package Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Indexer; # Copyright 2013 Catalyst IT # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use Carp; use Modern::Perl; use Try::Tiny; use List::Util qw(any); use base qw(Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch); use Data::Dumper; use Koha::Exceptions; use C4::Context; =head1 NAME Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Indexer - handles adding new records to the index =head1 SYNOPSIS my $indexer = Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Indexer->new( { index => Koha::SearchEngine::BIBLIOS_INDEX } ); $indexer->drop_index(); $indexer->update_index(\@biblionumbers, \@records); =head1 CONSTANTS =over 4 =item C Represents an index state where index is created and in a working state. =item C Not currently used, but could be useful later, for example if can detect when new field or mapping added. =item C Representings an index state where index needs to be recreated and is not in a working state. =back =cut use constant { INDEX_STATUS_OK => 0, INDEX_STATUS_REINDEX_REQUIRED => 1, INDEX_STATUS_RECREATE_REQUIRED => 2, }; =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 update_index($biblionums, $records) try { $self->update_index($biblionums, $records); } catch { die("Something went wrong trying to update index:" . $_[0]); } Converts C C<$records> to Elasticsearch documents and performs an update request for these records on the Elasticsearch index. =over 4 =item C<$biblionums> Arrayref of biblio numbers for the C<$records>, the order must be the same as and match up with C<$records>. =item C<$records> Arrayref of Cs. =back =cut sub update_index { my ($self, $biblionums, $records) = @_; my $documents = $self->marc_records_to_documents($records); my @body; for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @$biblionums; $i++) { my $id = $biblionums->[$i]; my $document = $documents->[$i]; push @body, { index => { _id => "$id" } }; push @body, $document; } my $response; if (@body) { my $elasticsearch = $self->get_elasticsearch(); $response = $elasticsearch->bulk( index => $self->index_name, type => 'data', # is just hard coded in body => \@body ); if ($response->{errors}) { carp "One or more ElasticSearch errors occured when indexing documents"; } } return $response; } =head2 set_index_status_ok Convenience method for setting index status to C. =cut sub set_index_status_ok { my ($self) = @_; $self->index_status(INDEX_STATUS_OK); } =head2 is_index_status_ok Convenience method for checking if index status is C. =cut sub is_index_status_ok { my ($self) = @_; return $self->index_status == INDEX_STATUS_OK; } =head2 set_index_status_reindex_required Convenience method for setting index status to C. =cut sub set_index_status_reindex_required { my ($self) = @_; $self->index_status(INDEX_STATUS_REINDEX_REQUIRED); } =head2 is_index_status_reindex_required Convenience method for checking if index status is C. =cut sub is_index_status_reindex_required { my ($self) = @_; return $self->index_status == INDEX_STATUS_REINDEX_REQUIRED; } =head2 set_index_status_recreate_required Convenience method for setting index status to C. =cut sub set_index_status_recreate_required { my ($self) = @_; $self->index_status(INDEX_STATUS_RECREATE_REQUIRED); } =head2 is_index_status_recreate_required Convenience method for checking if index status is C. =cut sub is_index_status_recreate_required { my ($self) = @_; return $self->index_status == INDEX_STATUS_RECREATE_REQUIRED; } =head2 index_status($status) Will either set the current index status to C<$status> and return C<$status>, or return the current index status if called with no arguments. =over 4 =item C<$status> Optional argument. If passed will set current index status to C<$status> if C<$status> is a valid status. See L. =back =cut sub index_status { my ($self, $status) = @_; my $key = 'ElasticsearchIndexStatus_' . $self->index; if (defined $status) { unless (any { $status == $_ } ( INDEX_STATUS_OK, INDEX_STATUS_REINDEX_REQUIRED, INDEX_STATUS_RECREATE_REQUIRED, ) ) { Koha::Exceptions::Exception->throw("Invalid index status: $status"); } C4::Context->set_preference($key, $status); return $status; } else { return C4::Context->preference($key); } } =head2 update_mappings Generate Elasticsearch mappings from mappings stored in database and perform a request to update Elasticsearch index mappings. Will throw an error and set index status to C if update failes. =cut sub update_mappings { my ($self) = @_; my $elasticsearch = $self->get_elasticsearch(); my $mappings = $self->get_elasticsearch_mappings(); foreach my $type (keys %{$mappings}) { try { my $response = $elasticsearch->indices->put_mapping( index => $self->index_name, type => $type, body => { $type => $mappings->{$type} } ); } catch { $self->set_index_status_recreate_required(); my $reason = $_[0]->{vars}->{body}->{error}->{reason}; my $index_name = $self->index_name; Koha::Exceptions::Exception->throw( error => "Unable to update mappings for index \"$index_name\". Reason was: \"$reason\". Index needs to be recreated and reindexed", ); }; } $self->set_index_status_ok(); } =head2 update_index_background($biblionums, $records) This has exactly the same API as C however it'll return immediately. It'll start a background process that does the adding. If it fails to add to Elasticsearch then it'll add to a queue that will cause it to be updated by a regular index cron job in the future. =cut # TODO implement in the future - I don't know the best way of doing this yet. # If fork: make sure process group is changed so apache doesn't wait for us. sub update_index_background { my $self = shift; $self->update_index(@_); } =head2 delete_index($biblionums) C<$biblionums> is an arrayref of biblionumbers to delete from the index. =cut sub delete_index { my ($self, $biblionums) = @_; my $elasticsearch = $self->get_elasticsearch(); my @body = map { { delete => { _id => "$_" } } } @{$biblionums}; my $result = $elasticsearch->bulk( index => $self->index_name, type => 'data', body => \@body, ); if ($result->{errors}) { croak "An Elasticsearch error occurred during bulk delete"; } } =head2 delete_index_background($biblionums) Identical to L =cut # TODO: Should be made async sub delete_index_background { my $self = shift; $self->delete_index(@_); } =head2 drop_index Drops the index from the Elasticsearch server. =cut sub drop_index { my ($self) = @_; if ($self->index_exists) { my $elasticsearch = $self->get_elasticsearch(); $elasticsearch->indices->delete(index => $self->index_name); $self->set_index_status_recreate_required(); } } =head2 create_index Creates the index (including mappings) on the Elasticsearch server. =cut sub create_index { my ($self) = @_; my $settings = $self->get_elasticsearch_settings(); my $elasticsearch = $self->get_elasticsearch(); $elasticsearch->indices->create( index => $self->index_name, body => { settings => $settings } ); $self->update_mappings(); } =head2 index_exists Checks if index has been created on the Elasticsearch server. Returns C<1> or the empty string to indicate whether index exists or not. =cut sub index_exists { my ($self) = @_; my $elasticsearch = $self->get_elasticsearch(); return $elasticsearch->indices->exists( index => $self->index_name, ); } 1; __END__ =head1 AUTHOR =over 4 =item Chris Cormack C<< >> =item Robin Sheat C<< >> =back