#!/usr/bin/perl # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use Modern::Perl; use Test::More; use Test::MockModule; use Test::Warn; use MARC::Record; use Module::Load::Conditional qw/check_install/; BEGIN { if ( check_install( module => 'Test::DBIx::Class' ) ) { plan tests => 12; } else { plan skip_all => "Need Test::DBIx::Class" } } use_ok('C4::Matcher'); use Test::DBIx::Class; fixtures_ok [ MarcMatcher => [ [ 'matcher_id', 'code', 'description', 'record_type', 'threshold' ], [ 1, 'ISBN', 'ISBN', 'red', 1 ], [ 2, 'ISSN', 'ISSN', 'blue', 0 ] ], ], 'add fixtures'; my $db = Test::MockModule->new('Koha::Database'); $db->mock( _new_schema => sub { return Schema(); } ); my @matchers = C4::Matcher::GetMatcherList(); is( $matchers[0]->{'matcher_id'}, 1, 'First matcher_id value is 1' ); is( $matchers[1]->{'matcher_id'}, 2, 'Second matcher_id value is 2' ); my $matcher_id = C4::Matcher::GetMatcherId('ISBN'); is( $matcher_id, 1, 'testing getmatcherid' ); my $testmatcher; ok( $testmatcher = C4::Matcher->new( 'red', 1 ), 'testing matcher new' ); ok( $testmatcher = C4::Matcher->new( 'blue', 0 ), 'testing matcher new' ); $testmatcher->threshold(1000); is( $testmatcher->threshold(), 1000, 'testing threshhold accessor method' ); $testmatcher->_id(53); is( $testmatcher->_id(), 53, 'testing _id accessor' ); $testmatcher->code('match on ISBN'); is( $testmatcher->code(), 'match on ISBN', 'testing code accessor' ); $testmatcher->description('match on ISSN'); is( $testmatcher->description(), 'match on ISSN', 'testing code accessor' ); subtest '_get_match_keys() tests' => sub { plan tests => 17; my $matchpoint = get_title_matchpoint({ length => 0, norms => [ 'legacy_default' ], offset => 0 }); my $record = MARC::Record->new(); $record->append_fields( MARC::Field->new('100', '1', ' ', a => 'King, Stephen', d => 'd1947-'), MARC::Field->new('245', ' ', ' ', a => ' .; thE t[]:,aliS(m)/An\'"', c => 'Stephen King, Peter Straub.' ), MARC::Field->new('700', ' ', ' ', a => 'Straub, Peter', d => '1943-') ); my @keys = C4::Matcher::_get_match_keys( $record, $matchpoint ); is( $keys[0], 'THE TALISMAN STEPHEN KING PETER STRAUB', 'Match key correctly calculated with no $norms'); $matchpoint = get_title_matchpoint({ length => 9, norms => [ 'legacy_default' ], offset => 0 }); @keys = C4::Matcher::_get_match_keys( $record, $matchpoint ); is( $keys[0], 'THE', 'Match key correctly calculated with length 9'); $matchpoint = get_title_matchpoint({ length => 9, norms => [ 'legacy_default' ], offset => 1 }); @keys = C4::Matcher::_get_match_keys( $record, $matchpoint ); is( $keys[0], 'THE T', 'Match key correctly calculated with length 9 and offset 1'); $matchpoint = get_title_matchpoint({ length => 9, norms => [ 'legacy_default' ], offset => 2 }); @keys = C4::Matcher::_get_match_keys( $record, $matchpoint ); is( $keys[0], 'THE T', 'Match key correctly calculated with length 9 and offset 2, should not remove space'); $matchpoint = get_authors_matchpoint({ length => 0, norms => [ 'legacy_default' ], offset => 0 }); @keys = C4::Matcher::_get_match_keys( $record, $matchpoint ); is( $keys[0], 'STRAUB PETER KING STEPHEN', 'Match key correctly calculated with multiple components'); $matchpoint = get_authors_matchpoint({ length => 9, norms => [ 'legacy_default' ], offset => 0 }); @keys = C4::Matcher::_get_match_keys( $record, $matchpoint ); is( $keys[0], 'STRAUB P KING STE', 'Match key correctly calculated with multiple components, length 9'); $matchpoint = get_authors_matchpoint({ length => 10, norms => [ 'legacy_default' ], offset => 0 }); @keys = C4::Matcher::_get_match_keys( $record, $matchpoint ); is( $keys[0], 'STRAUB PE KING STEP', 'Match key correctly calculated with multiple components, length 10'); $matchpoint = get_authors_matchpoint({ length => 10, norms => [ 'legacy_default' ], offset => 2 }); @keys = C4::Matcher::_get_match_keys( $record, $matchpoint ); is( $keys[0], 'RAUB PETE NG STEPHE', 'Match key correctly calculated with multiple components, length 10, offset 1'); $matchpoint = get_title_matchpoint({ length => 0, norms => [ 'none', 'none' ], offset => 0 }); @keys = C4::Matcher::_get_match_keys( $record, $matchpoint ); is( $keys[0], ' .; thE t[]:,aliS(m)/An\'" Stephen King, Peter Straub.', 'Match key intact if \'none\' specified, length 0 and offset 0' ); $matchpoint = get_authors_matchpoint({ length => 0, norms => [ 'upper_case' ], offset => 0 }); @keys = C4::Matcher::_get_match_keys( $record, $matchpoint ); is( $keys[0], 'STRAUB, PETER KING, STEPHEN', 'Match key correctly calculated with multiple components, \'upper_case\' norm'); $matchpoint = get_authors_matchpoint({ length => 0, norms => [ 'lower_case' ], offset => 0 }); @keys = C4::Matcher::_get_match_keys( $record, $matchpoint ); is( $keys[0], 'straub, peter king, stephen', 'Match key correctly calculated with multiple components, \'lower_case\' norm'); $matchpoint = get_authors_matchpoint({ length => 0, norms => [ 'remove_spaces' ], offset => 0 }); @keys = C4::Matcher::_get_match_keys( $record, $matchpoint ); is( $keys[0], 'Straub,Peter King,Stephen', 'Match key correctly calculated with multiple components, \'remove_spaces\' norm'); $matchpoint = get_authors_matchpoint({ length => 0, norms => [ 'remove_spaces', 'lower_case' ], offset => 0 }); @keys = C4::Matcher::_get_match_keys( $record, $matchpoint ); is( $keys[0], 'straub,peter king,stephen', 'Match key correctly calculated with multiple components, \'remove_spaces\' and \'lower_case\' norm'); my $norm = 'unknown_norm'; $matchpoint = get_title_matchpoint({ length => 0, norms => [ $norm ], offset => 0 }); warning_is { @keys = C4::Matcher::_get_match_keys( $record, $matchpoint ) } qq{Invalid normalization routine required ($norm)}, 'Passing an invalid normalization routine name raises a warning'; is( $keys[0], ' .; thE t[]:,aliS(m)/An\'" Stephen King, Peter Straub.', 'Match key intact if invalid normalization routine specified' ); $matchpoint = get_title_matchpoint({ length => 0, norms => [ $norm, 'upper_case' ], offset => 0 }); warning_is { @keys = C4::Matcher::_get_match_keys( $record, $matchpoint ) } qq{Invalid normalization routine required ($norm)}, 'Passing an invalid normalization routine name raises a warning'; is( $keys[0], ' .; THE T[]:,ALIS(M)/AN\'" STEPHEN KING, PETER STRAUB.', 'Match key correctly normalized if invalid normalization routine specified' ); }; sub get_title_matchpoint { my $params = shift; my $length = $params->{length} // 0; my $norms = $params->{norms} // []; my $offset = $params->{offset} // 0; my $matchpoint = { components => [ { length => $length, norms => $norms, offset => $offset, subfields => { a => 1, c => 1 }, tag => '245' } ], index => "title", score => 1000 }; return $matchpoint; } sub get_authors_matchpoint { my $params = shift; my $length = $params->{length} // 0; my $norms = $params->{norms} // []; my $offset = $params->{offset} // 0; my $matchpoint = { components => [ { length => $length, norms => $norms, offset => $offset, subfields => { a => 1 }, tag => '700' }, { length => $length, norms => $norms, offset => $offset, subfields => { a => 1 }, tag => '100' } ], index => "author", score => 1000 }; return $matchpoint; } 1;