#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use C4::Context; use Getopt::Long; my %opt = (); GetOptions( \%opt, qw/head_dir=s rel_2_2_dir=s help/ ) or die "\nHouston, we got a problem\n"; if (exists $opt{help}) { print < --rel_2_2_dir= [--help] --head_dir: is the directory where your Koha HEAD cvs is checked out. --rel_2_2_dir: is the directory where your Koha rel_2_2 cvs is checked out and symlinked to your Koha install directories. --help: show this help FIN exit(0); } # Configurable Variables foreach my $option (qw/head_dir rel_2_2_dir/) { if (not exists $opt{$option}) { die 'option "', $option, '" is mandatory', "\n"; } if (not -d $opt{$option}) { die '"', $opt{$option}, '" must be an existing directory', "\n"; } if (not $opt{$option} =~ m{^/}) { die '--', $option, ' must be an absolute path', "\n"; } } ## Modules system( 'cp', $opt{head_dir}.'/C4/Biblio.pm', $opt{rel_2_2_dir}.'/C4/' ); system( 'cp', $opt{head_dir}.'/C4/Context.pm', $opt{rel_2_2_dir}.'/C4/' ); system( 'cp', $opt{head_dir}.'/C4/SearchMarc.pm', $opt{rel_2_2_dir}.'/C4/' ); system( 'cp', $opt{head_dir}.'/C4/Log.pm', $opt{rel_2_2_dir}.'/C4/' ); system( 'cp', $opt{head_dir}.'/C4/Review.pm', $opt{rel_2_2_dir}.'/C4/' ); system( 'cp', $opt{head_dir}.'/misc/plugin/Search.pm', $opt{rel_2_2_dir}.'/C4/' ); ## Intranet system( 'cp', $opt{head_dir}.'/cataloguing/addbiblio.pl', $opt{rel_2_2_dir}.'/acqui.simple/addbiblio.pl' ); system( 'cp', $opt{head_dir}.'/cataloguing/additem.pl', $opt{rel_2_2_dir}.'/acqui.simple/' ); system( 'cp', $opt{head_dir}.'/catalogue/detail.pl', $opt{rel_2_2_dir}.'/' ); system( 'cp', $opt{head_dir}.'/catalogue/MARCdetail.pl', $opt{rel_2_2_dir}.'/' ); system( 'cp', $opt{head_dir}.'/catalogue/ISBDdetail.pl', $opt{rel_2_2_dir}.'/' ); # OPAC system( 'cp', $opt{head_dir}.'/opac/opac-detail.pl', $opt{rel_2_2_dir}.'/opac/' ); system( 'cp', $opt{head_dir}.'/opac/opac-MARCdetail.pl', $opt{rel_2_2_dir}.'/opac/' ); system( 'cp', $opt{head_dir}.'/opac/opac-ISBDdetail.pl', $opt{rel_2_2_dir}.'/opac/' ); ## Add the symlink necessary due to changes in the dir structure system( 'ln', '-s', $opt{rel_2_2_dir}.'/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/npl/en/acqui.simple', $opt{rel_2_2_dir}.'/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/npl/en/cataloguing' ); ## Add the 'record.abs' symlink system( 'ln', '-s', $opt{head_dir}.'/misc/zebra/usmarc/collection.abs', $opt{head_dir}.'/misc/zebra/usmarc/record.abs' ); ## Create symlink from intranet/zebra to head zebra directory system( 'ln', '-s', $opt{head_dir}.'/misc/zebra/usmarc', C4::Context->config("intranetdir").'/zebra' ); print "Finished\n\nRemember, you still need to: 1. Edit moredetail.tmpl and detail.tmpl to allow for deletions 2. add to the search pages to sort by relevance by default \n";