#!/usr/bin/perl # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use Modern::Perl; use Test::More tests => 32; use DateTime::Duration; use t::lib::Mocks; use t::lib::TestBuilder; use C4::Biblio; use C4::Circulation; use C4::Context; use C4::Items; use C4::Members; use C4::Reserves; use Koha::Checkouts; use Koha::Database; use Koha::DateUtils; use Koha::Holds; use Koha::Library; use Koha::Patrons; BEGIN { require_ok('C4::Circulation'); } can_ok( 'C4::Circulation', qw(AddIssue AddIssuingCharge AddRenewal AddReturn GetBiblioIssues GetIssuingCharges GetOpenIssue GetRenewCount GetUpcomingDueIssues ) ); #Start transaction my $schema = Koha::Database->schema; $schema->storage->txn_begin; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new(); $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM issues|); $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM items|); $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM borrowers|); $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM categories|); $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM accountlines|); $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM issuingrules|); $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM reserves|); $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM old_reserves|); $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM statistics|); # Generate sample datas my $itemtype = $builder->build( { source => 'Itemtype', value => { notforloan => undef, rentalcharge => 0 } } )->{itemtype}; my $branchcode_1 = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch' })->{branchcode}; my $branchcode_2 = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch' })->{branchcode}; my $branchcode_3 = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch' })->{branchcode}; my $categorycode = $builder->build({ source => 'Category', value => { enrolmentfee => undef } })->{categorycode}; # Add Dates my $dt_today = dt_from_string; my $today = output_pref( { dt => $dt_today, dateformat => 'iso', timeformat => '24hr', dateonly => 1 } ); my $dt_today2 = dt_from_string; my $dur10 = DateTime::Duration->new( days => -10 ); $dt_today2->add_duration($dur10); my $daysago10 = output_pref( { dt => $dt_today2, dateformat => 'iso', timeformat => '24hr', dateonly => 1 } ); # Add biblio and item my $record = MARC::Record->new(); $record->append_fields( MARC::Field->new( '952', '0', '0', a => $branchcode_1 ) ); my ( $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber ) = C4::Biblio::AddBiblio( $record, '' ); my $barcode_1 = 'barcode_1'; my $barcode_2 = 'barcode_2'; my @sampleitem1 = C4::Items::AddItem( { barcode => $barcode_1, itemcallnumber => 'callnumber1', homebranch => $branchcode_1, holdingbranch => $branchcode_1, issue => 1, reserve => 1, itype => $itemtype }, $biblionumber ); my $item_id1 = $sampleitem1[2]; my @sampleitem2 = C4::Items::AddItem( { barcode => $barcode_2, itemcallnumber => 'callnumber2', homebranch => $branchcode_2, holdingbranch => $branchcode_2, notforloan => 1, issue => 1, itype => $itemtype }, $biblionumber ); my $item_id2 = $sampleitem2[2]; #Add borrower my $borrower_id1 = C4::Members::AddMember( firstname => 'firstname1', surname => 'surname1 ', categorycode => $categorycode, branchcode => $branchcode_1 ); my $borrower_1 = Koha::Patrons->find( $borrower_id1 )->unblessed; my $borrower_id2 = C4::Members::AddMember( firstname => 'firstname2', surname => 'surname2 ', categorycode => $categorycode, branchcode => $branchcode_2, ); my $borrower_2 = Koha::Patrons->find( $borrower_id2 )->unblessed; my @USERENV = ( $borrower_id1, 'test', 'MASTERTEST', 'firstname', $branchcode_1, $branchcode_1, 'email@example.org' ); my @USERENV_DIFFERENT_LIBRARY = ( $borrower_id1, 'test', 'MASTERTEST', 'firstname', $branchcode_3, $branchcode_3, 'email@example.org' ); C4::Context->_new_userenv('DUMMY_SESSION_ID'); C4::Context->set_userenv(@USERENV); my $userenv = C4::Context->userenv or BAIL_OUT("No userenv"); #Begin Tests #Test AddIssue my $query = " SELECT count(*) FROM issues"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute; my $countissue = $sth -> fetchrow_array; is ($countissue ,0, "there is no issue"); my $issue1 = C4::Circulation::AddIssue( $borrower_1, $barcode_1, $daysago10,0, $today, '' ); is( ref $issue1, 'Koha::Schema::Result::Issue', 'AddIssue returns a Koha::Schema::Result::Issue object' ); my $datedue1 = dt_from_string( $issue1->date_due() ); like( $datedue1, qr/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}/, "Koha::Schema::Result::Issue->date_due() returns a date" ); my $issue_id1 = $issue1->issue_id; my $issue2 = C4::Circulation::AddIssue( $borrower_1, 'nonexistent_barcode' ); is( $issue2, undef, "AddIssue returns undef if no datedue is specified" ); $sth->execute; $countissue = $sth -> fetchrow_array; is ($countissue,1,"1 issues have been added"); #Test AddIssuingCharge $query = " SELECT count(*) FROM accountlines"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute; my $countaccount = $sth -> fetchrow_array; is ($countaccount,0,"0 accountline exists"); my $checkout = Koha::Checkouts->find( $issue_id1 ); my $offset = C4::Circulation::AddIssuingCharge( $checkout, 10 ); is( ref( $offset ), 'Koha::Account::Offset', "An issuing charge has been added" ); my $charge = Koha::Account::Lines->find( $offset->debit_id ); is( $charge->issue_id, $issue_id1, 'Issue id is set correctly for issuing charge' ); my $account_id = $dbh->last_insert_id( undef, undef, 'accountlines', undef ); $sth->execute; $countaccount = $sth -> fetchrow_array; is ($countaccount,1,"1 accountline has been added"); # Test AddRenewal my $se = Test::MockModule->new( 'C4::Context' ); $se->mock( 'interface', sub {return 'intranet'}); # Let's renew this one at a different library for statistical purposes to test Bug 17781 C4::Context->set_userenv(@USERENV_DIFFERENT_LIBRARY); my $datedue3 = AddRenewal( $borrower_id1, $item_id1, $branchcode_1, $datedue1, $daysago10 ); C4::Context->set_userenv(@USERENV); like( $datedue3, qr/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}/, "AddRenewal returns a date" ); my $stat = $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SELECT * FROM statistics WHERE type = 'renew' AND borrowernumber = ? AND itemnumber = ? AND branch = ?", undef, $borrower_id1, $item_id1, $branchcode_3 ); ok( $stat, "Bug 17781 - 'Improper branchcode set during renewal' still fixed" ); $se->mock( 'interface', sub {return 'opac'}); #Let's do an opac renewal - whatever branchcode we send should be used my $opac_renew_issue = $builder->build({ source=>"Issue", value=>{ date_due => '2017-01-01', branch => $branchcode_1, itype => $itemtype, borrowernumber => $borrower_id1 } }); my $datedue4 = AddRenewal( $opac_renew_issue->{borrowernumber}, $opac_renew_issue->{itemnumber}, "Stavromula", $datedue1, $daysago10 ); $stat = $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SELECT * FROM statistics WHERE type = 'renew' AND borrowernumber = ? AND itemnumber = ? AND branch = ?", undef, $opac_renew_issue->{borrowernumber}, $opac_renew_issue->{itemnumber}, "Stavromula" ); ok( $stat, "Bug 18572 - 'Bug 18572 - OpacRenewalBranch is now respected" ); #Test GetBiblioIssues is( GetBiblioIssues(), undef, "GetBiblio Issues without parameters" ); #Test GetOpenIssue is( GetOpenIssue(), undef, "Without parameter GetOpenIssue returns undef" ); is( GetOpenIssue(-1), undef, "With wrong parameter GetOpenIssue returns undef" ); my $openissue = GetOpenIssue($borrower_id1, $item_id1); my @renewcount; #Test GetRenewCount my $issue3 = C4::Circulation::AddIssue( $borrower_1, $barcode_1 ); #Without anything in DB @renewcount = C4::Circulation::GetRenewCount(); is_deeply( \@renewcount, [ 0, 0, 0 ], # FIXME Need to be fixed, see FIXME in GetRenewCount "Without issuing rules and without parameter, GetRenewCount returns renewcount = 0, renewsallowed = undef, renewsleft = 0" ); @renewcount = C4::Circulation::GetRenewCount(-1); is_deeply( \@renewcount, [ 0, 0, 0 ], # FIXME Need to be fixed "Without issuing rules and without wrong parameter, GetRenewCount returns renewcount = 0, renewsallowed = undef, renewsleft = 0" ); @renewcount = C4::Circulation::GetRenewCount($borrower_id1, $item_id1); is_deeply( \@renewcount, [ 2, 0, 0 ], "Without issuing rules and with a valid parameter, renewcount = 2, renewsallowed = undef, renewsleft = 0" ); #With something in DB # Add a default rule: No renewal allowed $dbh->do(q| INSERT INTO issuingrules( categorycode, itemtype, branchcode, issuelength, renewalsallowed ) VALUES ( '*', '*', '*', 10, 0 ) |); @renewcount = C4::Circulation::GetRenewCount(); is_deeply( \@renewcount, [ 0, 0, 0 ], "With issuing rules (renewal disallowed) and without parameter, GetRenewCount returns renewcount = 0, renewsallowed = 0, renewsleft = 0" ); @renewcount = C4::Circulation::GetRenewCount(-1); is_deeply( \@renewcount, [ 0, 0, 0 ], "With issuing rules (renewal disallowed) and without wrong parameter, GetRenewCount returns renewcount = 0, renewsallowed = 0, renewsleft = 0" ); @renewcount = C4::Circulation::GetRenewCount($borrower_id1, $item_id1); is_deeply( \@renewcount, [ 2, 0, 0 ], "With issuing rules (renewal disallowed) and with a valid parameter, Getrenewcount returns renewcount = 2, renewsallowed = 0, renewsleft = 0" ); # Add a default rule: renewal is allowed $dbh->do(q| UPDATE issuingrules SET renewalsallowed = 3 |); @renewcount = C4::Circulation::GetRenewCount($borrower_id1, $item_id1); is_deeply( \@renewcount, [ 2, 3, 1 ], "With issuing rules (renewal allowed) and with a valid parameter, Getrenewcount of item1 returns 3 renews left" ); AddRenewal( $borrower_id1, $item_id1, $branchcode_1, $datedue3, $daysago10 ); @renewcount = C4::Circulation::GetRenewCount($borrower_id1, $item_id1); is_deeply( \@renewcount, [ 3, 3, 0 ], "With issuing rules (renewal allowed, 1 remaining) and with a valid parameter, Getrenewcount of item1 returns 0 renews left" ); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM old_issues"); AddReturn($barcode_1); my $return = $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SELECT DATE(returndate) AS return_date, CURRENT_DATE() AS today FROM old_issues LIMIT 1" ); ok( $return->{return_date} eq $return->{today}, "Item returned with no return date specified has todays date" ); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM old_issues"); C4::Circulation::AddIssue( $borrower_1, $barcode_1, $daysago10, 0, $today ); AddReturn($barcode_1, undef, undef, undef, '2014-04-01 23:42'); $return = $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SELECT * FROM old_issues LIMIT 1" ); ok( $return->{returndate} eq '2014-04-01 23:42:00', "Item returned with a return date of '2014-04-01 23:42' has that return date" ); my $itemnumber; ($biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber, $itemnumber) = C4::Items::AddItem( { barcode => 'barcode_3', itemcallnumber => 'callnumber3', homebranch => $branchcode_1, holdingbranch => $branchcode_1, notforloan => 1, itype => $itemtype }, $biblionumber ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'UpdateNotForLoanStatusOnCheckin', q{} ); AddReturn( 'barcode_3', $branchcode_1 ); my $item = GetItem( $itemnumber ); ok( $item->{notforloan} eq 1, 'UpdateNotForLoanStatusOnCheckin does not modify value when not enabled' ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'UpdateNotForLoanStatusOnCheckin', '1: 9' ); AddReturn( 'barcode_3', $branchcode_1 ); $item = GetItem( $itemnumber ); ok( $item->{notforloan} eq 9, q{UpdateNotForLoanStatusOnCheckin updates notforloan value from 1 to 9 with setting "1: 9"} ); AddReturn( 'barcode_3', $branchcode_1 ); $item = GetItem( $itemnumber ); ok( $item->{notforloan} eq 9, q{UpdateNotForLoanStatusOnCheckin does not update notforloan value from 9 with setting "1: 9"} ); # Bug 14640 - Cancel the hold on checking out if asked my $reserve_id = AddReserve($branchcode_1, $borrower_id1, $biblionumber, undef, 1, undef, undef, "a note", "a title", undef, ''); ok( $reserve_id, 'The reserve should have been inserted' ); AddIssue( $borrower_2, $barcode_1, dt_from_string, 'cancel' ); my $hold = Koha::Holds->find( $reserve_id ); is( $hold, undef, 'The reserve should have been correctly cancelled' ); #End transaction $schema->storage->txn_rollback;