#!/usr/bin/perl # This script implements a basic benchmarking and regression testing # utility for Koha use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { # find Koha's Perl modules # test carefully before changing this use FindBin; eval { require "$FindBin::Bin/kohalib.pl" }; } use HTTPD::Bench::ApacheBench; use LWP::UserAgent; use Data::Dumper; use HTTP::Cookies; use C4::Context; my $baseurl= C4::Context->preference("staffClientBaseURL")."/cgi-bin/koha/"; my $max_tries = 200; my $concurrency = 10; my $debug; my $user = 'kados'; my $password = 'kados'; # Authenticate via our handy dandy RESTful services # and grab a cookie my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); my $cookie_jar = HTTP::Cookies->new(); my $cookie; $ua->cookie_jar($cookie_jar); my $resp = $ua->post( "$baseurl"."/svc/authentication" , {userid =>$user, password => $password} ); if( $resp->is_success ) { $cookie_jar->extract_cookies( $resp ); $cookie = $cookie_jar->as_string; print "Authentication successful\n"; print "Auth:\n $resp->content" if $debug; } # remove some unnecessary garbage from the cookie $cookie =~ s/ path_spec; discard; version=0//; $cookie =~ s/Set-Cookie3: //; # Get some data to work with my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh(); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select max(borrowernumber) from borrowers"); $sth->execute; my ($borrowernumber_max) = $sth->fetchrow; $sth = $dbh->prepare("select max(biblionumber) from biblio"); $sth->execute; my ($biblionumber_max) = $sth->fetchrow; $sth = $dbh->prepare("select max(itemnumber) from items"); $sth->execute; my ($itemnumber_max) = $sth->fetchrow; $|=1; # # the global benchmark we do at the end... # my $b = HTTPD::Bench::ApacheBench->new; $b->concurrency( $concurrency ); # # mainpage : (very) low RDBMS dependency # my $b0 = HTTPD::Bench::ApacheBench->new; $b0->concurrency( $concurrency ); my @mainpage; print "--------------\n"; print "Koha circulation benchmarking utility\n"; print "--------------\n"; print "Benchmarking with $max_tries occurences of each operation and $concurrency concurrent sessions \n"; print "Load testing staff client dashboard page"; for (my $i=1;$i<=$max_tries;$i++) { push @mainpage,"$baseurl/mainpage.pl"; } my $run0 = HTTPD::Bench::ApacheBench::Run->new ({ urls => \@mainpage, cookies => [$cookie], }); $b0->add_run($run0); $b->add_run($run0); # send HTTP request sequences to server and time responses my $ro = $b0->execute; # calculate hits/sec print ("\t".$b0->total_time."ms\t".(1000*$b0->total_requests/$b0->total_time)." pages/sec\n"); print "ALERT : ".$b0->total_responses_failed." failures\n" if $b0->total_responses_failed; # # biblios # my $b1 = HTTPD::Bench::ApacheBench->new; $b1->concurrency( $concurrency ); my @biblios; print "Load testing catalog detail page"; for (my $i=1;$i<=$max_tries;$i++) { my $rand_biblionumber = int(rand($biblionumber_max)+1); push @biblios,"$baseurl/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=$rand_biblionumber"; } my $run1 = HTTPD::Bench::ApacheBench::Run->new ({ urls => \@biblios, }); $b1->add_run($run1); $b->add_run($run1); # send HTTP request sequences to server and time responses $ro = $b1->execute; # calculate hits/sec print ("\t".$b1->total_time."ms\t".(1000*$b1->total_requests/$b1->total_time)." biblios/sec\n"); print "ALERT : ".$b1->total_responses_failed." failures\n" if $b1->total_responses_failed; # # borrowers # my $b2 = HTTPD::Bench::ApacheBench->new; $b2->concurrency( $concurrency ); my @borrowers; print "Load testing patron detail page"; for (my $i=1;$i<=$max_tries;$i++) { my $rand_borrowernumber = int(rand($borrowernumber_max)+1); # print "$baseurl/members/moremember.pl?borrowernumber=$rand_borrowernumber\n"; push @borrowers,"$baseurl/members/moremember.pl?borrowernumber=$rand_borrowernumber"; } my $run2 = HTTPD::Bench::ApacheBench::Run->new ({ urls => \@borrowers, cookies => [$cookie], }); $b2->add_run($run2); $b->add_run($run2); # send HTTP request sequences to server and time responses $ro = $b2->execute; # calculate hits/sec print ("\t".$b2->total_time."ms\t".(1000*$b2->total_requests/$b2->total_time)." borrowers/sec\n"); # # issue (& then return) books # my $b3 = HTTPD::Bench::ApacheBench->new; $b3->concurrency( $concurrency ); my $b4 = HTTPD::Bench::ApacheBench->new; $b4->concurrency( $concurrency ); my @issues; my @returns; print "Load testing circulation transaction (checkouts)"; $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT barcode FROM items WHERE itemnumber=?"); my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare("SELECT borrowernumber FROM borrowers WHERE borrowernumber=?"); for (my $i=1;$i<=$max_tries;$i++) { my $rand_borrowernumber; # check that the borrowernumber exist until ($rand_borrowernumber) { $rand_borrowernumber = int(rand($borrowernumber_max)+1); $sth2->execute($rand_borrowernumber); ($rand_borrowernumber) = $sth2->fetchrow; } # find a barcode & check it exists my $rand_barcode; until ($rand_barcode) { my $rand_itemnumber = int(rand($itemnumber_max)+1); $sth->execute($rand_itemnumber); ($rand_barcode) = $sth->fetchrow(); } print "borrowernumber=$rand_borrowernumber&barcode=$rand_barcode\n"; push @issues,"$baseurl/circ/circulation.pl?borrowernumber=$rand_borrowernumber&barcode=$rand_barcode&issueconfirmed=1"; push @returns,"$baseurl/circ/returns.pl?barcode=$rand_barcode"; } my $run3 = HTTPD::Bench::ApacheBench::Run->new ({ urls => \@issues, cookies => [$cookie], }); $b3->add_run($run3); $b->add_run($run3); # send HTTP request sequences to server and time responses $ro = $b3->execute; # calculate hits/sec print ("\t".$b3->total_time."ms\t".(1000*$b3->total_requests/$b3->total_time)." checkouts/sec\n"); print "Load testing circulation transaction (checkins)"; my $run4 = HTTPD::Bench::ApacheBench::Run->new ({ urls => \@returns, cookies => [$cookie], }); $b4->add_run($run4); $b->add_run($run4); # send HTTP request sequences to server and time responses $ro = $b4->execute; # calculate hits/sec print ("\t".$b4->total_time."ms\t".(1000*$b4->total_requests/$b4->total_time)." checkins/sec\n"); print "Load testing all transactions at once"; $ro = $b->execute; print ("\t".$b->total_time."ms\t".(1000*$b->total_requests/$b->total_time)." operations/sec\n");