[% USE Koha %] [% USE KohaDates %] [% USE EncodeUTF8 %] [% INCLUDE 'doc-head-open.inc' %]
No item matches this barcode
[% ELSIF error == "no_checkout" %][% item.biblio.title | $EncodeUTF8 %] [% item.biblioitem.subtitle | $EncodeUTF8 %] ( [% item.barcode %] ) is not checked out to a patron.
[% ELSIF error == "too_many" %][% item.biblio.title | $EncodeUTF8 %] [% item.biblioitem.subtitle | $EncodeUTF8 %] ( [% item.barcode %] ) has been renewed the maximum number of times by [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %] ( [% borrower.cardnumber %] )
[% IF Koha.Preference('AllowRenewalLimitOverride') %] [% END %] [% ELSIF error == "on_reserve" %]This item is on hold for another patron.
[% ELSIF error == "patron_restricted" %][% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %] ( [% borrower.cardnumber %] ) is currently restricted.
[% ELSE %] [% error %] [% END %]