$(document).ready(function() { $.ajaxSetup ({ cache: false }); var barcodefield = $("#barcode"); // Handle the select all/none links for checkouts table columns $("#CheckAllRenewals").on("click",function(){ $("#UncheckAllCheckins").click(); $(".renew:visible").prop("checked", true); return false; }); $("#UncheckAllRenewals").on("click",function(){ $(".renew:visible").prop("checked", false); return false; }); $("#CheckAllCheckins").on("click",function(){ $("#UncheckAllRenewals").click(); $(".checkin:visible").prop("checked", true); return false; }); $("#UncheckAllCheckins").on("click",function(){ $(".checkin:visible").prop("checked", false); return false; }); // Don't allow both return and renew checkboxes to be checked $(document).on("change", '.renew', function(){ if ( $(this).is(":checked") ) { $( "#checkin_" + $(this).val() ).prop("checked", false); } }); $(document).on("change", '.checkin', function(){ if ( $(this).is(":checked") ) { $( "#renew_" + $(this).val() ).prop("checked", false); } }); $("#output_format > option:first-child").attr("selected", "selected"); $("select[name='csv_profile_id']").hide(); $(document).on("change", '#issues-table-output-format', function(){ if ( $(this).val() == 'csv' ) { $("select[name='csv_profile_id']").show(); } else { $("select[name='csv_profile_id']").hide(); } }); // Clicking the table cell checks the checkbox inside it $(document).on("click", 'td', function(e){ if(e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'td'){ $(this).find("input:checkbox:visible").each( function() { $(this).click(); }); } }); // Handle renewals and returns $("#RenewCheckinChecked").on("click",function(){ $(".checkin:checked:visible").each(function() { itemnumber = $(this).val(); $(this).replaceWith(""); params = { itemnumber: itemnumber, borrowernumber: borrowernumber, branchcode: branchcode, exempt_fine: $("#exemptfine").is(':checked') }; $.post( "/cgi-bin/koha/svc/checkin", params, function( data ) { id = "#checkin_" + data.itemnumber; content = ""; if ( data.returned ) { content = CIRCULATION_RETURNED; $(id).parent().parent().addClass('ok'); $('#date_due_' + data.itemnumber).html(CIRCULATION_RETURNED); if ( data.patronnote != null ) { $('.patron_note_' + data.itemnumber).html("Patron note: " + data.patronnote); } } else { content = CIRCULATION_NOT_RETURNED; $(id).parent().parent().addClass('warn'); } $(id).replaceWith( content ); }, "json") }); $(".renew:checked:visible").each(function() { var override_limit = $("#override_limit").is(':checked') ? 1 : 0; var itemnumber = $(this).val(); $(this).parent().parent().replaceWith(""); var params = { itemnumber: itemnumber, borrowernumber: borrowernumber, branchcode: branchcode, override_limit: override_limit, date_due: $("#newduedate").val() }; $.post( "/cgi-bin/koha/svc/renew", params, function( data ) { var id = "#renew_" + data.itemnumber; var content = ""; if ( data.renew_okay ) { content = CIRCULATION_RENEWED_DUE + " " + data.date_due; $('#date_due_' + data.itemnumber).replaceWith( data.date_due ); } else { content = CIRCULATION_RENEW_FAILED + " "; if ( data.error == "no_checkout" ) { content += NOT_CHECKED_OUT; } else if ( data.error == "too_many" ) { content += TOO_MANY_RENEWALS; } else if ( data.error == "on_reserve" ) { content += ON_RESERVE; } else if ( data.error == "restriction" ) { content += NOT_RENEWABLE_RESTRICTION; } else if ( data.error == "overdue" ) { content += NOT_RENEWABLE_OVERDUE; } else if ( data.error ) { content += data.error; } else { content += REASON_UNKNOWN; } } $(id).replaceWith( content ); }, "json") }); // Refocus on barcode field if it exists if ( $("#barcode").length ) { $("#barcode").focus(); } // Prevent form submit return false; }); $("#RenewAll").on("click",function(){ $("#CheckAllRenewals").click(); $("#UncheckAllCheckins").click(); $("#RenewCheckinChecked").click(); // Prevent form submit return false; }); var ymd = $.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', new Date()); $('#issues-table').hide(); $('#issues-table-actions').hide(); $('#issues-table-load-immediately').change(function(){ if ( this.checked && typeof issuesTable === 'undefined') { $('#issues-table-load-now-button').click(); } barcodefield.focus(); }); $('#issues-table-load-now-button').click(function(){ LoadIssuesTable(); barcodefield.focus(); return false; }); if ( $.cookie("issues-table-load-immediately-" + script) == "true" ) { LoadIssuesTable(); $('#issues-table-load-immediately').prop('checked', true); } $('#issues-table-load-immediately').on( "change", function(){ $.cookie("issues-table-load-immediately-" + script, $(this).is(':checked'), { expires: 365 }); }); function LoadIssuesTable() { $('#issues-table-loading-message').hide(); $('#issues-table').show(); $('#issues-table-actions').show(); issuesTable = KohaTable("issues-table", { "oLanguage": { "sEmptyTable" : MSG_DT_LOADING_RECORDS, "sProcessing": MSG_DT_LOADING_RECORDS, }, "bAutoWidth": false, "dom": 'B<"clearfix">rt', "aoColumns": [ { "mDataProp": function( oObj ) { return oObj.sort_order; } }, { "mDataProp": function( oObj ) { if ( oObj.issued_today ) { return "" + TODAYS_CHECKOUTS + ""; } else { return "" + PREVIOUS_CHECKOUTS + ""; } } }, { "mDataProp": "date_due", "bVisible": false, }, { "iDataSort": 2, // Sort on hidden unformatted date due column "mDataProp": function( oObj ) { var due = oObj.date_due_formatted; if ( oObj.date_due_overdue ) { due = "" + due + ""; } due = "" + due + ""; if ( oObj.lost ) { due += "" + oObj.lost.escapeHtml() + ""; } if ( oObj.damaged ) { due += "" + oObj.damaged.escapeHtml() + ""; } var patron_note = " "; due +="
" + patron_note; return due; } }, { "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { title = "" + oObj.title.escapeHtml(); $.each(oObj.subtitle, function( index, value ) { title += " " + value.subfield.escapeHtml(); }); if ( oObj.enumchron ) { title += " (" + oObj.enumchron.escapeHtml() + ")"; } title += ""; if ( oObj.author ) { title += " " + BY.replace( "_AUTHOR_", " " + oObj.author.escapeHtml() ); } if ( oObj.itemnotes ) { var span_class = "text-muted"; if ( $.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', new Date(oObj.issuedate) ) == ymd ) { span_class = "circ-hlt"; } title += " - " + oObj.itemnotes.escapeHtml() + ""; } if ( oObj.itemnotes_nonpublic ) { var span_class = "text-danger"; if ( $.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', new Date(oObj.issuedate) ) == ymd ) { span_class = "circ-hlt"; } title += " - " + oObj.itemnotes_nonpublic.escapeHtml() + ""; } var onsite_checkout = ''; if ( oObj.onsite_checkout == 1 ) { onsite_checkout += " (" + INHOUSE_USE + ")"; } title += " " + "" + oObj.barcode.escapeHtml() + "" + onsite_checkout return title; }, "sType": "anti-the" }, { "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { return oObj.itemtype_description.escapeHtml(); } }, { "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { return ( oObj.collection ? 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true : false, "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { if ( oObj.can_renew_error == "on_reserve" ) { return "" + ON_HOLD + ""; } else { return ""; } } }, { "bVisible": exports_enabled == 1 ? true : false, "bSortable": false, "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { var s = ""; s += ""; return s; } } ], "fnFooterCallback": function ( nRow, aaData, iStart, iEnd, aiDisplay ) { var total_charge = 0; var total_fine = 0; var total_price = 0; for ( var i=0; i < aaData.length; i++ ) { total_charge += aaData[i]['charge'] * 1; total_fine += aaData[i]['fine'] * 1; total_price += aaData[i]['price'] * 1; } $("#totaldue").html(total_charge.toFixed(2)); $("#totalfine").html(total_fine.toFixed(2)); $("#totalprice").html(total_price.toFixed(2)); }, "bPaginate": false, "bProcessing": true, "bServerSide": false, "sAjaxSource": '/cgi-bin/koha/svc/checkouts', "fnServerData": function ( sSource, aoData, fnCallback ) { aoData.push( { "name": "borrowernumber", "value": borrowernumber } ); $.getJSON( sSource, aoData, function (json) { fnCallback(json) } ); }, "fnInitComplete": function(oSettings, json) { // Disable rowGrouping plugin after first use // so any sorting on the table doesn't use it var oSettings = issuesTable.fnSettings(); for (f = 0; f < oSettings.aoDrawCallback.length; f++) { if (oSettings.aoDrawCallback[f].sName == 'fnRowGrouping') { oSettings.aoDrawCallback.splice(f, 1); break; } } oSettings.aaSortingFixed = null; // Build a summary of checkouts grouped by itemtype var checkoutsByItype = json.aaData.reduce(function (obj, row) { obj[row.itemtype_description] = (obj[row.itemtype_description] || 0) + 1; return obj; }, {}); var ul = $('
    '); Object.keys(checkoutsByItype).sort().forEach(function (itype) { var li = $('
  • ') .append($('').html(itype || MSG_NO_ITEMTYPE)) .append(': ' + checkoutsByItype[itype]); ul.append(li); }) $('
    ') .addClass('checkouts-by-itemtype') .append($('').html(MSG_CHECKOUTS_BY_ITEMTYPE)) .append(ul) .insertBefore(oSettings.nTableWrapper) }, }, columns_settings).rowGrouping( { iGroupingColumnIndex: 1, iGroupingOrderByColumnIndex: 0, sGroupingColumnSortDirection: "asc" } ); if ( $("#issues-table").length ) { $("#issues-table_processing").position({ of: $( "#issues-table" ), collision: "none" }); } } // Don't load relatives' issues table unless it is clicked on var relativesIssuesTable; $("#relatives-issues-tab").click( function() { if ( ! relativesIssuesTable ) { relativesIssuesTable = $("#relatives-issues-table").dataTable({ "bAutoWidth": false, "sDom": "rt", "aaSorting": [], "aoColumns": [ { "mDataProp": "date_due", "bVisible": false, }, { "iDataSort": 0, // Sort on hidden unformatted date due column "mDataProp": function( oObj ) { var today = new Date(); var due = new Date( oObj.date_due ); if ( today > due ) { return "" + oObj.date_due_formatted + ""; } else { return oObj.date_due_formatted; } } }, { "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { title = "" + oObj.title.escapeHtml(); $.each(oObj.subtitle, function( index, value ) { title += " " + value.subfield.escapeHtml(); }); if ( oObj.enumchron ) { title += " (" + oObj.enumchron.escapeHtml() + ")"; } title += ""; if ( oObj.author ) { title += " " + BY.replace( "_AUTHOR_", " " + oObj.author.escapeHtml() ); } if ( oObj.itemnotes ) { var span_class = ""; if ( $.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', new Date(oObj.issuedate) ) == ymd ) { span_class = "circ-hlt"; } title += " - " + oObj.itemnotes.escapeHtml() + "" } if ( oObj.itemnotes_nonpublic ) { var span_class = ""; if ( $.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', new Date(oObj.issuedate) ) == ymd ) { span_class = "circ-hlt"; } title += " - " + oObj.itemnotes_nonpublic.escapeHtml() + "" } var onsite_checkout = ''; if ( oObj.onsite_checkout == 1 ) { onsite_checkout += " (" + INHOUSE_USE + ")"; } title += " " + "" + oObj.barcode.escapeHtml() + "" + onsite_checkout; return title; }, "sType": "anti-the" }, { "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { return oObj.itemtype_description.escapeHtml(); } }, { "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { return ( oObj.collection ? oObj.collection.escapeHtml() : '' ); } }, { "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { return ( oObj.location ? oObj.location.escapeHtml() : '' ); } }, { "mDataProp": "issuedate", "bVisible": false, }, { "iDataSort": 7, // Sort on hidden unformatted issuedate column "mDataProp": "issuedate_formatted", }, { "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { return oObj.branchname.escapeHtml(); } }, { "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { return ( oObj.itemcallnumber ? oObj.itemcallnumber.escapeHtml() : '' ); } }, { "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { if ( ! oObj.charge ) oObj.charge = 0; return parseFloat(oObj.charge).toFixed(2); } }, { "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { if ( ! oObj.fine ) oObj.fine = 0; return parseFloat(oObj.fine).toFixed(2); } }, { "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { if ( ! oObj.price ) oObj.price = 0; return parseFloat(oObj.price).toFixed(2); } }, { "mDataProp": function( oObj ) { return "" + oObj.borrower.firstname.escapeHtml() + " " + oObj.borrower.surname.escapeHtml() + " (" + oObj.borrower.cardnumber.escapeHtml() + ")" } }, ], "bPaginate": false, "bProcessing": true, "bServerSide": false, "sAjaxSource": '/cgi-bin/koha/svc/checkouts', "fnServerData": function ( sSource, aoData, fnCallback ) { $.each(relatives_borrowernumbers, function( index, value ) { aoData.push( { "name": "borrowernumber", "value": value } ); }); $.getJSON( sSource, aoData, function (json) { fnCallback(json) } ); }, }); } }); if ( $("#relatives-issues-table").length ) { $("#relatives-issues-table_processing").position({ of: $( "#relatives-issues-table" ), collision: "none" }); } if ( AllowRenewalLimitOverride ) { $( '#override_limit' ).click( function () { if ( this.checked ) { $( '.renewals-allowed' ).show(); $( '.renewals-disabled' ).hide(); } else { $( '.renewals-allowed' ).hide(); $( '.renewals-disabled' ).show(); } } ).prop('checked', false); } });