package C4::SearchMarcTest; # Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, # Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA use strict; require Exporter; use DBI; use C4::Context; use C4::Biblio; use C4::Date; use Date::Manip; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS); # set the version for version checking $VERSION = 0.02; =head1 NAME C4::Search - Functions for searching the Koha MARC catalog =head1 FUNCTIONS This module provides the searching facilities for the Koha MARC catalog A COPY of official SearchMarc, with some tests for inverted index table works only with 1 MARC tag/subfield =cut @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(&catalogsearch &findseealso &findsuggestion &getMARCnotes &getMARCsubjects); =head1 findsuggestion($dbh,$values); =head2 $dbh is a link to the DB handler. use C4::Context; my $dbh =C4::Context->dbh; =head2 $values is a word Searches words with the same soundex, ordered by frequency of use. Useful to suggest other searches to the users. =cut sub findsuggestion { my ($dbh,$values) = @_; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT count( * ) AS total, word FROM marc_word WHERE sndx_word = soundex( ? ) AND word <> ? GROUP BY word ORDER BY total DESC"); my @results; for(my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#{$values} ; $i++) { if (length(@$values[$i]) >=5) { $sth->execute(@$values[$i],@$values[$i]); my $resfound = 1; my @resline; while ((my ($count,$word) = $sth->fetchrow) and $resfound <=10) { push @results, "@$values[$i]|$word|$count"; # $results{@$values[$i]} = \@resline; $resfound++; } } } return \@results; } =head1 findseealso($dbh,$fields); =head2 $dbh is a link to the DB handler. use C4::Context; my $dbh =C4::Context->dbh; =head2 $fields is a reference to the fields array This function modify the @$fields array and add related fields to search on. =cut sub findseealso { my ($dbh, $fields) = @_; my $tagslib = MARCgettagslib ($dbh,1); for (my $i=0;$i<=$#{$fields};$i++) { my ($tag) =substr(@$fields[$i],1,3); my ($subfield) =substr(@$fields[$i],4,1); @$fields[$i].=','.$tagslib->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{seealso} if ($tagslib->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{seealso}); } } =head1 my ($count, @results) = catalogsearch($dbh, $tags, $and_or, $excluding, $operator, $value, $offset,$length,$orderby); =head2 $dbh is a link to the DB handler. use C4::Context; my $dbh =C4::Context->dbh; $tags,$and_or, $excluding, $operator, $value are references to array =head2 $tags contains the list of tags+subfields (for example : $@tags[0] = '200a') A field can be a list of fields : '200f','700a','700b','701a','701b' Example =head2 $and_or contains a list of strings containing and or or. The 1st value is useless. =head2 $excluding contains 0 or 1. If 1, then the request is negated. =head2 $operator contains contains,=,start,>,>=,<,<= the = and start work on the complete subfield. The contains operator works on every word in the subfield. examples : contains home, search home anywhere. = home, search a string being home. =head2 $value contains the value to search If it contains a * or a %, then the search is partial. =head2 $offset and $length returns $length results, beginning at $offset =head2 $orderby define the field used to order the request. Any field in the biblio/biblioitem tables can be used. DESC is possible too (for example title, title DESC,...) =head2 RETURNS returns an array containing hashes. The hash contains all biblio & biblioitems fields and a reference to an item hash. The "item hash contains one line for each callnumber & the number of items related to the callnumber. =cut =head2 my $marcnotesarray = &getMARCnotes($dbh,$bibid,$marcflavour); Returns a reference to an array containing all the notes stored in the MARC database for the given bibid. $marcflavour ("MARC21" or "UNIMARC") determines which tags are used for retrieving subjects. =head2 my $marcsubjctsarray = &getMARCsubjects($dbh,$bibid,$marcflavour); Returns a reference to an array containing all the subjects stored in the MARC database for the given bibid. $marcflavour ("MARC21" or "UNIMARC") determines which tags are used for retrieving subjects. =cut sub catalogsearch { my ($dbh, $tags, $and_or, $excluding, $operator, $value, $offset,$length,$orderby,$desc_or_asc) = @_; # "Normal" statements my @normal_tags = (); my @normal_and_or = (); my @normal_operator = (); my @normal_value = (); # Extracts the NOT statements from the list of statements my @not_tags = (); my @not_and_or = (); my @not_operator = (); my @not_value = (); my $any_not = 0; $orderby = "biblio.title" unless $orderby; $desc_or_asc = "ASC" unless $desc_or_asc; # the item.notforloan contains an integer. Every value <>0 means "book unavailable for loan". # but each library can have it's own table of meaning for each value. Get them # 1st search if there is a list of authorised values connected to items.notforloan my $sth = $dbh->prepare('select authorised_value from marc_subfield_structure where kohafield="items.notforloan"'); $sth->execute; my %notforloanstatus; my ($authorised_valuecode) = $sth->fetchrow; if ($authorised_valuecode) { $sth = $dbh->prepare("select authorised_value,lib from authorised_values where category=?"); $sth->execute($authorised_valuecode); while (my ($authorised_value,$lib) = $sth->fetchrow) { $notforloanstatus{$authorised_value} = $lib?$lib:$authorised_value; } } # # # marc_T_word PROOF OF CONCEPT BEGINNING # # fixme : only do a search on "contains every word" # misses : # - begins or is equal to # - excluding # - or # the global array result. my @result; for(my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#{$value} ; $i++) { # replace * by % @$value[$i] =~ s/\*/%/g; # remove % at the beginning @$value[$i] =~ s/^%//g; @$value[$i] =~ s/(\.|\?|\:|\!|\'|,|\-|\"|\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\}|\/)/ /g if @$operator[$i] eq "contains"; foreach my $word (split(/ /, @$value[$i])) # if operator is contains, splits the words in separate requests { # the array from this word my @thiswordresults; my $Tquery = $dbh->prepare("select tagsubfield,usedin from marc_Tword where tagsubfield in (@$tags[$i]) and word like ?"); $Tquery->execute($word); warn "EXECUTING select tagsubfield,usedin from marc_Tword where tagsubfield in (@$tags[$i]) and word like $word"; # get the list of biblionumber - title while (my ($tagsubfield,$usedin) = $Tquery->fetchrow) { # warn "$word with ".@$tags[$i]." used in $usedin"; # split it in an array my @lines = split /,/,$usedin; # and copy it to an hash. foreach my $line (@lines) { # warn "PUSHING $line" if $line; # the if $line avoid pushing the 1st entry, that is empty (usedin begins by a ,) push @thiswordresults, $line if $line; } } # now, as it's a AND, merge %results & %thiswordresults in 1 hash @result = @thiswordresults if $#result<0; #for the 1st loop, fill the global array my %intersect; my %union; my $x; # temp variable foreach $x (@result, @thiswordresults) { $union{$x}++ && $intersect{$x}++; } @result = keys %intersect; } } # we have biblionumber array. # now, sort it my @result = sort @result; #Now, loads title and author from [offset] to [offset]+[length] my $counter = $offset; # HINT : biblionumber as bn is important. The hash is fills biblionumber with items.biblionumber. # so if you dont' has an item, you get a not nice empty value. $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT biblio.biblionumber as bn,biblioitems.*,biblio.*, marc_biblio.bibid,itemtypes.notforloan,itemtypes.description FROM biblio, marc_biblio LEFT JOIN biblioitems on biblio.biblionumber = biblioitems.biblionumber LEFT JOIN itemtypes on itemtypes.itemtype=biblioitems.itemtype WHERE biblio.biblionumber = marc_biblio.biblionumber AND biblio.biblionumber = ?"); # # # marc_Tword Proof of concept # # my $subtitle; my $sth_subtitle = $dbh->prepare("SELECT subtitle FROM bibliosubtitle WHERE biblionumber=?"); # Added BY JF for Subtitles my @finalresult = (); my @CNresults=(); my $totalitems=0; my $oldline; my ($oldbibid, $oldauthor, $oldtitle); my $sth_itemCN = $dbh->prepare("select items.* from items where biblionumber=? and (itemlost = 0 or itemlost is NULL)"); my $sth_issue = $dbh->prepare("select date_due,returndate from issues where itemnumber=?"); # parse all biblios between start & end. warn "RESULT SIZE : ".$#result; while (($counter <= $#result) && ($counter <= ($offset + $length))) { # search & parse all items & note itemcallnumber # 1st, get the biblionumber $result[$counter] =~ /(.*)-(.*)/; $sth->execute($2); warn "EXECUTING SELECT biblio.biblionumber as bn,biblioitems.*,biblio.*, marc_biblio.bibid,itemtypes.notforloan,itemtypes.description FROM biblio, marc_biblio LEFT JOIN biblioitems on biblio.biblionumber = biblioitems.biblionumber LEFT JOIN itemtypes on itemtypes.itemtype=biblioitems.itemtype WHERE biblio.biblionumber = marc_biblio.biblionumber AND biblio.biblionumber = $2"; my $continue=1; my $line = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; my $biblionumber=$line->{bn}; # Return subtitles first ADDED BY JF $sth_subtitle->execute($biblionumber); warn "EXECUTING SELECT subtitle FROM bibliosubtitle WHERE biblionumber=$biblionumber"; my $subtitle_here.= $sth_subtitle->fetchrow." "; chop $subtitle_here; $subtitle = $subtitle_here; # /ADDED BY JF # $continue=0 unless $line->{bn}; # my $lastitemnumber; $sth_itemCN->execute($biblionumber); warn "EXECUTING itemCN select items.* from items where biblionumber=$biblionumber and (itemlost = 0 or itemlost is NULL)"; my @CNresults = (); my $notforloan=1; # to see if there is at least 1 item that can be issued while (my $item = $sth_itemCN->fetchrow_hashref) { # parse the result, putting holdingbranch & itemcallnumber in separate array # then all other fields in the main array # search if item is on loan my $date_due; $sth_issue->execute($item->{itemnumber}); warn "EXECUTING ISSUES select date_due,returndate from issues where itemnumber=".$item->{itemnumber}; while (my $loan = $sth_issue->fetchrow_hashref) { if ($loan->{date_due} and !$loan->{returndate}) { $date_due = $loan->{date_due}; } } # store this item my %lineCN; $lineCN{holdingbranch} = $item->{holdingbranch}; $lineCN{itemcallnumber} = $item->{itemcallnumber}; $lineCN{location} = $item->{location}; $lineCN{date_due} = format_date($date_due); $lineCN{notforloan} = $notforloanstatus{$line->{notforloan}} if ($line->{notforloan}); # setting not forloan if itemtype is not for loan $lineCN{notforloan} = $notforloanstatus{$item->{notforloan}} if ($item->{notforloan}); # setting not forloan it this item is not for loan $notforloan=0 unless ($item->{notforloan} or $item->{wthdrawn} or $item->{itemlost}); push @CNresults,\%lineCN; $totalitems++; } # save the biblio in the final array, with item and item issue status my %newline; %newline = %$line; $newline{totitem} = $totalitems; # if $totalitems == 0, check if it's being ordered. if ($totalitems == 0) { my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select count(*) from aqorders where biblionumber=? and datecancellationprinted is NULL"); $sth->execute($biblionumber); warn "EXECUTING select count(*) from aqorders where biblionumber=$biblionumber and datecancellationprinted is NULL"; my ($ordered) = $sth->fetchrow; $newline{onorder} = 1 if $ordered; } $newline{biblionumber} = $biblionumber; $newline{norequests} = 0; $newline{norequests} = 1 if ($line->{notforloan}); # itemtype not issuable $newline{norequests} = 1 if (!$line->{notforloan} && $notforloan); # itemtype issuable but all items not issuable for instance $newline{subtitle} = $subtitle; # put the subtitle in ADDED BY JF my @CNresults2= @CNresults; $newline{CN} = \@CNresults2; $newline{'even'} = 1 if $#finalresult % 2 == 0; $newline{'odd'} = 1 if $#finalresult % 2 == 1; $newline{'timestamp'} = format_date($newline{timestamp}); @CNresults = (); push @finalresult, \%newline; $totalitems=0; $counter++; } my $nbresults = $#result+1; return (\@finalresult, $nbresults); } # Creates the SQL Request sub create_request { my ($dbh,$tags, $and_or, $operator, $value) = @_; my $sql_tables; # will contain marc_subfield_table as m1,... my $sql_where1; # will contain the "true" where my $sql_where2 = "("; # will contain m1.bibid=m2.bibid my $nb_active=0; # will contain the number of "active" entries. an entry is active if a value is provided. my $nb_table=1; # will contain the number of table. ++ on each entry EXCEPT when an OR is provided. my $maxloop=8; # the maximum number of words to avoid a too complex search. $maxloop = @$value if @$value<$maxloop; for(my $i=0; $i<=$maxloop;$i++) { if (@$value[$i]) { $nb_active++; if ($nb_active==1) { if (@$operator[$i] eq "start") { $sql_tables .= "marc_subfield_table as m$nb_table,"; $sql_where1 .= "(m1.subfieldvalue like ".$dbh->quote("@$value[$i]%"); if (@$tags[$i]) { $sql_where1 .=" and concat(m1.tag,m1.subfieldcode) in (@$tags[$i])"; } $sql_where1.=")"; } elsif (@$operator[$i] eq "contains") { $sql_tables .= "marc_word as m$nb_table,"; $sql_where1 .= "(m1.word like ".$dbh->quote("@$value[$i]"); if (@$tags[$i]) { $sql_where1 .=" and m1.tagsubfield in (@$tags[$i])"; } $sql_where1.=")"; } else { $sql_tables .= "marc_subfield_table as m$nb_table,"; $sql_where1 .= "(m1.subfieldvalue @$operator[$i] ".$dbh->quote("@$value[$i]"); if (@$tags[$i]) { $sql_where1 .=" and concat(m1.tag,m1.subfieldcode) in (@$tags[$i])"; } $sql_where1.=")"; } } else { if (@$operator[$i] eq "start") { $nb_table++; $sql_tables .= "marc_subfield_table as m$nb_table,"; $sql_where1 .= "@$and_or[$i] (m$nb_table.subfieldvalue like ".$dbh->quote("@$value[$i]%"); if (@$tags[$i]) { $sql_where1 .=" and concat(m$nb_table.tag,m$nb_table.subfieldcode) in (@$tags[$i])"; } $sql_where1.=")"; $sql_where2 .= "m1.bibid=m$nb_table.bibid and "; } elsif (@$operator[$i] eq "contains") { if (@$and_or[$i] eq 'and') { $nb_table++; $sql_tables .= "marc_word as m$nb_table,"; $sql_where1 .= "@$and_or[$i] (m$nb_table.word like ".$dbh->quote("@$value[$i]"); if (@$tags[$i]) { $sql_where1 .=" and m$nb_table.tagsubfield in(@$tags[$i])"; } $sql_where1.=")"; $sql_where2 .= "m1.bibid=m$nb_table.bibid and "; } else { $sql_where1 .= "@$and_or[$i] (m$nb_table.word like ".$dbh->quote("@$value[$i]"); if (@$tags[$i]) { $sql_where1 .=" and m$nb_table.tagsubfield in (@$tags[$i])"; } $sql_where1.=")"; $sql_where2 .= "m1.bibid=m$nb_table.bibid and "; } } else { $nb_table++; $sql_tables .= "marc_subfield_table as m$nb_table,"; $sql_where1 .= "@$and_or[$i] (m$nb_table.subfieldvalue @$operator[$i] ".$dbh->quote(@$value[$i]); if (@$tags[$i]) { $sql_where1 .=" and concat(m$nb_table.tag,m$nb_table.subfieldcode) in (@$tags[$i])"; } $sql_where2 .= "m1.bibid=m$nb_table.bibid and "; $sql_where1.=")"; } } } } if($sql_where2 ne "(") # some datas added to sql_where2, processing { $sql_where2 = substr($sql_where2, 0, (length($sql_where2)-5)); # deletes the trailing ' and ' $sql_where2 .= ")"; } else # no sql_where2 statement, deleting '(' { $sql_where2 = ""; } chop $sql_tables; # deletes the trailing ',' return ($sql_tables, $sql_where1, $sql_where2); } sub getMARCnotes { my ($dbh, $bibid, $marcflavour) = @_; my ($mintag, $maxtag); if ($marcflavour eq "MARC21") { $mintag = "500"; $maxtag = "599"; } else { # assume unimarc if not marc21 $mintag = "300"; $maxtag = "399"; } my $sth=$dbh->prepare("SELECT subfieldvalue,tag FROM marc_subfield_table WHERE bibid=? AND tag BETWEEN ? AND ? ORDER BY tagorder"); $sth->execute($bibid,$mintag,$maxtag); my @marcnotes; my $note = ""; my $tag = ""; my $marcnote; while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_arrayref) { my $value=$data->[0]; my $thistag=$data->[1]; if ($value=~/\.$/) { $value=$value . " "; } if ($thistag ne $tag && $note ne "") { $marcnote = {marcnote => $note,}; push @marcnotes, $marcnote; $note=$value; $tag=$thistag; } if ($note ne $value) { $note = $note." ".$value; } } if ($note) { $marcnote = {marcnote => $note}; push @marcnotes, $marcnote; #load last tag into array } $sth->finish; $dbh->disconnect; my $marcnotesarray=\@marcnotes; return $marcnotesarray; } # end getMARCnotes sub getMARCsubjects { my ($dbh, $bibid, $marcflavour) = @_; my ($mintag, $maxtag); if ($marcflavour eq "MARC21") { $mintag = "600"; $maxtag = "699"; } else { # assume unimarc if not marc21 $mintag = "600"; $maxtag = "619"; } my $sth=$dbh->prepare("SELECT subfieldvalue,subfieldcode FROM marc_subfield_table WHERE bibid=? AND tag BETWEEN ? AND ? ORDER BY tagorder"); $sth->execute($bibid,$mintag,$maxtag); my @marcsubjcts; my $subjct = ""; my $subfield = ""; my $marcsubjct; while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_arrayref) { my $value = $data->[0]; my $subfield = $data->[1]; if ($subfield eq "a" && $value ne $subjct) { $marcsubjct = {MARCSUBJCT => $value,}; push @marcsubjcts, $marcsubjct; $subjct = $value; } } $sth->finish; $dbh->disconnect; my $marcsubjctsarray=\@marcsubjcts; return $marcsubjctsarray; } #end getMARCsubjects END { } # module clean-up code here (global destructor) 1; __END__ =back =head1 AUTHOR Koha Developement team =cut