[% USE raw %] [% PROCESS 'i18n.inc' %] [% t('hello') | $raw %] [% tx('hello {name}', { name = 'Bob' }) | $raw %] [% tn('item', 'items', count) | $raw %] [% tnx('{count} item', '{count} items', count, { count = count }) | $raw %] [% tp('context', 'hello') | $raw %] [% tpx('context', 'hello {name}', { name = 'Bob' }) | $raw %] [% tnp('context', 'item', 'items', count) | $raw %] [% tnpx('context', '{count} item', '{count} items', count, { count = count }) | $raw %] [% # it also works on multiple lines tnpx ( 'context', '{count} item', '{count} items', count, { count = count, } ) | $raw %] [% # and t* calls can be nested tx('status is {status}', { status = active ? t('active') : t('inactive') }) | $raw %] [%# but a TT comment won't get picked t('not translatable') %] [% BLOCK %] [% t('Inside block') | $raw %] [% END %]