Koha Development Team d659526b5a
Bug 38664: Tidy the whole codebase
This commit is generated using:
  % perl misc/devel/tidy.pl
*within* ktd, to get the same version of perltidy than what will be used
by our CI (currently v20230309).

Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer@bsz-bw.de>
2025-02-11 14:58:24 +01:00

319 lines
12 KiB
Executable file

# Copyright 2008 BibLibre, BibLibre, Paul POULAIN
# SAN Ouest Provence
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
=head1 admin/aqbudgetperiods.pl
script to administer the budget periods table
This software is placed under the gnu General Public License, v2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
this script use an $op to know what to do.
if $op is empty or none of the above values,
- the default screen is build (with all records, or filtered datas).
- the user can clic on add, modify or delete record.
if $op=add_form
- if primkey exists, this is a modification,so we read the $primkey record
- builds the add/modify form
if $op=add_validate
- the user has just send datas, so we create/modify the record
if $op=delete_confirm
- we show the record having primkey=$primkey and ask for deletion validation form
if $op=delete_confirmed
- we delete the record having primkey=$primkey
if $op=duplicate_form
- displays the duplication of budget period form (allowing specification of dates)
if $op=duplicate_budget
- we perform the duplication of the budget period specified as budget_period_id
use Modern::Perl;
use CGI qw ( -utf8 );
use JSON qw( encode_json );
use Koha::Database;
use C4::Koha;
use C4::Context;
use C4::Auth qw( get_template_and_user );
use C4::Output qw( output_html_with_http_headers );
use C4::Acquisition;
use C4::Budgets
qw( GetBudgetPeriod GetBudgetHierarchy GetBudgetPeriods ModBudgetPeriod AddBudgetPeriod GetBudgets DelBudgetPeriod CloneBudgetPeriod MoveOrders );
use C4::Log qw(logaction);
use Koha::Acquisition::Currencies;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $input = CGI->new;
my $searchfield = $input->param('searchfield') // '';
my $budget_period_id = $input->param('budget_period_id');
my $op = $input->param('op') || "else";
#my $sort1_authcat = $input->param('sort1_authcat');
#my $sort2_authcat = $input->param('sort2_authcat');
# get only the columns of aqbudgetperiods in budget_period_hashref
my @columns = Koha::Database->new()->schema->source('Aqbudgetperiod')->columns;
my $budget_period_hashref =
{ map { join( ' ', @columns ) =~ /$_/ ? ( $_ => scalar $input->param($_) ) : () } keys( %{ $input->Vars() } ) };
$budget_period_hashref->{budget_period_startdate} = $input->param('budget_period_startdate');
$budget_period_hashref->{budget_period_enddate} = $input->param('budget_period_enddate');
$searchfield =~ s/\,//g;
my ( $template, $borrowernumber, $cookie, $staff_flags ) = get_template_and_user(
template_name => "admin/aqbudgetperiods.tt",
query => $input,
type => "intranet",
flagsrequired => { acquisition => 'period_manage' },
# This is used in incbudgets-active-currency.inc
my $active_currency = Koha::Acquisition::Currencies->get_active;
if ($active_currency) {
symbol => $active_currency->symbol,
currency => $active_currency->currency
if ( $op eq 'add_form' ) {
## add or modify a budget period (preparation)
## get information about the budget period that must be modified
if ($budget_period_id) { # MOD
my $budgetperiod_hash = GetBudgetPeriod($budget_period_id);
# get dropboxes
} # IF-MOD
} elsif ( $op eq 'cud-add_validate' ) {
## add or modify a budget period (confirmation)
## update budget period data
if ( $budget_period_id ne '' ) {
# Grab the previous values so we can log them
my $budgetperiod_old = GetBudgetPeriod($budget_period_id);
$$budget_period_hashref{$_} ||= 0 for qw(budget_period_active budget_period_locked);
my $status = ModBudgetPeriod($budget_period_hashref);
# Log the budget modification
if ( C4::Context->preference("AcquisitionLog") ) {
my $diff = 0 - ( $budgetperiod_old->{budget_period_total} - $budget_period_hashref->{budget_period_total} );
my $infos = {
budget_period_startdate => $input->param('budget_period_startdate'),
budget_period_enddate => $input->param('budget_period_enddate'),
budget_period_total => $budget_period_hashref->{budget_period_total},
budget_period_startdate_old => $budgetperiod_old->{budget_period_startdate},
budget_period_enddate_old => $budgetperiod_old->{budget_period_enddate},
budget_period_total_old => $budgetperiod_old->{budget_period_total},
budget_period_total_change => $diff
} else { # ELSE ITS AN ADD
my $budget_period_id = AddBudgetPeriod($budget_period_hashref);
$op = 'else';
elsif ( $op eq 'delete_confirm' ) {
## delete a budget period (preparation)
my $funds = GetBudgets( { budget_period_id => $budget_period_id } );
my $fund_count = scalar @$funds;
if ( $fund_count > 0 ) {
$template->param( funds_exist => 1 );
#$total = number of records linked to the record that must be deleted
my $total = 0;
my $data = GetBudgetPeriod($budget_period_id);
} elsif ( $op eq 'cud-delete_confirmed' ) {
## confirm no funds have been added to budget
my $funds = GetBudgets( { budget_period_id => $budget_period_id } );
my $fund_count = scalar @$funds;
if ( $fund_count > 0 ) {
$template->param( failed_delete_funds_exist => 1 );
} else {
## delete the budget period record
my $data = GetBudgetPeriod($budget_period_id);
$op = 'else';
# display the form for duplicating
elsif ( $op eq 'duplicate_form' ) {
my $budgetperiod = GetBudgetPeriod($budget_period_id);
'duplicate_form' => '1',
'budget_period_id' => $budget_period_id,
'budgetperiod' => $budgetperiod,
# handle the actual duplication
elsif ( $op eq 'cud-duplicate_budget' ) {
die "please specify a budget period id\n" if ( !defined $budget_period_id || $budget_period_id eq '' );
my $budget_period_startdate = $input->param('budget_period_startdate');
my $budget_period_enddate = $input->param('budget_period_enddate');
my $budget_period_description = $input->param('budget_period_description');
my $amount_change_percentage = $input->param('amount_change_percentage');
my $amount_change_round_increment = $input->param('amount_change_round_increment');
my $mark_original_budget_as_inactive = $input->param('mark_original_budget_as_inactive');
my $reset_all_budgets = $input->param('reset_all_budgets');
my $new_budget_period_id = CloneBudgetPeriod(
budget_period_id => $budget_period_id,
budget_period_startdate => $budget_period_startdate,
budget_period_enddate => $budget_period_enddate,
budget_period_description => $budget_period_description,
amount_change_percentage => $amount_change_percentage,
amount_change_round_increment => $amount_change_round_increment,
mark_original_budget_as_inactive => $mark_original_budget_as_inactive,
reset_all_budgets => $reset_all_budgets,
# display the list of budgets
$op = 'else';
} elsif ( $op eq 'close_form' ) {
my $budget_period = GetBudgetPeriod($budget_period_id);
my $active_budget_periods = GetBudgetPeriods( { budget_period_active => 1 } );
# Remove the budget period from the list
$active_budget_periods =
[ map { ( $_->{budget_period_id} == $budget_period_id ) ? () : $_ } @$active_budget_periods ];
my $budgets_to_move = GetBudgetHierarchy($budget_period_id);
my $number_of_unreceived_orders = 0;
for my $budget (@$budgets_to_move) {
# We want to move funds from this budget
my $unreceived_orders = C4::Acquisition::SearchOrders(
budget_id => $budget->{budget_id},
pending => 1,
$budget->{unreceived_orders} = $unreceived_orders;
$number_of_unreceived_orders += scalar(@$unreceived_orders);
close_form => 1,
budget_period_id => $budget_period_id,
budget_period_description => $budget_period->{budget_period_description},
budget_periods => $active_budget_periods,
budgets_to_move => $budgets_to_move,
number_of_unreceived_orders => $number_of_unreceived_orders,
} elsif ( $op eq 'cud-close_confirmed' ) {
my $to_budget_period_id = $input->param('to_budget_period_id');
my $move_remaining_unspent = $input->param('move_remaining_unspent');
my $report = MoveOrders(
from_budget_period_id => $budget_period_id,
to_budget_period_id => $to_budget_period_id,
move_remaining_unspent => $move_remaining_unspent,
my $from_budget_period = GetBudgetPeriod($budget_period_id);
my $to_budget_period = GetBudgetPeriod($to_budget_period_id);
closed => 1,
budget_period_id => $from_budget_period->{budget_period_id},
budget_period_description => $from_budget_period->{budget_period_description},
from_budget_period => $from_budget_period,
to_budget_period => $to_budget_period,
report => $report,
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# display the list of budget periods
my $activepage = $input->param('apage') || 1;
my $inactivepage = $input->param('ipage') || 1;
# Get active budget periods
my $results = GetBudgetPeriods(
{ budget_period_active => 1 },
{ -asc => 'budget_period_description' },
my @period_active_loop;
foreach my $result ( @{$results} ) {
my $budgetperiod = $result;
$budgetperiod->{budget_active} = 1;
my $funds = GetBudgets( { budget_period_id => $budgetperiod->{budget_period_id} } );
$budgetperiod->{count} = scalar @$funds;
push( @period_active_loop, $budgetperiod );
# Get inactive budget periods
$results = GetBudgetPeriods(
{ budget_period_active => 0 },
{ -desc => 'budget_period_enddate' },
my @period_inactive_loop;
foreach my $result ( @{$results} ) {
my $budgetperiod = $result;
$budgetperiod->{budget_active} = 1;
my $funds = GetBudgets( { budget_period_id => $budgetperiod->{budget_period_id} } );
$budgetperiod->{count} = scalar @$funds;
push( @period_inactive_loop, $budgetperiod );
my $tab = $input->param('tab') ? $input->param('tab') - 1 : 0;
period_active_loop => \@period_active_loop,
period_inactive_loop => \@period_inactive_loop,
tab => $tab,
$template->param( $op => 1 );
output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output;