This patch replaces the (newly introduced use of) REST::Client library with (the already existing in the dependencies) LWP::UserAgent. Bonus 1: validation on the response status is added to print a proper error message and die if bugzilla is not available Bonus 2: License added to the file Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <> Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
350 lines
12 KiB
Executable file
350 lines
12 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <>.
use Modern::Perl;
use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants);
use Git::Wrapper;
use File::Slurp qw( write_file );
use File::Temp qw( tempfile );
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use List::Util qw( first );
use LWP::UserAgent ();
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use Try::Tiny;
use JSON qw( decode_json );
$Term::ANSIColor::AUTOLOCAL = 1;
my $git_dir = '.';
my $target_branch = 'main';
my ( $new_branch, $nb_commits, $bug_number, $help );
'git-dir=s' => \$git_dir,
'target-branch=s' => \$target_branch,
'new-branch=s' => \$new_branch,
'n=s' => \$nb_commits,
'bugzilla=s' => \$bug_number,
'help|?' => \$help,
) or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(1) if $help;
my $git = Git::Wrapper->new($git_dir);
# Check if the directory is a valid Git repo
die "'$git_dir' is not a valid Git repository.\n" unless -d "$git_dir/.git";
# Ensure the branch is clean
if ( $git->status('-uno')->is_dirty ) {
say MAGENTA "Repository is not clean. Commit or stash your changes before rebasing.";
exit 1;
# Check if the conflict resolver script exists on the target branch
my ( $conflict_resolver_script, $temp_fh )
; # Keep this scope for $temp_fh, or the file will be deleted after the try block
try {
my @tidy = $git->RUN( 'show', "$target_branch:misc/devel/" );
$temp_fh = File::Temp->new( CLEANUP => 1 );
$conflict_resolver_script = $temp_fh->filename;
write_file( $conflict_resolver_script, join( "\n", @tidy ) );
} catch {
say MAGENTA $_->error;
if ( $_->error =~ m{fatal: path 'misc/devel/tidy\.pl'} ) {
say RED sprintf "Conflict resolver script 'misc/devel/' not found on the target branch '%s'.\n",
} else {
say RED "Something wrong happened when retrieving the conflict resolved script from the target branch.";
exit 2;
my $source_branch;
if ($bug_number) {
$source_branch = "bug_$bug_number";
} else {
($source_branch) = $git->RUN( 'symbolic-ref', '--short', 'HEAD' );
# Bug 38664 is "Tidy the whole codebase"
my @tidy_commits = grep { m{\|Bug 38664: } } $git->RUN( 'log', '--format=%h|%s', $target_branch );
unless (@tidy_commits) {
say RED sprintf "The target branch (%s) does not contain the tidy commits from bug 38664.", $target_branch;
exit 2;
my ($tidy_commit) = split '\|', $tidy_commits[0];
my ($commit_before_tidy) = split '\|', $tidy_commits[-1];
$commit_before_tidy .= '^1';
my $tmp_src_branch = "$source_branch-tmp";
$new_branch ||= "$source_branch-rebased";
say BLUE "Creating a temporary branch '$tmp_src_branch'...";
if ($bug_number) {
say BLUE sprintf "Guessing a date to use from bugzilla's bug %s", $bug_number;
my $client = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $client->get( ''
. "/bug/$bug_number/attachment?include_fields=is_patch,is_obsolete,creation_time,summary" );
if ( !$response->is_success ) {
say RED sprintf "Request to Bugzilla returned an error: %s", $response->status_line;
exit 2;
my $bz_response = decode_json( $response->decoded_content );
my $time;
foreach my $attachment ( @{ $bz_response->{bugs}->{$bug_number} } ) {
next if ( $attachment->{is_obsolete} );
next if ( !$attachment->{is_patch} );
$time = $attachment->{creation_time};
unless ($time) {
say RED sprintf "No non-obsolete patch found on bug %s", $bug_number;
exit 2;
say GREEN sprintf "First patch from this bug was applied at %s", $time;
my ($commit) = $git->rev_list( '-n', 1, '--before', $time, $target_branch );
unless ($commit) {
say RED sprintf "No commit found before %s on '%s'", $time, $target_branch;
exit 2;
say BLUE "Resetting HEAD to where origin/main was at $time (commit $commit)";
$git->reset( '--hard', $commit );
try {
say BLUE "Applying patches using git bz";
$git->bz( 'apply', $bug_number, '--confirm' );
} catch {
say MAGENTA $_->error;
say RED "Cannot apply the patches cleanly";
say BLUE
"You can continue git-bz operation without this script. Once all the patches are applied retry without --bugzilla.";
exit 2;
# Do not do anything if we have the tidy commits in the git log
if ( $git->branch( $tmp_src_branch, '--contains', $tidy_commit ) ) {
say GREEN "No need to rebase, your branch already contains the tidy commits!";
# Rebase the branch up to before the tidy work
unless ( $git->branch( $source_branch, '--contains', $commit_before_tidy ) ) {
say BLUE "Rebasing the temporary branch up to before the tidy commits...";
try {
$git->RUN( 'rebase', $commit_before_tidy );
} catch {
say MAGENTA $_->error;
say RED "Cannot rebase cleanly up to before the tidy commits";
say RED "Continue the rebase process then try again.";
say RED sprintf "You will need to rename your original branch (%s) and delete the temporary one (%s).",
$source_branch, $tmp_src_branch;
say "Possible commands are (after you fixed the conflicts):";
say "\t\$ git rebase --continue",;
say sprintf "\t\$ git checkout -B %s %s", $source_branch, $tmp_src_branch;
say sprintf "\t\$ git branch -D %s", $tmp_src_branch;
exit 2;
# Create a new branch
say BLUE "Creating a new branch '$new_branch' starting at the end of the tidy commits...";
switch_branch( $new_branch, $tidy_commit );
# Get the list of commits from the source branch
say BLUE "Getting commit list from branch '$tmp_src_branch'...";
unless ($nb_commits) {
say BLUE "No number of commits passed, trying to guess it...";
my ($HEAD_commit) = $git->RUN( 'log', '--format=%s', '-n1', $tmp_src_branch );
my $bug_number;
if ( $HEAD_commit =~ m{^Bug\s(\d+):} ) {
$bug_number = $1;
unless ($bug_number) {
say RED "Number of commits not provided (see -n option) and HEAD commit does not start with 'Bug \\d+'";
exit 2;
$nb_commits = grep { m{\|Bug\s$bug_number:} } $git->RUN( 'log', '--format=%h|%s', $tmp_src_branch );
say GREEN sprintf "Found %s commits to process", $nb_commits;
# Apply each commit to the new branch
my @commits = reverse $git->RUN( 'log', '--format=%h', "$tmp_src_branch~$nb_commits..$tmp_src_branch" );
say BLUE sprintf "Processing %s commits...", scalar(@commits);
while ( my ( $i, $commit ) = each @commits ) {
say BLUE sprintf "\tProcessing commit %s... (%s/%s)", $commit, $i + 1, scalar @commits;
# Get the list of modified files in this commit
my @modified_files = $git->diff_tree( '--no-commit-id', '--name-status', '-r', $commit );
while ( my ( $ii, $file_status ) = each @modified_files ) {
$file_status =~ s/ +/ /;
my ( $status, $file ) = split ' ', $file_status;
say BLUE sprintf "\t\tProcessing file %s... (%s/%s)", $file, $ii + 1, scalar @modified_files;
# Retrieve the content of the file from this commit
if ( $status eq 'D' ) {
try {
} catch {
say RED "Something wrong happened when removing the file from the branch.";
exit 2;
my @content;
try {
@content = $git->RUN( "show", "$commit:$file" );
} catch {
say RED "Something wrong happened when retrieving the file from the branch.";
exit 2;
my $parent_directory = dirname($file);
unless ( -f $parent_directory ) {
write_file( $file, join "\n", @content );
# Tidy the file
my $cmd = "perl $conflict_resolver_script $file";
try {
system $cmd;
} catch {
say RED "Cannot tidy $file: $_";
exit 2;
# Stage the changes
# Get the original commit information
my ( $author, $date, $message ) = get_commit_info($commit);
# Commit the changes with the original metadata
say BLUE "\t\tCommitting changes...";
my @new_commit = $git->commit(
'--author' => $author,
'--date' => $date,
'-m' => $message
say GREEN "\nAll commits from the source branch have been applied to '$new_branch'!\n";
try {
say BLUE sprintf "\nRebasing on top of %s...", $target_branch;
$git->RUN( 'rebase', $target_branch );
} catch {
say MAGENTA $_->error;
say RED "Cannot rebase cleanly";
say BLUE "You can continue the rebase process without the need of this script.";
exit 2;
say GREEN "Everything applied successfully!";
exit 0;
sub get_commit_info {
my ($commit) = @_;
my ($author) = $git->show( '--format=%an <%ae>', '--no-patch', $commit );
my ($date) = $git->show( '--format=%ai', '--no-patch', $commit );
my $message = join "\n", $git->show( '--format=%B', '--no-patch', $commit );
return ( $author, $date, $message );
sub switch_branch {
my ( $branch, $commit ) = @_;
try {
$git->checkout( '-b', $branch, $commit || () );
} catch {
say MAGENTA $_->error;
say RED sprintf "Cannot create and checkout branch '%s'.", $branch;
if ( $_->error =~ m{already exists} ) {
say RED "Delete it and try again.";
say sprintf "\t\$ git branch -D %s", $branch;
exit 2;
=head1 NAME
| - Automate rebasing and resolving conflicts during Git rebases.
| [options]
--git-dir Path to the Git repository (default: current directory)
--target-branch Target branch to rebase onto (default: main)
--new-branch The resulting branch (default: ${source-branch}-rebased)
-n The number of commits to pick for rebase from the source branch
--bugzilla Pull patches from bugzilla
--help Show this help message
This script automates the rebasing of a Git branch onto a target branch that contains the tidy version of the codebase. It rebases up to before the first commit of the tidy commits then applies the commits from the source branch, tidy this version and commits.
Finally the rebase will continue.
The source branch is the branch that is currently checked out.
Rebase onto 'main' in the current repository:
Rebase onto 'dev' in a specified Git repository:
./ --git-dir /path/to/repo --target-branch dev
Rebase onto 'main' and produces a new branch named 'new-branch'
./ --new-branch new-branch
Rebase onto 'main' the last 42 commits of the current branch
./ -n 42
Rebase onto 'main' the patches from bugzilla's bug 42424
./ --bugzilla 42424
=head1 AUTHOR
Jonathan Druart <>