#!/usr/bin/perl # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, # Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA =head1 member-search.pl Member Search.pl script used to search for members to add to a routing list =cut use strict; use warnings; use CGI; use C4::Auth; # get_template_and_user use C4::Output; use C4::Members; # BornameSearch use C4::Branch; use C4::Category; use File::Basename; my $cgi = new CGI; my $theme = $cgi->param('theme') || "default"; my $resultsperpage = $cgi->param('resultsperpage')||C4::Context->preference("PatronsPerPage")||20; my $startfrom = $cgi->param('startfrom')||1; my $patron = $cgi->Vars; foreach (keys %$patron){ delete $$patron{$_} unless($$patron{$_}); } my @categories=C4::Category->all; my $branches=(defined $$patron{branchcode}?GetBranchesLoop($$patron{branchcode}):GetBranchesLoop()); my %categories_dislay; my ($template, $loggedinuser, $cookie); ($template, $loggedinuser, $cookie) = get_template_and_user({template_name => "serials/member-search.tmpl", query => $cgi, type => "intranet", authnotrequired => 0, flagsrequired => {borrowers => 1}, }); foreach my $category (@categories){ my $hash={ category_description=>$$category{description}, category_type=>$$category{category_type} }; $categories_dislay{$$category{categorycode}} = $hash; } $template->param( "AddPatronLists_".C4::Context->preference("AddPatronLists")=> "1", ); if (C4::Context->preference("AddPatronLists")=~/code/){ $categories[0]->{'first'}=1; } my $member=$cgi->param('member'); my $orderby=$cgi->param('orderby'); $orderby = "surname,firstname" unless $orderby; $member =~ s/,//g; #remove any commas from search string $member =~ s/\*/%/g; my ($count,$results); if (C4::Context->preference("IndependantBranches")){ if (C4::Context->userenv && C4::Context->userenv->{flags} % 2 !=1 && C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'}){ $$patron{branchcode}=C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'} unless (C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'} eq "insecure"); } } $$patron{firstname}.="\%" if ($$patron{firstname}); $$patron{surname}.="\%" if ($$patron{surname}); my @searchpatron; push @searchpatron, $member if ($member); push @searchpatron, $patron if (keys %$patron); my $from= ($startfrom-1)*$resultsperpage; my $to=$from+$resultsperpage; #($results)=Search(\@searchpatron,{surname=>1,firstname=>1},[$from,$to],undef,["firstname","surname","email","othernames"] ) if (@searchpatron); ($results)=Search(\@searchpatron,{surname=>1,firstname=>1},undef,undef,["firstname","surname","email","othernames","cardnumber"],"start_with" ) if (@searchpatron); if ($results){ $count =scalar(@$results); } my @resultsdata; my $to=($count>$to?$to:$count); my $index=$from; foreach my $borrower(@$results[$from..$to-1]){ #find out stats $$borrower{'dateexpiry'}= C4::Dates->new($$borrower{'dateexpiry'},'iso')->output('syspref'); my %row = ( count => $index++, %$borrower, %{$categories_dislay{$$borrower{categorycode}}}, ); push(@resultsdata, \%row); } if ($$patron{branchcode}){ foreach my $branch (grep{$_->{value} eq $$patron{branchcode}}@$branches){ $$branch{selected}=1; } } if ($$patron{categorycode}){ foreach my $category (grep{$_->{categorycode} eq $$patron{categorycode}}@categories){ $$category{selected}=1; } } my %parameters= ( %$patron , 'orderby' => $orderby , 'resultsperpage' => $resultsperpage , 'type'=> 'intranet'); my $base_url = 'member.pl?&' . join( '&', map { "$_=$parameters{$_}" } (keys %parameters) ); $template->param( paginationbar => pagination_bar( $base_url, int( $count / $resultsperpage ) + 1, $startfrom, 'startfrom' ), startfrom => $startfrom, from => ($startfrom-1)*$resultsperpage+1, to => $to, multipage => ($count != $to+1 || $startfrom!=1), ); $template->param( branchloop=>$branches, categoryloop=>\@categories, ); $template->param( searching => "1", actionname => basename($0), %$patron, numresults => $count, resultsloop => \@resultsdata, ); output_html_with_http_headers $cgi, $cookie, $template->output;