#!/usr/bin/perl # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use Modern::Perl; use CGI qw ( -utf8 ); use Digest::MD5 qw( md5_base64 md5_hex ); use String::Random qw( random_string ); use HTML::Entities; use C4::Auth; use C4::Output; use C4::Members; use C4::Form::MessagingPreferences; use Koha::Patrons; use Koha::Patron::Modification; use Koha::Patron::Modifications; use C4::Scrubber; use Email::Valid; use Koha::DateUtils; use Koha::Libraries; use Koha::Patron::Images; use Koha::Token; my $cgi = new CGI; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my ( $template, $borrowernumber, $cookie ) = get_template_and_user( { template_name => "opac-memberentry.tt", type => "opac", query => $cgi, authnotrequired => 1, } ); unless ( C4::Context->preference('PatronSelfRegistration') || $borrowernumber ) { print $cgi->redirect("/cgi-bin/koha/opac-main.pl"); exit; } my $action = $cgi->param('action') || q{}; if ( $action eq q{} ) { if ($borrowernumber) { $action = 'edit'; } else { $action = 'new'; } } my $mandatory = GetMandatoryFields($action); my @libraries = Koha::Libraries->search; if ( my @libraries_to_display = split '\|', C4::Context->preference('PatronSelfRegistrationLibraryList') ) { @libraries = map { my $b = $_; my $branchcode = $_->branchcode; grep( /^$branchcode$/, @libraries_to_display ) ? $b : () } @libraries; } my ( $min, $max ) = C4::Members::get_cardnumber_length(); if ( defined $min ) { $template->param( minlength_cardnumber => $min, maxlength_cardnumber => $max ); } $template->param( action => $action, hidden => GetHiddenFields( $mandatory, 'registration' ), mandatory => $mandatory, libraries => \@libraries, OPACPatronDetails => C4::Context->preference('OPACPatronDetails'), ); if ( $action eq 'create' ) { my %borrower = ParseCgiForBorrower($cgi); %borrower = DelEmptyFields(%borrower); my @empty_mandatory_fields = CheckMandatoryFields( \%borrower, $action ); my $invalidformfields = CheckForInvalidFields(\%borrower); delete $borrower{'password2'}; my $cardnumber_error_code; if ( !grep { $_ eq 'cardnumber' } @empty_mandatory_fields ) { # No point in checking the cardnumber if it's missing and mandatory, it'll just generate a # spurious length warning. $cardnumber_error_code = checkcardnumber( $borrower{cardnumber}, $borrower{borrowernumber} ); } if ( @empty_mandatory_fields || @$invalidformfields || $cardnumber_error_code ) { if ( $cardnumber_error_code == 1 ) { $template->param( cardnumber_already_exists => 1 ); } elsif ( $cardnumber_error_code == 2 ) { $template->param( cardnumber_wrong_length => 1 ); } $template->param( empty_mandatory_fields => \@empty_mandatory_fields, invalid_form_fields => $invalidformfields, borrower => \%borrower ); } elsif ( md5_base64( uc( $cgi->param('captcha') ) ) ne $cgi->param('captcha_digest') ) { $template->param( failed_captcha => 1, borrower => \%borrower ); } else { if ( C4::Context->boolean_preference( 'PatronSelfRegistrationVerifyByEmail') ) { ( $template, $borrowernumber, $cookie ) = get_template_and_user( { template_name => "opac-registration-email-sent.tt", type => "opac", query => $cgi, authnotrequired => 1, } ); $template->param( 'email' => $borrower{'email'} ); my $verification_token = md5_hex( \%borrower ); $borrower{password} = random_string(".........."); $borrower{verification_token} = $verification_token; Koha::Patron::Modification->new( \%borrower )->store(); #Send verification email my $letter = C4::Letters::GetPreparedLetter( module => 'members', letter_code => 'OPAC_REG_VERIFY', tables => { borrower_modifications => $verification_token, }, ); C4::Letters::EnqueueLetter( { letter => $letter, message_transport_type => 'email', to_address => $borrower{'email'}, from_address => C4::Context->preference('KohaAdminEmailAddress'), } ); } else { ( $template, $borrowernumber, $cookie ) = get_template_and_user( { template_name => "opac-registration-confirmation.tt", type => "opac", query => $cgi, authnotrequired => 1, } ); $template->param( OpacPasswordChange => C4::Context->preference('OpacPasswordChange') ); my ( $borrowernumber, $password ) = AddMember_Opac(%borrower); C4::Form::MessagingPreferences::handle_form_action($cgi, { borrowernumber => $borrowernumber }, $template, 1, C4::Context->preference('PatronSelfRegistrationDefaultCategory') ) if $borrowernumber && C4::Context->preference('EnhancedMessagingPreferences'); $template->param( password_cleartext => $password ); $template->param( borrower => GetMember( borrowernumber => $borrowernumber ) ); $template->param( PatronSelfRegistrationAdditionalInstructions => C4::Context->preference( 'PatronSelfRegistrationAdditionalInstructions') ); } } } elsif ( $action eq 'update' ) { my $borrower = GetMember( borrowernumber => $borrowernumber ); die "Wrong CSRF token" unless Koha::Token->new->check_csrf({ id => $borrower->{userid}, secret => md5_base64( C4::Context->config('pass') ), token => scalar $cgi->param('csrf_token'), }); my %borrower = ParseCgiForBorrower($cgi); my %borrower_changes = DelEmptyFields(%borrower); my @empty_mandatory_fields = CheckMandatoryFields( \%borrower_changes, $action ); my $invalidformfields = CheckForInvalidFields(\%borrower); # Send back the data to the template %borrower = ( %$borrower, %borrower ); if (@empty_mandatory_fields || @$invalidformfields) { $template->param( empty_mandatory_fields => \@empty_mandatory_fields, invalid_form_fields => $invalidformfields, borrower => \%borrower, csrf_token => Koha::Token->new->generate_csrf({ id => $borrower->{userid}, secret => md5_base64( C4::Context->config('pass') ), }), ); $template->param( action => 'edit' ); } else { my %borrower_changes = DelUnchangedFields( $borrowernumber, %borrower ); if (%borrower_changes) { ( $template, $borrowernumber, $cookie ) = get_template_and_user( { template_name => "opac-memberentry-update-submitted.tt", type => "opac", query => $cgi, authnotrequired => 1, } ); $borrower_changes{borrowernumber} = $borrowernumber; # FIXME update the following with # Koha::Patron::Modifications->search({ borrowernumber => $borrowernumber })->delete; # when bug 17091 will be pushed my $patron_modifications = Koha::Patron::Modifications->search({ borrowernumber => $borrowernumber }); while ( my $patron_modification = $patron_modifications->next ) { $patron_modification->delete; } my $m = Koha::Patron::Modification->new( \%borrower_changes )->store(); $template->param( borrower => GetMember( borrowernumber => $borrowernumber ), ); } else { $template->param( action => 'edit', nochanges => 1, borrower => GetMember( borrowernumber => $borrowernumber ), csrf_token => Koha::Token->new->generate_csrf({ id => $borrower->{userid}, secret => md5_base64( C4::Context->config('pass') ), }), ); } } } elsif ( $action eq 'edit' ) { #Display logged in borrower's data my $borrower = GetMember( borrowernumber => $borrowernumber ); if (C4::Context->preference('ExtendedPatronAttributes')) { my $attributes = C4::Members::Attributes::GetBorrowerAttributes($borrowernumber, 'opac'); if (scalar(@$attributes) > 0) { $borrower->{ExtendedPatronAttributes} = 1; $borrower->{patron_attributes} = $attributes; } } $template->param( borrower => $borrower, guarantor => scalar Koha::Patrons->find($borrowernumber)->guarantor(), hidden => GetHiddenFields( $mandatory, 'modification' ), csrf_token => Koha::Token->new->generate_csrf({ id => $borrower->{userid}, secret => md5_base64( C4::Context->config('pass') ), }), ); if (C4::Context->preference('OPACpatronimages')) { my $patron_image = Koha::Patron::Images->find($borrower->{borrowernumber}); $template->param( display_patron_image => 1 ) if $patron_image; } } my $captcha = random_string("CCCCC"); $template->param( captcha => $captcha, captcha_digest => md5_base64($captcha) ); output_html_with_http_headers $cgi, $cookie, $template->output, undef, { force_no_caching => 1 }; sub GetHiddenFields { my ( $mandatory, $action ) = @_; my %hidden_fields; my $BorrowerUnwantedField = $action eq 'modification' ? C4::Context->preference( "PatronSelfModificationBorrowerUnwantedField" ) : C4::Context->preference( "PatronSelfRegistrationBorrowerUnwantedField" ); my @fields = split( /\|/, $BorrowerUnwantedField || q|| ); foreach (@fields) { next unless m/\w/o; #Don't hide mandatory fields next if $mandatory->{$_}; $hidden_fields{$_} = 1; } return \%hidden_fields; } sub GetMandatoryFields { my ($action) = @_; my %mandatory_fields; my $BorrowerMandatoryField = C4::Context->preference("PatronSelfRegistrationBorrowerMandatoryField"); my @fields = split( /\|/, $BorrowerMandatoryField ); foreach (@fields) { $mandatory_fields{$_} = 1; } if ( $action eq 'create' || $action eq 'new' ) { $mandatory_fields{'email'} = 1 if C4::Context->boolean_preference( 'PatronSelfRegistrationVerifyByEmail'); } return \%mandatory_fields; } sub CheckMandatoryFields { my ( $borrower, $action ) = @_; my @empty_mandatory_fields; my $mandatory_fields = GetMandatoryFields($action); delete $mandatory_fields->{'cardnumber'}; foreach my $key ( keys %$mandatory_fields ) { push( @empty_mandatory_fields, $key ) unless ( defined( $borrower->{$key} ) && $borrower->{$key} ); } return @empty_mandatory_fields; } sub CheckForInvalidFields { my $minpw = C4::Context->preference('minPasswordLength'); my $borrower = shift; my @invalidFields; if ($borrower->{'email'}) { unless ( Email::Valid->address($borrower->{'email'}) ) { push(@invalidFields, "email"); } elsif ( C4::Context->preference("PatronSelfRegistrationEmailMustBeUnique") ) { my $patrons_with_same_email = Koha::Patrons->search( { email => $borrower->{email} })->count; if ( $patrons_with_same_email ) { push @invalidFields, "duplicate_email"; } } } if ($borrower->{'emailpro'}) { push(@invalidFields, "emailpro") if (!Email::Valid->address($borrower->{'emailpro'})); } if ($borrower->{'B_email'}) { push(@invalidFields, "B_email") if (!Email::Valid->address($borrower->{'B_email'})); } if ( $borrower->{'password'} ne $borrower->{'password2'} ){ push(@invalidFields, "password_match"); } if ( $borrower->{'password'} && $minpw && (length($borrower->{'password'}) < $minpw) ) { push(@invalidFields, "password_invalid"); } if ( $borrower->{'password'} ) { push(@invalidFields, "password_spaces") if ($borrower->{'password'} =~ /^\s/ or $borrower->{'password'} =~ /\s$/); } return \@invalidFields; } sub ParseCgiForBorrower { my ($cgi) = @_; my $scrubber = C4::Scrubber->new(); my %borrower; foreach ( $cgi->param ) { if ( $_ =~ '^borrower_' ) { my ($key) = substr( $_, 9 ); $borrower{$key} = HTML::Entities::encode( $scrubber->scrub( scalar $cgi->param($_) ) ); } } my $dob_dt; $dob_dt = eval { dt_from_string( $borrower{'dateofbirth'} ); } if ( $borrower{'dateofbirth'} ); if ( $dob_dt ) { $borrower{'dateofbirth'} = output_pref ( { dt => $dob_dt, dateonly => 1, dateformat => 'iso' } ); } else { # Trigger validation $borrower{'dateofbirth'} = undef; } return %borrower; } sub DelUnchangedFields { my ( $borrowernumber, %new_data ) = @_; my $current_data = GetMember( borrowernumber => $borrowernumber ); foreach my $key ( keys %new_data ) { if ( $current_data->{$key} eq $new_data{$key} ) { delete $new_data{$key}; } } return %new_data; } sub DelEmptyFields { my (%borrower) = @_; foreach my $key ( keys %borrower ) { delete $borrower{$key} unless $borrower{$key}; } return %borrower; }