#!/usr/bin/perl # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use Modern::Perl; use DateTime::Duration; use Test::More tests => 106; use Test::Warn; use t::lib::Mocks; use t::lib::TestBuilder; use C4::Context; use C4::Letters; use C4::Budgets qw( AddBudgetPeriod AddBudget ); use Koha::Database; use Koha::DateUtils qw( dt_from_string output_pref ); use Koha::Libraries; use Koha::Patrons; use Koha::Suggestions; BEGIN { use_ok('C4::Suggestions'); } my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema; $schema->storage->txn_begin; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new; # Reset item types to only the default ones $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM itemtypes;|); my $sql = qq| INSERT INTO itemtypes (itemtype, description, rentalcharge, notforloan, imageurl, summary) VALUES ('BK', 'Books',5,0,'bridge/book.gif',''), ('MX', 'Mixed Materials',5,0,'bridge/kit.gif',''), ('CF', 'Computer Files',5,0,'bridge/computer_file.gif',''), ('MP', 'Maps',5,0,'bridge/map.gif',''), ('VM', 'Visual Materials',5,1,'bridge/dvd.gif',''), ('MU', 'Music',5,0,'bridge/sound.gif',''), ('CR', 'Continuing Resources',5,0,'bridge/periodical.gif',''), ('REF', 'Reference',0,1,'bridge/reference.gif','');|; $dbh->do($sql); $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM suggestions|); $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM issues|); $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM borrowers|); $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM letter|); $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM message_queue|); $dbh->do(q|INSERT INTO letter(module, code, content) VALUES ('suggestions', 'CHECKED', 'my content')|); # Add CPL if missing. if (not defined Koha::Libraries->find('CPL')) { Koha::Library->new({ branchcode => 'CPL', branchname => 'Centerville' })->store; } my $patron_category = $builder->build({ source => 'Category' }); my $member = { firstname => 'my firstname', surname => 'my surname', categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode}, branchcode => 'CPL', smsalertnumber => 12345, }; my $member2 = { firstname => 'my firstname', surname => 'my surname', categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode}, branchcode => 'CPL', email => 'to@example.com', }; my $borrowernumber = Koha::Patron->new($member)->store->borrowernumber; my $borrowernumber2 = Koha::Patron->new($member2)->store->borrowernumber; my $biblionumber1 = 1; my $my_suggestion = { title => 'my title', author => 'my author', publishercode => 'my publishercode', suggestedby => $borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblionumber1, managedby => '', manageddate => '', accepteddate => dt_from_string, note => 'my note', }; my $budgetperiod_id = AddBudgetPeriod({ budget_period_startdate => '2008-01-01', budget_period_enddate => '2008-12-31', budget_period_description => 'MAPERI', budget_period_active => 1, }); my $budget_id = AddBudget({ budget_code => 'ABCD', budget_amount => '123.132000', budget_name => 'ABCD', budget_notes => 'This is a note', budget_period_id => $budgetperiod_id, }); my $my_suggestion_with_budget = { title => 'my title 2', author => 'my author 2', publishercode => 'my publishercode 2', suggestedby => $borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblionumber1, managedby => '', manageddate => '', accepteddate => dt_from_string, note => 'my note', budgetid => $budget_id, }; my $my_suggestion_with_budget2 = { title => 'my title 3', author => 'my author 3', publishercode => 'my publishercode 3', suggestedby => $borrowernumber2, biblionumber => $biblionumber1, managedby => '', manageddate => '', accepteddate => dt_from_string, note => 'my note', budgetid => $budget_id, }; is( CountSuggestion(), 0, 'CountSuggestion without the status returns 0' ); is( CountSuggestion('ASKED'), 0, 'CountSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' ); is( CountSuggestion('CHECKED'), 0, 'CountSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' ); is( CountSuggestion('ACCEPTED'), 0, 'CountSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' ); is( CountSuggestion('REJECTED'), 0, 'CountSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' ); my $my_suggestionid = NewSuggestion($my_suggestion); isnt( $my_suggestionid, 0, 'NewSuggestion returns an not null id' ); my $my_suggestionid_with_budget = NewSuggestion($my_suggestion_with_budget); is( GetSuggestion(), undef, 'GetSuggestion without the suggestion id returns undef' ); my $suggestion = GetSuggestion($my_suggestionid); is( $suggestion->{title}, $my_suggestion->{title}, 'NewSuggestion stores the title correctly' ); is( $suggestion->{author}, $my_suggestion->{author}, 'NewSuggestion stores the author correctly' ); is( $suggestion->{publishercode}, $my_suggestion->{publishercode}, 'NewSuggestion stores the publishercode correctly' ); is( $suggestion->{suggestedby}, $my_suggestion->{suggestedby}, 'NewSuggestion stores the borrower number correctly' ); is( $suggestion->{biblionumber}, $my_suggestion->{biblionumber}, 'NewSuggestion stores the biblio number correctly' ); is( $suggestion->{STATUS}, 'ASKED', 'NewSuggestion stores a suggestion with the status ASKED by default' ); is( $suggestion->{managedby}, undef, 'NewSuggestion stores empty string as undef for non existent foreign key (integer)' ); is( $suggestion->{manageddate}, undef, 'NewSuggestion stores empty string as undef for date' ); is( $suggestion->{budgetid}, undef, 'NewSuggestion should set budgetid to NULL if not given' ); is( CountSuggestion('ASKED'), 2, 'CountSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' ); is( ModSuggestion(), undef, 'ModSuggestion without the suggestion returns undef' ); my $mod_suggestion1 = { title => 'my modified title', author => 'my modified author', publishercode => 'my modified publishercode', managedby => '', manageddate => '', }; my $status = ModSuggestion($mod_suggestion1); is( $status, undef, 'ModSuggestion without the suggestion id returns undef' ); $mod_suggestion1->{suggestionid} = $my_suggestionid; $status = ModSuggestion($mod_suggestion1); is( $status, 1, 'ModSuggestion modifies one entry' ); $suggestion = GetSuggestion($my_suggestionid); is( $suggestion->{title}, $mod_suggestion1->{title}, 'ModSuggestion modifies the title correctly' ); is( $suggestion->{author}, $mod_suggestion1->{author}, 'ModSuggestion modifies the author correctly' ); is( $suggestion->{publishercode}, $mod_suggestion1->{publishercode}, 'ModSuggestion modifies the publishercode correctly' ); is( $suggestion->{managedby}, undef, 'ModSuggestion stores empty string as undef for non existent foreign key (integer)' ); is( $suggestion->{manageddate}, undef, 'ModSuggestion stores empty string as undef for date' ); isnt( $suggestion->{accepteddate}, undef, 'ModSuggestion does not update a non given date value' ); is( $suggestion->{note}, 'my note', 'ModSuggestion should not erase data if not given' ); my $messages = C4::Letters::GetQueuedMessages({ borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, }); is( @$messages, 0, 'ModSuggestions does not send an email if the status is not updated' ); my $mod_suggestion2 = { STATUS => 'STALLED', suggestionid => $my_suggestionid, }; warning_is { $status = ModSuggestion($mod_suggestion2) } "No suggestions STALLED letter transported by email", "ModSuggestion status warning is correct"; is( $status, 1, "ModSuggestion Status OK"); my $mod_suggestion3 = { STATUS => 'CHECKED', suggestionid => $my_suggestionid, }; #Test the message_transport_type of suggestion notices #Check the message_transport_type when the 'FallbackToSMSIfNoEmail' syspref is disabled t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'FallbackToSMSIfNoEmail', 0 ); $status = ModSuggestion($mod_suggestion3); is( $status, 1, 'ModSuggestion modifies one entry' ); $suggestion = GetSuggestion($my_suggestionid); is( $suggestion->{STATUS}, $mod_suggestion3->{STATUS}, 'ModSuggestion modifies the status correctly' ); $messages = C4::Letters::GetQueuedMessages({ borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, }); is( @$messages, 1, 'ModSuggestion sends an email if the status is updated' ); is ($messages->[0]->{message_transport_type}, 'email', 'When FallbackToSMSIfNoEmail syspref is disabled the suggestion message_transport_type is always email'); is( CountSuggestion('CHECKED'), 1, 'CountSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' ); #Check the message_transport_type when the 'FallbackToSMSIfNoEmail' syspref is enabled and the borrower has a smsalertnumber and no email t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'FallbackToSMSIfNoEmail', 1 ); ModSuggestion($mod_suggestion3); $messages = C4::Letters::GetQueuedMessages({ borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, }); is ($messages->[1]->{message_transport_type}, 'sms', 'When FallbackToSMSIfNoEmail syspref is enabled the suggestion message_transport_type is sms if the borrower has no email'); #Make a new suggestion for a borrower with defined email and no smsalertnumber my $my_suggestion_2_id = NewSuggestion($my_suggestion_with_budget2); #Check the message_transport_type when the 'FallbackToSMSIfNoEmail' syspref is enabled and the borrower has a defined email and no smsalertnumber t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'FallbackToSMSIfNoEmail', 1 ); my $mod_suggestion4 = { STATUS => 'CHECKED', suggestionid => $my_suggestion_2_id, }; ModSuggestion($mod_suggestion4); $messages = C4::Letters::GetQueuedMessages({ borrowernumber => $borrowernumber2, }); is ($messages->[0]->{message_transport_type}, 'email', 'When FallbackToSMSIfNoEmail syspref is enabled the suggestion message_transport_type is email if the borrower has an email'); is( GetSuggestionInfo(), undef, 'GetSuggestionInfo without the suggestion id returns undef' ); $suggestion = GetSuggestionInfo($my_suggestionid); is( $suggestion->{suggestionid}, $my_suggestionid, 'GetSuggestionInfo returns the suggestion id correctly' ); is( $suggestion->{title}, $mod_suggestion1->{title}, 'GetSuggestionInfo returns the title correctly' ); is( $suggestion->{author}, $mod_suggestion1->{author}, 'GetSuggestionInfo returns the author correctly' ); is( $suggestion->{publishercode}, $mod_suggestion1->{publishercode}, 'GetSuggestionInfo returns the publisher code correctly' ); is( $suggestion->{suggestedby}, $my_suggestion->{suggestedby}, 'GetSuggestionInfo returns the borrower number correctly' ); is( $suggestion->{biblionumber}, $my_suggestion->{biblionumber}, 'GetSuggestionInfo returns the biblio number correctly' ); is( $suggestion->{STATUS}, $mod_suggestion3->{STATUS}, 'GetSuggestionInfo returns the status correctly' ); is( $suggestion->{surnamesuggestedby}, $member->{surname}, 'GetSuggestionInfo returns the surname correctly' ); is( $suggestion->{firstnamesuggestedby}, $member->{firstname}, 'GetSuggestionInfo returns the firstname correctly' ); is( $suggestion->{borrnumsuggestedby}, $my_suggestion->{suggestedby}, 'GetSuggestionInfo returns the borrower number correctly' ); is( GetSuggestionFromBiblionumber(), undef, 'GetSuggestionFromBiblionumber without the biblio number returns undef' ); is( GetSuggestionFromBiblionumber(2), undef, 'GetSuggestionFromBiblionumber with an invalid biblio number returns undef' ); is( GetSuggestionFromBiblionumber($biblionumber1), $my_suggestionid, 'GetSuggestionFromBiblionumber functions correctly' ); is( GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber(), undef, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber without the biblio number returns undef' ); is( GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber(2), undef, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber with an invalid biblio number returns undef' ); $suggestion = GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber($biblionumber1); is( $suggestion->{suggestionid}, $my_suggestionid, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber returns the suggestion id correctly' ); is( $suggestion->{title}, $mod_suggestion1->{title}, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber returns the title correctly' ); is( $suggestion->{author}, $mod_suggestion1->{author}, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber returns the author correctly' ); is( $suggestion->{publishercode}, $mod_suggestion1->{publishercode}, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber returns the publisher code correctly' ); is( $suggestion->{suggestedby}, $my_suggestion->{suggestedby}, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber returns the borrower number correctly' ); is( $suggestion->{biblionumber}, $my_suggestion->{biblionumber}, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber returns the biblio number correctly' ); is( $suggestion->{STATUS}, $mod_suggestion3->{STATUS}, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber returns the status correctly' ); is( $suggestion->{surnamesuggestedby}, $member->{surname}, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber returns the surname correctly' ); is( $suggestion->{firstnamesuggestedby}, $member->{firstname}, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber returns the firstname correctly' ); is( $suggestion->{borrnumsuggestedby}, $my_suggestion->{suggestedby}, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumeber returns the borrower number correctly' ); my $suggestions = GetSuggestionByStatus(); is( @$suggestions, 0, 'GetSuggestionByStatus without the status returns an empty array' ); $suggestions = GetSuggestionByStatus('CHECKED'); is( @$suggestions, 2, 'GetSuggestionByStatus returns the correct number of suggestions' ); is( $suggestions->[0]->{suggestionid}, $my_suggestionid, 'GetSuggestionByStatus returns the suggestion id correctly' ); is( $suggestions->[0]->{title}, $mod_suggestion1->{title}, 'GetSuggestionByStatus returns the title correctly' ); is( $suggestions->[0]->{author}, $mod_suggestion1->{author}, 'GetSuggestionByStatus returns the author correctly' ); is( $suggestions->[0]->{publishercode}, $mod_suggestion1->{publishercode}, 'GetSuggestionByStatus returns the publisher code correctly' ); is( $suggestions->[0]->{suggestedby}, $my_suggestion->{suggestedby}, 'GetSuggestionByStatus returns the borrower number correctly' ); is( $suggestions->[0]->{biblionumber}, $my_suggestion->{biblionumber}, 'GetSuggestionByStatus returns the biblio number correctly' ); is( $suggestions->[0]->{STATUS}, $mod_suggestion3->{STATUS}, 'GetSuggestionByStatus returns the status correctly' ); is( $suggestions->[0]->{surnamesuggestedby}, $member->{surname}, 'GetSuggestionByStatus returns the surname correctly' ); is( $suggestions->[0]->{firstnamesuggestedby}, $member->{firstname}, 'GetSuggestionByStatus returns the firstname correctly' ); is( $suggestions->[0]->{branchcodesuggestedby}, $member->{branchcode}, 'GetSuggestionByStatus returns the branch code correctly' ); is( $suggestions->[0]->{borrnumsuggestedby}, $my_suggestion->{suggestedby}, 'GetSuggestionByStatus returns the borrower number correctly' ); is( $suggestions->[0]->{categorycodesuggestedby}, $member->{categorycode}, 'GetSuggestionByStatus returns the category code correctly' ); is( ConnectSuggestionAndBiblio(), '0E0', 'ConnectSuggestionAndBiblio without arguments returns 0E0' ); my $biblionumber2 = 2; my $connect_suggestion_and_biblio = ConnectSuggestionAndBiblio($my_suggestionid, $biblionumber2); is( $connect_suggestion_and_biblio, '1', 'ConnectSuggestionAndBiblio returns 1' ); $suggestion = GetSuggestion($my_suggestionid); is( $suggestion->{biblionumber}, $biblionumber2, 'ConnectSuggestionAndBiblio updates the biblio number correctly' ); my $search_suggestion = SearchSuggestion(); is( @$search_suggestion, 3, 'SearchSuggestion without arguments returns all suggestions' ); $search_suggestion = SearchSuggestion({ title => $mod_suggestion1->{title}, }); is( @$search_suggestion, 1, 'SearchSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' ); $search_suggestion = SearchSuggestion({ title => 'another title', }); is( @$search_suggestion, 0, 'SearchSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' ); $search_suggestion = SearchSuggestion({ author => $mod_suggestion1->{author}, }); is( @$search_suggestion, 1, 'SearchSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' ); $search_suggestion = SearchSuggestion({ author => 'another author', }); is( @$search_suggestion, 0, 'SearchSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' ); $search_suggestion = SearchSuggestion({ publishercode => $mod_suggestion1->{publishercode}, }); is( @$search_suggestion, 1, 'SearchSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' ); $search_suggestion = SearchSuggestion({ publishercode => 'another publishercode', }); is( @$search_suggestion, 0, 'SearchSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' ); $search_suggestion = SearchSuggestion({ STATUS => $mod_suggestion3->{STATUS}, }); is( @$search_suggestion, 2, 'SearchSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' ); $search_suggestion = SearchSuggestion({ STATUS => q|| }); is( @$search_suggestion, 0, 'SearchSuggestion should not return all suggestions if we want the suggestions with a STATUS=""' ); $search_suggestion = SearchSuggestion({ STATUS => 'REJECTED', }); is( @$search_suggestion, 0, 'SearchSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' ); $search_suggestion = SearchSuggestion({ budgetid => '', }); is( @$search_suggestion, 3, 'SearchSuggestion (budgetid = "") returns the correct number of suggestions' ); $search_suggestion = SearchSuggestion({ budgetid => $budget_id, }); is( @$search_suggestion, 2, 'SearchSuggestion (budgetid = $budgetid) returns the correct number of suggestions' ); $search_suggestion = SearchSuggestion({ budgetid => '__NONE__', }); is( @$search_suggestion, 1, 'SearchSuggestion (budgetid = "__NONE__") returns the correct number of suggestions' ); $search_suggestion = SearchSuggestion({ budgetid => '__ANY__', }); is( @$search_suggestion, 3, 'SearchSuggestion (budgetid = "__ANY__") returns the correct number of suggestions' ); my $del_suggestion = { title => 'my deleted title', STATUS => 'CHECKED', suggestedby => $borrowernumber, }; my $del_suggestionid = NewSuggestion($del_suggestion); is( CountSuggestion('CHECKED'), 3, 'CountSuggestion returns the correct number of suggestions' ); is( DelSuggestion(), '0E0', 'DelSuggestion without arguments returns 0E0' ); is( DelSuggestion($borrowernumber), '', 'DelSuggestion without the suggestion id returns an empty string' ); is( DelSuggestion(undef, $my_suggestionid), '', 'DelSuggestion with an invalid borrower number returns an empty string' ); $suggestion = DelSuggestion($borrowernumber, $my_suggestionid); is( $suggestion, 1, 'DelSuggestion deletes one suggestion' ); $suggestions = GetSuggestionByStatus('CHECKED'); is( @$suggestions, 2, 'DelSuggestion deletes one suggestion' ); is( $suggestions->[1]->{title}, $del_suggestion->{title}, 'DelSuggestion deletes the correct suggestion' ); # Test budgetid fk $my_suggestion->{budgetid} = ''; # If budgetid == '', NULL should be set in DB my $my_suggestionid_test_budgetid = NewSuggestion($my_suggestion); $suggestion = GetSuggestion($my_suggestionid_test_budgetid); is( $suggestion->{budgetid}, undef, 'NewSuggestion Should set budgetid to NULL if equals an empty string' ); $my_suggestion->{budgetid} = ''; # If budgetid == '', NULL should be set in DB ModSuggestion( $my_suggestion ); $suggestion = GetSuggestion($my_suggestionid_test_budgetid); is( $suggestion->{budgetid}, undef, 'NewSuggestion Should set budgetid to NULL if equals an empty string' ); subtest 'GetUnprocessedSuggestions' => sub { plan tests => 11; $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM suggestions|); my $my_suggestionid = NewSuggestion($my_suggestion); my $unprocessed_suggestions = C4::Suggestions::GetUnprocessedSuggestions; is( scalar(@$unprocessed_suggestions), 0, 'GetUnprocessedSuggestions should return 0 if a suggestion has been processed but not linked to a fund' ); my $status = ModSuggestion($mod_suggestion1); my $suggestion = GetSuggestion($my_suggestionid); is( $suggestion->{budgetid}, undef, 'ModSuggestion should set budgetid to NULL if not given' ); ModSuggestion( { suggestionid => $my_suggestionid, budgetid => $budget_id } ); $suggestion = GetSuggestion($my_suggestionid); is( $suggestion->{budgetid}, $budget_id, 'ModSuggestion should modify budgetid if given' ); $unprocessed_suggestions = C4::Suggestions::GetUnprocessedSuggestions; is( scalar(@$unprocessed_suggestions), 1, 'GetUnprocessedSuggestions should return the suggestion if the suggestion is linked to a fund and has not been processed yet' ); warning_is { ModSuggestion( { suggestionid => $my_suggestionid, STATUS => 'REJECTED' } ) } 'No suggestions REJECTED letter transported by email', 'Warning raised if no REJECTED letter by email'; $unprocessed_suggestions = C4::Suggestions::GetUnprocessedSuggestions; is( scalar(@$unprocessed_suggestions), 0, 'GetUnprocessedSuggestions should return the suggestion if the suggestion is linked to a fund and has not been processed yet' ); warning_is { ModSuggestion( { suggestionid => $my_suggestionid, STATUS => 'ASKED', suggesteddate => dt_from_string->add_duration( DateTime::Duration->new( days => -4 ) ) } ); } 'No suggestions ASKED letter transported by email', 'Warning raised if no ASKED letter by email'; $unprocessed_suggestions = C4::Suggestions::GetUnprocessedSuggestions; is( scalar(@$unprocessed_suggestions), 0, 'GetUnprocessedSuggestions should use 0 as default value for days' ); $unprocessed_suggestions = C4::Suggestions::GetUnprocessedSuggestions(4); is( scalar(@$unprocessed_suggestions), 1, 'GetUnprocessedSuggestions should return the suggestion suggested 4 days ago' ); $unprocessed_suggestions = C4::Suggestions::GetUnprocessedSuggestions(3); is( scalar(@$unprocessed_suggestions), 0, 'GetUnprocessedSuggestions should not return the suggestion, it has not been suggested 3 days ago' ); $unprocessed_suggestions = C4::Suggestions::GetUnprocessedSuggestions(5); is( scalar(@$unprocessed_suggestions), 0, 'GetUnprocessedSuggestions should not return the suggestion, it has not been suggested 5 days ago' ); }; subtest 'DelSuggestionsOlderThan' => sub { plan tests => 6; Koha::Suggestions->delete; # Add four suggestions; note that STATUS needs uppercase (FIXME) my $d1 = output_pref({ dt => dt_from_string->add(days => -2), dateformat => 'sql' }); my $d2 = output_pref({ dt => dt_from_string->add(days => -4), dateformat => 'sql' }); my $sugg01 = $builder->build({ source => 'Suggestion', value => { date => $d1, STATUS => 'ASKED' }}); my $sugg02 = $builder->build({ source => 'Suggestion', value => { date => $d1, STATUS => 'CHECKED' }}); my $sugg03 = $builder->build({ source => 'Suggestion', value => { date => $d2, STATUS => 'ASKED' }}); my $sugg04 = $builder->build({ source => 'Suggestion', value => { date => $d2, STATUS => 'ACCEPTED' }}); # Test no parameter: should do nothing C4::Suggestions::DelSuggestionsOlderThan(); is( Koha::Suggestions->count, 4, 'No suggestions deleted' ); # Test zero: should do nothing too C4::Suggestions::DelSuggestionsOlderThan(0); is( Koha::Suggestions->count, 4, 'No suggestions deleted again' ); # Test negative value C4::Suggestions::DelSuggestionsOlderThan(-1); is( Koha::Suggestions->count, 4, 'No suggestions deleted for -1' ); # Test positive values C4::Suggestions::DelSuggestionsOlderThan(5); is( Koha::Suggestions->count, 4, 'No suggestions>5d deleted' ); C4::Suggestions::DelSuggestionsOlderThan(3); is( Koha::Suggestions->count, 3, '1 suggestions>3d deleted' ); C4::Suggestions::DelSuggestionsOlderThan(1); is( Koha::Suggestions->count, 2, '1 suggestions>1d deleted' ); }; $schema->storage->txn_rollback;