/* global confirmDelete */ /* exported uncheckbox isNotNull isNull isNum log calcTotalRow autoFillRow messenger updateCosts calcNewsuggTotal getAuthValueDropbox totalExceedsBudget budgetExceedsParent checkBudgetParent hideColumn showColumn showAllColumns hideAllColumns */ //======================================================================= //input validation: // acqui/uncertainprice.tmpl uses this function uncheckbox(form, field) { var price = new Number(form.elements['price' + field].value); var tmpprice = ""; var errmsg = __("ERROR: Price is not a valid number, please check the price and try again!"); if (isNaN(price)) { alert(errmsg); for(var i=0; i 0) { return false; } return true; } //Function returns false if v is not a number (if maybenull is 0, it also returns an error if the number is 0) function isNum(v,maybenull) { var n = new Number(v.value); if (isNaN(n)) { return false; } if (maybenull==0 && v.value=='') { return false; } return true; } //a logging function (a bit buggy, might open millions of log pages when initializing, but works fine after... function log(message) { if (!log.window_ || log.window_.closed) { var win = window.open("", null, "width=400,height=200," + "scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,status=no," + "location=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no"); if (!win) return; var doc = win.document; doc.write("Debug Log" + ""); doc.close(); log.window_ = win; } var logLine = log.window_.document.createElement("div"); logLine.appendChild(log.window_.document.createTextNode(message)); log.window_.document.body.appendChild(logLine); } //======================================================================= function getElementsByClass( searchClass, domNode, tagName) { if (domNode == null) domNode = document; if (tagName == null) tagName = '*'; var el = new Array(); var tags = domNode.getElementsByTagName(tagName); var tcl = " "+searchClass+" "; for(i=0,j=0; i 0 ) { remainingTotal.style.color = 'green'; } else { // if its negative, make it red.. remainingTotal.style.color = 'red'; } remainingTotal.textContent = remainingNew.toFixed(2) ; } function autoFillRow(bud_id) { var remainingTotal = document.getElementById("budget_est_"+bud_id); var remainingNew = new Number; var budgetTotal = document.getElementById("budget_tot_"+bud_id ).textContent; var arr = getElementsByClass("plan_entry_" + bud_id); budgetTotal = budgetTotal.replace(/\,/, ""); var qty = new Number; // get the totals var novalueArr = new Array(); for ( var i=0, len=arr.length; i

"); win.document.write(etc); win.document.write("

"); win.document.write("
"); } //======================================================================= // NEXT BLOCK IS USED BY NEWORDERBEMPTY function updateCosts(){ var quantity = new Number($("#quantity").val()); var discount = new Number($("#discount").val()); var listprice = new Number($("#listprice").val()); var currcode = new String($("#currency").val()); var exchangerate = new Number($("#currency_rate_"+currcode).val()); var gst_on=false; var rrp = new Number(listprice*exchangerate); var rep = new Number(listprice*exchangerate); var ecost = rrp; if ( 100-discount != 100 ) { //Prevent rounding issues if no discount ecost = new Number(Math.floor(rrp * (100 - discount )) / 100); } var total = new Number( ecost * quantity); $("#rrp").val(rrp.toFixed(2)); $("#replacementprice").val(rep.toFixed(2)); $("#ecost").val(ecost.toFixed(2)); $("#total").val(total.toFixed(2)); $("listprice").val(listprice.toFixed(2)); return true; } // Calculates total amount in a suggestion function calcNewsuggTotal(){ //collect values var quantity = Number(document.getElementById('quantity').value); var currcode = String(document.getElementById('currency').value); var price = Number(document.getElementById('price').value); var exchangerate = Number(document.getElementById('currency_rate_'+currcode).value); var total = Number(quantity*price*exchangerate); document.getElementById('total').value = total.toFixed(2); document.getElementById('price').value = price.toFixed(2); return true; } function getAuthValueDropbox( name, cat, destination, selected ) { if ( typeof(selected) == 'undefined' ) { selected = ""; } if (cat == null || cat == "") { $(destination).replaceWith(' ' ); return; } $.ajax({ url: "/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/ajax-getauthvaluedropbox.pl", data: { name: name, category: cat, default: selected }, async: false, success: function(data){ if(data === "0"){ $(destination).replaceWith(' ' ); }else{ $(destination).replaceWith(data); } } }); } //USED BY NEWORDEREMPTY.PL function totalExceedsBudget(budgetId, total) { var xmlhttp = null; xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); if ( typeof xmlhttp.overrideMimeType != 'undefined') { xmlhttp.overrideMimeType('text/xml'); } var url = '../acqui/check_budget_total.pl?budget_id=' + budgetId + "&total=" + total; xmlhttp.open('GET', url, false); xmlhttp.send(null); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) { actTotal = eval ( xmlhttp.responseText ); if ( Math.abs(actTotal) < Math.abs(total) ) { // if budget is to low :( return true ; } else { return false; } } } } //USED BY AQBUDGETS.TMPL function budgetExceedsParent(budgetTotal, budgetId, newBudgetParent, periodID) { var xmlhttp = null; xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); if ( typeof xmlhttp.overrideMimeType != 'undefined') { xmlhttp.overrideMimeType('text/xml'); } // make the call... yawn // var url = '../admin/check_parent_total.pl?budget_id=' + budgetId + '&parent_id=' + newBudgetParent + "&total=" + budgetTotal + "&period_id="+ periodID ; var url = '../admin/check_parent_total.pl?total=' + budgetTotal + "&period_id="+ periodID ; if (budgetId ) { url += '&budget_id=' + budgetId }; if ( newBudgetParent ) { url += '&parent_id=' + newBudgetParent}; xmlhttp.open('GET', url, false); xmlhttp.send(null); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) { // stupid JS... } else { // wait for the call to complete } }; var result = eval ( xmlhttp.responseText ); if (result == '1') { return "- " + __("Fund amount exceeds parent allocation") + "\n"; } else if (result == '2') { return "- " + __("Fund amount exceeds period allocation") + "\n"; } else { return false; } } //USED BY AQBUDGETS.TMPL function checkBudgetParent(budgetId, newBudgetParent) { var xmlhttp = null; xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); if ( typeof xmlhttp.overrideMimeType != 'undefined') { xmlhttp.overrideMimeType('text/xml'); } var url = '../admin/check_budget_parent.pl?budget_id=' + budgetId + '&new_parent=' + newBudgetParent; xmlhttp.open('GET', url, false); xmlhttp.send(null); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) { // do something with the results } else { // wait for the call to complete } }; var result = eval ( xmlhttp.responseText ); if (result == '1') { return "- " + __("New budget-parent is beneath budget") + "\n"; // } else if (result == '2') { // return "- New budget-parent has insufficent funds\n"; // } else { // return false; } } function hideColumn(num) { $("#hideall,#showall").prop("checked", false).parent().removeClass("selected"); $("#"+num).parent().removeClass("selected"); var hide = Number(num.replace("col","")) + 2; // hide header and cells matching the index $("#plan td:nth-child("+hide+"),#plan th:nth-child("+hide+")").toggle(); } function showColumn(num){ $("#hideall").prop("checked", false).parent().removeClass("selected"); $("#"+num).parent().addClass("selected"); // set the index of the table column to hide show = Number(num.replace("col","")) + 2; // hide header and cells matching the index $("#plan td:nth-child("+show+"),#plan th:nth-child("+show+")").toggle(); } function showAllColumns(){ $("#selections").find("input:checkbox").each(function () { $(this).prop("checked", true); }); $("#selections span").addClass("selected"); $("#plan td:nth-child(2),#plan tr th:nth-child(2)").nextAll().show(); $("#hideall").prop("checked", false).parent().removeClass("selected"); } function hideAllColumns(){ var allCols = $("#plan th").length; $("#selections").find("input:checkbox").each(function () { $(this).prop("checked", false); }); $("#selections span").removeClass("selected"); $("#plan td:nth-child(2),#plan th:nth-child(2)").nextUntil("th:nth-child("+(allCols-1)+"),td:nth-child("+(allCols-1)+")").hide(); // hide all but the last two columns $("#hideall").prop("checked", true).parent().addClass("selected"); } $(document).ready(function(){ $("#deletesupplier").on("click", function(){ confirmDelete(__("Are you sure you want to delete this vendor?") ); }); });