# Copyright 2012 Catalyst IT Ltd. # Copyright 2015 Koha Development team # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use Modern::Perl; use Test::More tests => 11; use Test::Warn; use t::lib::TestBuilder; use C4::Context; use Koha::Database; use Koha::DateUtils qw( dt_from_string ); use Koha::Items; use Koha::Reports; use Koha::Notice::Messages; use_ok('C4::Reports::Guided', qw( execute_query save_report delete_report strip_limit GetReservedAuthorisedValues IsAuthorisedValueValid GetParametersFromSQL ValidateSQLParameters get_saved_reports update_sql get_report_areas convert_sql EmailReport nb_rows )); can_ok( 'C4::Reports::Guided', qw(save_report delete_report execute_query) ); my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema; $schema->storage->txn_begin; my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new; subtest 'strip_limit' => sub { # This is the query I found that triggered bug 8594. my $sql = "SELECT aqorders.ordernumber, biblio.title, biblio.biblionumber, items.homebranch, aqorders.entrydate, aqorders.datereceived, (SELECT DATE(datetime) FROM statistics WHERE itemnumber=items.itemnumber AND (type='return' OR type='issue') LIMIT 1) AS shelvedate, DATEDIFF(COALESCE( (SELECT DATE(datetime) FROM statistics WHERE itemnumber=items.itemnumber AND (type='return' OR type='issue') LIMIT 1), aqorders.datereceived), aqorders.entrydate) AS totaldays FROM aqorders LEFT JOIN biblio USING (biblionumber) LEFT JOIN items ON (items.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber AND dateaccessioned=aqorders.datereceived) WHERE (entrydate >= '2011-01-01' AND (datereceived < '2011-02-01' OR datereceived IS NULL)) AND items.homebranch LIKE 'INFO' ORDER BY title"; my ($res_sql, $res_lim1, $res_lim2) = C4::Reports::Guided::strip_limit($sql); is($res_sql, $sql, "Not breaking subqueries"); is($res_lim1, 0, "Returns correct default offset"); is($res_lim2, undef, "Returns correct default LIMIT"); # Now the same thing, but we want it to remove the LIMIT from the end my $test_sql = $res_sql . " LIMIT 242"; ($res_sql, $res_lim1, $res_lim2) = C4::Reports::Guided::strip_limit($test_sql); # The replacement drops a ' ' where the limit was is(trim($res_sql), $sql, "Correctly removes only final LIMIT"); is($res_lim1, 0, "Returns correct default offset"); is($res_lim2, 242, "Returns correct extracted LIMIT"); $test_sql = $res_sql . " LIMIT 13,242"; ($res_sql, $res_lim1, $res_lim2) = C4::Reports::Guided::strip_limit($test_sql); # The replacement drops a ' ' where the limit was is(trim($res_sql), $sql, "Correctly removes only final LIMIT (with offset)"); is($res_lim1, 13, "Returns correct extracted offset"); is($res_lim2, 242, "Returns correct extracted LIMIT"); # After here is the simpler case, where there isn't a WHERE clause to worry # about. # First case with nothing to change $sql = "SELECT * FROM items"; ($res_sql, $res_lim1, $res_lim2) = C4::Reports::Guided::strip_limit($sql); is($res_sql, $sql, "Not breaking simple queries"); is($res_lim1, 0, "Returns correct default offset"); is($res_lim2, undef, "Returns correct default LIMIT"); $test_sql = $sql . " LIMIT 242"; ($res_sql, $res_lim1, $res_lim2) = C4::Reports::Guided::strip_limit($test_sql); is(trim($res_sql), $sql, "Correctly removes LIMIT in simple case"); is($res_lim1, 0, "Returns correct default offset"); is($res_lim2, 242, "Returns correct extracted LIMIT"); $test_sql = $sql . " LIMIT 13,242"; ($res_sql, $res_lim1, $res_lim2) = C4::Reports::Guided::strip_limit($test_sql); is(trim($res_sql), $sql, "Correctly removes LIMIT in simple case (with offset)"); is($res_lim1, 13, "Returns correct extracted offset"); is($res_lim2, 242, "Returns correct extracted LIMIT"); }; $_->delete for Koha::AuthorisedValues->search({ category => 'XXX' }); Koha::AuthorisedValue->new({category => 'LOC'})->store; subtest 'GetReservedAuthorisedValues' => sub { plan tests => 1; # This one will catch new reserved words not added # to GetReservedAuthorisedValues my %test_authval = ( 'date' => 1, 'branches' => 1, 'itemtypes' => 1, 'cn_source' => 1, 'categorycode' => 1, 'biblio_framework' => 1, 'list' => 1, 'cash_registers' => 1, 'debit_types' => 1, 'credit_types' => 1 ); my $reserved_authorised_values = GetReservedAuthorisedValues(); is_deeply(\%test_authval, $reserved_authorised_values, 'GetReservedAuthorisedValues returns a fixed list'); }; subtest 'IsAuthorisedValueValid' => sub { plan tests => 12; ok( IsAuthorisedValueValid('LOC'), 'User defined authorised value category is valid'); ok( ! IsAuthorisedValueValid('XXX'), 'Not defined authorised value category is invalid'); # Loop through the reserved authorised values foreach my $authorised_value ( keys %{GetReservedAuthorisedValues()} ) { ok( IsAuthorisedValueValid($authorised_value), '\''.$authorised_value.'\' is a reserved word, and thus a valid authorised value'); } }; subtest 'GetParametersFromSQL+ValidateSQLParameters' => sub { plan tests => 3; my $test_query_1 = " SELECT date_due FROM old_issues WHERE YEAR(timestamp) = <> AND branchcode = <> AND borrowernumber = <> AND itemtype = <> "; my @test_parameters_with_custom_list = ( { 'name' => 'Year', 'authval' => 'custom_list' }, { 'name' => 'Branch', 'authval' => 'branches' }, { 'name' => 'Borrower', 'authval' => undef }, { 'name' => 'Item type', 'authval' => 'itemtypes' } ); is_deeply( GetParametersFromSQL($test_query_1), \@test_parameters_with_custom_list, 'SQL params are correctly parsed'); my @problematic_parameters = (); push @problematic_parameters, { 'name' => 'Year', 'authval' => 'custom_list' }; is_deeply( ValidateSQLParameters( $test_query_1 ), \@problematic_parameters, '\'custom_list\' not a valid category' ); my $test_query_2 = " SELECT date_due FROM old_issues WHERE YEAR(timestamp) = <> AND branchcode = <> AND borrowernumber = <> "; is_deeply( ValidateSQLParameters( $test_query_2 ), [], 'All parameters valid, empty problematic authvals list' ); }; subtest 'get_saved_reports' => sub { plan tests => 18; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM saved_sql|); $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM saved_reports|); #Test save_report my $count = scalar @{ get_saved_reports() }; is( $count, 0, "There is no report" ); my @report_ids; foreach my $ii ( 1..3 ) { my $id = $builder->build({ source => 'Borrower' })->{ borrowernumber }; push @report_ids, save_report({ borrowernumber => $id, sql => "SQL$id", name => "Name$id", area => "area$ii", # ii vs id area is varchar(6) group => "group$id", subgroup => "subgroup$id", type => "type$id", notes => "note$id", cache_expiry => undef, public => 0, }); $count++; } like( $report_ids[0], '/^\d+$/', "Save_report returns an id for first" ); like( $report_ids[1], '/^\d+$/', "Save_report returns an id for second" ); like( $report_ids[2], '/^\d+$/', "Save_report returns an id for third" ); is( scalar @{ get_saved_reports() }, $count, "$count reports have been added" ); ok( 0 < scalar @{ get_saved_reports( $report_ids[0] ) }, "filter takes report id" ); ok( 0 < scalar @{ get_saved_reports({date => dt_from_string->ymd }) }, "filter takes date" ); my $r1 = Koha::Reports->find($report_ids[0]); $r1 = update_sql($r1->id, { %{$r1->unblessed}, borrowernumber => $r1->borrowernumber, name => 'Just another report' }); is( $r1->cache_expiry, 300, 'cache_expiry has the correct default value, from DBMS' ); #Test delete_report is (delete_report(),undef, "Without id delete_report returns undef"); is( delete_report( $report_ids[0] ), 1, "report 1 is deleted" ); $count--; is( scalar @{ get_saved_reports() }, $count, "Report1 has been deleted" ); is( delete_report( $report_ids[1], $report_ids[2] ), 2, "report 2 and 3 are deleted" ); $count -= 2; is( scalar @{ get_saved_reports() }, $count, "Report2 and report3 have been deleted" ); my $sth = execute_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM systempreferences', 0, 10); my $results = $sth->fetchall_arrayref; is(scalar @$results, 1, 'running a query returned a result'); my $version = C4::Context->preference('Version'); $sth = execute_query( 'SELECT value FROM systempreferences WHERE variable = ?', 0, 10, [ 'Version' ], ); $results = $sth->fetchall_arrayref; is_deeply( $results, [ [ $version ] ], 'running a query with a parameter returned the expected result' ); # for next test, we want to let execute_query capture any SQL errors my $errors; warning_like {local $dbh->{RaiseError} = 0; ($sth, $errors) = execute_query( 'SELECT surname FRM borrowers', # error in the query is intentional 0, 10 ) } qr/DBD::mysql::st execute failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax;/, "Wrong SQL syntax raises warning"; ok( defined($errors) && exists($errors->{queryerr}), 'attempting to run a report with an SQL syntax error returns error message (Bug 12214)' ); is_deeply( get_report_areas(), [ 'CIRC', 'CAT', 'PAT', 'ACQ', 'ACC', 'SER' ], "get_report_areas returns the correct array of report areas"); }; subtest 'Ensure last_run is populated' => sub { plan tests => 3; my $rs = Koha::Database->new()->schema()->resultset('SavedSql'); my $report = $rs->new( { report_name => 'Test Report', savedsql => 'SELECT * FROM branches', notes => undef, } )->insert(); is( $report->last_run, undef, 'Newly created report has null last_run ' ); execute_query( $report->savedsql, undef, undef, undef, $report->id ); $report->discard_changes(); isnt( $report->last_run, undef, 'First run of report populates last_run' ); my $previous_last_run = $report->last_run; sleep(1); # last_run is stored to the second, so we need to ensure at least one second has passed between runs execute_query( $report->savedsql, undef, undef, undef, $report->id ); $report->discard_changes(); isnt( $report->last_run, $previous_last_run, 'Second run of report updates last_run' ); }; subtest 'convert_sql' => sub { plan tests => 4; my $sql = q| SELECT biblionumber, ExtractValue(marcxml, 'count(//datafield[@tag="505"])') AS count505 FROM biblioitems HAVING count505 > 1|; my $expected_converted_sql = q| SELECT biblionumber, ExtractValue(metadata, 'count(//datafield[@tag="505"])') AS count505 FROM biblio_metadata HAVING count505 > 1|; is( C4::Reports::Guided::convert_sql( $sql ), $expected_converted_sql, "Simple query should have been correctly converted"); $sql = q| SELECT biblionumber, substring( ExtractValue(marcxml,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'), 8,4 ) AS 'PUB DATE', title FROM biblioitems INNER JOIN biblio USING (biblionumber) WHERE biblionumber = 14|; $expected_converted_sql = q| SELECT biblionumber, substring( ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'), 8,4 ) AS 'PUB DATE', title FROM biblio_metadata INNER JOIN biblio USING (biblionumber) WHERE biblionumber = 14|; is( C4::Reports::Guided::convert_sql( $sql ), $expected_converted_sql, "Query with biblio info should have been correctly converted"); $sql = q| SELECT concat(b.title, ' ', ExtractValue(m.marcxml, '//datafield[@tag="245"]/subfield[@code="b"]')) AS title, b.author, count(h.reservedate) AS 'holds' FROM biblio b LEFT JOIN biblioitems m USING (biblionumber) LEFT JOIN reserves h ON (b.biblionumber=h.biblionumber) GROUP BY b.biblionumber HAVING count(h.reservedate) >= 42|; $expected_converted_sql = q| SELECT concat(b.title, ' ', ExtractValue(m.metadata, '//datafield[@tag="245"]/subfield[@code="b"]')) AS title, b.author, count(h.reservedate) AS 'holds' FROM biblio b LEFT JOIN biblio_metadata m USING (biblionumber) LEFT JOIN reserves h ON (b.biblionumber=h.biblionumber) GROUP BY b.biblionumber HAVING count(h.reservedate) >= 42|; is( C4::Reports::Guided::convert_sql( $sql ), $expected_converted_sql, "Query with 2 joins should have been correctly converted"); $sql = q| SELECT t1.marcxml AS first, t2.marcxml AS second, FROM biblioitems t1 LEFT JOIN biblioitems t2 USING ( biblionumber )|; $expected_converted_sql = q| SELECT t1.metadata AS first, t2.metadata AS second, FROM biblio_metadata t1 LEFT JOIN biblio_metadata t2 USING ( biblionumber )|; is( C4::Reports::Guided::convert_sql( $sql ), $expected_converted_sql, "Query with multiple instances of marcxml and biblioitems should have them all replaced"); }; subtest 'Email report test' => sub { plan tests => 14; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $id1 = $builder->build({ source => 'Borrower',value => { surname => 'mailer', email => 'a@b.com', emailpro => 'b@c.com' } })->{ borrowernumber }; my $id2 = $builder->build({ source => 'Borrower',value => { surname => 'nomailer', email => undef, emailpro => 'd@e.com' } })->{ borrowernumber }; my $id3 = $builder->build({ source => 'Borrower',value => { surname => 'norman', email => 'a@b.com', emailpro => undef } })->{ borrowernumber }; my $report1 = $builder->build({ source => 'SavedSql', value => { savedsql => "SELECT surname,borrowernumber,email,emailpro FROM borrowers WHERE borrowernumber IN ($id1,$id2,$id3)" } })->{ id }; my $report2 = $builder->build({ source => 'SavedSql', value => { savedsql => "SELECT potato FROM mashed" } })->{ id }; my $letter1 = $builder->build({ source => 'Letter', value => { content => "[% surname %]", branchcode => "", message_transport_type => 'email', is_html => undef } }); my $letter2 = $builder->build({ source => 'Letter', value => { content => "[% firstname %]", branchcode => "", message_transport_type => 'email', is_html => 0 } }); my $letter3 = $builder->build({ source => 'Letter', value => { content => "[% surname %]", branchcode => "", message_transport_type => 'email', is_html => 1 } }); my $message_count = Koha::Notice::Messages->search({})->count; my ( $emails, $errors ) = C4::Reports::Guided::EmailReport(); is( $errors->[0]{FATAL}, 'MISSING_PARAMS', "Need to enter required params"); ($emails, $errors ) = C4::Reports::Guided::EmailReport({report_id => $report1, module => $letter1->{module}, code => $letter2->{code}}); is( $errors->[0]{FATAL}, 'NO_LETTER', "Must have a letter that exists"); # for next test, we want to let execute_query capture any SQL errors warning_like { local $dbh->{RaiseError} = 0; ($emails, $errors ) = C4::Reports::Guided::EmailReport({report_id => $report2, module => $letter1->{module} , code => $letter1->{code} }) } qr/DBD::mysql::st execute failed/, 'Error from bad report'; is( $errors->[0]{FATAL}, 'REPORT_FAIL', "Bad report returns failure"); ($emails, $errors ) = C4::Reports::Guided::EmailReport({report_id => $report1, module => $letter1->{module} , code => $letter1->{code} }); is( $errors->[0]{NO_FROM_COL} == 1 && $errors->[1]{NO_EMAIL_COL} == 2 && $errors->[2]{NO_FROM_COL} == 2, 1, "Correct warnings from the routine"); ($emails, $errors ) = C4::Reports::Guided::EmailReport({report_id => $report1, module => $letter1->{module} , code => $letter1->{code}, from => 'the@future.ooh' }); is( $errors->[0]{NO_EMAIL_COL}, 2, "Warning only for patron with no email"); is( $message_count, Koha::Notice::Messages->search({})->count, "Messages not added without commit"); ($emails, $errors ) = C4::Reports::Guided::EmailReport({report_id => $report1, module => $letter1->{module} , code => $letter1->{code}, from => 'the@future.ooh' }); is( $emails->[0]{letter}->{content}, "mailer", "Message has expected content"); is( $emails->[1]{letter}->{content}, "norman", "Message has expected content"); is( $emails->[0]{letter}->{'content-type'}, undef, "Message content type is not set for plain text mail"); ($emails, $errors ) = C4::Reports::Guided::EmailReport({report_id => $report1, module => $letter1->{module} , code => $letter1->{code}, from => 'the@future.ooh', email => 'emailpro' }); is_deeply( $errors, [{'NO_EMAIL_COL'=>3}],"We report missing email in emailpro column"); is( $emails->[0]->{to_address}, 'b@c.com', "Message uses correct email"); is( $emails->[1]->{to_address}, 'd@e.com', "Message uses correct email"); ($emails) = C4::Reports::Guided::EmailReport({report_id => $report1, module => $letter3->{module} , code => $letter3->{code}, from => 'the@future.ooh' }); is( $emails->[0]{letter}->{'content-type'}, 'text/html; charset="UTF-8"', "Message has expected content type"); }; $schema->storage->txn_rollback; subtest 'nb_rows() tests' => sub { plan tests => 3; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; $schema->storage->txn_begin; my $items_count = Koha::Items->search->count; $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Items' }); $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Items' }); $items_count += 2; my $query = q{ SELECT * FROM items xxx }; my $nb_rows = nb_rows( $query ); is( $nb_rows, $items_count, 'nb_rows returns the right value' ); my $bad_query = q{ SELECT * items xxx }; # for next test, we want to let execute_query capture any SQL errors warning_like { $nb_rows = nb_rows( $bad_query ) } qr/DBD::mysql::st execute failed:/, 'Bad queries raise a warning'; is( $nb_rows, 0, 'nb_rows returns 0 on bad queries' ); $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; sub trim { my ($s) = @_; $s =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/s; return $s; }