#!/usr/bin/perl -w # please develop with -w use diagnostics; # use Install; use InstallAuth; use C4::Context; use C4::Output; use C4::Languages qw(getAllLanguages getTranslatedLanguages); use strict; # please develop with the strict pragma use CGI; my $query = new CGI; my $step = $query->param('step'); my $language = $query->param('language'); my ( $template, $loggedinuser, $cookie ); my $all_languages = getAllLanguages(); if ( defined($language) ) { setlanguagecookie( $query, $language, "install.pl?step=1" ); } ( $template, $loggedinuser, $cookie ) = get_template_and_user( { template_name => "installer/step" . ( $step ? $step : 1 ) . ".tmpl", query => $query, type => "intranet", authnotrequired => 0, debug => 1, } ); my %info; $info{'dbname'} = C4::Context->config("database"); $info{'dbms'} = ( C4::Context->config("db_scheme") ? C4::Context->config("db_scheme") : "mysql" ); $info{'hostname'} = C4::Context->config("hostname"); $info{'port'} = C4::Context->config("port"); $info{'user'} = C4::Context->config("user"); $info{'password'} = C4::Context->config("pass"); my $dbh = DBI->connect( "DBI:$info{dbms}:dbname=$info{dbname};host=$info{hostname}" . ( $info{port} ? ";port=$info{port}" : "" ), $info{'user'}, $info{'password'} ); if ( $step && $step == 1 ) { #First Step #Checking ALL perl Modules and services needed are installed. #Whenever there is an error, adding a report to the page $template->param( language => 1 ); my $problem; unless ( $] >= 5.006001 ) { # Bug 179 $template->param( "problems" => 1, "perlversion" => 1 ); $problem = 1; } # We could here use a special find my @missing = (); unless ( eval { require ZOOM } ) { push @missing, { name => "ZOOM" }; } unless ( eval { require YAML::Syck } ) { push @missing, { name => "YAML::Syck" }; } unless ( eval { require LWP::Simple } ) { push @missing, { name => "LWP::Simple" }; } unless ( eval { require XML::Simple } ) { push @missing, { name => "XML::Simple" }; } unless ( eval { require MARC::File::XML } ) { push @missing, { name => "MARC::File::XML" }; } unless ( eval { require MARC::File::USMARC } ) { push @missing, { name => "MARC::File::USMARC" }; } unless ( eval { require DBI } ) { push @missing, { name => "DBI" }; } unless ( eval { require Date::Manip } ) { push @missing, { name => "Date::Manip" }; } unless ( eval { require DBD::mysql } ) { push @missing, { name => "DBD::mysql" }; } unless ( eval { require HTML::Template::Pro } ) { push @missing, { name => "HTML::Template::Pro" }; } unless ( eval { require Date::Calc } ) { push @missing, { name => "Date::Calc" }; } unless ( eval { require Digest::MD5 } ) { push @missing, { name => "Digest::MD5" }; } unless ( eval { require MARC::Record } ) { push @missing, { name => "MARC::Record" }; } unless ( eval { require Mail::Sendmail } ) { push @missing, { name => "Mail::Sendmail", usagemail => 1 }; } unless ( eval { require List::MoreUtils } ) { push @missing, { name => "List::MoreUtils" }; } unless ( eval { require XML::RSS } ) { push @missing, { name => "XML::RSS" }; } unless ( eval { require CGI::Carp } ) { push @missing, { name => "CGI::Carp" }; } # The following modules are not mandatory, depends on how the library want to use Koha unless ( eval { require PDF::API2 } ) { if ( $#missing >= 0 ) { # only when $#missing >= 0 so this isn't fatal push @missing, { name => "PDF::API2", usagebarcode => 1 }; } } unless ( eval { require GD::Barcorde } ) { if ( $#missing >= 0 ) { # only when $#missing >= 0 so this isn't fatal push @missing, { name => "GD::Barcode", usagebarcode => 1, usagespine => 1 }; } } unless ( eval { require Data::Random } ) { if ( $#missing >= 0 ) { # only when $#missing >= 0 so this isn't fatal push @missing, { name => "Data::Random", usagebarcode => 1 }; } } unless ( eval { require PDF::Reuse::Barcode } ) { if ( $#missing >= 0 ) { # only when $#missing >= 0 so this isn't fatal push @missing, { name => "PDF::Reuse::Barcode", usagebarcode => 1 }; } } unless ( eval { require PDF::Report } ) { if ( $#missing >= 0 ) { # only when $#missing >= 0 so this isn't fatal push @missing, { name => "PDF::Report", usagebarcode => 1 }; } } unless ( eval { require Algorithm::CheckDigits } ) { if ( $#missing >= 0 ) { # only when $#missing >= 0 so this isn't fatal push @missing, { name => "Algorithm::CheckDigits", usagebarcode => 1 }; } } unless ( eval { require GD::Barcode::UPCE } ) { if ( $#missing >= 0 ) { # only when $#missing >= 0 so this isn't fatal push @missing, { name => "GD::Barcode::UPCE", usagepine => 1 }; } } unless ( eval { require Net::LDAP } ) { if ( $#missing >= 0 ) { # only when $#missing >= 0 so this isn't fatal push @missing, { name => "Net::LDAP", usageLDAP => 1 }; } } $template->param( missings => \@missing ) if ( scalar(@missing) > 0 ); $template->param( 'checkmodule' => 1 ) unless ( scalar(@missing) && $problem ); } elsif ( $step && $step == 2 ) { # #STEP 2 Check Database connection and access # $template->param(%info); my $checkdb = $query->param("checkdb"); $template->param( 'dbconnection' => $checkdb ); if ($checkdb) { if ($dbh) { # Can connect to the mysql $template->param( "checkdatabaseaccess" => 1 ); if ( $info{dbms} eq "mysql" ) { #Check if database created my $rv = $dbh->do("SHOW DATABASES LIKE \'$info{dbname}\'"); if ( $rv == 1 ) { $template->param( 'checkdatabasecreated' => 1 ); } #Check if user have all necessary grants on this database. my $rq = $dbh->prepare( "SHOW GRANTS FOR \'$info{user}\'\@'$info{hostname}'"); $rq->execute; my $grantaccess; while ( my ($line) = $rq->fetchrow ) { my $dbname = $info{dbname}; if ( $line =~ m/^GRANT (.*?) ON `$dbname`\.\*/ || index( $line, '*.*' ) > 0 ) { $grantaccess = 1 if ( index( $line, 'ALL PRIVILEGES' ) > 0 || ( ( index( $line, 'SELECT' ) > 0 ) && ( index( $line, 'INSERT' ) > 0 ) && ( index( $line, 'UPDATE' ) > 0 ) && ( index( $line, 'DELETE' ) > 0 ) && ( index( $line, 'CREATE' ) > 0 ) && ( index( $line, 'DROP' ) > 0 ) ) ); } } unless ($grantaccess) { $rq = $dbh->prepare("SHOW GRANTS FOR \'$info{user}\'\@'\%'"); $rq->execute; while ( my ($line) = $rq->fetchrow ) { my $dbname = $info{dbname}; if ( $line =~ m/$dbname/ || index( $line, '*.*' ) > 0 ) { $grantaccess = 1 if ( index( $line, 'ALL PRIVILEGES' ) > 0 || ( ( index( $line, 'SELECT' ) > 0 ) && ( index( $line, 'INSERT' ) > 0 ) && ( index( $line, 'UPDATE' ) > 0 ) && ( index( $line, 'DELETE' ) > 0 ) && ( index( $line, 'CREATE' ) > 0 ) && ( index( $line, 'DROP' ) > 0 ) ) ); } } } $template->param( "checkgrantaccess" => $grantaccess ); } # End mysql connect check... elsif ( $info{dbms} eq "Pg" ) { # Check if database has been created... my $rv = $dbh->do( "SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_database WHERE datname = \'$info{dbname}\';" ); if ( $rv == 1 ) { $template->param( 'checkdatabasecreated' => 1 ); } # Check if user has all necessary grants on this database... my $rq = $dbh->do( "SELECT u.usesuper FROM pg_catalog.pg_user as u WHERE u.usename = \'$info{user}\';" ); if ( $rq == 1 ) { $template->param( "checkgrantaccess" => 1 ); } } # End Pg connect check... } else { $template->param( "error" => DBI::err, "message" => DBI::errstr ); } } } elsif ( $step && $step == 3 ) { # # # STEP 3 : database setup # # my $op = $query->param('op'); if ( $op && $op eq 'finished' ) { # # we have finished, just redirect to mainpage. # print $query->redirect("/cgi-bin/koha/mainpage.pl"); exit 1; } elsif ( $op && $op eq 'finish' ) { my $kohaversion=C4::Context::KOHAVERSION; # remove the 3 last . to have a Perl number $kohaversion =~ s/(.*\..*)\.(.*)\.(.*)/$1$2$3/; if (C4::Context->preference('Version')) { warn "UPDATE Version"; my $finish=$dbh->prepare("UPDATE systempreferences SET value=? WHERE variable='Version'"); $finish->execute($kohaversion); } else { warn "INSERT Version"; my $finish=$dbh->prepare("INSERT into systempreferences (variable,value,explanation) values ('Version',?,'The Koha database version. WARNING: Do not change this value manually, it is maintained by the webinstaller')"); $finish->execute($kohaversion); } # Installation is finished. # We just deny anybody access to install # And we redirect people to mainpage. # The installer will have to relogin since we do not pass cookie to redirection. $template->param( "$op" => 1 ); } elsif ( $op && $op eq 'SetIndexingEngine' ) { if ($query->param('NoZebra')) { $dbh->do("UPDATE systempreferences SET value=1 WHERE variable='NoZebra'"); $dbh->do("UPDATE systempreferences SET value=0 WHERE variable in ('QueryFuzzy','QueryWeightFields','QueryStemming')"); } else { $dbh->do("UPDATE systempreferences SET value=0 WHERE variable='NoZebra'"); } $template->param( "$op" => 1 ); } elsif ( $op && $op eq 'addframeworks' ) { # # 1ST install, 3rd sub-step : insert the SQL files the user has selected # #Framework importing and reports my $lang; my %hashlevel; # sort by filename -> prepend with numbers to specify order of insertion. my @fnames = sort { my @aa = split /\/|\\/, ($a); my @bb = split /\/|\\/, ($b); $aa[-1] cmp $bb[-1] } $query->param('framework'); my $request = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT value FROM systempreferences WHERE variable='FrameworksLoaded'" ); $request->execute; my ($systempreference) = $request->fetchrow; $systempreference = '' unless defined $systempreference; # avoid warning foreach my $file (@fnames) { # warn $file; undef $/; my $error; if ( $info{dbms} eq 'mysql' ) { my $strcmd = "mysql " . ( $info{hostname} ? " -h $info{hostname} " : "" ) . ( $info{port} ? " -P $info{port} " : "" ) . ( $info{user} ? " -u $info{user} " : "" ) . ( $info{password} ? " -p$info{password}" : "" ) . " $info{dbname} "; $error = qx($strcmd < $file 2>&1 1>/dev/null); # We want to send stdout to null and return only stderr... -fbcit } elsif ( $info{dbms} eq 'Pg' ) { my $strcmd = "psql " . ( $info{hostname} ? " -h $info{hostname} " : "" ) . ( $info{port} ? " -p $info{port} " : "" ) . ( $info{user} ? " -U $info{user} " : "" ) # . ( $info{password} ? " -W $info{password}" : "" ) . " $info{dbname} "; $error = qx($strcmd -f $file 2>&1 1>/dev/null); # ...even more so with psql... } my @file = split qr(\/|\\), $file; $lang = $file[ scalar(@file) - 3 ] unless ($lang); my $level = $file[ scalar(@file) - 2 ]; unless ($error) { $systempreference .= "$file[scalar(@file)-1]|" unless ( index( $systempreference, $file[ scalar(@file) - 1 ] ) >= 0 ); } #Bulding here a hierarchy to display files by level. push @{ $hashlevel{$level} }, { "fwkname" => $file[ scalar(@file) - 1 ], "error" => $error }; } #systempreference contains an ending | chop $systempreference; my @list; map { push @list, { "level" => $_, "fwklist" => $hashlevel{$_} } } keys %hashlevel; my $fwk_language; for my $each_language (@$all_languages) { # warn "CODE".$each_language->{'language_code'}; # warn "LANG:".$lang; if ( $lang eq $each_language->{'language_code'} ) { $fwk_language = $each_language->{language_locale_name}; } } my $updateflag = $dbh->do( "UPDATE systempreferences set value=\"$systempreference\" where variable='FrameworksLoaded'" ); unless ( $updateflag == 1 ) { my $string = "INSERT INTO systempreferences (value, variable, explanation, type) VALUES (\"$systempreference\",'FrameworksLoaded','Frameworks loaded through webinstaller','choice')"; my $rq = $dbh->prepare($string); $rq->execute; } $template->param( "fwklanguage" => $fwk_language, "list" => \@list ); $template->param( "$op" => 1 ); } elsif ( $op && $op eq 'selectframeworks' ) { # # # 1ST install, 2nd sub-step : show the user the sql datas he can insert in the database. # # # (note that the term "selectframeworks is not correct. The user can select various files, not only frameworks) #Framework Selection #sql data for import are supposed to be located in installer/data// # Where is en|fr or any international abbreviation (provided language hash is updated... This will be a problem with internationlisation.) # Where is a category of requirement : required, recommended optional # level should contain : # SQL File for import With a readable name. # txt File taht explains what this SQL File is meant for. # Could be VERY useful to have A Big file for a kind of library. # But could also be useful to have some Authorised values data set prepared here. # Framework Selection is achieved through checking boxes. my $langchoice = $query->param('fwklanguage'); $langchoice = $query->cookie('KohaOpacLanguage') unless ($langchoice); my $marcflavour = $query->param('marcflavour'); if ($marcflavour){ # we can have some variants of marc flavour, by having different directories, like : unimarc_small and unimarc_full, for small and complete unimarc frameworks. # marc_cleaned finds the marcflavour, without the variant. my $marc_cleaned = 'MARC21'; $marc_cleaned = 'UNIMARC' if $marcflavour =~ /unimarc/i; my $request = $dbh->prepare( "INSERT IGNORE INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('marcflavour','$marc_cleaned','Define global MARC flavor (MARC21 or UNIMARC) used for character encoding','MARC21|UNIMARC','Choice');" ); $request->execute; }; $marcflavour = C4::Context->preference('marcflavour') unless ($marcflavour); #Insert into database the selected marcflavour undef $/; my $dir = C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/$info{dbms}/$langchoice/marcflavour/".lc($marcflavour); opendir( MYDIR, $dir ) || warn "no open $dir"; my @listdir = sort grep { !/^\.|marcflavour/ && -d "$dir/$_" } readdir(MYDIR); closedir MYDIR; my @fwklist; my $request = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT value FROM systempreferences WHERE variable='FrameworksLoaded'" ); $request->execute; my ($frameworksloaded) = $request->fetchrow; $frameworksloaded = '' unless defined $frameworksloaded; # avoid warning my %frameworksloaded; foreach ( split( /\|/, $frameworksloaded ) ) { $frameworksloaded{$_} = 1; } foreach my $requirelevel (@listdir) { opendir( MYDIR, "$dir/$requirelevel" ); my @listname = grep { !/^\./ && -f "$dir/$requirelevel/$_" && $_ =~ m/\.sql$/ } readdir(MYDIR); closedir MYDIR; my %cell; my @frameworklist; map { my $name = substr( $_, 0, -4 ); open FILE, "<:utf8","$dir/$requirelevel/$name.txt"; my $lines = ; $lines =~ s/\n|\r/
/g; use utf8; utf8::encode($lines) unless ( utf8::is_utf8($lines) ); push @frameworklist, { 'fwkname' => $name, 'fwkfile' => "$dir/$requirelevel/$_", 'fwkdescription' => $lines, 'checked' => ( ( $frameworksloaded{$_} || ( $requirelevel =~ /(mandatory|requi|oblig|necess)/i ) ) ? 1 : 0 ) }; } @listname; my @fwks = sort { $a->{'fwkname'} cmp $b->{'fwkname'} } @frameworklist; # $cell{"mandatory"}=($requirelevel=~/(mandatory|requi|oblig|necess)/i); $cell{"frameworks"} = \@fwks; $cell{"label"} = ucfirst($requirelevel); $cell{"code"} = lc($requirelevel); push @fwklist, \%cell; } $template->param( "frameworksloop" => \@fwklist ); $template->param( "marcflavour" => ucfirst($marcflavour)); $dir = C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/$info{dbms}/$langchoice"; opendir( MYDIR, $dir ) || warn "no open $dir"; @listdir = sort grep { !/^\.|marcflavour/ && -d "$dir/$_" } readdir(MYDIR); closedir MYDIR; my @levellist; foreach my $requirelevel (@listdir) { opendir( MYDIR, "$dir/$requirelevel" ); my @listname = grep { !/^\./ && -f "$dir/$requirelevel/$_" && $_ =~ m/\.sql$/ } readdir(MYDIR); closedir MYDIR; my %cell; my @frameworklist; map { my $name = substr( $_, 0, -4 ); open FILE, "<:utf8","$dir/$requirelevel/$name.txt"; my $lines = ; $lines =~ s/\n|\r/
/g; use utf8; utf8::encode($lines) unless ( utf8::is_utf8($lines) ); push @frameworklist, { 'fwkname' => $name, 'fwkfile' => "$dir/$requirelevel/$_", 'fwkdescription' => $lines, 'checked' => ( ( $frameworksloaded{$_} || ( $requirelevel =~ /(mandatory|requi|oblig|necess)/i ) ) ? 1 : 0 ) }; } @listname; my @fwks = sort { $a->{'fwkname'} cmp $b->{'fwkname'} } @frameworklist; # $cell{"mandatory"}=($requirelevel=~/(mandatory|requi|oblig|necess)/i); $cell{"frameworks"} = \@fwks; $cell{"label"} = ucfirst($requirelevel); $cell{"code"} = lc($requirelevel); push @levellist, \%cell; } $template->param( "levelloop" => \@levellist ); $template->param( "$op" => 1 ); } elsif ( $op && $op eq 'choosemarc' ) { # # # 1ST install, 2nd sub-step : show the user the marcflavour available. # # #Choose Marc Flavour #sql data are supposed to be located in installer/data///marcflavour/marcflavourname # Where is database type according to DBD syntax # Where is en|fr or any international abbreviation (provided language hash is updated... This will be a problem with internationlisation.) # Where is a category of requirement : required, recommended optional # level should contain : # SQL File for import With a readable name. # txt File taht explains what this SQL File is meant for. # Could be VERY useful to have A Big file for a kind of library. # But could also be useful to have some Authorised values data set prepared here. # Marcflavour Selection is achieved through radiobuttons. my $langchoice = $query->param('fwklanguage'); $langchoice = $query->cookie('KohaOpacLanguage') unless ($langchoice); my $dir = C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/$info{dbms}/$langchoice/marcflavour"; opendir( MYDIR, $dir ) || warn "no open $dir"; my @listdir = grep { !/^\./ && -d "$dir/$_" } readdir(MYDIR); closedir MYDIR; my $marcflavour=C4::Context->preference("marcflavour"); my @flavourlist; foreach my $marc (@listdir) { my %cell=( "label"=> ucfirst($marc), "code"=>uc($marc), "checked"=> defined($marcflavour) ? uc($marc) eq $marcflavour : 0); # $cell{"description"}= do { local $/ = undef; open INPUT "<$dir/$marc.txt"||""; }; push @flavourlist, \%cell; } $template->param( "flavourloop" => \@flavourlist ); $template->param( "$op" => 1 ); } elsif ( $op && $op eq 'importdatastructure' ) { # # # 1st install, 1st "sub-step" : import kohastructure # # my $datadir = C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/$info{dbms}"; my $error; if ( $info{dbms} eq 'mysql' ) { my $strcmd = "mysql " . ( $info{hostname} ? " -h $info{hostname} " : "" ) . ( $info{port} ? " -P $info{port} " : "" ) . ( $info{user} ? " -u $info{user} " : "" ) . ( $info{password} ? " -p$info{password}" : "" ) . " $info{dbname} "; $error = qx($strcmd <$datadir/kohastructure.sql 2>&1 1>/dev/null); } elsif ( $info{dbms} eq 'Pg' ) { my $strcmd = "psql " . ( $info{hostname} ? " -h $info{hostname} " : "" ) . ( $info{port} ? " -p $info{port} " : "" ) . ( $info{user} ? " -U $info{user} " : "" ) # . ( $info{password} ? " -W $info{password}" : "" ) # psql will NOT accept a password, but prompts... . " $info{dbname} "; # Therefore, be sure to run 'trust' on localhost in pg_hba.conf -fbcit $error = qx($strcmd -f $datadir/kohastructure.sql 2>&1 1>/dev/null);# Be sure to set 'client_min_messages = error' in postgresql.conf # so that only true errors are returned to stderr or else the installer will # report the import a failure although it really succeded -fbcit } $template->param( "error" => $error, "$op" => 1, ); } elsif ( $op && $op eq 'updatestructure' ) { # # Not 1st install, the only sub-step : update database # #Do updatedatabase And report my $execstring = C4::Context->config("intranetdir") . "/installer/data/$info{dbms}/updatedatabase.pl"; undef $/; my $string = qx($execstring 2>&1 1>/dev/null); # added '1>/dev/null' to return only stderr in $string. Needs testing here. -fbcit if ($string) { $string =~ s/\n|\r/
/g; $string =~ s/(DBD::mysql.*? failed: .*? line [0-9]*.|=================.*?====================)/$1<\/font>/g; $template->param( "updatereport" => $string ); } $template->param( $op => 1 ); } else { # # check wether it's a 1st install or an update # #Check if there are enough tables. # Paul has cleaned up tables so reduced the count #I put it there because it implied a data import if condition was not satisfied. my $dbh = DBI->connect( "DBI:$info{dbms}:dbname=$info{dbname};host=$info{hostname}" . ( $info{port} ? ";port=$info{port}" : "" ), $info{'user'}, $info{'password'} ); my $rq; if ( $info{dbms} eq 'mysql' ) { $rq = $dbh->prepare( "SHOW TABLES FROM " . $info{'dbname'} ); } elsif ( $info{dbms} eq 'Pg' ) { $rq = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='public' and table_type='BASE TABLE';" ); } $rq->execute; my $data = $rq->fetchall_arrayref( {} ); my $count = scalar(@$data); # # we don't have tables, propose DB import # if ( $count < 70 ) { $template->param( "count" => $count, "proposeimport" => 1 ); } else { # # we have tables, propose to select files to upload or updatedatabase # $template->param( "count" => $count, "default" => 1 ); # # 1st part of step 3 : check if there is a databaseversion systempreference # if there is, then we just need to upgrade # if there is none, then we need to install the database # if (C4::Context->preference('Version')) { my $dbversion = C4::Context->preference('Version'); $dbversion =~ /(.*)\.(..)(..)(...)/; $dbversion = "$1.$2.$3.$4"; $template->param("upgrading" => 1, "dbversion" => $dbversion, "kohaversion" => C4::Context->KOHAVERSION, ); } } $dbh->disconnect; } } else { # LANGUAGE SELECTION page by default # using opendir + language Hash my $languages_loop = getTranslatedLanguages(); $template->param( installer_languages_loop => $languages_loop ); if ($dbh) { my $rq = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT * from systempreferences WHERE variable='Version'"); if ( $rq->execute ) { my ($version) = $rq->fetchrow; if ($version) { $query->redirect("install.pl?step=3"); exit; } } } } output_html_with_http_headers $query, $cookie, $template->output;