default start date for the Holds to pull list to this many days ago','Integer'), ('HomeOrHoldingBranch','holdingbranch','holdingbranch|homebranch','Used by Circulation to determine which branch of an item to check with independent branches on, and by search to determine which branch to choose for availability ','Choice'), ('HouseboundModule',0,'','If ON, enable housebound module functionality.','YesNo'), ('HTML5MediaEnabled','not','not|opac|staff|both','Show a tab with a HTML5 media player for files catalogued in field 856','Choice'), ('HTML5MediaExtensions','webm|ogg|ogv|oga|vtt','','Media file extensions','free'), ('HTML5MediaYouTube',0,'Embed|Don\'t embed','YouTube links as videos','YesNo'), ('IDreamBooksReadometer','0','','Display Readometer from','YesNo'), ('IDreamBooksResults','0','','Display rating in search results','YesNo'), ('IDreamBooksReviews','0','','Display book review snippets from','YesNo'), ('IdRef','0','','Disable/enable the IdRef webservice from the OPAC detail page.','YesNo'), ('IllLog', 0, '', 'If ON, log information about ILL requests', 'YesNo'), ('ILLModule','0','If ON, enables the interlibrary loans module.','','YesNo'), ('ILLModuleCopyrightClearance','','70|10','Enter text to enable the copyright clearance stage of request creation. Text will be displayed','Textarea'), ('ILLModuleUnmediated','0','','If enabled, try to immediately progress newly placed ILL requests.','YesNo'), ('ILLOpacbackends',NULL,NULL,'ILL backends to enabled for OPAC initiated requests','multiple'), ('ILS-DI','0','','Enables ILS-DI services at OPAC.','YesNo'), ('ILS-DI:AuthorizedIPs','','Restricts usage of ILS-DI to some IPs','.','Free'), ('ImageLimit','5','','Limit images stored in the database by the Patron Card image manager to this number.','Integer'), ('IncludeSeeFromInSearches','0','','Include see-from references in searches.','YesNo'), ('IndependentBranches','0',NULL,'If ON, increases security between libraries','YesNo'), ('IndependentBranchesPatronModifications','0', NULL, 'Show only modification request for the logged in branch','YesNo'), ('IndependentBranchesTransfers','0', NULL, 'Allow non-superlibrarians to transfer items between libraries','YesNo'), ('IntranetCatalogSearchPulldown','0', NULL, 'Show a search field pulldown for \"Search the catalog\" boxes','YesNo'), ('RecordedBooksClientSecret','','30','Client key for RecordedBooks integration','YesNo'), ('RecordedBooksDomain','','','RecordedBooks domain','Free'), ('RecordedBooksLibraryID','','','Library ID for RecordedBooks integration','Integer'), ('OnSiteCheckouts','0','','Enable/Disable the on-site checkouts feature','YesNo'), ('OnSiteCheckoutsForce','0','','Enable/Disable the on-site for all cases (Even if a user is debarred, etc.)','YesNo'), ('OnSiteCheckoutAutoCheck','0','','Enable/Do not enable onsite checkout by default if last checkout was an onsite checkout','YesNo'), ('INTRAdidyoumean','',NULL,'Did you mean? configuration for the Intranet. Do not change, as this is controlled by /cgi-bin/koha/admin/','Free'), ('IntranetBiblioDefaultView','normal','normal|marc|isbd|labeled_marc','Choose the default detail view in the staff interface; choose between normal, labeled_marc, marc or isbd','Choice'), ('intranetbookbag','1','','If ON, enables display of Cart feature in the intranet','YesNo'), ('IntranetCirculationHomeHTML', '', NULL, 'Show the following HTML in a div on the bottom of the reports home page', 'Free'), ('IntranetCoce','0', NULL, 'If on, enables cover retrieval from the configured Coce server in the staff client', 'YesNo'), ('intranetcolorstylesheet','','50','Define the color stylesheet to use in the Staff Client','free'), ('IntranetFavicon','','','Enter a complete URL to an image to replace the default Koha favicon on the Staff client','free'), ('IntranetmainUserblock','','70|10','Add a block of HTML that will display on the intranet home page','Textarea'), ('IntranetNav','','70|10','Use HTML tabs to add navigational links to the top-hand navigational bar in the Staff Client','Textarea'), ('IntranetNumbersPreferPhrase','0',NULL,'Control the use of phr operator in callnumber and standard number staff client searches','YesNo'), ('intranetreadinghistory','1','','If ON, Reading History is enabled for all patrons','YesNo'), ('IntranetReportsHomeHTML', '', NULL, 'Show the following HTML in a div on the bottom of the reports home page', 'Free'), ('IntranetSlipPrinterJS','','','Use this JavaScript for printing slips. Define at least function printThenClose(). For use e.g. with Firefox PlugIn jsPrintSetup, see','Free'), ('intranetstylesheet','','50','Enter a complete URL to use an alternate layout stylesheet in Intranet','free'), ('IntranetUserCSS','',NULL,'Add CSS to be included in the intranet in an embedded