#!/usr/bin/perl # # This Koha test module is a stub! # Add more tests here!!! use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use YAML; use C4::Debug; require C4::Context; use Test::More tests => 208; use Test::MockModule; use MARC::Record; use File::Spec; use File::Basename; use File::Find; use Test::Warn; use File::Temp qw/ tempdir /; use File::Path; use DBI; # work around spurious wide character warnings binmode Test::More->builder->output, ":utf8"; binmode Test::More->builder->failure_output, ":utf8"; our $child; our $datadir; sub index_sample_records_and_launch_zebra { my ($datadir, $indexing_mode, $marc_type) = @_; my $sourcedir = dirname(__FILE__) . "/data"; unlink("$datadir/zebra.log"); if (-f "$sourcedir/${marc_type}/zebraexport/biblio/exported_records") { my $zebra_bib_cfg = ($indexing_mode eq 'dom') ? 'zebra-biblios-dom.cfg' : 'zebra-biblios.cfg'; system("zebraidx -c $datadir/etc/koha/zebradb/$zebra_bib_cfg -v none,fatal,warn -g iso2709 -d biblios init"); system("zebraidx -c $datadir/etc/koha/zebradb/$zebra_bib_cfg -v none,fatal,warn -g iso2709 -d biblios update $sourcedir/${marc_type}/zebraexport/biblio"); system("zebraidx -c $datadir/etc/koha/zebradb/$zebra_bib_cfg -v none,fatal,warn -g iso2709 -d biblios commit"); } if (-f "$sourcedir/${marc_type}/zebraexport/authority/exported_records") { my $zebra_auth_cfg = ($indexing_mode eq 'dom') ? 'zebra-authorities-dom.cfg' : 'zebra-authorities.cfg'; system("zebraidx -c $datadir/etc/koha/zebradb/$zebra_auth_cfg -v none,fatal,warn -g iso2709 -d authorities init"); system("zebraidx -c $datadir/etc/koha/zebradb/$zebra_auth_cfg -v none,fatal,warn -g iso2709 -d authorities update $sourcedir/${marc_type}/zebraexport/authority"); system("zebraidx -c $datadir/etc/koha/zebradb/$zebra_auth_cfg -v none,fatal,warn -g iso2709 -d authorities commit"); } $child = fork(); if ($child == 0) { exec("zebrasrv -f $datadir/etc/koha-conf.xml -v none,request -l $datadir/zebra.log"); exit; } sleep(1); } sub cleanup { if ($child) { kill 9, $child; # Clean up the Zebra files since the child process was just shot rmtree $datadir; } } # Fall back to make sure that the Zebra process # and files get cleaned up END { cleanup(); } our $QueryStemming = 0; our $QueryAutoTruncate = 0; our $QueryWeightFields = 0; our $QueryFuzzy = 0; our $QueryRemoveStopwords = 0; our $UseQueryParser = 0; our $marcflavour = 'MARC21'; our $contextmodule = new Test::MockModule('C4::Context'); $contextmodule->mock('_new_dbh', sub { my $dbh = DBI->connect( 'DBI:Mock:', '', '' ) || die "Cannot create handle: $DBI::errstr\n"; return $dbh }); $contextmodule->mock('preference', sub { my ($self, $pref) = @_; if ($pref eq 'marcflavour') { return $marcflavour; } elsif ($pref eq 'QueryStemming') { return $QueryStemming; } elsif ($pref eq 'QueryAutoTruncate') { return $QueryAutoTruncate; } elsif ($pref eq 'QueryWeightFields') { return $QueryWeightFields; } elsif ($pref eq 'QueryFuzzy') { return $QueryFuzzy; } elsif ($pref eq 'QueryRemoveStopwords') { return $QueryRemoveStopwords; } elsif ($pref eq 'UseQueryParser') { return $UseQueryParser; } elsif ($pref eq 'maxRecordsForFacets') { return 20; } elsif ($pref eq 'FacetLabelTruncationLength') { return 20; } elsif ($pref eq 'OpacHiddenItems') { return ''; } elsif ($pref eq 'AlternateHoldingsField') { return '490av'; } elsif ($pref eq 'authoritysep') { return '--'; } else { warn "The syspref $pref was requested but I don't know what to say; this indicates that the test requires updating" unless $pref =~ m/(XSLT|item|branch|holding|image)/i; return 0; } }); $contextmodule->mock('queryparser', sub { my $QParser = Koha::QueryParser::Driver::PQF->new(); $QParser->load_config("$datadir/etc/searchengine/queryparser.yaml"); return $QParser; }); sub mock_marcfromkohafield { my $marc_type = shift; if ($marc_type eq 'marc21') { $contextmodule->mock('marcfromkohafield', sub { return { '' => { 'biblio.biblionumber' => [ '999', 'c' ], 'items.barcode' => ['952', 'p' ], 'items.booksellerid' => ['952', 'e' ], 'items.ccode' => ['952', '8' ], 'items.cn_sort' => ['952', '6' ], 'items.cn_source' => ['952', '2' ], 'items.coded_location_qualifier' => ['952', 'f' ], 'items.copynumber' => ['952', 't' ], 'items.damaged' => ['952', '4' ], 'items.dateaccessioned' => ['952', 'd' ], 'items.datelastborrowed' => ['952', 's' ], 'items.datelastseen' => ['952', 'r' ], 'items.enumchron' => ['952', 'h' ], 'items.holdingbranch' => ['952', 'b' ], 'items.homebranch' => ['952', 'a' ], 'items.issues' => ['952', 'l' ], 'items.itemcallnumber' => ['952', 'o' ], 'items.itemlost' => ['952', '1' ], 'items.itemnotes' => ['952', 'z' ], 'items.itemnumber' => ['952', '9' ], 'items.itype' => ['952', 'y' ], 'items.location' => ['952', 'c' ], 'items.materials' => ['952', '3' ], 'items.nonpublicnote' => ['952', 'x' ], 'items.notforloan' => ['952', '7' ], 'items.onloan' => ['952', 'q' ], 'items.price' => ['952', 'g' ], 'items.renewals' => ['952', 'm' ], 'items.replacementprice' => ['952', 'v' ], 'items.replacementpricedate' => ['952', 'w' ], 'items.reserves' => ['952', 'n' ], 'items.restricted' => ['952', '5' ], 'items.stack' => ['952', 'j' ], 'items.uri' => ['952', 'u' ], 'items.withdrawn' => ['952', '0' ] } }; }); } } sub run_marc21_search_tests { my $indexing_mode = shift; $datadir = tempdir(); system(dirname(__FILE__) . "/zebra_config.pl $datadir marc21 $indexing_mode"); mock_marcfromkohafield('marc21'); my $context = new C4::Context("$datadir/etc/koha-conf.xml"); $context->set_context(); use_ok('C4::Search'); # set search syspreferences to a known starting point $QueryStemming = 0; $QueryAutoTruncate = 0; $QueryWeightFields = 0; $QueryFuzzy = 0; $QueryRemoveStopwords = 0; $UseQueryParser = 0; $marcflavour = 'MARC21'; foreach my $string ("Leçon","modèles") { my @results=C4::Search::_remove_stopwords($string,"kw"); $debug && warn "$string ",Dump(@results); ok($results[0] eq $string,"$string is not modified"); } foreach my $string ("A book about the stars") { my @results=C4::Search::_remove_stopwords($string,"kw"); $debug && warn "$string ",Dump(@results); ok($results[0] ne $string,"$results[0] from $string"); } my $indexes = C4::Search::getIndexes(); is(scalar(grep(/^ti$/, @$indexes)), 1, "Title index supported"); my $bibliomodule = new Test::MockModule('C4::Biblio'); $bibliomodule->mock('_get_inverted_marc_field_map', sub { my %hash = ( '' => { '245' => { 'sfs' => { 'a' => [ [ 'biblio', 'title' ] ], 'b' => [ [ 'bibliosubtitle', 'subtitle' ] ] }, 'list' => [ [ 'a', 'biblio', 'title' ], [ 'b', 'bibliosubtitle', 'subtitle' ] ] }, '100' => { 'sfs' => { 'a' => [ [ 'biblio', 'author' ] ] }, 'list' => [ [ 'a', 'biblio', 'author' ] ] }, '999' => { 'sfs' => { 'c' => [ [ 'biblio', 'biblionumber' ] ], 'd' => [ [ 'biblioitems', 'biblioitemnumber' ] ] }, 'list' => [ [ 'd', 'biblioitems', 'biblioitemnumber' ], [ 'c', 'biblio', 'biblionumber' ] ] }, '020' => { 'sfs' => { 'a' => [ [ 'biblioitems', 'isbn' ] ] }, 'list' => [ [ 'a', 'biblioitems', 'isbn' ] ] } } ); return \%hash; }); my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; $dbh->{mock_add_resultset} = { sql => 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM items', results => [ [ 'rows' ], # seems like $sth->rows is getting called # implicitly, so we need this to make # DBD::Mock return all of the results [ 'itemnumber' ], [ 'biblionumber' ], [ 'biblioitemnumber' ], [ 'barcode' ], [ 'dateaccessioned' ], [ 'booksellerid' ], [ 'homebranch' ], [ 'price' ], [ 'replacementprice' ], [ 'replacementpricedate' ], [ 'datelastborrowed' ], [ 'datelastseen' ], [ 'stack' ], [ 'notforloan' ], [ 'damaged' ], [ 'itemlost' ], [ 'withdrawn' ], [ 'itemcallnumber' ], [ 'issues' ], [ 'renewals' ], [ 'reserves' ], [ 'restricted' ], [ 'itemnotes' ], [ 'nonpublicnote' ], [ 'holdingbranch' ], [ 'paidfor' ], [ 'timestamp' ], [ 'location' ], [ 'permanent_location' ], [ 'onloan' ], [ 'cn_source' ], [ 'cn_sort' ], [ 'ccode' ], [ 'materials' ], [ 'uri' ], [ 'itype' ], [ 'more_subfields_xml' ], [ 'enumchron' ], [ 'copynumber' ], [ 'stocknumber' ], ] }; my %branches = ( 'CPL' => { 'branchaddress1' => 'Jefferson Summit', 'branchcode' => 'CPL', 'branchname' => 'Centerville', }, 'FFL' => { 'branchaddress1' => 'River Station', 'branchcode' => 'FFL', 'branchname' => 'Fairfield', }, 'FPL' => { 'branchaddress1' => 'Hickory Squere', 'branchcode' => 'FPL', 'branchname' => 'Fairview', }, 'FRL' => { 'branchaddress1' => 'Smith Heights', 'branchcode' => 'FRL', 'branchname' => 'Franklin', }, 'IPT' => { 'branchaddress1' => '', 'branchcode' => 'IPT', 'branchname' => "Institut Protestant de Théologie", }, 'LPL' => { 'branchaddress1' => 'East Hills', 'branchcode' => 'LPL', 'branchname' => 'Liberty', }, 'MPL' => { 'branchaddress1' => '372 Forest Street', 'branchcode' => 'MPL', 'branchname' => 'Midway', }, 'PVL' => { 'branchaddress1' => 'Meadow Grove', 'branchcode' => 'PVL', 'branchname' => 'Pleasant Valley', }, 'RPL' => { 'branchaddress1' => 'Johnson Terrace', 'branchcode' => 'RPL', 'branchname' => 'Riverside', }, 'SPL' => { 'branchaddress1' => 'Highland Boulevard', 'branchcode' => 'SPL', 'branchname' => 'Springfield', }, 'S' => { 'branchaddress1' => '', 'branchcode' => 'S', 'branchname' => 'Test', }, 'TPL' => { 'branchaddress1' => 'Valley Way', 'branchcode' => 'TPL', 'branchname' => 'Troy', }, 'UPL' => { 'branchaddress1' => 'Chestnut Hollow', 'branchcode' => 'UPL', 'branchname' => 'Union', }, ); my %itemtypes = ( 'BK' => { 'imageurl' => 'bridge/book.gif', 'summary' => '', 'itemtype' => 'BK', 'description' => 'Books' }, 'CF' => { 'imageurl' => 'bridge/computer_file.gif', 'summary' => '', 'itemtype' => 'CF', 'description' => 'Computer Files' }, 'CR' => { 'imageurl' => 'bridge/periodical.gif', 'summary' => '', 'itemtype' => 'CR', 'description' => 'Continuing Resources' }, 'MP' => { 'imageurl' => 'bridge/map.gif', 'summary' => '', 'itemtype' => 'MP', 'description' => 'Maps' }, 'MU' => { 'imageurl' => 'bridge/sound.gif', 'summary' => '', 'itemtype' => 'MU', 'description' => 'Music' }, 'MX' => { 'imageurl' => 'bridge/kit.gif', 'summary' => '', 'itemtype' => 'MX', 'description' => 'Mixed Materials' }, 'REF' => { 'imageurl' => '', 'summary' => '', 'itemtype' => 'REF', 'description' => 'Reference' }, 'VM' => { 'imageurl' => 'bridge/dvd.gif', 'summary' => '', 'itemtype' => 'VM', 'description' => 'Visual Materials' }, ); index_sample_records_and_launch_zebra($datadir, $indexing_mode, 'marc21'); my ($biblionumber, $title); my $record = MARC::Record->new; $record->add_fields( [ '020', ' ', ' ', a => '9788522421718' ], [ '245', '0', '0', a => 'Administração da produção /' ] ); ($biblionumber,undef,$title) = FindDuplicate($record); is($biblionumber, 51, 'Found duplicate with ISBN'); $record = MARC::Record->new; $record->add_fields( [ '100', '1', ' ', a => 'Carter, Philip J.' ], [ '245', '1', '4', a => 'Test your emotional intelligence :' ] ); ($biblionumber,undef,$title) = FindDuplicate($record); is($biblionumber, 203, 'Found duplicate with author/title'); # Testing SimpleSearch my ( $error, $marcresults, $total_hits ) = SimpleSearch("book", 0, 9); is(scalar @$marcresults, 9, "SimpleSearch retrieved requested number of records"); is($total_hits, 101, "SimpleSearch for 'book' matched right number of records"); is($error, undef, "SimpleSearch does not return an error when successful"); my $marcresults2; ( $error, $marcresults2, $total_hits ) = SimpleSearch("book", 5, 5); is($marcresults->[5], $marcresults2->[0], "SimpleSearch cursor functions"); ( $error, $marcresults, $total_hits ) = SimpleSearch("kw=book", 0, 10); is($total_hits, 101, "SimpleSearch handles simple CCL"); ( $error, $marcresults, $total_hits ) = SimpleSearch("Music-number=49631-2", 0, 10); is($total_hits, 1, "SimpleSearch on music publisher number works (bug 8252)"); ( $error, $marcresults, $total_hits ) = SimpleSearch("Identifier-publisher-for-music=49631-2", 0, 10); is($total_hits, 1, "SimpleSearch on music publisher number works using Identifier-publisher-for-music (bug 8252)"); # Testing getRecords my $results_hashref; my $facets_loop; ( undef, $results_hashref, $facets_loop ) = getRecords('kw:book', 'book', [], [ 'biblioserver' ], '19', 0, undef, \%branches, \%itemtypes, 'ccl', undef); is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 101, "getRecords keyword search for 'book' matched right number of records"); is(scalar @{$results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}}, 19, "getRecords returned requested number of records"); my $record5 = $results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[5]; ( undef, $results_hashref, $facets_loop ) = getRecords('kw:book', 'book', [], [ 'biblioserver' ], '20', 5, undef, \%branches, \%itemtypes, 'ccl', undef); ok(!defined $results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[0] && !defined $results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[1] && !defined $results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[2] && !defined $results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[3] && !defined $results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[4] && $results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[5] eq $record5, "getRecords cursor works"); ( undef, $results_hashref, $facets_loop ) = getRecords('ti:book', 'ti:book', [], [ 'biblioserver' ], '20', 0, undef, \%branches, \%itemtypes, 'ccl', undef); is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 11, "getRecords title search for 'book' matched right number of records"); ( undef, $results_hashref, $facets_loop ) = getRecords('au:Lessig', 'au:Lessig', [], [ 'biblioserver' ], '20', 0, undef, \%branches, \%itemtypes, 'ccl', undef); is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 4, "getRecords title search for 'Australia' matched right number of records"); ( undef, $results_hashref, $facets_loop ) = getRecords('salud', 'salud', [], [ 'biblioserver' ], '19', 0, undef, \%branches, \%itemtypes, 'ccl', undef); ok(MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[0])->title_proper() =~ m/^Efectos del ambiente/ && MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[7])->title_proper() eq 'Salud y seguridad de los trabajadores del sector salud: manual para gerentes y administradores^ies' && MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[18])->title_proper() =~ m/^Indicadores de resultados identificados/ , "Simple relevance sorting in getRecords matches old behavior"); ( undef, $results_hashref, $facets_loop ) = getRecords('salud', 'salud', [ 'author_az' ], [ 'biblioserver' ], '38', 0, undef, \%branches, \%itemtypes, 'ccl', undef); ok(MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[0])->title_proper() =~ m/la enfermedad laboral\^ies$/ && MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[6])->title_proper() =~ m/^Indicadores de resultados identificados/ && MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[18])->title_proper() eq 'World health statistics 2009^ien' , "Simple ascending author sorting in getRecords matches old behavior"); ( undef, $results_hashref, $facets_loop ) = getRecords('salud', 'salud', [ 'author_za' ], [ 'biblioserver' ], '38', 0, undef, \%branches, \%itemtypes, 'ccl', undef); ok(MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[0])->title_proper() eq 'World health statistics 2009^ien' && MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[12])->title_proper() =~ m/^Indicadores de resultados identificados/ && MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[18])->title_proper() =~ m/la enfermedad laboral\^ies$/ , "Simple descending author sorting in getRecords matches old behavior"); ( undef, $results_hashref, $facets_loop ) = getRecords('salud', 'salud', [ 'pubdate_asc' ], [ 'biblioserver' ], '38', 0, undef, \%branches, \%itemtypes, 'ccl', undef); ok(MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[0])->title_proper() eq 'Manual de higiene industrial^ies' && MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[7])->title_proper() =~ m/seguridad e higiene del trabajo\^ies$/ && MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[18])->title_proper() =~ m/^Indicadores de resultados identificados/ , "Simple ascending publication date sorting in getRecords matches old behavior"); ( undef, $results_hashref, $facets_loop ) = getRecords('salud', 'salud', [ 'pubdate_dsc' ], [ 'biblioserver' ], '38', 0, undef, \%branches, \%itemtypes, 'ccl', undef); ok(MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[0])->title_proper() =~ m/^Estado de salud/ && MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[7])->title_proper() eq 'World health statistics 2009^ien' && MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[18])->title_proper() eq 'Manual de higiene industrial^ies' , "Simple descending publication date sorting in getRecords matches old behavior"); ( undef, $results_hashref, $facets_loop ) = getRecords('books', 'books', [ 'relevance' ], [ 'biblioserver' ], '20', 0, undef, \%branches, \%itemtypes, undef, 1); $record = MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[0]); is($record->title_proper(), 'books', "Scan returned requested item"); is($record->subfield('100', 'a'), 2, "Scan returned correct number of records matching term"); # Time to test buildQuery and searchResults too. my ( $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ); ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'salud' ], [], [], [], 0, 'en'); like($query, qr/kw\W.*salud/, "Built CCL keyword query"); ($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0); is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 19, "getRecords generated keyword search for 'salud' matched right number of records"); my @newresults = searchResults('opac', $query_desc, $results_hashref->{'biblioserver'}->{'hits'}, 18, 0, 0, $results_hashref->{'biblioserver'}->{"RECORDS"}); is(scalar @newresults,18, "searchResults returns requested number of hits"); ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([ 'and' ], [ 'salud', 'higiene' ], [], [], [], 0, 'en'); like($query, qr/kw\W.*salud\W.*and.*kw\W.*higiene/, "Built composed explicit-and CCL keyword query"); ($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0); is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 3, "getRecords generated composed keyword search for 'salud' explicit-and 'higiene' matched right number of records"); ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([ 'or' ], [ 'salud', 'higiene' ], [], [], [], 0, 'en'); like($query, qr/kw\W.*salud\W.*or.*kw\W.*higiene/, "Built composed explicit-or CCL keyword query"); ($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0); is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 20, "getRecords generated composed keyword search for 'salud' explicit-or 'higiene' matched right number of records"); ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'salud', 'higiene' ], [], [], [], 0, 'en'); like($query, qr/kw\W.*salud\W.*and.*kw\W.*higiene/, "Built composed implicit-and CCL keyword query"); ($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0); is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 3, "getRecords generated composed keyword search for 'salud' implicit-and 'higiene' matched right number of records"); ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'salud' ], [ 'kw' ], [ 'su-to:Laboratorios' ], [], 0, 'en'); like($query, qr/kw\W.*salud\W*and\W*su-to\W.*Laboratorios/, "Faceted query generated correctly"); unlike($query_desc, qr/Laboratorios/, "Facets not included in query description"); ($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0); is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 2, "getRecords generated faceted search matched right number of records"); ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ '' ], [ 'kw' ], [ 'mc-itype:MP', 'mc-itype:MU' ], [], 0, 'en'); ($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0); is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 2, "getRecords generated mc-faceted search matched right number of records"); ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ '' ], [ 'kw' ], [ 'mc-loc:GEN', 'branch:FFL' ], [], 0, 'en'); ($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0); is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 2, "getRecords generated multi-faceted search matched right number of records"); ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'NEKLS' ], [ 'Code-institution' ], [], [], 0, 'en'); ($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0); is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 12, 'search using index whose name contains "ns" returns expected results (bug 10271)'); $UseQueryParser = 1; ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'book' ], [ 'kw' ], [], [], 0, 'en'); ($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0); is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 101, "Search for 'book' with index set to 'kw' returns 101 hits"); ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([ 'and' ], [ 'book', 'another' ], [ 'kw', 'kw' ], [], [], 0, 'en'); ($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0); is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 1, "Search for 'kw:book && kw:another' returns 1 hit"); $UseQueryParser = 0; # FIXME: the availability limit does not actually work, so for the moment we # are just checking that it behaves consistently ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ '' ], [ 'kw' ], [ 'available' ], [], 0, 'en'); ($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0); is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 26, "getRecords generated availability-limited search matched right number of records"); @newresults = searchResults('opac', $query_desc, $results_hashref->{'biblioserver'}->{'hits'}, 17, 0, 0, $results_hashref->{'biblioserver'}->{"RECORDS"}); my $allavailable = 'true'; foreach my $result (@newresults) { $allavailable = 'false' unless $result->{availablecount} > 0; } is ($allavailable, 'true', 'All records have at least one item available'); ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'pqf=@attr 1=_ALLRECORDS @attr 2=103 ""' ], [], [], [], 0, 'en'); ($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0); is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 179, "getRecords on _ALLRECORDS PQF returned all records"); ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'pqf=@attr 1=1016 "Lessig"' ], [], [], [], 0, 'en'); ($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0); is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 4, "getRecords PQF author search for Lessig returned proper number of matches"); ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'ccl=au:Lessig' ], [], [], [], 0, 'en'); ($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0); is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 4, "getRecords CCL author search for Lessig returned proper number of matches"); ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'cql=dc.author any lessig' ], [], [], [], 0, 'en'); ($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0); is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 4, "getRecords CQL author search for Lessig returned proper number of matches"); $QueryStemming = $QueryAutoTruncate = $QueryFuzzy = $QueryRemoveStopwords = 0; $QueryWeightFields = 1; ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'salud' ], [ 'kw' ], [], [], 0, 'en'); ($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0); is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 19, "Weighted query returned correct number of results"); if ($indexing_mode eq 'grs1') { is(MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[0])->title_proper(), 'Salud y seguridad de los trabajadores del sector salud: manual para gerentes y administradores^ies', "Weighted query returns best match first"); } else { local $TODO = "Query weighting does not behave exactly the same in DOM vs. GRS"; is(MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[0])->title_proper(), 'Salud y seguridad de los trabajadores del sector salud: manual para gerentes y administradores^ies', "Weighted query returns best match first"); } $QueryStemming = $QueryWeightFields = $QueryFuzzy = $QueryRemoveStopwords = 0; $QueryAutoTruncate = 1; ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'medic' ], [ 'kw' ], [], [], 0, 'en'); ($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0); is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 5, "Search for 'medic' returns matches with automatic truncation on"); ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'medic*' ], [ 'kw' ], [], [], 0, 'en'); ($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0); is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 5, "Search for 'medic*' returns matches with automatic truncation on"); $QueryStemming = $QueryFuzzy = $QueryRemoveStopwords = $QueryAutoTruncate = 0; $QueryWeightFields = 1; ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'web application' ], [ 'kw' ], [], [], 0, 'en'); ($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0); is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 1, "Search for 'web application' returns one hit with QueryWeightFields on"); ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'web "application' ], [ 'kw' ], [], [], 0, 'en'); ($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0); is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 1, "Search for 'web \"application' returns one hit with QueryWeightFields on (bug 7518)"); $QueryStemming = $QueryWeightFields = $QueryFuzzy = $QueryRemoveStopwords = $QueryAutoTruncate = 0; ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'medic' ], [ 'kw' ], [], [], 0, 'en'); ($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0); is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, undef, "Search for 'medic' returns no matches with automatic truncation off"); ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'medic*' ], [ 'kw' ], [], [], 0, 'en'); ($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0); is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 5, "Search for 'medic*' returns matches with automatic truncation off"); $QueryStemming = $QueryWeightFields = 1; $QueryFuzzy = $QueryRemoveStopwords = $QueryAutoTruncate = 0; ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'pressed' ], [ 'kw' ], [], [], 0, 'en'); ($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0); is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 7, "Search for 'pressed' returns matches when stemming (and query weighting) is on"); $QueryStemming = $QueryWeightFields = $QueryFuzzy = $QueryRemoveStopwords = $QueryAutoTruncate = 0; ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'pressed' ], [ 'kw' ], [], [], 0, 'en'); ($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0); is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, undef, "Search for 'pressed' returns no matches when stemming is off"); # Let's see what happens when we pass bad data into these routines. # We have to catch warnings since we're not very good about returning errors. warning_like { ( $error, $marcresults, $total_hits ) = SimpleSearch("@==ccl blah", 0, 9) } qr/CCL parsing error/, "SimpleSearch warns about CCL parsing error with nonsense query"; isnt($error, undef, "SimpleSearch returns an error when passed gibberish"); warning_like {( undef, $results_hashref, $facets_loop ) = getRecords('kw:book', 'book', [], [ 'biblioserver' ], '19', 0, undef, \%branches, \%itemtypes, 'nonsense', undef) } qr/Unknown query_type/, "getRecords warns about unknown query type"; warning_like {( undef, $results_hashref, $facets_loop ) = getRecords('pqf=@attr 1=4 "title"', 'pqf=@attr 1=4 "title"', [], [ 'biblioserver' ], '19', 0, undef, \%branches, \%itemtypes, '', undef) } qr/WARNING: query problem/, "getRecords warns when query type is not specified for non-CCL query"; # Let's just test a few other bits and bobs, just for fun ($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords("Godzina pąsowej róży","Godzina pąsowej róży",[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0); @newresults = searchResults('intranet', $query_desc, $results_hashref->{'biblioserver'}->{'hits'}, 17, 0, 0, $results_hashref->{'biblioserver'}->{"RECORDS"}); is($newresults[0]->{'alternateholdings_count'}, 1, 'Alternate holdings filled in correctly'); ## Regression test for Bug 10741 # make one of the test items appear to be in transit my $circ_module = new Test::MockModule('C4::Circulation'); $circ_module->mock('GetTransfers', sub { my $itemnumber = shift; if ($itemnumber == 11) { return ('2013-07-19', 'MPL', 'CPL'); } else { return; } }); ($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords("TEST12121212","TEST12121212",[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0); @newresults = searchResults('intranet', $query_desc, $results_hashref->{'biblioserver'}->{'hits'}, 17, 0, 0, $results_hashref->{'biblioserver'}->{"RECORDS"}); ok(!exists($newresults[0]->{norequests}), 'presence of a transit does not block hold request action (bug 10741)'); ## Regression test for bug 10684 ( undef, $results_hashref, $facets_loop ) = getRecords('ti:punctuation', 'punctuation', [], [ 'biblioserver' ], '19', 0, undef, \%branches, \%itemtypes, 'ccl', undef); is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 1, "search for ti:punctuation returned expected number of records"); @newresults = searchResults('intranet', $query_desc, $results_hashref->{'biblioserver'}->{'hits'}, 20, 0, 0, $results_hashref->{'biblioserver'}->{"RECORDS"}); is(scalar(@newresults), 0, 'a record that cannot be parsed by MARC::Record is simply skipped (bug 10684)'); # Testing exploding indexes my $term; my $searchmodule = new Test::MockModule('C4::Search'); $searchmodule->mock('SimpleSearch', sub { my $query = shift; is($query, "he:$term", "Searching for expected term '$term' for exploding") or return '', [], 0; my $record = MARC::Record->new; if ($query =~ m/Arizona/) { $record->add_fields( [ '001', '1234' ], [ '151', ' ', ' ', a => 'Arizona' ], [ '551', ' ', ' ', a => 'United States', w => 'g' ], [ '551', ' ', ' ', a => 'Maricopa County', w => 'h' ], [ '551', ' ', ' ', a => 'Navajo County', w => 'h' ], [ '551', ' ', ' ', a => 'Pima County', w => 'h' ], [ '551', ' ', ' ', a => 'New Mexico' ], ); } return '', [ $record->as_usmarc() ], 1; }); $UseQueryParser = 1; $term = 'Arizona'; ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ $term ], [ 'su-br' ], [ ], [], 0, 'en'); matchesExplodedTerms("Advanced search for broader subjects", $query, 'Arizona', 'United States'); ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ $term ], [ 'su-na' ], [ ], [], 0, 'en'); matchesExplodedTerms("Advanced search for narrower subjects", $query, 'Arizona', 'Maricopa County', 'Navajo County', 'Pima County'); ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ $term ], [ 'su-rl' ], [ ], [], 0, 'en'); matchesExplodedTerms("Advanced search for related subjects", $query, 'Arizona', 'United States', 'Maricopa County', 'Navajo County', 'Pima County'); ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ "$term", 'history' ], [ 'su-rl', 'kw' ], [ ], [], 0, 'en'); matchesExplodedTerms("Advanced search for related subjects and keyword 'history' searches related subjects", $query, 'Arizona', 'United States', 'Maricopa County', 'Navajo County', 'Pima County'); like($query, qr/history/, "Advanced search for related subjects and keyword 'history' searches for 'history'"); ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'history', "$term" ], [ 'kw', 'su-rl' ], [ ], [], 0, 'en'); matchesExplodedTerms("Order of terms doesn't matter for advanced search", $query, 'Arizona', 'United States', 'Maricopa County', 'Navajo County', 'Pima County'); like($query, qr/history/, "Order of terms doesn't matter for advanced search"); ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ "su-br($term)" ], [ ], [ ], [], 0, 'en'); matchesExplodedTerms("Simple search for broader subjects", $query, 'Arizona', 'United States'); ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ "su-na($term)" ], [ ], [ ], [], 0, 'en'); matchesExplodedTerms("Simple search for narrower subjects", $query, 'Arizona', 'Maricopa County', 'Navajo County', 'Pima County'); ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ "su-rl($term)" ], [ ], [ ], [], 0, 'en'); matchesExplodedTerms("Simple search for related subjects", $query, 'Arizona', 'United States', 'Maricopa County', 'Navajo County', 'Pima County'); ( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ "history && su-rl($term)" ], [ ], [ ], [], 0, 'en'); matchesExplodedTerms("Simple search for related subjects and keyword 'history' searches related subjects", $query, 'Arizona', 'United States', 'Maricopa County', 'Navajo County', 'Pima County'); like($query, qr/history/, "Simple search for related subjects and keyword 'history' searches for 'history'"); sub matchesExplodedTerms { my ($message, $query, @terms) = @_; my $match = '(' . join ('|', map { " \@attr 1=Subject \@attr 4=1 \"$_\"" } @terms) . "){" . scalar(@terms) . "}"; like($query, qr/$match/, $message); } # authority records use_ok('C4::AuthoritiesMarc'); $UseQueryParser = 0; my ($auths, $count) = SearchAuthorities( ['mainentry'], ['and'], [''], ['starts'], ['shakespeare'], 0, 10, '', '', 1 ); is($count, 1, 'MARC21 authorities: one hit on mainentry starts with "shakespeare"'); ($auths, $count) = SearchAuthorities( ['match'], ['and'], [''], ['contains'], ['沙士北亞威廉姆'], 0, 10, '', '', 1 ); is($count, 1, 'MARC21 authorities: one hit on match contains "沙士北亞威廉姆"'); cleanup(); } sub run_unimarc_search_tests { my $indexing_mode = shift; $datadir = tempdir(); system(dirname(__FILE__) . "/zebra_config.pl $datadir unimarc $indexing_mode"); mock_marcfromkohafield('unimarc'); my $context = new C4::Context("$datadir/etc/koha-conf.xml"); $context->set_context(); use_ok('C4::Search'); # set search syspreferences to a known starting point $QueryStemming = 0; $QueryAutoTruncate = 0; $QueryWeightFields = 0; $QueryFuzzy = 0; $QueryRemoveStopwords = 0; $UseQueryParser = 0; $marcflavour = 'UNIMARC'; index_sample_records_and_launch_zebra($datadir, $indexing_mode, 'unimarc'); my ( $error, $marcresults, $total_hits ) = SimpleSearch("ti=Järnvägarnas efterfrågan och den svenska industrin", 0, 10); is($total_hits, 1, 'UNIMARC title search'); ( $error, $marcresults, $total_hits ) = SimpleSearch("ta=u", 0, 10); is($total_hits, 1, 'UNIMARC target audience = u'); ( $error, $marcresults, $total_hits ) = SimpleSearch("ta=k", 0, 10); is($total_hits, 4, 'UNIMARC target audience = k'); ( $error, $marcresults, $total_hits ) = SimpleSearch("ta=m", 0, 10); is($total_hits, 3, 'UNIMARC target audience = m'); ( $error, $marcresults, $total_hits ) = SimpleSearch("item=EXCLU DU PRET", 0, 10); is($total_hits, 1, 'UNIMARC generic item index (bug 10037)'); # authority records use_ok('C4::AuthoritiesMarc'); $UseQueryParser = 0; my ($auths, $count) = SearchAuthorities( ['mainentry'], ['and'], [''], ['contains'], ['wil'], 0, 10, '', '', 1 ); is($count, 11, 'UNIMARC authorities: hits on mainentry contains "wil"'); ($auths, $count) = SearchAuthorities( ['match'], ['and'], [''], ['contains'], ['wil'], 0, 10, '', '', 1 ); is($count, 11, 'UNIMARC authorities: hits on match contains "wil"'); ($auths, $count) = SearchAuthorities( ['mainentry'], ['and'], [''], ['contains'], ['michel'], 0, 20, '', '', 1 ); is($count, 14, 'UNIMARC authorities: hits on mainentry contains "michel"'); ($auths, $count) = SearchAuthorities( ['mainmainentry'], ['and'], [''], ['exact'], ['valley'], 0, 20, '', '', 1 ); is($count, 1, 'UNIMARC authorities: hits on mainmainentry = "valley"'); ($auths, $count) = SearchAuthorities( ['mainmainentry'], ['and'], [''], ['exact'], ['vall'], 0, 20, '', '', 1 ); is($count, 0, 'UNIMARC authorities: no hits on mainmainentry = "vall"'); ($auths, $count) = SearchAuthorities( ['Any'], ['and'], [''], ['starts'], ['jean'], 0, 30, '', '', 1 ); is($count, 24, 'UNIMARC authorities: hits on any starts with "jean"'); cleanup(); } run_marc21_search_tests('grs1'); run_marc21_search_tests('dom'); run_unimarc_search_tests('grs1'); run_unimarc_search_tests('dom'); 1;