This commit is generated using: % perl misc/devel/tidy.pl *within* ktd, to get the same version of perltidy than what will be used by our CI (currently v20230309). Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer@bsz-bw.de>
451 lines
16 KiB
Executable file
451 lines
16 KiB
Executable file
# Copyright 2014, 2023 Koha development team
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use utf8;
use Test::More tests => 6;
use Test::MockModule;
use Test::Warn;
use CGI qw(-utf8 );
use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
use t::lib::Mocks;
use t::lib::Mocks::Logger;
use t::lib::TestBuilder;
use t::lib::Dates;
use C4::Auth_with_shibboleth qw( shib_ok login_shib_url get_login_shib checkpw_shib );
use Koha::Database;
use Koha::DateUtils qw( dt_from_string );
qw( checkpw )
my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema;
my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new;
my $logger = t::lib::Mocks::Logger->new();
# Mock variables
my $shibboleth;
change_config( {} );
my $interface = 'opac';
# Mock few preferences
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'OPACBaseURL', 'testopac.com' );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'StaffClientBaseURL', 'teststaff.com' );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'EmailFieldPrimary', '' );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'EmailFieldPrecedence', 'emailpro' );
# Mock Context: config, tz and interface
my $context = Test::MockModule->new('C4::Context');
$context->mock( 'config', sub { return $shibboleth; } ); # easier than caching by Mocks::mock_config
$context->mock( 'timezone', sub { return 'local'; } );
$context->mock( 'interface', sub { return $interface; } );
# Mock Letters: GetPreparedLetter, EnqueueLetter and SendQueuedMessages
# We want to test the params
my $mocked_letters = Test::MockModule->new('C4::Letters');
sub {
warn "GetPreparedLetter called";
return 1;
sub {
warn "EnqueueLetter called";
# return a 'message_id'
return 42;
sub {
my $params = shift;
warn "SendQueuedMessages called with message_id: $params->{message_id}";
return 1;
# Start testing ----------------------------------------------------------------
subtest "shib_ok tests" => sub {
plan tests => 5;
my $result;
# correct config, no debug
is( shib_ok(), '1', "good config" );
# bad config, no debug
delete $shibboleth->{matchpoint};
warnings_are { $result = shib_ok() }
[ { carped => 'shibboleth matchpoint not defined' }, ],
"undefined matchpoint = fatal config, warning given";
is( $result, '0', "bad config" );
change_config( { matchpoint => 'email' } );
warnings_are { $result = shib_ok() }
[ { carped => 'shibboleth matchpoint not mapped' }, ],
"unmapped matchpoint = fatal config, warning given";
is( $result, '0', "bad config" );
# add test for undefined shibboleth block
change_config( {} );
subtest "login_shib_url tests" => sub {
plan tests => 2;
my $string = 'language=en-GB¶m="heh❤"';
my $query_string = Encode::encode( 'UTF-8', $string );
my $query_string_uri_escaped = URI::Escape::uri_escape_utf8( '?' . $string );
local $ENV{QUERY_STRING} = $query_string;
local $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} = '/cgi-bin/koha/opac-user.pl';
my $query = CGI->new($query_string);
. '/Shibboleth.sso/Login?target='
. 'https://testopac.com/cgi-bin/koha/opac-user.pl'
. $query_string_uri_escaped,
"login shib url"
my $post_params = 'user=bob&password=wideopen';
local $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH} = length($post_params);
my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
my $infile = "$dir/in.txt";
open my $fh_write, '>', $infile or die "Could not open '$infile' $!";
print $fh_write $post_params;
close $fh_write;
open my $fh_read, '<', $infile or die "Could not open '$infile' $!";
$query = CGI->new($fh_read);
'https://testopac.com' . '/Shibboleth.sso/Login?target=' . 'https://testopac.com/cgi-bin/koha/opac-user.pl',
"login shib url"
close $fh_read;
subtest "get_login_shib tests" => sub {
plan tests => 3;
my $login = get_login_shib();
$logger->debug_is( "koha borrower field to match: userid", "borrower match field debug info" )
->debug_is( "shibboleth attribute to match: uid", "shib match attribute debug info" )->clear();
is( $login, "test1234", "good config, attribute value returned" );
subtest "checkpw_shib tests" => sub {
plan tests => 54;
# Test borrower data
my $test_borrowers = [
cardnumber => 'testcardnumber', userid => 'test1234', surname => 'renvoize', address => 'myaddress',
city => 'johnston', email => undef
cardnumber => 'testcardnumber1', userid => 'test12345', surname => 'clamp1', address => 'myaddress',
city => 'quechee', email => 'kid@clamp.io'
cardnumber => 'testcardnumber2', userid => 'test123456', surname => 'clamp2', address => 'myaddress',
city => 'quechee', email => 'kid@clamp.io'
my $category =
$builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Patron::Categories', value => { default_privacy => 'never' } } );
$builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Patrons', value => { %$_, categorycode => $category->categorycode } } )
for @$test_borrowers;
my $library = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries' } );
# good user
my $shib_login = "test1234";
my ( $retval, $retcard, $retuserid, $retpatron ) = checkpw_shib($shib_login);
is( $logger->count(), 2, "Two debugging entries" );
is( $retval, 1, "user authenticated" );
is( $retcard, "testcardnumber", "expected cardnumber returned" );
is( $retuserid, "test1234", "expected userid returned" );
is( ref($retpatron), 'Koha::Patron', "expected Koha::Patron object returned" );
$logger->debug_is( "koha borrower field to match: userid", "borrower match field debug info" )
->debug_is( "shibboleth attribute to match: uid", "shib match attribute debug info" )->clear();
# bad user
$shib_login = 'martin';
( $retval, $retcard, $retuserid, $retpatron ) = checkpw_shib($shib_login);
is( $retval, 0, "user not authenticated" );
is( $retcard, undef );
is( $retuserid, undef );
is( $retpatron, undef );
$logger->debug_is( "koha borrower field to match: userid", "borrower match field debug info" )
->debug_is( "shibboleth attribute to match: uid", "shib match attribute debug info" )->clear();
# duplicated matchpoint
change_config( { matchpoint => 'email', mapping => { email => { is => 'email' } } } );
$shib_login = 'kid@clamp.io';
( $retval, $retcard, $retuserid, $retpatron ) = checkpw_shib($shib_login);
is( $retval, 0, "user not authenticated if duplicated matchpoint" );
is( $retcard, undef );
is( $retuserid, undef );
is( $retpatron, undef );
$logger->debug_is( "koha borrower field to match: email", "borrower match field debug info" )
->debug_is( "shibboleth attribute to match: email", "shib match attribute debug info" )->clear();
( $retval, $retcard, $retuserid, $retpatron ) = checkpw_shib($shib_login);
is( $retval, 0 );
is( $retcard, undef );
is( $retuserid, undef );
is( $retpatron, undef );
$logger->debug_is( "koha borrower field to match: email", "borrower match field debug info" )
->debug_is( "shibboleth attribute to match: email", "shib match attribute debug info" )->warn_is(
'There are several users with email of kid@clamp.io, matchpoints must be unique',
"duplicated matchpoint warned with debug"
# autocreate user (welcome)
change_config( { autocreate => 1, welcome => 1 } );
$shib_login = 'test4321';
$ENV{'uid'} = 'test4321';
$ENV{'sn'} = "pika";
$ENV{'exp'} = "2017-01-01";
$ENV{'cat'} = $category->categorycode;
$ENV{'add'} = 'Address';
$ENV{'city'} = 'City';
$ENV{'emailpro'} = 'me@myemail.com';
$ENV{branchcode} = $library->branchcode; # needed since T::D::C does no longer hides the FK constraint
warnings_are {
( $retval, $retcard, $retuserid, $retpatron ) = checkpw_shib($shib_login);
'GetPreparedLetter called',
'EnqueueLetter called',
'SendQueuedMessages called with message_id: 42'
"WELCOME notice Prepared, Enqueued and Send";
is( $retval, "1", "user authenticated" );
is( $retuserid, "test4321", "expected userid returned" );
is( ref($retpatron), 'Koha::Patron', "expected Koha::Patron object returned" );
$logger->debug_is( "koha borrower field to match: userid", "borrower match field debug info" )
->debug_is( "shibboleth attribute to match: uid", "shib match attribute debug info" )->clear();
ok my $new_user = $schema->resultset('Borrower')->search( { 'userid' => 'test4321' }, { rows => 1 } ),
"new user found";
my $rec = $new_user->next;
[ map { $rec->$_ } qw/surname dateexpiry address city/ ],
[qw/pika 2017-01-01 Address City/],
'Found $new_user surname'
# sync user
$shibboleth->{sync} = 1;
$ENV{'city'} = 'AnotherCity';
( $retval, $retcard, $retuserid, $retpatron ) = checkpw_shib($shib_login);
is( $retval, 1, "user authenticated" );
is( $retuserid, $shib_login, "expected userid returned" );
is( ref($retpatron), 'Koha::Patron', "expected Koha::Patron object returned" );
$logger->debug_is( "koha borrower field to match: userid", "borrower match field debug info" )
->debug_is( "shibboleth attribute to match: uid", "shib match attribute debug info" )->clear();
ok my $sync_user = $schema->resultset('Borrower')->search( { 'userid' => 'test4321' }, { rows => 1 } ),
"sync user found";
$rec = $sync_user->next;
[ map { $rec->$_ } qw/surname dateexpiry address city/ ],
[qw/pika 2017-01-01 Address AnotherCity/],
'Found $sync_user synced city'
change_config( { sync => 0 } );
# good user
$shib_login = "test1234";
( $retval, $retcard, $retuserid, $retpatron ) = checkpw_shib($shib_login);
is( $retval, "1", "user authenticated" );
is( $retcard, "testcardnumber", "expected cardnumber returned" );
is( $retuserid, "test1234", "expected userid returned" );
is( ref($retpatron), 'Koha::Patron', "expected Koha::Patron object returned" );
$logger->debug_is( "koha borrower field to match: userid", "borrower match field debug info" )
->debug_is( "shibboleth attribute to match: uid", "shib match attribute debug info" )->clear();
# bad user
$shib_login = "martin";
( $retval, $retcard, $retuserid, $retpatron ) = checkpw_shib($shib_login);
is( $retval, 0, "user not authenticated" );
is( $retcard, undef );
is( $retuserid, undef );
is( $retpatron, undef );
"No users with userid of martin found and autocreate is disabled",
"Missing matchpoint warned to info"
# autocreate user from checkpw
change_config( { autocreate => 1, welcome => 1 } );
$shib_login = 'test43210';
$ENV{'uid'} = 'test43210';
$ENV{'sn'} = "pika";
$ENV{'exp'} = "2017-01-01";
$ENV{'cat'} = $category->categorycode;
$ENV{'add'} = 'Address';
$ENV{'city'} = 'City';
$ENV{'emailpro'} = 'me@myemail.com';
$ENV{branchcode} = $library->branchcode; # needed since T::D::C does no longer hides the FK constraint
my $new_user_autocreated = Koha::Patrons->find( { userid => 'test43210' } ),
"new user found"
t::lib::Dates::compare( $new_user_autocreated->updated_on, dt_from_string ), 0,
'updated_on correctly saved on newly created user'
subtest 'get_uri' => sub {
plan tests => 13;
# Tests for OPAC
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'OPACBaseURL', 'testopac.com' );
"https://testopac.com", "https opac uri returned"
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'OPACBaseURL', 'http://testopac.com' );
my $result = C4::Auth_with_shibboleth::_get_uri();
is( $result, "https://testopac.com", "https opac uri returned" );
"Shibboleth requires OPACBaseURL/staffClientBaseURL to use the https protocol!",
"Improper protocol logged to warn"
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'OPACBaseURL', 'https://testopac.com' );
"https://testopac.com", "https opac uri returned"
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'OPACBaseURL', undef );
$result = C4::Auth_with_shibboleth::_get_uri();
is( $result, "https://", "https $interface uri returned" );
"Syspref staffClientBaseURL or OPACBaseURL not set!",
"undefined OPACBaseURL - received expected warning"
# Tests for staff client
$interface = 'intranet';
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'StaffClientBaseURL', 'teststaff.com' );
"https://teststaff.com", "https $interface uri returned"
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'StaffClientBaseURL', 'http://teststaff.com' );
$result = C4::Auth_with_shibboleth::_get_uri();
is( $result, "https://teststaff.com", "https $interface uri returned" );
"Shibboleth requires OPACBaseURL/staffClientBaseURL to use the https protocol!",
'check protocol warn'
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'StaffClientBaseURL', 'https://teststaff.com' );
"https://teststaff.com", "https $interface uri returned"
is( $logger->count(), 0, 'No logging' );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'StaffClientBaseURL', undef );
$result = C4::Auth_with_shibboleth::_get_uri();
is( $result, "https://", "https $interface uri returned" );
"Syspref staffClientBaseURL or OPACBaseURL not set!",
"undefined staffClientBaseURL - received expected warning"
# Internal helper function
sub change_config {
my $params = shift;
my %mapping = (
'userid' => { 'is' => 'uid' },
'surname' => { 'is' => 'sn' },
'dateexpiry' => { 'is' => 'exp' },
'categorycode' => { 'is' => 'cat' },
'address' => { 'is' => 'add' },
'city' => { 'is' => 'city' },
'emailpro' => { 'is' => 'emailpro' },
'branchcode' => { 'is' => 'branchcode' },
if ( exists $params->{mapping} ) {
$mapping{$_} = $params->{mapping}->{$_} for keys %{ $params->{mapping} };
$shibboleth = {
autocreate => $params->{autocreate} // 0,
welcome => $params->{welcome} // 0,
sync => $params->{sync} // 0,
matchpoint => $params->{matchpoint} // 'userid',
mapping => \%mapping,
# Change environment too
$ENV{'uid'} = "test1234";
$ENV{'sn'} = undef;
$ENV{'exp'} = undef;
$ENV{'cat'} = undef;
$ENV{'add'} = undef;
$ENV{'city'} = undef;
$ENV{'emailpro'} = undef;