#!/usr/bin/perl # This inserts records from a Koha database into elastic search # Copyright 2014 Catalyst IT # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . =head1 NAME rebuild_elasticsearch.pl - inserts records from a Koha database into Elasticsearch =head1 SYNOPSIS B [B<-c|--commit>=C] [B<-d|--delete>] [B<-r|--reset>] [B<-a|--authorities>] [B<-b|--biblios>] [B<-bn|--bnumber>] [B<-ai|--authid>] [B<-p|--processes>] [B<-v|--verbose>] [B<-h|--help>] [B<--man>] =head1 DESCRIPTION Inserts records from a Koha database into Elasticsearch. =head1 OPTIONS =over =item B<-c|--commit>=C Specify how many records will be batched up before they're added to Elasticsearch. Higher should be faster, but will cause more RAM usage. Default is 5000. =item B<-d|--delete> Delete the index and recreate it before indexing. =item B<-r|--reset> Reload mappings from files (specified in koha-conf.xml) before indexing. Implies --delete. =item B<-a|--authorities> Index the authorities only. Combining this with B<-b> is the same as specifying neither and so both get indexed. =item B<-b|--biblios> Index the biblios only. Combining this with B<-a> is the same as specifying neither and so both get indexed. =item B<-bn|--bnumber> Only index the supplied biblionumber, mostly for testing purposes. May be repeated. =item B<-ai|--authid> Only index the supplied authority id, mostly for testing purposes. May be repeated. =item B<-p|--processes> Number of processes to use for indexing. This can be used to do more indexing work in parallel on multicore systems. By default, a single process is used. =item B<-v|--verbose> By default, this program only emits warnings and errors. This makes it talk more. Add more to make it even more wordy, in particular when debugging. =item B<-h|--help> Help! =item B<--man> Full documentation. =back =head1 IMPLEMENTATION =cut use autodie; use Getopt::Long; use Koha::Script; use C4::Context; use Koha::MetadataRecord::Authority; use Koha::BiblioUtils; use Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch; use Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Indexer; use MARC::Field; use MARC::Record; use Modern::Perl; use Pod::Usage; my $verbose = 0; my $commit = 5000; my ($delete, $reset, $help, $man, $processes); my ($index_biblios, $index_authorities); my (@biblionumbers,@authids); $|=1; # flushes output GetOptions( 'c|commit=i' => \$commit, 'd|delete' => \$delete, 'r|reset' => \$reset, 'a|authorities' => \$index_authorities, 'b|biblios' => \$index_biblios, 'bn|bnumber=i' => \@biblionumbers, 'ai|authid=i' => \@authids, 'p|processes=i' => \$processes, 'v|verbose+' => \$verbose, 'h|help' => \$help, 'man' => \$man, ); # Default is to do both unless ($index_authorities || $index_biblios) { $index_authorities = $index_biblios = 1; } if ($processes && ( @biblionumbers || @authids) ) { die "Argument p|processes cannot be combined with bn|bnumber or ai|authid"; } pod2usage(1) if $help; pod2usage( -exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2 ) if $man; _sanity_check(); if ($reset){ Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch->reset_elasticsearch_mappings; $delete = 1; } _verify_index_state($Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::BIBLIOS_INDEX, $delete) if ($index_biblios); _verify_index_state($Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::AUTHORITIES_INDEX, $delete) if ($index_authorities); my $slice_index = 0; my $slice_count = ( $processes //= 1 ); my %iterator_options; if ($slice_count > 1) { # Fire up child processes for processing slices from 2 on. This main process will handle slice 1. $slice_index = 0; for (my $proc = 1; $proc < $slice_count; $proc++) { my $pid = fork(); die "Failed to fork a child process\n" unless defined $pid; if ($pid == 0) { # Child process, give it a slice to process $slice_index = $proc; last; } } # Fudge the commit count a bit to spread out the Elasticsearch commits $commit *= 1 + 0.10 * $slice_index; _log(1, "Processing slice @{[$slice_index + 1]} of $slice_count\n"); $iterator_options{slice} = { index => $slice_index, count => $slice_count }; } my $next; if ($index_biblios) { _log(1, "Indexing biblios\n"); if (@biblionumbers) { $next = sub { my $r = shift @biblionumbers; return () unless defined $r; return ($r, Koha::BiblioUtils->get_from_biblionumber($r, item_data => 1 )); }; } else { my $records = Koha::BiblioUtils->get_all_biblios_iterator(%iterator_options); $next = sub { $records->next(); } } _do_reindex($next, $Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::BIBLIOS_INDEX); } if ($index_authorities) { _log(1, "Indexing authorities\n"); if (@authids) { $next = sub { my $r = shift @authids; return () unless defined $r; my $a = Koha::MetadataRecord::Authority->get_from_authid($r); return ($r, $a); }; } else { my $records = Koha::MetadataRecord::Authority->get_all_authorities_iterator(%iterator_options); $next = sub { $records->next(); } } _do_reindex($next, $Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::AUTHORITIES_INDEX); } if ($slice_index == 0) { # Main process, wait for children for (my $proc = 1; $proc < $processes; $proc++) { wait(); } } =head1 INTERNAL METHODS =head2 _verify_index_state _verify_index_state($Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::BIBLIOS_INDEX, 1); Checks the index state and recreates it if requested. =cut sub _verify_index_state { my ( $index_name, $recreate ) = @_; _log(1, "Checking state of $index_name index\n"); my $indexer = Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Indexer->new( { index => $index_name } ); if ($recreate) { _log(1, "Dropping and recreating $index_name index\n"); $indexer->drop_index() if $indexer->index_exists(); $indexer->create_index(); } elsif (!$indexer->index_exists) { # Create index if does not exist $indexer->create_index(); } elsif ($indexer->is_index_status_ok) { # Update mapping unless index is some kind of problematic state $indexer->update_mappings(); } elsif ($indexer->is_index_status_recreate_required) { warn qq/Index "$index_name" has status "recreate required", suggesting it should be recreated/; } } =head2 _do_reindex _do_reindex($callback, $Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::BIBLIOS_INDEX); Does the actual reindexing. $callback is a function that always returns the next record. For each index we iterate through the records, committing at specified count =cut sub _do_reindex { my ( $next, $index_name ) = @_; my $indexer = Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Indexer->new( { index => $index_name } ); my $count = 0; my $commit_count = $commit; my ( @id_buffer, @commit_buffer ); while ( my $record = $next->() ) { my $id = $record->id // $record->authid; my $record = $record->record; $count++; if ( $verbose == 1 ) { _log( 1, "$count records processed\n" ) if ( $count % 1000 == 0); } else { _log( 2, "$id\n" ); } push @id_buffer, $id; push @commit_buffer, $record; if ( !( --$commit_count ) ) { _log( 1, "Committing $commit records...\n" ); my $response = $indexer->update_index( \@id_buffer, \@commit_buffer ); _handle_response($response); $commit_count = $commit; @id_buffer = (); @commit_buffer = (); _log( 1, "Commit complete\n" ); } } # There are probably uncommitted records _log( 1, "Committing final records...\n" ); my $response = $indexer->update_index( \@id_buffer, \@commit_buffer ); _handle_response($response); _log( 1, "Total $count records indexed\n" ); } =head2 _sanity_check _sanity_check(); Checks some basic stuff to ensure that it's sane before we start. =cut sub _sanity_check { # Do we have an elasticsearch block defined? my $conf = C4::Context->config('elasticsearch'); die "No 'elasticsearch' block is defined in koha-conf.xml.\n" if ( !$conf ); } =head2 _handle_response Parse the return from update_index and display errors depending on verbosity of the script =cut sub _handle_response { my ($response) = @_; if( $response->{errors} eq 'true' ){ _log( 1, "There were errors during indexing\n" ); if ( $verbose > 1 ){ foreach my $item (@{$response->{items}}){ next unless defined $item->{index}->{error}; print "Record #" . $item->{index}->{_id} . " " . $item->{index}->{error}->{reason} . " (" . $item->{index}->{error}->{type} . ") : " . $item->{index}->{error}->{caused_by}->{type} . " (" . $item->{index}->{error}->{caused_by}->{reason} . ")\n"; } } } } =head2 _log _log($level, "Message\n"); Output progress information. Will output the message if verbosity level is set to $level or more. Will not include a trailing newline automatically. =cut sub _log { my ($level, $msg) = @_; print "[$$] $msg" if ($verbose >= $level); }