This commit is generated using: % perl misc/devel/tidy.pl *within* ktd, to get the same version of perltidy than what will be used by our CI (currently v20230309). Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer@bsz-bw.de>
292 lines
10 KiB
Executable file
292 lines
10 KiB
Executable file
# Copyright 2007 LibLime
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use CGI qw ( -utf8 );
use C4::Auth qw( get_template_and_user );
use C4::Context;
use C4::Output qw( output_html_with_http_headers );
use C4::Matcher qw/valid_normalization_routines/;
our $input = CGI->new;
my $op = $input->param('op') || '';
my ( $template, $loggedinuser, $cookie ) = get_template_and_user(
template_name => "admin/matching-rules.tt",
query => $input,
type => "intranet",
flagsrequired => { parameters => 'manage_matching_rules' },
my $matcher_id = $input->param("matcher_id");
$template->param( max_matchpoint => 0 );
$template->param( max_matchcheck => 0 );
my @valid_norms = C4::Matcher::valid_normalization_routines();
unshift @valid_norms, 'none';
$template->param( valid_norms => \@valid_norms );
my $display_list = 0;
if ( $op eq "edit_matching_rule" ) {
edit_matching_rule_form( $template, $matcher_id );
} elsif ( $op eq "cud-edit_matching_rule_confirmed" ) {
add_update_matching_rule( $template, $matcher_id );
$display_list = 1;
} elsif ( $op eq "add_matching_rule" ) {
} elsif ( $op eq "cud-add_matching_rule_confirmed" ) {
add_update_matching_rule( $template, $matcher_id );
$display_list = 1;
} elsif ( $op eq "delete_matching_rule" ) {
delete_matching_rule_form( $template, $matcher_id );
} elsif ( $op eq "cud-delete_matching_rule_confirmed" ) {
delete_matching_rule( $template, $matcher_id );
$display_list = 1;
} else {
$display_list = 1;
if ($display_list) {
output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output;
exit 0;
sub add_matching_rule_form {
my $template = shift;
matching_rule_form => 1,
confirm_op => 'cud-add_matching_rule_confirmed',
max_matchpoint => 1,
max_matchcheck => 1
sub add_update_matching_rule {
my $template = shift;
my $matcher_id = shift;
my $record_type = $input->param('record_type') || 'biblio';
# do parsing
my $matcher = C4::Matcher->new( $record_type, 1000 );
$matcher->code( scalar $input->param('code') );
$matcher->description( scalar $input->param('description') );
$matcher->threshold( scalar $input->param('threshold') );
# matchpoints
my @mp_nums = sort map { /^mp_(\d+)_search_index/ ? int($1) : () } $input->multi_param;
foreach my $mp_num (@mp_nums) {
my $index = $input->param("mp_${mp_num}_search_index");
my $score = $input->param("mp_${mp_num}_score");
# components
my $components = [];
my @comp_nums = sort map { /^mp_${mp_num}_c_(\d+)_tag/ ? int($1) : () } $input->multi_param;
foreach my $comp_num (@comp_nums) {
my $component = {};
$component->{'tag'} = $input->param("mp_${mp_num}_c_${comp_num}_tag");
$component->{'subfields'} = $input->param("mp_${mp_num}_c_${comp_num}_subfields");
$component->{'offset'} = $input->param("mp_${mp_num}_c_${comp_num}_offset");
$component->{'length'} = $input->param("mp_${mp_num}_c_${comp_num}_length");
# norms
$component->{'norms'} = [];
my @norm_nums = sort map { /^mp_${mp_num}_c_${comp_num}_n_(\d+)_norm/ ? int($1) : () } $input->multi_param;
foreach my $norm_num (@norm_nums) {
push @{ $component->{'norms'} }, $input->multi_param("mp_${mp_num}_c_${comp_num}_n_${norm_num}_norm");
push @$components, $component;
$matcher->add_matchpoint( $index, $score, $components );
# match checks
my @mc_nums = sort map { /^mc_(\d+)_id/ ? int($1) : () } $input->multi_param;
foreach my $mc_num (@mc_nums) {
# source components
my $src_components = [];
my @src_comp_nums = sort map { /^mc_${mc_num}_src_c_(\d+)_tag/ ? int($1) : () } $input->multi_param;
foreach my $comp_num (@src_comp_nums) {
my $component = {};
$component->{'tag'} = $input->param("mc_${mc_num}_src_c_${comp_num}_tag");
$component->{'subfields'} = $input->param("mc_${mc_num}_src_c_${comp_num}_subfields");
$component->{'offset'} = $input->param("mc_${mc_num}_src_c_${comp_num}_offset");
$component->{'length'} = $input->param("mc_${mc_num}_src_c_${comp_num}_length");
# norms
$component->{'norms'} = [];
my @norm_nums =
sort map { /^mc_${mc_num}_src_c_${comp_num}_n_(\d+)_norm/ ? int($1) : () } $input->multi_param;
foreach my $norm_num (@norm_nums) {
push @{ $component->{'norms'} },
push @$src_components, $component;
# target components
my $tgt_components = [];
my @tgt_comp_nums = sort map { /^mc_${mc_num}_tgt_c_(\d+)_tag/ ? int($1) : () } $input->multi_param;
foreach my $comp_num (@tgt_comp_nums) {
my $component = {};
$component->{'tag'} = $input->param("mc_${mc_num}_tgt_c_${comp_num}_tag");
$component->{'subfields'} = $input->param("mc_${mc_num}_tgt_c_${comp_num}_subfields");
$component->{'offset'} = $input->param("mc_${mc_num}_tgt_c_${comp_num}_offset");
$component->{'length'} = $input->param("mc_${mc_num}_tgt_c_${comp_num}_length");
# norms
$component->{'norms'} = [];
my @norm_nums =
sort map { /^mc_${mc_num}_tgt_c_${comp_num}_n_(\d+)_norm/ ? int($1) : () } $input->multi_param;
foreach my $norm_num (@norm_nums) {
push @{ $component->{'norms'} },
push @$tgt_components, $component;
$matcher->add_required_check( $src_components, $tgt_components );
if ( defined $matcher_id and $matcher_id =~ /^\d+/ ) {
$template->param( edited_matching_rule => $matcher->code() );
} else {
$template->param( added_matching_rule => $matcher->code() );
$matcher_id = $matcher->store();
sub delete_matching_rule_form {
my $template = shift;
my $matcher_id = shift;
my $matcher = C4::Matcher->fetch($matcher_id);
delete_matching_rule_form => 1,
confirm_op => "cud-delete_matching_rule_confirmed",
matcher_id => $matcher_id,
code => $matcher->code(),
description => $matcher->description(),
sub delete_matching_rule {
my $template = shift;
my $matcher_id = shift;
my $matcher = C4::Matcher->fetch($matcher_id);
deleted_matching_rule => $matcher->code(),
sub edit_matching_rule_form {
my $template = shift;
my $matcher_id = shift;
my $matcher = C4::Matcher->fetch($matcher_id);
$template->{VARS}->{'matcher_id'} = $matcher_id;
$template->{VARS}->{'code'} = $matcher->code();
$template->{VARS}->{'description'} = $matcher->description();
$template->{VARS}->{'threshold'} = $matcher->threshold();
$template->{VARS}->{'record_type'} = $matcher->record_type();
my $matcher_info = $matcher->dump();
my @matchpoints = ();
my $mp_num = 0;
foreach my $matchpoint ( @{ $matcher_info->{'matchpoints'} } ) {
my @components = _parse_components( $matchpoint->{'components'} );
push @matchpoints, {
mp_num => $mp_num,
index => $matchpoint->{'index'},
score => $matchpoint->{'score'},
components => \@components
$template->param( matchpoints => \@matchpoints );
my $mc_num = 0;
my @matchchecks = ();
foreach my $matchcheck ( @{ $matcher_info->{'matchchecks'} } ) {
my @src_components = _parse_components( $matchcheck->{'source_matchpoint'}->{'components'} );
my @tgt_components = _parse_components( $matchcheck->{'target_matchpoint'}->{'components'} );
push @matchchecks, {
mc_num => $mc_num,
src_components => \@src_components,
tgt_components => \@tgt_components
$template->param( matchchecks => \@matchchecks );
matching_rule_form => 1,
edit_matching_rule => 1,
confirm_op => 'cud-edit_matching_rule_confirmed',
max_matchpoint => $mp_num,
max_matchcheck => $mc_num
sub _parse_components {
my $components_ref = shift;
my @components = ();
my $comp_num = 0;
foreach my $component ( @{$components_ref} ) {
my $norm_num = 0;
my @norms;
foreach my $norm ( @{ $component->{'norms'} } ) {
push @norms, { norm_num => $norm_num, norm => $norm };
push @components, {
comp_num => $comp_num,
tag => $component->{'tag'},
subfields => join( "", sort keys %{ $component->{'subfields'} } ),
offset => $component->{'offset'},
'length' => $component->{'length'},
norms => \@norms
return @components;
sub matching_rule_list {
my $template = shift;
my @matching_rules = C4::Matcher::GetMatcherList();
$template->param( available_matching_rules => \@matching_rules );
$template->param( display_list => 1 );