package install_misc::UpgradeBackup; # Copyright (C) 2008 LibLime # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use strict; #use warnings; FIXME - Bug 2505 use File::Compare qw(compare); use Cwd qw(cwd); use File::Copy; use File::Find; use File::Spec; use Exporter; use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT $VERSION); @ISA = ('Exporter'); @EXPORT = ('backup_changed_files'); $VERSION = '3.00'; =head1 NAME install_misc::UpgradeBackup =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a helper module used during a 'make upgrade' that creates backups of files updated during an upgrade. =cut sub backup_changed_files { my $from_to = shift; my $suffix = shift; my $verbose = shift; my $inc_uninstall = shift; my $cwd = cwd(); foreach my $sourceroot (sort keys %$from_to) { my $targetroot = $from_to->{$sourceroot}; my $currdir = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, $sourceroot); next unless -d $currdir; chdir $currdir or die "could not change to $currdir: $!"; # expand path find(sub { return unless -f $_; my $filename = $_; my $targetdir = File::Spec->catdir($targetroot, $File::Find::dir); my $targetfile = File::Spec->catfile($targetdir, $filename); my $sourcedir = File::Spec->catdir($currdir, $File::Find::dir); my $sourcefile = File::Spec->catfile($sourcedir, $filename); if (-f $targetfile) { my ($size) = (stat $sourcefile)[7]; my $backup = $targetfile . $suffix; unless (-s $targetfile == $size and not compare($sourcefile, $targetfile)) { print "Backed up $targetfile to $backup\n"; File::Copy::copy($targetfile, $backup); } } }, "."); } } =head1 AUTHOR Code based on parts of ExtUtils::Install in order to approximately track how it identifies files to install. Koha Development Team Galen Charlton =cut 1;