/* Variables defined in letter.tt: */ /* global _ module add_form copy_form no_op_set MSG_EMPTY_TITLE_AND_CONTENT MSG_EMPTY_TEMPLATES code MSG_CODE_EXISTS MSG_CODE_EXISTS_FOR_LIBRARY MSG_DT_LOADING_RECORDS MSG_NO_NOTICE_FOUND interface theme KohaTable columns_settings */ var modal_loading = "
"; var editing = 0; if( add_form == 1 && code !== '' ){ editing = 1; } function checkCodes( new_lettercode, new_branchcode ){ $(".spinner").show(); return $.ajax({ data: { code: new_lettercode, branchcode: new_branchcode }, type: 'GET', url: '/cgi-bin/koha/svc/letters/get/', async: !1, success: function (data) { if ( data.letters.length > 0 ) { if( new_branchcode === '' ) { alert( MSG_CODE_EXISTS.format(new_lettercode)); } else { alert( MSG_CODE_EXISTS_FOR_LIBRARY.format(new_lettercode, new_branchcode) ); } $(".spinner").hide(); } else { $(".spinner").hide(); } } }); } $(document).ready(function() { if( add_form || copy_form ){ $('#toolbar').fixFloat(); } var ntable = KohaTable("lettert", { "autoWidth": false, "paging": false, "aaSorting": [[ 3, "asc" ]], "columnDefs": [ { "bSortable": false, "aTargets": [ "nosort" ] }, { "sType": "title-string", "aTargets" : [ "title-string"] } ], "oLanguage": { "sZeroRecords": MSG_NO_NOTICE_FOUND }, "exportColumns": [0,1,2,3], }, columns_settings); if( no_op_set ){ $('#branch').change(function() { $('#op').val(""); $('#selectlibrary').submit(); }); $('#newnotice').click(function() { $('#op').val("add_form"); return true; }); } $("#newmodule").on("change",function(){ var branchcode; if( $("#branch").val() === ""){ branchcode = "*"; } else { branchcode = $("#branch").val(); } window.location.href = "/cgi-bin/koha/tools/letter.pl?op=add_form&module=" + $(this).val() + "&branchcode=" + branchcode; }); $("#submit_form").on("click",function(){ $("#add_notice").submit(); }); $("#add_notice").validate({ submitHandler: function(form){ var at_least_one_exists = 0; var are_valid = 1; $("fieldset.mtt").each( function(){ var title = $(this).find('input[name="title"]').val(); var content = $(this).find('textarea[name="content"]').val(); if ( ( title.length === 0 && content.length > 0 ) || ( title.length > 0 && content.length === 0 ) ) { var mtt = $(this).find('input[name="message_transport_type"]').val(); at_least_one_exists = 1; // Only one template has to be filled in for form to be valid alert( MSG_EMPTY_TITLE_AND_CONTENT.format( mtt ) ); are_valid = 0; } else if ( title.length > 0 && content.length > 0 ) { at_least_one_exists = 1; } }); if ( ! at_least_one_exists ) { // No templates were filled out alert( MSG_EMPTY_TEMPLATES ); return false; } if ( ! are_valid ){ return false; } // Test if code already exists in DB if( editing == 1 ){ // This is an edit operation // We don't need to check for an existing Code } else { var new_lettercode = $("#code").val(); var new_branchcode = $("#branch").val(); var code_check = checkCodes( new_lettercode, new_branchcode ); if( code_check.responseJSON.letters.length > 0 ){ return false; } } form.submit(); } }); var sms_limit = 160; $(".content_sms").on("keyup", function(){ var length = $(this).val().length; var sms_counter = ("#sms_counter_" + $(this).data('lang')); $(sms_counter).html(length + "/" + sms_limit + _(" characters")); if ( length > sms_limit ) { $(sms_counter).css("color", "red"); } else { $(sms_counter).css("color", "black"); } }); $( ".transport-types" ).accordion({ collapsible: true, active:false, animate: 200 }); $(".insert").on("click",function(){ var containerid = $(this).data("containerid"); insertValueQuery( containerid ); }); $("#saveandcontinue").on("click",function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $("#redirect").val("just_save"); $("#submit_form").click(); }); $("#tabs").tabs(); $("body").on("click", ".preview_template", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var mtt = $(this).data("mtt"); var lang = $(this).data("lang"); var code = $("#code").val(); var content = $("#content_"+mtt+"_"+lang).val(); var title = $("#title_"+mtt+"_"+lang).val(); var is_html = $("#is_html_"+mtt+"_"+lang).val(); var page = $(this).attr("href"); var data_preview = $("#data_preview").val(); page += '?code='+encodeURIComponent(code); page += '&title='+encodeURIComponent(title); page += '&content='+encodeURIComponent(content); page += '&data_preview='+encodeURIComponent(data_preview); page += '&is_html='+encodeURIComponent(is_html); $("#preview_template .modal-body").load(page + " #main"); $('#preview_template').modal('show'); $("#preview_template_button").attr("href", "/cgi-bin/koha/svc/letters/convert?module="+module+"&code="+code+"&mtt="+mtt+"&lang="+lang); }); $("#preview_template").on("hidden.bs.modal", function(){ $("#preview_template_label").html(""); $("#preview_template .modal-body").html( modal_loading ); }); function insertValueQuery(containerid) { var fieldset = $("#" + containerid); var myQuery = $(fieldset).find('textarea[name="content"]'); var myListBox = $(fieldset).find('select[name="SQLfieldname"]'); if($(myListBox).find('option').length > 0) { $(myListBox).find('option').each( function (){ if ( $(this).attr('selected') && $(this).val().length > 0 ) { $(myQuery).insertAtCaret("<<" + $(this).val() + ">>"); } }); } } });