#!/bin/sh usage() { local scriptname=$(basename $0) cat <", sprintf("$prefix%02d", $i)); my $closed = 0; while (<$fh>) { my $line = $_; if ($closed) { open($out, ">", sprintf("$prefix%02d", $i)); $closed = 0; if ($indexmode eq "dom" && $line !~ //) { print $out ""; } } print $out $line; $count++ if ($line =~ m|^|); if ($count == $size) { if ($indexmode eq "dom" && $line !~ m||) { print $out ""; } $count = 0; $i++; close($out); $closed = 1; } } ' $PERL -e "$script" } indexfile() { local file=$1 local chunkssize=$2 if [ $chunkssize -lt 1 ]; then echo "Fail on file $file" else local prefix="${file}_${chunkssize}_" echo "Splitting file in chunks of $chunkssize records" splitfile $file $prefix $chunkssize dir=$(dirname $prefix) local files="$(find $dir -regex $prefix[0-9]+ | sort | tr '\n' ' ')" for chunkfile in $files; do echo "Indexing $chunkfile" size=$(grep '^' $chunkfile | wc -l) logfile="$LOGDIR/zebraidx.$(basename $chunkfile).log" ZEBRAIDX_CMD="$ZEBRAIDX -c $CONFIGFILE -d $TYPE -g marcxml update $chunkfile" $ZEBRAIDX_CMD >$logfile 2>&1 grep "Records: $size" $logfile >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Indexing failed. See log file $logfile" echo "Split file and continue..." indexfile $chunkfile $(($chunkssize/2)) else ZEBRAIDX_CMD="$ZEBRAIDX -c $CONFIGFILE -d $TYPE -g marcxml commit" $ZEBRAIDX_CMD >> $logfile 2>&1 fi done fi } OFFSET=0 LENGTH= CHUNKSSIZE=10000 EXPORTDIR=/tmp/rebuild/export LOGDIR=/tmp/rebuild/logs RMLOGS=no NOCONFIRM=no TYPE=biblios HELP=no RESETINDEX=no # Get parameters while [ $1 ]; do case $1 in -o | --offset ) shift OFFSET=$1 ;; -l | --length ) shift LENGTH=$1 ;; -s | --chunks-size ) shift CHUNKSSIZE=$1 ;; -d | --export-dir ) shift EXPORTDIR=$1 ;; -L | --log-dir ) shift LOGDIR=$1 ;; -r | --remove-logs ) RMLOGS=yes ;; -t | --type ) shift TYPE=$1 ;; -f | --force ) NOCONFIRM=yes ;; -h | --help ) HELP=yes ;; --reset-index ) RESETINDEX=yes ;; * ) usage exit 1 esac shift done if [ $HELP = "yes" ]; then usage exit 0 fi if [ -z $KOHA_CONF ]; then echo "KOHA_CONF is not set" exit 1 fi if [ -z $PERL5LIB ]; then echo "PERL5LIB is not set" exit 1 fi TYPESWITCH= SQLTABLE= case $TYPE in biblios ) TYPESWITCH=-b SQLTABLE="biblio" ;; authorities ) TYPESWITCH=-a SQLTABLE="auth_header" ;; * ) echo "'$TYPE' is an unknown type. Defaulting to 'biblios'" TYPESWITCH=-b TYPE=biblios SQLTABLE="biblio" esac PERL=`which perl` if [ -z $PERL ]; then echo "perl not found" exit 1 fi if [ -z $LENGTH ]; then LENGTH=$($PERL -e ' use C4::Context; my ($count) = C4::Context->dbh->selectrow_array(qq{ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '"$SQLTABLE"' }); print $count; ') fi ZEBRAIDX=`which zebraidx` if [ -z $ZEBRAIDX ]; then echo "zebraidx not found" exit 1 fi REBUILDZEBRA="`dirname $0`/rebuild_zebra.pl" if [ ! -f $REBUILDZEBRA ]; then echo "$REBUILDZEBRA: file not found" exit 1 fi echo "" echo "Configuration" echo "=========================================================================" echo "KOHA_CONF: $KOHA_CONF" echo "PERL5LIB: $PERL5LIB" echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Start at offset: $OFFSET" echo "Total number of records to index: $LENGTH" echo "Initial chunk size: $CHUNKSSIZE" echo "Export directory: $EXPORTDIR" echo "Log directory: $LOGDIR" echo "Remove logs before start? $RMLOGS" echo "Type of record: $TYPE" echo "Reset index before start? $RESETINDEX" echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "zebraidx path: $ZEBRAIDX" echo "rebuild_zebra path: $REBUILDZEBRA" echo "perl path: $PERL" echo "=========================================================================" if [ $NOCONFIRM != "yes" ]; then confirm=y echo -n "Confirm ? [Y/n] " read response if [ $response ] && [ $response != "yes" ] && [ $response != "y" ]; then confirm=n fi if [ $confirm = "n" ]; then exit 0 fi fi mkdir -p $EXPORTDIR if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to create directory $EXPORTDIR. Aborting." exit 1 fi mkdir -p $LOGDIR if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to create directory $LOGDIR. Aborting." exit 1 fi if [ $RMLOGS = "yes" ]; then rm -f $LOGDIR/*.log fi REBUILDZEBRA_CMD="$REBUILDZEBRA $TYPESWITCH -v -x -k -d $EXPORTDIR --offset $OFFSET --length $LENGTH --skip-index" echo "\n$REBUILDZEBRA_CMD" $REBUILDZEBRA_CMD EXPORTFILE= case $TYPE in biblios ) EXPORTFILE="$EXPORTDIR/biblio/exported_records" indexmode_config_name="zebra_bib_index_mode" ;; authorities ) EXPORTFILE="$EXPORTDIR/authority/exported_records" indexmode_config_name="zebra_auth_index_mode" ;; * ) echo "Error: TYPE '$TYPE' is not supported" exit 1 esac INDEXMODE=$(perl -e ' use C4::Context; print C4::Context->config('"$indexmode_config_name"'); ') CONFIGFILE=$(perl -e ' use C4::Context; my $zebra_server = ('"$TYPE"' eq "biblios") ? "biblioserver" : "authorityserver"; print C4::Context->zebraconfig($zebra_server)->{config}; ') if [ $RESETINDEX = "yes" ]; then RESETINDEX_CMD="$ZEBRAIDX -c $CONFIGFILE init" echo "\n$RESETINDEX_CMD" $RESETINDEX_CMD echo "" fi indexfile $EXPORTFILE $CHUNKSSIZE