#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use Test::More; BEGIN { use_ok('Koha::SuggestionEngine'); } my $plugindir = File::Spec->rel2abs('Koha/SuggestionEngine/Plugin'); opendir(my $dh, $plugindir); my @installed_plugins = map { ( /\.pm$/ && -f "$plugindir/$_" && s/\.pm$// ) ? "Koha::SuggestionEngine::Plugin::$_" : () } readdir($dh); my @available_plugins = Koha::SuggestionEngine::AvailablePlugins(); foreach my $plugin (@installed_plugins) { ok(grep($plugin, @available_plugins), "Found plugin $plugin"); } my $suggestor = Koha::SuggestionEngine->new( { plugins => [ 'ABCD::EFGH::IJKL' ] } ); is(ref($suggestor), 'Koha::SuggestionEngine', 'Created suggestion engine with invalid plugin'); is(scalar @{ $suggestor->get_suggestions({ 'search' => 'books' }) }, 0 , 'Request suggestions with empty suggestor'); $suggestor = Koha::SuggestionEngine->new( { plugins => [ 'Null' ] } ); is(ref($suggestor->plugins->[0]), 'Koha::SuggestionEngine::Plugin::Null', 'Created record suggestor with implicitly scoped Null filter'); $suggestor = Koha::SuggestionEngine->new( { plugins => [ 'Koha::SuggestionEngine::Plugin::Null' ] } ); is(ref($suggestor->plugins->[0]), 'Koha::SuggestionEngine::Plugin::Null', 'Created record suggestor with explicitly scoped Null filter'); my $suggestions = $suggestor->get_suggestions({ 'search' => 'books' }); is_deeply($suggestions->[0], { 'search' => 'book', label => 'Book!', relevance => 1 }, "Good suggestion"); $suggestions = $suggestor->get_suggestions({ 'search' => 'silliness' }); eval { $suggestor = Koha::SuggestionEngine->new( { plugins => [ 'Koha::SuggestionEngine::Plugin::Null' ] } ); undef $suggestor; }; ok(!$@, 'Destroyed suggestor successfully'); done_testing();