Koha Development Team d659526b5a
Bug 38664: Tidy the whole codebase
This commit is generated using:
  % perl misc/devel/tidy.pl
*within* ktd, to get the same version of perltidy than what will be used
by our CI (currently v20230309).

Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer@bsz-bw.de>
2025-02-11 14:58:24 +01:00

538 lines
19 KiB
Executable file

# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use CGI qw ( -utf8 );
use HTML::Entities;
use C4::Auth qw( get_template_and_user );
use C4::Context;
use C4::Koha qw(
use C4::Serials qw( CountSubscriptionFromBiblionumber SearchSubscriptions GetLatestSerials );
use C4::Output qw( output_html_with_http_headers );
use C4::Biblio qw( GetBiblioData GetFrameworkCode );
use C4::Items qw( GetAnalyticsCount );
use C4::Reserves;
use C4::Serials qw( CountSubscriptionFromBiblionumber SearchSubscriptions GetLatestSerials );
use C4::XISBN qw( get_xisbns );
use C4::External::Amazon qw( get_amazon_tld );
use C4::Search qw( z3950_search_args enabled_staff_search_views new_record_from_zebra );
use C4::Tags qw( get_tags );
use C4::XSLT qw( XSLTParse4Display );
use Koha::DateUtils qw( format_sqldatetime );
use C4::HTML5Media;
use C4::CourseReserves qw( GetItemCourseReservesInfo );
use Koha::AuthorisedValues;
use Koha::Biblios;
use Koha::Biblio::ItemGroup::Items;
use Koha::Biblio::ItemGroups;
use Koha::CoverImages;
use Koha::DateUtils;
use Koha::ILL::Requests;
use Koha::Items;
use Koha::ItemTypes;
use Koha::Patrons;
use Koha::Virtualshelves;
use Koha::Plugins;
use Koha::Recalls;
use Koha::Reviews;
use Koha::SearchEngine::Search;
use Koha::SearchEngine::QueryBuilder;
use Koha::Serial::Items;
my $query = CGI->new();
my $analyze = $query->param('analyze');
my ( $template, $borrowernumber, $cookie, $flags ) = get_template_and_user(
template_name => 'catalogue/detail.tt',
query => $query,
type => "intranet",
flagsrequired => { catalogue => 1 },
# Determine if we should be offering any enhancement plugin buttons
if ( C4::Context->config('enable_plugins') ) {
# Only pass plugins that can offer a toolbar button
my @plugins =
Koha::Plugins->new()->GetPlugins( { method => 'intranet_catalog_biblio_enhancements_toolbar_button' } );
plugins => \@plugins,
my $activetab = $query->param('activetab');
my $biblionumber = $query->param('biblionumber');
$biblionumber = HTML::Entities::encode($biblionumber);
my $biblio = Koha::Biblios->find($biblionumber);
biblio => $biblio,
activetab => $activetab,
unless ($biblio) {
# biblionumber invalid -> report and exit
blocking_error => 'unknown_biblionumber',
biblionumber => $biblionumber
output_html_with_http_headers $query, $cookie, $template->output;
my $marc_record = eval { $biblio->metadata->record };
my $invalid_marc_record = $@ || !$marc_record;
if ($invalid_marc_record) {
$template->param( decoding_error => $@ );
my $marc_xml = C4::Charset::StripNonXmlChars( $biblio->metadata->metadata );
$marc_record = eval {
$marc_xml, 'UTF-8',
my $op = $query->param('op') || q{};
if ( $op eq 'set_item_group' ) {
my $item_group_id = $query->param('item_group_id');
my @itemnumbers = $query->multi_param('itemnumber');
foreach my $item_id (@itemnumbers) {
my $item_group_item = Koha::Biblio::ItemGroup::Items->find( { item_id => $item_id } );
if ($item_group_item) {
} else {
$item_group_item = Koha::Biblio::ItemGroup::Item->new(
item_id => $item_id,
item_group_id => $item_group_id,
} elsif ( $op eq 'unset_item_group' ) {
my $item_group_id = $query->param('item_group_id');
my @itemnumbers = $query->multi_param('itemnumber');
foreach my $item_id (@itemnumbers) {
my $item_group_item = Koha::Biblio::ItemGroup::Items->find( { item_id => $item_id } );
$item_group_item->delete() if $item_group_item;
if ( $query->cookie("holdfor") ) {
my $holdfor_patron = Koha::Patrons->find( $query->cookie("holdfor") );
if ($holdfor_patron) {
holdfor => $query->cookie("holdfor"),
holdfor_patron => $holdfor_patron,
if ( $query->cookie("searchToOrder") ) {
my ( $basketno, $vendorid ) = split( /\//, $query->cookie("searchToOrder") );
searchtoorder_basketno => $basketno,
searchtoorder_vendorid => $vendorid
my $fw = GetFrameworkCode($biblionumber);
my $showallitems = $query->param('showallitems');
my $marcflavour = C4::Context->preference("marcflavour");
$template->param( 'SpineLabelShowPrintOnBibDetails' => C4::Context->preference("SpineLabelShowPrintOnBibDetails") );
$template->param( ocoins => !$invalid_marc_record ? $biblio->get_coins : undef );
# some useful variables for enhanced content;
# in each case, we're grabbing the first value we find in
# the record and normalizing it
my $upc = GetNormalizedUPC( $marc_record, $marcflavour );
my $ean = GetNormalizedEAN( $marc_record, $marcflavour );
my $oclc = GetNormalizedOCLCNumber( $marc_record, $marcflavour );
my $isbn = GetNormalizedISBN( undef, $marc_record, $marcflavour );
my $content_identifier_exists;
if ( $isbn or $ean or $oclc or $upc ) {
$content_identifier_exists = 1;
normalized_upc => $upc,
normalized_ean => $ean,
normalized_oclc => $oclc,
normalized_isbn => $isbn,
content_identifier_exists => $content_identifier_exists,
my $itemtypes = { map { $_->itemtype => $_ } @{ Koha::ItemTypes->search_with_localization->as_list } };
my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find($borrowernumber);
my $include_lost_items = !$patron->category->hidelostitems || $showallitems;
my $items_params = {
( $invalid_marc_record ? () : ( host_items => 1 ) ),
my $all_items = $biblio->items($items_params);
my $items_to_display = $all_items->search( { $include_lost_items ? () : ( itemlost => 0 ) } );
my $dat = &GetBiblioData($biblionumber);
#is biblio a collection and are bundles enabled
my $leader = $marc_record->leader();
$dat->{bundlesEnabled} =
( ( substr( $leader, 7, 1 ) eq 'c' ) && C4::Context->preference('BundleNotLoanValue') ) ? 1 : 0;
#coping with subscriptions
my $subscriptionsnumber = CountSubscriptionFromBiblionumber($biblionumber);
my @subscriptions = SearchSubscriptions( { biblionumber => $biblionumber, orderby => 'title' } );
my @subs;
foreach my $subscription (@subscriptions) {
my %cell;
my $serials_to_display;
$cell{subscriptionid} = $subscription->{subscriptionid};
$cell{subscriptionnotes} = $subscription->{internalnotes};
$cell{missinglist} = $subscription->{missinglist};
$cell{librariannote} = $subscription->{librariannote};
$cell{branchcode} = $subscription->{branchcode};
$cell{hasalert} = $subscription->{hasalert};
$cell{callnumber} = $subscription->{callnumber};
$cell{location} = $subscription->{location};
$cell{closed} = $subscription->{closed};
#get the three latest serials.
$serials_to_display = $subscription->{staffdisplaycount};
$serials_to_display = C4::Context->preference('StaffSerialIssueDisplayCount') unless $serials_to_display;
$cell{staffdisplaycount} = $serials_to_display;
$cell{latestserials} =
GetLatestSerials( $subscription->{subscriptionid}, $serials_to_display );
push @subs, \%cell;
# Get component parts details
my $showcomp = C4::Context->preference('ShowComponentRecords');
my $show_analytics;
if ( $showcomp eq 'both' || $showcomp eq 'staff' ) {
if ( my $components =
!$invalid_marc_record ? $biblio->get_marc_components( C4::Context->preference('MaxComponentRecords') ) : undef )
$show_analytics = 1 if @{$components}; # just show link when having results
$template->param( analytics_error => 1 )
if grep { $_->message eq 'component_search' } @{ $biblio->object_messages };
my $parts;
for my $part ( @{$components} ) {
$part = C4::Search::new_record_from_zebra( 'biblioserver', $part );
my $id = Koha::SearchEngine::Search::extract_biblionumber($part);
push @{$parts},
biblionumber => $id,
record => $part,
xsl_syspref => "XSLTResultsDisplay",
fix_amps => 1,
$template->param( ComponentParts => $parts );
my ( $comp_query, $comp_query_str, $comp_sort ) = $biblio->get_components_query;
my $cpq = $comp_query_str . "&sort_by=" . $comp_sort;
$template->param( ComponentPartsQuery => $cpq );
} else { # check if we should show analytics anyway
$show_analytics = 1
if !$invalid_marc_record && @{ $biblio->get_marc_components(1) }; # count matters here, results does not
$template->param( analytics_error => 1 )
if grep { $_->message eq 'component_search' } @{ $biblio->object_messages };
# Display volumes link
my $show_volumes = ( !$invalid_marc_record && @{ $biblio->get_marc_volumes(1) } ) ? 1 : 0;
# XSLT processing of some stuff
my $xslt_variables = {
show_analytics_link => $show_analytics,
show_volumes_link => $show_volumes
XSLTDetailsDisplay => '1',
XSLTBloc => XSLTParse4Display(
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
record => $marc_record,
xsl_syspref => "XSLTDetailsDisplay",
fix_amps => 1,
xslt_variables => $xslt_variables,
# Get acquisition details
if ( C4::Context->preference('AcquisitionDetails') ) {
my $orders = Koha::Acquisition::Orders->search(
{ biblionumber => $biblionumber },
join => 'basketno',
order_by => 'basketno.booksellerid'
); # GetHistory sorted by aqbooksellerid, but does it make sense?
orders => $orders,
acq_status => $biblio->acq_status,
if ( C4::Context->preference('suggestion') ) {
my $suggestions = Koha::Suggestions->search(
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
archived => 0,
{ order_by => { -desc => 'suggesteddate' } }
my $nb_archived_suggestions = Koha::Suggestions->search( { biblionumber => $biblionumber, archived => 1 } )->count;
$template->param( suggestions => $suggestions, nb_archived_suggestions => $nb_archived_suggestions );
if ( defined $dat->{'itemtype'} ) {
$dat->{imageurl} = getitemtypeimagelocation( 'intranet', $itemtypes->{ $dat->{itemtype} }->imageurl );
if ( C4::Context->preference('SeparateHoldings') ) {
my $SeparateHoldingsBranch = C4::Context->preference('SeparateHoldingsBranch') || 'homebranch';
my $other_holdings_count =
$items_to_display->search( { $SeparateHoldingsBranch => { '!=' => C4::Context->userenv->{branch} } } )->count;
$template->param( other_holdings_count => $other_holdings_count );
count => $all_items->count, # FIXME 'count' is used in catalog-strings.inc
# But it's not a meaningful variable, we should rename it there
all_items_count => $all_items->count,
items_to_display_count => $items_to_display->count,
my $some_private_shelves = Koha::Virtualshelves->get_some_shelves(
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
add_allowed => 1,
public => 0,
my $some_public_shelves = Koha::Virtualshelves->get_some_shelves(
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
add_allowed => 1,
public => 1,
add_to_some_private_shelves => $some_private_shelves,
add_to_some_public_shelves => $some_public_shelves,
MARCNOTES => !$invalid_marc_record ? $biblio->get_marc_notes() : undef,
z3950_search_params => C4::Search::z3950_search_args($dat),
if ( C4::Context->preference("AlternateHoldingsField") && $items_to_display->count == 0 ) {
my $fieldspec = C4::Context->preference("AlternateHoldingsField");
my $subfields = substr $fieldspec, 3;
my $holdingsep = C4::Context->preference("AlternateHoldingsSeparator") || ' ';
my @alternateholdingsinfo = ();
my @holdingsfields = $marc_record->field( substr $fieldspec, 0, 3 );
for my $field (@holdingsfields) {
my %holding = ( holding => '' );
my $havesubfield = 0;
for my $subfield ( $field->subfields() ) {
if ( ( index $subfields, $$subfield[0] ) >= 0 ) {
$holding{'holding'} .= $holdingsep if ( length $holding{'holding'} > 0 );
$holding{'holding'} .= $$subfield[1];
if ($havesubfield) {
push( @alternateholdingsinfo, \%holding );
ALTERNATEHOLDINGS => \@alternateholdingsinfo,
if ( C4::Context->preference('OPACComments') ) {
my $reviews = Koha::Reviews->search(
{ biblionumber => $biblionumber },
{ order_by => { -desc => 'datereviewed' } }
my $libravatar_enabled = 0;
if ( C4::Context->preference('ShowReviewer') and C4::Context->preference('ShowReviewerPhoto') ) {
eval {
require Libravatar::URL;
if ( !$@ ) {
$libravatar_enabled = 1;
for my $review (@$reviews) {
my $review_patron =
Koha::Patrons->find( $review->{borrowernumber} ); # FIXME Should be Koha::Review->reviewer or similar
# setting some borrower info into this hash
if ($review_patron) {
$review->{patron} = $review_patron;
if ( $libravatar_enabled and $review_patron->email ) {
$review->{avatarurl} = libravatar_url( email => $review_patron->email, https => $ENV{HTTPS} );
$template->param( 'reviews' => $reviews );
my @results = ( $dat, );
foreach ( keys %{$dat} ) {
$template->param( "$_" => defined $dat->{$_} ? $dat->{$_} : '' );
# does not work: my %views_enabled = map { $_ => 1 } $template->query(loop => 'EnableViews');
# method query not found?!?!
$template->param( AmazonTld => get_amazon_tld() ) if ( C4::Context->preference("AmazonCoverImages") );
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
( $analyze ? 'analyze' : 'detailview' ) => 1,
subscriptions => \@subs,
subscriptionsnumber => $subscriptionsnumber,
subscriptiontitle => $dat->{title},
searchid => scalar $query->param('searchid'),
# Lists
if ( C4::Context->preference("virtualshelves") ) {
my $shelves = Koha::Virtualshelves->search(
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
public => 1,
join => 'virtualshelfcontents',
$template->param( 'shelves' => $shelves );
# XISBN Stuff
if ( C4::Context->preference("FRBRizeEditions") == 1 ) {
eval { $template->param( XISBNS => scalar get_xisbns( $isbn, $biblionumber ) ); };
if ($@) { warn "XISBN Failed $@"; }
if ( C4::Context->preference("LocalCoverImages") == 1 ) {
my $images = $biblio->cover_images;
localimages =>
$biblio->cover_images->search( {}, { order_by => [ \"COALESCE(itemnumber, 0, 1)", 'timestamp' ] } ),
# HTML5 Media
if ( ( C4::Context->preference("HTML5MediaEnabled") eq 'both' )
or ( C4::Context->preference("HTML5MediaEnabled") eq 'staff' ) )
$template->param( C4::HTML5Media->gethtml5media($marc_record) );
# Displaying tags
my $tag_quantity;
if ( C4::Context->preference('TagsEnabled') and $tag_quantity = C4::Context->preference('TagsShowOnDetail') ) {
TagsEnabled => 1,
TagsShowOnDetail => $tag_quantity
TagLoop => get_tags(
biblionumber => $biblionumber, approved => 1,
'sort' => '-weight', limit => $tag_quantity
#we only need to pass the number of holds to the template
my $holds = $biblio->holds;
$template->param( holdcount => $holds->count );
# Check if there are any ILL requests connected to the biblio
my $illrequests =
? Koha::ILL::Requests->search( { biblio_id => $biblionumber } )
: [];
$template->param( illrequests => $illrequests );
# get biblionumbers stored in the cart
my @cart_list;
if ( $query->cookie("intranet_bib_list") ) {
my $cart_list = $query->cookie("intranet_bib_list");
@cart_list = split( /\//, $cart_list );
if ( grep { $_ eq $biblionumber } @cart_list ) {
$template->param( incart => 1 );
if ( C4::Context->preference('UseCourseReserves') ) {
my $course_reserves = GetItemCourseReservesInfo( biblionumber => $biblionumber );
$template->param( course_reserves => $course_reserves );
my @libraries = $patron->libraries_where_can_edit_items;
$template->param( can_edit_items_from => \@libraries );
my @itemtypes = Koha::ItemTypes->search->as_list;
my %item_type_image_locations = map { $_->itemtype => $_->image_location('intranet') } @itemtypes;
$template->param( item_type_image_locations => \%item_type_image_locations );
$template->param( found1 => scalar $query->param('found1') );
$template->param( biblio => $biblio );
output_html_with_http_headers $query, $cookie, $template->output;