#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications # 2006 SAN-OP # 2007 BibLibre, Paul POULAIN # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, # Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA =head1 returns.pl script to execute returns of books =cut use strict; use CGI; use C4::Context; use C4::Auth qw/:DEFAULT get_session/; use C4::Output; use C4::Circulation; use C4::Dates qw/format_date/; use C4::Print; use C4::Reserves; use C4::Biblio; use C4::Items; use C4::Members; use C4::Branch; # GetBranchName use C4::Koha; # FIXME : is it still useful ? my $query = new CGI; if (!C4::Context->userenv){ my $sessionID = $query->cookie("CGISESSID"); my $session = get_session($sessionID); if ($session->param('branch') eq 'NO_LIBRARY_SET'){ # no branch set we can't return print $query->redirect("/cgi-bin/koha/circ/selectbranchprinter.pl"); exit; } } #getting the template my ( $template, $librarian, $cookie ) = get_template_and_user( { template_name => "circ/returns.tmpl", query => $query, type => "intranet", authnotrequired => 0, flagsrequired => { circulate => 1 }, } ); ##################### #Global vars my $branches = GetBranches(); my $printers = GetPrinters(); #my $branch = C4::Context->userenv?C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'}:""; my $printer = C4::Context->userenv?C4::Context->userenv->{'branchprinter'}:""; my $overduecharges = (C4::Context->preference('finesMode') && C4::Context->preference('finesMode') ne 'off'); # # Some code to handle the error if there is no branch or printer setting..... # # Set up the item stack .... my %returneditems; my %riduedate; my %riborrowernumber; my @inputloop; foreach ( $query->param ) { (next) unless (/ri-(\d*)/); my %input; my $counter = $1; (next) if ( $counter > 20 ); my $barcode = $query->param("ri-$counter"); my $duedate = $query->param("dd-$counter"); my $borrowernumber = $query->param("bn-$counter"); $counter++; # decode cuecat $barcode = cuecatbarcodedecode($barcode); ###################### #Are these lines still useful ? $returneditems{$counter} = $barcode; $riduedate{$counter} = $duedate; $riborrowernumber{$counter} = $borrowernumber; ####################### $input{counter} = $counter; $input{barcode} = $barcode; $input{duedate} = $duedate; $input{borrowernumber} = $borrowernumber; push( @inputloop, \%input ); } ############ # Deal with the requests.... if ($query->param('WT-itemNumber')){ updateWrongTransfer ($query->param('WT-itemNumber'),$query->param('WT-waitingAt'),$query->param('WT-From')); } if ( $query->param('resbarcode') ) { my $item = $query->param('itemnumber'); my $borrowernumber = $query->param('borrowernumber'); my $resbarcode = $query->param('resbarcode'); my $diffBranchReturned = $query->param('diffBranch'); # set to waiting.... my $iteminfo = GetBiblioFromItemNumber($item); my $diffBranchSend; # addin in ModReserveAffect the possibility to check if the document is expected in this library or not, # if not we send a value in reserve waiting for not implementting waiting status if ($diffBranchReturned) { $diffBranchSend = $diffBranchReturned; } else { $diffBranchSend = undef; } ModReserveAffect( $item, $borrowernumber,$diffBranchSend); # check if we have other reservs for this document, if we have a return send the message of transfer my ( $messages, $nextreservinfo ) = GetOtherReserves($item); my $branchname = GetBranchName( $messages->{'transfert'} ); my ($borr) = GetMemberDetails( $nextreservinfo, 0 ); my $borcnum = $borr->{'cardnumber'}; my $name = $borr->{'surname'} . ", " . $borr->{'title'} . " " . $borr->{'firstname'}; my $slip = $query->param('resslip'); if ( $messages->{'transfert'} ) { $template->param( itemtitle => $iteminfo->{'title'}, itembiblionumber => $iteminfo->{'biblionumber'}, iteminfo => $iteminfo->{'author'}, tobranchname => $branchname, name => $name, borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, borcnum => $borcnum, borfirstname => $borr->{'firstname'}, borsurname => $borr->{'surname'}, diffbranch => 1 ); } } my $borrower; my $returned = 0; my $messages; my $issueinformation; my $barcode = $query->param('barcode'); # strip whitespace $barcode =~ s/\s*//g; my $exemptfine = $query->param('exemptfine'); my $dotransfer = $query->param('dotransfer'); if ($dotransfer){ # An item has been returned to a branch other than the homebranch, and the librarian has choosen to initiate a transfer my $transferitem=$query->param('transferitem'); my $tobranch=$query->param('tobranch'); ModItemTransfer($transferitem, C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'}, $tobranch); } # actually return book and prepare item table..... if ($barcode) { # decode cuecat $barcode = cuecatbarcodedecode($barcode); # # save the return # ( $returned, $messages, $issueinformation, $borrower ) = AddReturn( $barcode, C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'}, $exemptfine ); # get biblio description my $biblio = GetBiblioFromItemNumber($issueinformation->{'itemnumber'}); $template->param( title => $biblio->{'title'}, homebranch => $biblio->{'homebranch'}, author => $biblio->{'author'}, itembarcode => $biblio->{'barcode'}, itemtype => $biblio->{'itemtype'}, ccode => $biblio->{'ccode'}, itembiblionumber => $biblio->{'biblionumber'}, ); if ($returned) { $returneditems{0} = $barcode; $riborrowernumber{0} = $borrower->{'borrowernumber'}; $riduedate{0} = $issueinformation->{'date_due'}; my %input; $input{counter} = 0; $input{first} = 1; $input{barcode} = $barcode; $input{duedate} = $riduedate{0}; $input{borrowernumber} = $riborrowernumber{0}; push( @inputloop, \%input ); # check if the branch is the same as homebranch # if not, we want to put a message if ( $biblio->{'homebranch'} ne C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'} ) { $template->param( homebranch => $biblio->{'homebranch'} ); } } elsif ( !$messages->{'BadBarcode'} ) { my %input; $input{counter} = 0; $input{first} = 1; $input{barcode} = $barcode; $input{duedate} = 0; $returneditems{0} = $barcode; $riduedate{0} = 0; if ( $messages->{'wthdrawn'} ) { $input{withdrawn} = 1; $input{borrowernumber} = "Item Cancelled"; $riborrowernumber{0} = 'Item Cancelled'; } else { $input{borrowernumber} = " "; $riborrowernumber{0} = ' '; } push( @inputloop, \%input ); } } $template->param( inputloop => \@inputloop ); my $found = 0; my $waiting = 0; my $reserved = 0; # new op dev : we check if the document must be returned to his homebranch directly, # if the document is transfered, we have warning message . if ( $messages->{'WasTransfered'} ) { $template->param( found => 1, transfer => 1, ); } if ( $messages->{'NeedsTransfer'} ){ $template->param( found => 1, needstransfer => 1, itemnumber => $issueinformation->{'itemnumber'} ); } if ( $messages->{'Wrongbranch'} ){ $template->param( wrongbranch => 1, ); } # adding a case of wrong transfert, if the document wasn't transfered in the good library (according to branchtransfer (tobranch) BDD) if ( $messages->{'WrongTransfer'} and not $messages->{'WasTransfered'}) { $template->param( WrongTransfer => 1, TransferWaitingAt => $messages->{'WrongTransfer'}, WrongTransferItem => $messages->{'WrongTransferItem'}, ); my $reserve = $messages->{'ResFound'}; my $branchname = $branches->{ $reserve->{'branchcode'} }->{'branchname'}; my ($borr) = GetMemberDetails( $reserve->{'borrowernumber'}, 0 ); my $name = $borr->{'surname'} . " " . $borr->{'title'} . " " . $borr->{'firstname'}; $template->param( wname => $name, wborfirstname => $borr->{'firstname'}, wborsurname => $borr->{'surname'}, wbortitle => $borr->{'title'}, wborphone => $borr->{'phone'}, wboremail => $borr->{'email'}, wboraddress => $borr->{'address'}, wboraddress2 => $borr->{'address2'}, wborcity => $borr->{'city'}, wborzip => $borr->{'zipcode'}, wborrowernumber => $reserve->{'borrowernumber'}, wborcnum => $borr->{'cardnumber'}, wtransfertFrom => C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'}, ); } # # reserve found and item arrived at the expected branch # if ( $messages->{'ResFound'}) { my $reserve = $messages->{'ResFound'}; my $branchname = $branches->{ $reserve->{'branchcode'} }->{'branchname'}; my ($borr) = GetMemberDetails( $reserve->{'borrowernumber'}, 0 ); if ( $reserve->{'ResFound'} eq "Waiting" ) { if ( C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'} eq $reserve->{'branchcode'} ) { $template->param( waiting => 1 ); } else { $template->param( waiting => 0 ); } $template->param( found => 1, name => $borr->{'surname'} . " " . $borr->{'title'} . " " . $borr->{'firstname'}, borfirstname => $borr->{'firstname'}, borsurname => $borr->{'surname'}, bortitle => $borr->{'title'}, borphone => $borr->{'phone'}, boremail => $borr->{'email'}, boraddress => $borr->{'address'}, boraddress2 => $borr->{'address2'}, borcity => $borr->{'city'}, borzip => $borr->{'zipcode'}, borrowernumber => $reserve->{'borrowernumber'}, borcnum => $borr->{'cardnumber'}, debarred => $borr->{'debarred'}, gonenoaddress => $borr->{'gonenoaddress'}, currentbranch => $branches->{C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'}}->{'branchname'}, itemnumber => $reserve->{'itemnumber'}, barcode => $barcode, ); } if ( $reserve->{'ResFound'} eq "Reserved" ) { my @da = localtime( time() ); my $todaysdate = sprintf( "%0.2d", ( $da[3] + 1 ) ) . "/" . sprintf( "%0.2d", ( $da[4] + 1 ) ) . "/" . ( $da[5] + 1900 ); if ( C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'} eq $reserve->{'branchcode'} ) { $template->param( intransit => 0 ); } else { $template->param( intransit => 1 ); } $template->param( found => 1, currentbranch => $branches->{C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'}}->{'branchname'}, destbranchname => $branches->{ $reserve->{'branchcode'} }->{'branchname'}, destbranch => $reserve->{'branchcode'}, transfertodo => ( C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'} eq $reserve->{'branchcode'} ? 0 : 1 ), reserved => 1, resbarcode => $barcode, today => $todaysdate, itemnumber => $reserve->{'itemnumber'}, borsurname => $borr->{'surname'}, bortitle => $borr->{'title'}, borfirstname => $borr->{'firstname'}, borrowernumber => $reserve->{'borrowernumber'}, borcnum => $borr->{'cardnumber'}, borphone => $borr->{'phone'}, boraddress => $borr->{'address'}, boraddress2 => $borr->{'address2'}, borsub => $borr->{'suburb'}, borcity => $borr->{'city'}, borzip => $borr->{'zipcode'}, boremail => $borr->{'email'}, debarred => $borr->{'debarred'}, gonenoaddress => $borr->{'gonenoaddress'}, barcode => $barcode ); } } # Error Messages my @errmsgloop; foreach my $code ( keys %$messages ) { # warn $code; my %err; my $exit_required_p = 0; if ( $code eq 'BadBarcode' ) { $err{badbarcode} = 1; $err{msg} = $messages->{'BadBarcode'}; } elsif ( $code eq 'NotIssued' ) { $err{notissued} = 1; $err{msg} = $branches->{ $messages->{'IsPermanent'} }->{'branchname'}; } elsif ( $code eq 'WasLost' ) { $err{waslost} = 1; } elsif ( $code eq 'ResFound' ) { ; # FIXME... anything to do here? } elsif ( $code eq 'WasReturned' ) { ; # FIXME... anything to do here? } elsif ( $code eq 'WasTransfered' ) { ; # FIXME... anything to do here? } elsif ( $code eq 'wthdrawn' ) { $err{withdrawn} = 1; $exit_required_p = 1; } elsif ( ( $code eq 'IsPermanent' ) && ( not $messages->{'ResFound'} ) ) { if ( $messages->{'IsPermanent'} ne C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'} ) { $err{ispermanent} = 1; $err{msg} = $branches->{ $messages->{'IsPermanent'} }->{'branchname'}; } } elsif ( $code eq 'WrongTransfer' ) { ; # FIXME... anything to do here? } elsif ( $code eq 'WrongTransferItem' ) { ; # FIXME... anything to do here? } elsif ( $code eq 'NeedsTransfer' ) { } elsif ( $code eq 'Wrongbranch' ) { } else { die "Unknown error code $code"; # XXX } if (%err) { push( @errmsgloop, \%err ); } last if $exit_required_p; } $template->param( errmsgloop => \@errmsgloop ); # patrontable .... if ($borrower) { my $flags = $borrower->{'flags'}; my @flagloop; my $flagset; foreach my $flag ( sort keys %$flags ) { my %flaginfo; unless ($flagset) { $flagset = 1; } $flaginfo{redfont} = ( $flags->{$flag}->{'noissues'} ); $flaginfo{flag} = $flag; if ( $flag eq 'CHARGES' ) { $flaginfo{msg} = $flag; $flaginfo{charges} = 1; $flaginfo{borrowernumber} = $borrower->{borrowernumber}; } elsif ( $flag eq 'WAITING' ) { $flaginfo{msg} = $flag; $flaginfo{waiting} = 1; my @waitingitemloop; my $items = $flags->{$flag}->{'itemlist'}; foreach my $item (@$items) { my $biblio = GetBiblioFromItemNumber( $item->{'itemnumber'}); my %waitingitem; $waitingitem{biblionum} = $biblio->{'biblionumber'}; $waitingitem{barcode} = $biblio->{'barcode'}; $waitingitem{title} = $biblio->{'title'}; $waitingitem{brname} = $branches->{ $biblio->{'holdingbranch'} } ->{'branchname'}; push( @waitingitemloop, \%waitingitem ); } $flaginfo{itemloop} = \@waitingitemloop; } elsif ( $flag eq 'ODUES' ) { my $items = $flags->{$flag}->{'itemlist'}; my @itemloop; foreach my $item ( sort { $a->{'date_due'} cmp $b->{'date_due'} } @$items ) { my $biblio = GetBiblioFromItemNumber( $item->{'itemnumber'}); my %overdueitem; $overdueitem{duedate} = format_date( $item->{'date_due'} ); $overdueitem{biblionum} = $biblio->{'biblionumber'}; $overdueitem{barcode} = $biblio->{'barcode'}; $overdueitem{title} = $biblio->{'title'}; $overdueitem{brname} = $branches->{ $biblio->{'holdingbranch'} } ->{'branchname'}; push( @itemloop, \%overdueitem ); } $flaginfo{itemloop} = \@itemloop; $flaginfo{overdue} = 1; } else { $flaginfo{other} = 1; $flaginfo{msg} = $flags->{$flag}->{'message'}; } push( @flagloop, \%flaginfo ); } $template->param( flagset => $flagset, flagloop => \@flagloop, riborrowernumber => $borrower->{'borrowernumber'}, riborcnum => $borrower->{'cardnumber'}, riborsurname => $borrower->{'surname'}, ribortitle => $borrower->{'title'}, riborfirstname => $borrower->{'firstname'} ); } #set up so only the last 8 returned items display (make for faster loading pages) my $count = 0; my @riloop; foreach ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %returneditems ) { my %ri; if ( $count < 8 ) { my $barcode = $returneditems{$_}; my $duedate = $riduedate{$_}; my $overduetext; my $borrowerinfo; if ($duedate) { my @tempdate = split( /-/, $duedate ); $ri{year} = $tempdate[0]; $ri{month} = $tempdate[1]; $ri{day} = $tempdate[2]; my $duedatenz = "$tempdate[2]/$tempdate[1]/$tempdate[0]"; my @datearr = localtime( time() ); my $todaysdate = $datearr[5] . '-' . sprintf( "%0.2d", ( $datearr[4] + 1 ) ) . '-' . sprintf( "%0.2d", $datearr[3] ); $ri{duedate} = format_date($duedate); my ($borrower) = GetMemberDetails( $riborrowernumber{$_}, 0 ); $ri{borrowernumber} = $borrower->{'borrowernumber'}; $ri{borcnum} = $borrower->{'cardnumber'}; $ri{borfirstname} = $borrower->{'firstname'}; $ri{borsurname} = $borrower->{'surname'}; $ri{bortitle} = $borrower->{'title'}; } else { $ri{borrowernumber} = $riborrowernumber{$_}; } # my %ri; my $biblio = GetBiblioFromItemNumber(GetItemnumberFromBarcode($barcode)); $ri{itembiblionumber} = $biblio->{'biblionumber'}; $ri{itemtitle} = $biblio->{'title'}; $ri{itemauthor} = $biblio->{'author'}; $ri{itemtype} = $biblio->{'itemtype'}; $ri{ccode} = $biblio->{'ccode'}; $ri{barcode} = $barcode; } else { last; } $count++; push( @riloop, \%ri ); } $template->param( riloop => \@riloop ); $template->param( genbrname => $branches->{C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'}}->{'branchname'}, genprname => $printers->{$printer}->{'printername'}, branchname => $branches->{C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'}}->{'branchname'}, printer => $printer, errmsgloop => \@errmsgloop, exemptfine => $exemptfine, overduecharges => $overduecharges, ); # actually print the page! output_html_with_http_headers $query, $cookie, $template->output;