Web services: OAI-PMH: - - pref: OAI-PMH choices: yes: Enable no: Disable - "Koha's" - 'OAI-PMH server.' - - Identify records at this site with the prefix - pref: "OAI-PMH:archiveID" - ": ." - - Only return - pref: "OAI-PMH:MaxCount" class: integer - records at a time in response to a ListRecords or ListIdentifiers query. - - "YAML OAI Koha server configuration file:" - pref: "OAI-PMH:ConfFile" class: file - . If empty, Koha OAI Server operates in normal mode, otherwise it operates in extended mode. In extended mode, it's possible to parameter other formats than marcxml or Dublin Core. OAI-PMH:ConfFile specify a YAML configuration file which list available metadata formats and XSL file used to create them from marcxml records. - - pref: "OAI-PMH:AutoUpdateSets" choices: yes: Enable no: Disable - automatic update of OAI-PMH sets when a bibliographic record is created or updated - - Koha's deletedbiblio table - pref: "OAI-PMH:DeletedRecord" choices: persistent: will never be emptied or truncated (persistent) transient: might be emptied or truncated at some point (transient) - "." ILS-DI: - - pref: ILS-DI choices: yes: Enable no: Disable - ILS-DI services for OPAC users - - Allow IP addresses - pref: ILS-DI:AuthorizedIPs class: Text - to use the ILS-DI services (when enabled). Separate the IP addresses with commas and without spaces. Leave the field blank to allow any IP address. Reporting: - - Only return - pref: SvcMaxReportRows class: integer - rows of a report requested via the reports web service. IdRef: - - pref: IdRef choices: yes: Enable no: Disable - the IdRef webservice from the opac detail page. IdRef allows to request authorities from the Sudoc database. - Please note that this feature is available only for UNIMARC.