Jonathan Druart 8514d0a91f
Bug 38474: Prevent Letters.t to fail on slow server
We must always use t::lib::Dates::compare when we compare dates in

Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer@bsz-bw.de>
2025-02-13 15:31:00 +01:00

1827 lines
68 KiB
Executable file

# This file is part of Koha.
# Copyright (C) 2013 Equinox Software, Inc.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use Test::More tests => 104;
use Test::MockModule;
use Test::Warn;
use Test::Exception;
use Email::Sender::Failure;
use MARC::Record;
use t::lib::Dates;
use utf8;
my ( $email_object, $sendmail_params );
our $send_or_die_count = 0;
my $email_sender_module = Test::MockModule->new('Email::Stuffer');
sub {
( $email_object, $sendmail_params ) = @_;
my $str = $email_object->email->as_string;
unlike $str, qr/I =C3=A2=C2=99=C2=A5 Koha=/, "Content is not double encoded";
warn "Fake send_or_die";
use_ok( 'C4::Acquisition', qw( NewBasket ) );
use_ok( 'C4::Biblio', qw( AddBiblio GetBiblioData ) );
qw( GetMessageTransportTypes GetMessage EnqueueLetter GetQueuedMessages SendQueuedMessages ResendMessage GetLetters GetPreparedLetter SendAlerts )
use t::lib::Mocks;
use t::lib::TestBuilder;
use Koha::Database;
use Koha::DateUtils qw( dt_from_string output_pref );
use Koha::Acquisition::Booksellers;
use Koha::Acquisition::Bookseller::Contacts;
use Koha::Acquisition::Orders;
use Koha::Libraries;
use Koha::Notice::Messages;
use Koha::Notice::Templates;
use Koha::Notice::Util;
use Koha::Patrons;
use Koha::Subscriptions;
my $schema = Koha::Database->schema;
my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM letter|);
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM message_queue|);
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM message_transport_types|);
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'EmailFieldPrimary', '' );
my $library = $builder->build(
source => 'Branch',
value => {
branchemail => 'branchemail@address.com',
branchreplyto => 'branchreplyto@address.com',
branchreturnpath => 'branchreturnpath@address.com',
my $patron_category = $builder->build( { source => 'Category' } )->{categorycode};
my $date = dt_from_string;
my $borrowernumber = Koha::Patron->new(
firstname => 'Jane',
surname => 'Smith',
categorycode => $patron_category,
branchcode => $library->{branchcode},
dateofbirth => $date,
smsalertnumber => undef,
my $marc_record = MARC::Record->new;
my ( $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber ) = AddBiblio( $marc_record, '' );
# GetMessageTransportTypes
my $mtts = C4::Letters::GetMessageTransportTypes();
is( @$mtts, 0, 'GetMessageTransportTypes returns the correct number of message types' );
INSERT INTO message_transport_types( message_transport_type ) VALUES ('email'), ('phone'), ('print'), ('sms')
$mtts = C4::Letters::GetMessageTransportTypes();
is_deeply( $mtts, [ 'email', 'phone', 'print', 'sms' ], 'GetMessageTransportTypes returns all values' );
# EnqueueLetter
is( C4::Letters::EnqueueLetter(), undef, 'EnqueueLetter without argument returns undef' );
my $my_message = {
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
message_transport_type => 'sms',
to_address => undef,
from_address => 'from@example.com',
my $message_id = C4::Letters::EnqueueLetter($my_message);
is( $message_id, undef, 'EnqueueLetter without the letter argument returns undef' );
delete $my_message->{message_transport_type};
$my_message->{letter} = {
content => 'I ♥ Koha',
title => '啤酒 is great',
metadata => 'metadata',
code => 'TEST_MESSAGE',
content_type => 'text/plain',
$message_id = C4::Letters::EnqueueLetter($my_message);
is( $message_id, undef, 'EnqueueLetter without the message type argument argument returns undef' );
$my_message->{message_transport_type} = 'sms';
$message_id = C4::Letters::EnqueueLetter($my_message);
ok( defined $message_id && $message_id > 0, 'new message successfully queued' );
# GetQueuedMessages
my $messages = C4::Letters::GetQueuedMessages();
is( @$messages, 1, 'GetQueuedMessages without argument returns all the entries' );
$messages = C4::Letters::GetQueuedMessages( { borrowernumber => $borrowernumber } );
is( @$messages, 1, 'one message stored for the borrower' );
is( $messages->[0]->{message_id}, $message_id, 'EnqueueLetter returns the message id correctly' );
is( $messages->[0]->{borrowernumber}, $borrowernumber, 'EnqueueLetter stores the borrower number correctly' );
is( $messages->[0]->{subject}, $my_message->{letter}->{title}, 'EnqueueLetter stores the subject correctly' );
is( $messages->[0]->{content}, $my_message->{letter}->{content}, 'EnqueueLetter stores the content correctly' );
$messages->[0]->{message_transport_type}, $my_message->{message_transport_type},
'EnqueueLetter stores the message type correctly'
is( $messages->[0]->{status}, 'pending', 'EnqueueLetter stores the status pending correctly' );
isnt( $messages->[0]->{time_queued}, undef, 'Time queued inserted by default in message_queue table' );
t::lib::Dates::compare( $messages->[0]->{updated_on}, $messages->[0]->{time_queued} ), 0,
'Time status changed equals time queued when created in message_queue table'
is( $messages->[0]->{failure_code}, '', 'Failure code for successful message correctly empty' );
# Setting time_queued to something else than now
my $yesterday = dt_from_string->subtract( days => 1 );
Koha::Notice::Messages->find( $messages->[0]->{message_id} )->time_queued($yesterday)->store;
# EnqueueLetter - Test characters limitation for SMS
$my_message->{letter}->{content} = "a" x 2000;
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'SMSSendMaxChar', '' );
$message_id = C4::Letters::EnqueueLetter($my_message);
my $message = $schema->resultset('MessageQueue')->search( { message_id => $message_id } )->next();
is( length( $message->content() ), 2000, "EnqueueLetter doesn't resize the message when SMSSendMaxChar is empty" );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'SMSSendMaxChar', 100 );
$message_id = C4::Letters::EnqueueLetter($my_message);
$message = $schema->resultset('MessageQueue')->search( { message_id => $message_id } )->next();
is( length( $message->content() ), 100, "EnqueueLetter resizes the message according to the value of SMSSendMaxChar" );
# SendQueuedMessages
throws_ok {
C4::Letters::SendQueuedMessages( { message_id => undef } );
'Koha::Exceptions::BadParameter', 'Undef message_id throws an exception';
throws_ok {
C4::Letters::SendQueuedMessages( { message_id => 0 } );
'Koha::Exceptions::BadParameter', 'message_id of 0 throws an exception';
throws_ok {
C4::Letters::SendQueuedMessages( { message_id => q{} } );
'Koha::Exceptions::BadParameter', 'Empty string message_id throws an exception';
my $messages_processed = C4::Letters::SendQueuedMessages( { type => 'email' } );
is( $messages_processed, 0, 'No queued messages processed if type limit passed with unused type' );
$messages_processed = C4::Letters::SendQueuedMessages( { type => 'sms' } );
is( $messages_processed, 0, 'All queued messages processed, nothing sent' );
$messages = C4::Letters::GetQueuedMessages( { borrowernumber => $borrowernumber } );
'message marked failed if tried to send SMS message for borrower with no smsalertnumber set (bug 11208)'
'Correct failure code set for borrower with no smsalertnumber set'
$messages->[0]->{updated_on}, $messages->[0]->{time_queued},
'Time status changed differs from time queued when status changes'
is( dt_from_string( $messages->[0]->{time_queued} ), $yesterday, 'Time queued remaines inmutable' );
# ResendMessage
my $resent = C4::Letters::ResendMessage( $messages->[0]->{message_id} );
$message = C4::Letters::GetMessage( $messages->[0]->{message_id} );
is( $resent, 1, 'The message should have been resent' );
is( $message->{status}, 'pending', 'ResendMessage sets status to pending correctly (bug 12426)' );
$resent = C4::Letters::ResendMessage( $messages->[0]->{message_id} );
is( $resent, 0, 'The message should not have been resent again' );
$resent = C4::Letters::ResendMessage();
is( $resent, undef, 'ResendMessage should return undef if not message_id given' );
# Delivery notes
is( $messages->[0]->{failure_code}, 'MISSING_SMS', 'Failure code set correctly for no smsalertnumber correctly set' );
# GetLetters
my $letters = C4::Letters::GetLetters();
is( @$letters, 0, 'GetLetters returns the correct number of letters' );
my $title = q|<<branches.branchname>> - <<status>>|;
my $content = q{Dear <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,
According to our current records, you have items that are overdue.Your library does not charge late fines, but please return or renew them at the branch below as soon as possible.
The following item(s) is/are currently <<status>>:
<item> <<count>>. <<items.itemcallnumber>>, Barcode: <<items.barcode>> </item>
Thank-you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Don't forget your date of birth: <<borrowers.dateofbirth>>.
Look at this wonderful biblio timestamp: <<biblio.timestamp>>.
q|INSERT INTO letter(branchcode,module,code,name,is_html,title,content,message_transport_type) VALUES (?,'my module','my code','my name',1,?,?,'email')|,
undef, $library->{branchcode}, $title, $content
$letters = C4::Letters::GetLetters();
is( @$letters, 1, 'GetLetters returns the correct number of letters' );
is( $letters->[0]->{module}, 'my module', 'GetLetters gets the module correctly' );
is( $letters->[0]->{code}, 'my code', 'GetLetters gets the code correctly' );
is( $letters->[0]->{name}, 'my name', 'GetLetters gets the name correctly' );
my $data_1 = { module => 'blah', code => 'ISBN', name => 'book' };
my $data_2 = { module => 'blah', code => 'ISSN' };
$builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Notice::Templates', value => $data_1 } );
$builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Notice::Templates', value => $data_2 } );
$letters = GetLetters( { module => 'blah' } );
is( scalar(@$letters), 2, 'GetLetters returns the 2 inserted letters' );
my ($ISBN_letter) = grep { $_->{code} eq 'ISBN' } @$letters;
is( $ISBN_letter->{name}, 'book', 'letter name for "ISBN" letter is book' );
# GetPreparedLetter
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'OPACBaseURL', 'http://thisisatest.com' );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'SendAllEmailsTo', '' );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'ReplytoDefault', q{} );
my $sms_content = 'This is a SMS for an <<status>>';
q|INSERT INTO letter(branchcode,module,code,name,is_html,title,content,message_transport_type) VALUES (?,'my module','my code','my name',1,'my title',?,'sms')|,
undef, $library->{branchcode}, $sms_content
my $tables = {
borrowers => $borrowernumber,
branches => $library->{branchcode},
biblio => $biblionumber,
my $substitute = {
status => 'overdue',
my $repeat = [
itemcallnumber => 'my callnumber1',
barcode => '1234',
itemcallnumber => 'my callnumber2',
barcode => '5678',
my $prepared_letter = GetPreparedLetter(
module => 'my module',
branchcode => $library->{branchcode},
letter_code => 'my code',
tables => $tables,
substitute => $substitute,
repeat => $repeat,
my $retrieved_library = Koha::Libraries->find( $library->{branchcode} );
my $my_title_letter = $retrieved_library->branchname . qq| - $substitute->{status}|;
my $biblio_timestamp = dt_from_string( GetBiblioData($biblionumber)->{timestamp} );
my $my_content_letter = qq|Dear Jane Smith,
According to our current records, you have items that are overdue.Your library does not charge late fines, but please return or renew them at the branch below as soon as possible.
| . $retrieved_library->branchname . qq|
| . $retrieved_library->branchaddress1 . qq|
URL: http://thisisatest.com
The following item(s) is/are currently $substitute->{status}:
<item> 1. $repeat->[0]->{itemcallnumber}, Barcode: $repeat->[0]->{barcode} </item>
<item> 2. $repeat->[1]->{itemcallnumber}, Barcode: $repeat->[1]->{barcode} </item>
Thank-you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Don't forget your date of birth: | . output_pref( { dt => $date, dateonly => 1 } ) . q|.
Look at this wonderful biblio timestamp: | . output_pref( { dt => $biblio_timestamp } ) . ".\n";
is( $prepared_letter->{title}, $my_title_letter, 'GetPreparedLetter returns the title correctly' );
is( $prepared_letter->{content}, $my_content_letter, 'GetPreparedLetter returns the content correctly' );
$prepared_letter = GetPreparedLetter(
module => 'my module',
branchcode => $library->{branchcode},
letter_code => 'my code',
tables => $tables,
substitute => $substitute,
repeat => $repeat,
message_transport_type => 'sms',
$my_content_letter = qq|This is a SMS for an $substitute->{status}|;
is( $prepared_letter->{content}, $my_content_letter, 'GetPreparedLetter returns the content correctly' );
warning_is {
$prepared_letter = GetPreparedLetter(
module => 'my module',
branchcode => $library->{branchcode},
letter_code => 'my code',
tables => $tables,
substitute => { status => undef },
repeat => $repeat,
message_transport_type => 'sms',
undef, "No warning if GetPreparedLetter called with substitute containing undefined value";
$prepared_letter->{content}, q|This is a SMS for an |,
'GetPreparedLetter returns the content correctly when substitute contains undefined value'
q{INSERT INTO letter (module, code, name, title, content) VALUES ('test_date','TEST_DATE','Test dates','A title with a timestamp: <<biblio.timestamp>>','This one only contains the date: <<biblio.timestamp | dateonly>>.');}
$prepared_letter = GetPreparedLetter(
module => 'test_date',
branchcode => '',
letter_code => 'test_date',
tables => $tables,
substitute => $substitute,
repeat => $repeat,
q|This one only contains the date: | . output_pref( { dt => $date, dateonly => 1 } ) . q|.|, 'dateonly test 1'
$dbh->do(q{UPDATE letter SET content = 'And also this one:<<timestamp | dateonly>>.' WHERE code = 'test_date';});
$prepared_letter = GetPreparedLetter(
module => 'test_date',
branchcode => '',
letter_code => 'test_date',
tables => $tables,
substitute => $substitute,
repeat => $repeat,
$prepared_letter->{content}, q|And also this one:| . output_pref( { dt => $date, dateonly => 1 } ) . q|.|,
'dateonly test 2'
$dbh->do(q{UPDATE letter SET content = 'And also this one:<<timestamp|dateonly >>.' WHERE code = 'test_date';});
$prepared_letter = GetPreparedLetter(
module => 'test_date',
branchcode => '',
letter_code => 'test_date',
tables => $tables,
substitute => $substitute,
repeat => $repeat,
$prepared_letter->{content}, q|And also this one:| . output_pref( { dt => $date, dateonly => 1 } ) . q|.|,
'dateonly test 3'
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'TimeFormat', '12hr' );
my $yesterday_night = $date->clone->add( days => -1 )->set_hour(22);
$dbh->do( q|UPDATE biblio SET timestamp = ? WHERE biblionumber = ?|, undef, $yesterday_night, $biblionumber );
$dbh->do(q{UPDATE letter SET content = 'And also this one:<<timestamp>>.' WHERE code = 'test_date';});
$prepared_letter = GetPreparedLetter(
module => 'test_date',
branchcode => '',
letter_code => 'test_date',
tables => $tables,
substitute => $substitute,
repeat => $repeat,
$prepared_letter->{content}, q|And also this one:| . output_pref( { dt => $yesterday_night } ) . q|.|,
'dateonly test 3'
q{INSERT INTO letter (module, code, name, title, content) VALUES ('claimacquisition','TESTACQCLAIM','Acquisition Claim','Item Not Received','<<aqbooksellers.name>>|<<aqcontacts.name>>|<order>Ordernumber <<aqorders.ordernumber>> (<<biblio.title>>) (<<aqorders.quantity>> ordered)</order>');}
q{INSERT INTO letter (module, code, name, title, content) VALUES ('orderacquisition','TESTACQORDER','Acquisition Order','Order','<<aqbooksellers.name>>|<<aqcontacts.name>>|<order>Ordernumber <<aqorders.ordernumber>> (<<biblio.title>>) (<<aqorders.quantity>> ordered)</order> Basket name: [% basket.basketname %]');}
my $testacqorder2_content = <<EOF;
[%- USE Price -%]
[% bookseller.name %]
[% FOREACH order IN orders %]
Ordernumber [% order.ordernumber %] [% order.quantity %] [% order.listprice | \$Price %]
[% END %]
"INSERT INTO letter (module, code, name, title, content) VALUES ('orderacquisition','TESTACQORDER2','Acquisition Order','Order','$testacqorder2_content');"
my $popito = $builder->build(
source => 'Aqbookseller',
value => { name => 'Popito' }
my $order_1 = $builder->build(
source => 'Aqorder',
value => {
quantity => 2,
listprice => '12.00'
my $order_2 = $builder->build(
source => 'Aqorder',
value => {
quantity => 1,
listprice => '23.50'
$prepared_letter = GetPreparedLetter(
module => 'orderacquisition',
branchcode => '',
letter_code => 'TESTACQORDER2',
tables => { 'aqbooksellers' => $popito->{id} },
loops => { aqorders => [ $order_1->{ordernumber}, $order_2->{ordernumber} ] }
my $testacqorder2_expected = qq|Popito
Ordernumber | . $order_1->{ordernumber} . qq| 2 12.00
Ordernumber | . $order_2->{ordernumber} . qq| 1 23.50
is( $prepared_letter->{content}, $testacqorder2_expected );
# Test that _parseletter doesn't modify its parameters bug 15429
my $values = { dateexpiry => '2015-12-13', };
C4::Letters::_parseletter( $prepared_letter, 'borrowers', $values );
is( $values->{dateexpiry}, '2015-12-13', "_parseletter doesn't modify its parameters" );
# Correctly format dateexpiry
my $values = { dateexpiry => '2015-12-13', };
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'dateformat', 'metric' );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'timeformat', '24hr' );
my $letter = C4::Letters::_parseletter( { content => "expiry on <<borrowers.dateexpiry>>" }, 'borrowers', $values );
is( $letter->{content}, 'expiry on 13/12/2015' );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'dateformat', 'metric' );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'timeformat', '12hr' );
$letter = C4::Letters::_parseletter( { content => "expiry on <<borrowers.dateexpiry>>" }, 'borrowers', $values );
is( $letter->{content}, 'expiry on 13/12/2015' );
my $bookseller = Koha::Acquisition::Bookseller->new(
name => "my vendor",
address1 => "bookseller's address",
phone => "0123456",
active => 1,
deliverytime => 5,
my $booksellerid = $bookseller->id;
name => 'John Smith', phone => '0123456x1', claimacquisition => 1, orderacquisition => 1,
booksellerid => $booksellerid
{ name => 'Leo Tolstoy', phone => '0123456x2', claimissues => 1, booksellerid => $booksellerid } )->store;
my $basketno = NewBasket( $booksellerid, 1, 'The basket name' );
my $budget_period_id = C4::Budgets::AddBudgetPeriod(
budget_period_startdate => '2024-01-01',
budget_period_enddate => '2049-01-01',
budget_period_active => 1,
budget_period_description => "TEST PERIOD"
my $budgetid = C4::Budgets::AddBudget(
budget_code => "budget_code_test_letters",
budget_name => "budget_name_test_letters",
budget_period_id => $budget_period_id,
my $bib = MARC::Record->new();
if ( C4::Context->preference('marcflavour') eq 'UNIMARC' ) {
MARC::Field->new( '200', ' ', ' ', a => 'Silence in the library' ),
} else {
MARC::Field->new( '245', ' ', ' ', a => 'Silence in the library' ),
my $logged_in_user = $builder->build_object(
class => 'Koha::Patrons',
value => {
branchcode => $library->{branchcode},
email => 'some@email.com'
t::lib::Mocks::mock_userenv( { patron => $logged_in_user } );
( $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber ) = AddBiblio( $bib, '' );
my $order = Koha::Acquisition::Order->new(
basketno => $basketno,
quantity => 1,
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
budget_id => $budgetid,
my $ordernumber = $order->ordernumber;
my $err;
warning_like {
$err = SendAlerts( 'claimacquisition', [$ordernumber], 'TESTACQCLAIM' )
qr/^Bookseller .* without emails at/,
"SendAlerts prints a warning";
is( $err->{'error'}, 'no_email', "Trying to send an alert when there's no e-mail results in an error" );
$bookseller = Koha::Acquisition::Booksellers->find($booksellerid);
# Ensure that the preference 'ClaimsLog' is set to logging
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'ClaimsLog', 'on' );
# SendAlerts needs branchemail or KohaAdminEmailAddress as sender
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'KohaAdminEmailAddress', 'library@domain.com' );
warning_like {
$err = SendAlerts( 'orderacquisition', $basketno, 'TESTACQORDER' )
qr|Fake send_or_die|,
"SendAlerts is using the mocked send_or_die routine (orderacquisition)";
is( $err, 1, "Successfully sent order." );
is( $email_object->email->header('To'), 'testemail@mydomain.com', "mailto correct in sent order" );
is( scalar $email_object->email->header('Reply-To'), undef, "No reply-to address is set" );
'my vendor|John Smith|Ordernumber '
. $ordernumber
. ' (Silence in the library) (1 ordered) Basket name: The basket name',
'Order notice text constructed successfully'
# SendAlerts should use specific email addresses if set
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'AcquisitionsDefaultEmailAddress', 'acq-default@domain.com' );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'AcquisitionsDefaultReplyTo', 'acq-replyto@domain.com' );
warning_like {
$err = SendAlerts( 'orderacquisition', $basketno, 'TESTACQORDER' )
qr|Fake send_or_die|,
"SendAlerts is using the mocked send_or_die routine (orderacquisition)";
$email_object->email->header('From'), 'acq-default@domain.com',
"AcquisitionsDefaultEmailAddress is used to sent acq notification"
$email_object->email->header('Reply-To'), 'acq-replyto@domain.com',
"AcquisitionsDefaultReplyTo is used to sent acq notification"
my $mocked_koha_email = Test::MockModule->new('Koha::Email');
sub {
Email::Sender::Failure->throw('something went wrong');
warning_like {
$err = SendAlerts( 'orderacquisition', $basketno, 'TESTACQORDER' );
qr{something went wrong},
'Warning is printed';
is( $err->{error}, 'something went wrong', "Send exception, error message returned" );
$dbh->do(q{DELETE FROM letter WHERE code = 'TESTACQORDER';});
warning_like {
$err = SendAlerts( 'orderacquisition', $basketno, 'TESTACQORDER' )
qr/No orderacquisition TESTACQORDER letter transported by email/,
"GetPreparedLetter warns about missing notice template";
is( $err->{'error'}, 'no_letter', "No TESTACQORDER letter was defined." );
warning_like {
$err = SendAlerts( 'claimacquisition', [$ordernumber], 'TESTACQCLAIM' )
qr|Fake send_or_die|,
"SendAlerts is using the mocked send_or_die routine";
is( $err, 1, "Successfully sent claim" );
is( $email_object->email->header('To'), 'testemail@mydomain.com', "mailto correct in sent claim" );
'my vendor|John Smith|Ordernumber ' . $ordernumber . ' (Silence in the library) (1 ordered)',
'Claim notice text constructed successfully'
my $mocked_koha_email = Test::MockModule->new('Koha::Email');
sub {
Email::Sender::Failure->throw('something went wrong');
warning_like {
$err = SendAlerts( 'claimacquisition', [$ordernumber], 'TESTACQCLAIM' );
qr{something went wrong},
'Warning is printed';
is( $err->{error}, 'something went wrong', "Send exception, error message returned" );
use C4::Serials qw( NewSubscription GetSerials findSerialsByStatus ModSerialStatus );
my $notes = 'notes';
my $internalnotes = 'intnotes';
my $number_pattern = $builder->build_object(
class => 'Koha::Subscription::Numberpatterns',
value => { numberingmethod => 'No. {X}' }
my $subscriptionid = NewSubscription(
undef, "", undef, undef, undef, $biblionumber,
'2013-01-01', 1, undef, undef, undef,
undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
1, $notes, undef, '2013-01-01', undef, $number_pattern->id,
undef, undef, 0, $internalnotes, 0,
undef, undef, 0, undef, '2013-12-31', 0
q{INSERT INTO letter (module, code, name, title, content) VALUES ('serial','RLIST','Serial issue notification','Serial issue notification','<<biblio.title>>,<<subscription.subscriptionid>>,<<serial.serialseq>>');}
my ( $serials_count, @serials ) = GetSerials($subscriptionid);
my $serial = $serials[0];
my $patron = Koha::Patron->new(
firstname => 'John',
surname => 'Smith',
categorycode => $patron_category,
branchcode => $library->{branchcode},
dateofbirth => $date,
email => 'john.smith@test.de',
my $borrowernumber = $patron->borrowernumber;
my $subscription = Koha::Subscriptions->find($subscriptionid);
t::lib::Mocks::mock_userenv( { branch => $library->{branchcode} } );
my $err2;
warning_like {
$err2 = SendAlerts( 'issue', $serial->{serialid}, 'RLIST' )
qr|Fake send_or_die|,
"SendAlerts is using the mocked send_or_die routine";
is( $err2, 1, "Successfully sent serial notification" );
is( $email_object->email->header('To'), 'john.smith@test.de', "mailto correct in sent serial notification" );
$email_object->email->body, 'Silence in the library,' . $subscriptionid . ',No. 0',
'Serial notification text constructed successfully'
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'SendAllEmailsTo', 'robert.tables@mail.com' );
my $err3;
warning_like {
$err3 = SendAlerts( 'issue', $serial->{serialid}, 'RLIST' )
qr|Fake send_or_die|,
"SendAlerts is using the mocked send_or_die routine";
$email_object->email->header('To'), 'robert.tables@mail.com',
"mailto address overwritten by SendAllMailsTo preference"
my $mocked_koha_email = Test::MockModule->new('Koha::Email');
sub {
Email::Sender::Failure->throw('something went wrong');
warning_like {
$err = SendAlerts( 'issue', $serial->{serialid}, 'RLIST' );
qr{something went wrong},
'Warning is printed';
is( $err->{error}, 'something went wrong', "Send exception, error message returned" );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'SendAllEmailsTo', '' );
subtest '_parseletter' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
# Regression test for bug 10843
# $dt->add takes a scalar, not undef
my $letter;
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'ReservesMaxPickUpDelay', undef );
$letter = C4::Letters::_parseletter( undef, 'reserves', { waitingdate => "2013-01-01" } );
is( ref($letter), 'HASH' );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'ReservesMaxPickUpDelay', 1 );
$letter = C4::Letters::_parseletter( undef, 'reserves', { waitingdate => "2013-01-01" } );
is( ref($letter), 'HASH' );
subtest 'SendAlerts - claimissue' => sub {
plan tests => 18;
use C4::Serials;
q{INSERT INTO letter (module, code, name, title, content) VALUES ('claimissues','TESTSERIALCLAIM','Serial claim test','Serial claim test','<<serial.serialid>>|<<subscription.startdate>>|<<biblio.title>>|<<biblioitems.issn>>');}
my $bookseller = Koha::Acquisition::Bookseller->new(
name => "my vendor",
address1 => "bookseller's address",
phone => "0123456",
active => 1,
deliverytime => 5,
my $booksellerid = $bookseller->id;
{ name => 'Leo Tolstoy', phone => '0123456x2', claimissues => 1, booksellerid => $booksellerid } )->store;
my $bib = MARC::Record->new();
if ( C4::Context->preference('marcflavour') eq 'UNIMARC' ) {
MARC::Field->new( '011', ' ', ' ', a => 'xxxx-yyyy' ),
MARC::Field->new( '200', ' ', ' ', a => 'Silence in the library' ),
} else {
MARC::Field->new( '022', ' ', ' ', a => 'xxxx-yyyy' ),
MARC::Field->new( '245', ' ', ' ', a => 'Silence in the library' ),
my ($biblionumber) = AddBiblio( $bib, '' );
my $number_pattern = $builder->build_object(
class => 'Koha::Subscription::Numberpatterns',
value => { numberingmethod => 'No. {X}' }
my $subscriptionid = NewSubscription(
undef, "", $booksellerid, undef, undef, $biblionumber,
'2013-01-01', 1, undef, undef, undef,
undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
1, 'public', undef, '2013-01-01', undef, $number_pattern->id,
undef, undef, 0, 'internal', 0,
undef, undef, 0, undef, '2013-12-31', 0
my ( $serials_count, @serials ) = GetSerials($subscriptionid);
my @serialids = ( $serials[0]->{serialid} );
my $err;
warning_like {
$err = SendAlerts( 'claimissues', \@serialids, 'TESTSERIALCLAIM' )
qr/^Bookseller .* without emails at/,
"Warn on vendor without email address";
$bookseller = Koha::Acquisition::Booksellers->find($booksellerid);
# Ensure that the preference 'ClaimsLog' is set to logging
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'ClaimsLog', 'on' );
# SendAlerts needs branchemail or KohaAdminEmailAddress as sender
t::lib::Mocks::mock_userenv( { branchcode => $library->{branchcode} } );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'KohaAdminEmailAddress', 'library@domain.com' );
warning_like {
$err = SendAlerts( 'claimissues', \@serialids, 'TESTSERIALCLAIM' )
qr|Fake send_or_die|,
"SendAlerts is using the mocked send_or_die routine (claimissues)";
is( $err, 1, "Successfully sent claim" );
'testemail@mydomain.com', "mailto correct in sent claim"
is( scalar $email_object->email->header('Reply-To'), undef, "reply-to is not set" );
"$serialids[0]|2013-01-01|Silence in the library|xxxx-yyyy",
'Serial claim letter for 1 issue constructed successfully'
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'SerialsDefaultEmailAddress', 'ser-default@domain.com' );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'SerialsDefaultReplyTo', 'ser-replyto@domain.com' );
warning_like {
$err = SendAlerts( 'claimissues', \@serialids, 'TESTSERIALCLAIM' )
qr|Fake send_or_die|,
"SendAlerts is using the mocked send_or_die routine (claimissues)";
'ser-default@domain.com', "SerialsDefaultEmailAddress is used to serial claim issue"
'ser-replyto@domain.com', "SerialsDefaultReplyTo is used to sent serial claim issue"
my $mocked_koha_email = Test::MockModule->new('Koha::Email');
sub {
Email::Sender::Failure->throw('something went wrong');
warning_like {
$err = SendAlerts( 'claimissues', \@serialids, 'TESTSERIALCLAIM' );
qr{something went wrong},
'Warning is printed';
is( $err->{error}, 'something went wrong', "Send exception, error message returned" );
my $publisheddate = output_pref( { dt => dt_from_string, dateformat => 'iso', dateonly => 1 } );
my $serialexpected = ( C4::Serials::findSerialsByStatus( 1, $subscriptionid ) )[0];
$serials[0]->{serialid}, "No. 1", $publisheddate, $publisheddate, $publisheddate, '3',
'a note'
( $serials_count, @serials ) = GetSerials($subscriptionid);
push @serialids, ( $serials[1]->{serialid} );
warning_like { $err = SendAlerts( 'claimissues', \@serialids, 'TESTSERIALCLAIM' ); }
qr|Fake send_or_die|,
"SendAlerts is using the mocked send_or_die routine (claimissues)";
"$serialids[0]|2013-01-01|Silence in the library|xxxx-yyyy"
. $email_object->email->crlf
. "$serialids[1]|2013-01-01|Silence in the library|xxxx-yyyy",
"Serial claim letter for 2 issues constructed successfully"
$dbh->do(q{DELETE FROM letter WHERE code = 'TESTSERIALCLAIM';});
warning_like {
$err = SendAlerts( 'orderacquisition', $basketno, 'TESTSERIALCLAIM' )
qr/No orderacquisition TESTSERIALCLAIM letter transported by email/,
"GetPreparedLetter warns about missing notice template";
is( $err->{'error'}, 'no_letter', "No TESTSERIALCLAIM letter was defined" );
subtest 'GetPreparedLetter' => sub {
plan tests => 4;
module => 'test',
code => 'test',
branchcode => '',
message_transport_type => 'email'
my $letter;
warning_like {
$letter = C4::Letters::GetPreparedLetter(
module => 'test',
letter_code => 'test',
qr{^ERROR: nothing to substitute},
'GetPreparedLetter should warn if tables, substiture and repeat are not set';
$letter, undef,
'No letter should be returned by GetPreparedLetter if something went wrong'
warning_like {
$letter = C4::Letters::GetPreparedLetter(
module => 'test',
letter_code => 'test',
substitute => {}
qr{^ERROR: nothing to substitute},
'GetPreparedLetter should warn if tables, substiture and repeat are not set, even if the key is passed';
$letter, undef,
'No letter should be returned by GetPreparedLetter if something went wrong'
subtest 'TranslateNotices' => sub {
plan tests => 10;
t::lib::Mocks::mock_config( 'intrahtdocs', dirname(__FILE__) . '/../mock_templates/intranet-tmpl' );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'OPACLanguages', 'fr-CA,en' );
my $amount = -20;
my $accountline = $builder->build(
source => 'Accountline',
value => {
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
amount => $amount,
amountoutstanding => $amount,
credit_type_code => 'PAYMENT',
INSERT INTO letter (module, code, branchcode, name, title, content, message_transport_type, lang) VALUES
('test', 'payment', '', 'Default notice', 'Default notice', "[% PROCESS 'accounts.inc' %][% PROCESS account_type_description account=credit %][% credit.description %]", 'print', 'default'),
('test', 'payment', '', 'Default notice', 'English notice', "[% PROCESS 'accounts.inc' %][% PROCESS account_type_description account=credit %][% credit.description %]", 'print', 'en'),
('test', 'payment', '', 'Paiement du compte', 'Paiement du compte', "[% PROCESS 'accounts.inc' %][% PROCESS account_type_description account=credit %][% credit.description %]", 'print', 'fr-CA');
$tables = {
borrowers => $borrowernumber,
credits => $accountline->{accountlines_id},
my $substitute = {};
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'TranslateNotices', '1' );
my $letter = C4::Letters::GetPreparedLetter(
module => 'test',
tables => $tables,
letter_code => 'payment',
message_transport_type => 'print',
substitute => $substitute,
'Default notice',
'GetPreparedLetter should return the default one if the lang parameter is not provided'
$letter->{content}, qr/Paiement/,
'Template includes match the default language from OPACLanguages (default = fr-CA)'
$letter = C4::Letters::GetPreparedLetter(
module => 'test',
tables => $tables,
letter_code => 'payment',
message_transport_type => 'print',
substitute => $substitute,
lang => 'fr-CA',
$letter->{title}, 'Paiement du compte',
'GetPreparedLetter should return the requested language notice if it exists (fr-CA = default)'
$letter->{content}, qr/Paiement/,
'Template includes should use the requested language too (fr-CA = default)'
$letter = C4::Letters::GetPreparedLetter(
module => 'test',
tables => $tables,
letter_code => 'payment',
message_transport_type => 'print',
substitute => $substitute,
lang => 'en',
$letter->{title}, 'English notice',
'GetPreparedLetter should return the requested language notice if it exists (en != default)'
$letter->{content}, qr/Payment/,
'Template includes should use the requested language too (en != default)'
$letter = C4::Letters::GetPreparedLetter(
module => 'test',
tables => $tables,
letter_code => 'payment',
message_transport_type => 'print',
substitute => $substitute,
lang => 'fr-FR',
'Default notice',
'GetPreparedLetter should return the default notice if the one requested language notice does not exist (default = fr-CA)'
$letter->{content}, qr/Paiement/,
'Template includes should use the default language too if the requested language notice does not exist (default = fr-CA)'
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'TranslateNotices', '' );
$letter = C4::Letters::GetPreparedLetter(
module => 'test',
tables => $tables,
letter_code => 'payment',
message_transport_type => 'print',
substitute => $substitute,
lang => 'en',
$letter->{title}, 'Default notice',
'GetPreparedLetter should return the default notice if pref disabled but additional language exists'
$letter->{content}, qr/Paiement/,
'Template includes should use the default language if pref disabled but additional language exists (default = fr-CA)'
subtest 'Test SMS handling in SendQueuedMessages' => sub {
plan tests => 14;
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'SMSSendDriver', 'Email' );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'EmailSMSSendDriverFromAddress', '' );
my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find($borrowernumber);
INSERT INTO message_queue(borrowernumber, subject, content, message_transport_type, status, letter_code)
VALUES (?, 'subject', 'content', 'sms', 'pending', 'just_a_code')
|, undef, $borrowernumber
eval { C4::Letters::SendQueuedMessages(); };
is( $@, '', 'SendQueuedMessages should not explode if the patron does not have a sms provider set' );
my $sms_pro =
$builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::SMS::Providers', value => { domain => 'kidclamp.rocks' } } );
$patron->set( { smsalertnumber => '5555555555', sms_provider_id => $sms_pro->id() } )->store;
$message_id = C4::Letters::EnqueueLetter($my_message); #using datas set around line 95 and forward
warning_like { C4::Letters::SendQueuedMessages(); }
qr|Fake send_or_die|,
"SendAlerts is using the mocked send_or_die routine (claimissues)";
$message = $schema->resultset('MessageQueue')->search(
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
status => 'sent'
is( $message->letter_id, $messages->[0]->{id}, "Message letter_id is set correctly" );
$message->to_address(), '5555555555@kidclamp.rocks',
'SendQueuedMessages populates the to address correctly for SMS by email when to_address not set'
'SendQueuedMessages uses message queue item \"from address\" for SMS by email when EmailSMSSendDriverFromAddress system preference is not set'
$schema->resultset('MessageQueue')->search( { borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, status => 'sent' } )->delete()
; #clear borrower queue
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'EmailSMSSendDriverFromAddress', 'override@example.com' );
$message_id = C4::Letters::EnqueueLetter($my_message);
warning_like { C4::Letters::SendQueuedMessages(); }
qr|Fake send_or_die|,
"SendAlerts is using the mocked send_or_die routine (claimissues)";
$message = $schema->resultset('MessageQueue')->search(
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
status => 'sent'
'SendQueuedMessages uses EmailSMSSendDriverFromAddress value for SMS by email when EmailSMSSendDriverFromAddress is set'
$schema->resultset('MessageQueue')->search( { borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, status => 'sent' } )->delete()
; #clear borrower queue
$my_message->{to_address} = 'fixme@kidclamp.iswrong';
$message_id = C4::Letters::EnqueueLetter($my_message);
my $number_attempted = C4::Letters::SendQueuedMessages(
borrowernumber => -1, # -1 still triggers the borrowernumber condition
letter_code => 'PASSWORD_RESET',
is( $number_attempted, 0, 'There were no password reset messages for SendQueuedMessages to attempt.' );
warning_like { C4::Letters::SendQueuedMessages(); }
qr|Fake send_or_die|,
"SendAlerts is using the mocked send_or_die routine (claimissues)";
my $sms_message_address = $schema->resultset('MessageQueue')->search(
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
status => 'sent'
$sms_message_address, '5555555555@kidclamp.rocks',
'SendQueuedMessages populates the to address correctly for SMS by email when to_address is set incorrectly'
# Test using SMS::Send::Test driver that's bundled with SMS::Send
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'SMSSendDriver', "AU::Test" );
$schema->resultset('MessageQueue')->search( { borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, status => 'sent' } )->delete()
; #clear borrower queue
$sms_message_address = $schema->resultset('MessageQueue')->search(
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
status => 'sent'
$sms_message_address, '5555555555',
'SendQueuedMessages populates the to address correctly for SMS by SMS::Send driver to smsalertnumber when to_address is set incorrectly'
$schema->resultset('MessageQueue')->search( { borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, status => 'sent' } )->delete()
; #clear borrower queue
subtest 'Test guarantor handling in SendQueuedMessages' => sub {
plan tests => 19;
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'borrowerRelationship', 'test' );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'ChildNeedsGuarantor', 1 );
my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find($borrowernumber);
my $patron_category =
$builder->build( { source => 'Category', value => { category_type => 'A', can_be_guarantee => 0 } } )
my $guarantor1 = $builder->build_object(
{ class => 'Koha::Patrons', value => { email => 'g1@email.com', categorycode => $patron_category } } );
my $guarantor2 = $builder->build_object(
{ class => 'Koha::Patrons', value => { email => 'g2@email.com', categorycode => $patron_category } } );
$patron->add_guarantor( { guarantor_id => $guarantor1->borrowernumber, relationship => 'test' } );
$patron->add_guarantor( { guarantor_id => $guarantor2->borrowernumber, relationship => 'test' } );
$my_message = {
'letter' => {
'content' => 'a message',
'metadata' => 'metadata',
'code' => 'TEST_MESSAGE',
'content_type' => 'text/plain',
'title' => 'message title'
'borrowernumber' => $borrowernumber,
'to_address' => undef,
'message_transport_type' => 'email',
'from_address' => 'from@example.com'
$message_id = C4::Letters::EnqueueLetter($my_message);
# feature disabled
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'RedirectGuaranteeEmail', '0' );
warning_like { C4::Letters::SendQueuedMessages(); }
qr|No 'to_address', email address or guarantors email address for borrowernumber|,
"SendQueuedMessages fails when no to_address, patron notice email and RedirectGuaranteeEmail is not set";
# feature enabled
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'RedirectGuaranteeEmail', '1' );
# reset message - testing without to or borrower valid email
$message_id = C4::Letters::EnqueueLetter($my_message);
warning_like { C4::Letters::SendQueuedMessages(); }
qr|Fake send_or_die|,
"SendQueuedMessages is using the mocked send_or_die routine";
$message = $schema->resultset('MessageQueue')->search(
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
status => 'sent'
'SendQueuedMessages uses first guarantor email for "to" when patron has no email'
'SendQueuedMessages sets cc address to second guarantor email when "to" takes first guarantor email'
is( $email_object->email->header('To'), $guarantor1->email, "mailto correctly uses first guarantor" );
is( $email_object->email->header('Cc'), $guarantor2->email, "cc correctly uses second guarantor" );
# reset message - testing borrower with valid email
$message_id = C4::Letters::EnqueueLetter($my_message);
warning_like { C4::Letters::SendQueuedMessages(); }
qr|Fake send_or_die|,
"SendQueuedMessages is using the mocked send_or_die routine";
$message = $schema->resultset('MessageQueue')->search(
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
status => 'sent'
'SendQueuedMessages uses patron email when defined'
$guarantor1->email . "," . $guarantor2->email,
'SendQueuedMessages sets cc address to both guarantor emails when patron has email defined'
is( $email_object->email->header('To'), $patron->email, "mailto correctly uses patrons email address" );
$email_object->email->header('Cc'), $guarantor1->email . ", " . $guarantor2->email,
"cc correctly uses both guarantors"
# reset message - testing explicit to passed to enqueue
$my_message->{'to_address'} = 'to@example.com';
$message_id = C4::Letters::EnqueueLetter($my_message);
warning_like { C4::Letters::SendQueuedMessages(); }
qr|Fake send_or_die|,
"SendQueuedMessages is using the mocked send_or_die routine";
$message = $schema->resultset('MessageQueue')->search(
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
status => 'sent'
'SendQueuedMessages uses to_address if it was specified at enqueue time'
$guarantor1->email . "," . $guarantor2->email,
'SendQueuedMessages sets cc address to both guarantor emails when "to" is already specified'
is( $email_object->email->header('To'), 'to@example.com', "mailto correctly uses passed email" );
$email_object->email->header('Cc'), $guarantor1->email . ", " . $guarantor2->email,
"cc correctly uses both guarantors"
# clear borrower queue
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'ChildNeedsGuarantor', 0 );
subtest 'get_item_content' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'dateformat', 'metric' );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'timeformat', '24hr' );
my @items = (
date_due => '2041-01-01 12:34', title => 'a first title', barcode => 'a_first_barcode',
author => 'a_first_author', itemnumber => 1
date_due => '2042-01-02 23:45', title => 'a second title', barcode => 'a_second_barcode',
author => 'a_second_author', itemnumber => 2
my @item_content_fields = qw( date_due title barcode author itemnumber );
my $items_content;
for my $item (@items) {
$items_content .=
C4::Letters::get_item_content( { item => $item, item_content_fields => \@item_content_fields } );
my $expected_items_content = <<EOF;
01/01/2041 12:34\ta first title\ta_first_barcode\ta_first_author\t1
02/01/2042 23:45\ta second title\ta_second_barcode\ta_second_author\t2
$items_content, $expected_items_content,
'get_item_content should return correct items info with time (default)'
$items_content = q||;
for my $item (@items) {
$items_content .= C4::Letters::get_item_content(
{ item => $item, item_content_fields => \@item_content_fields, dateonly => 1, } );
$expected_items_content = <<EOF;
01/01/2041\ta first title\ta_first_barcode\ta_first_author\t1
02/01/2042\ta second title\ta_second_barcode\ta_second_author\t2
$items_content, $expected_items_content,
'get_item_content should return correct items info without time (if dateonly => 1)'
subtest 'Test where parameter for SendQueuedMessages' => sub {
plan tests => 3;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $borrowernumber = Koha::Patron->new(
firstname => 'Jane',
surname => 'Smith',
categorycode => $patron_category,
branchcode => $library->{branchcode},
dateofbirth => $date,
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM message_queue|);
$my_message = {
'letter' => {
'content' => 'a message',
'metadata' => 'metadata',
'code' => 'TEST_MESSAGE',
'content_type' => 'text/plain',
'title' => 'message title'
'borrowernumber' => $borrowernumber,
'to_address' => undef,
'message_transport_type' => 'sms',
'from_address' => 'from@example.com'
my $my_message2 = {
'letter' => {
'content' => 'another message',
'metadata' => 'metadata',
'code' => 'TEST_MESSAGE',
'content_type' => 'text/plain',
'title' => 'message title'
'borrowernumber' => $borrowernumber,
'to_address' => undef,
'message_transport_type' => 'sms',
'from_address' => 'from@example.com'
my $my_message3 = {
'letter' => {
'content' => 'a skipped message',
'metadata' => 'metadata',
'code' => 'TEST_MESSAGE',
'content_type' => 'text/plain',
'title' => 'message title'
'borrowernumber' => $borrowernumber,
'to_address' => undef,
'message_transport_type' => 'sms',
'from_address' => 'from@example.com'
my @id = (
# Test scalar/arrayref in parameter too
letter_code => [ 'TEST_MESSAGE', 'SOMETHING_NOT_THERE' ],
type => 'sms',
where => q{content NOT LIKE '%skipped%'},
is( Koha::Notice::Messages->find( $id[0] )->status, 'failed', 'Processed but failed' );
is( Koha::Notice::Messages->find( $id[1] )->status, 'failed', 'Processed but failed' );
is( Koha::Notice::Messages->find( $id[2] )->status, 'pending', 'Skipped, still pending' );
subtest 'Test limit parameter for SendQueuedMessages' => sub {
plan tests => 18;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $borrowernumber = Koha::Patron->new(
firstname => 'Jane',
surname => 'Smith',
categorycode => $patron_category,
branchcode => $library->{branchcode},
dateofbirth => $date,
email => 'shouldnotwork@wrong.net',
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM message_queue|);
$my_message = {
'letter' => {
'content' => 'a message',
'metadata' => 'metadata',
'code' => 'TEST_MESSAGE',
'content_type' => 'text/plain',
'title' => 'message title'
'borrowernumber' => $borrowernumber,
'to_address' => undef,
'message_transport_type' => 'email',
'from_address' => 'from@example.com'
C4::Letters::EnqueueLetter($my_message) for 1 .. 5;
$send_or_die_count = 0; # reset
my $messages_sent;
my $regex = qr|Fake send_or_die|;
warning_like {
$messages_sent = C4::Letters::SendQueuedMessages( { limit => 1 } )
"SendQueuedMessages with limit 1";
$messages_sent, 1,
'Sent 1 message with limit of 1 and 5 unprocessed messages'
warnings_like {
$messages_sent = C4::Letters::SendQueuedMessages( { limit => 2 } )
[ map { $regex } 1 .. 2 ],
"SendQueuedMessages with limit 2";
$messages_sent, 2,
'Sent 2 messages with limit of 2 and 4 unprocessed messages'
warnings_like {
$messages_sent = C4::Letters::SendQueuedMessages( { limit => 3 } )
[ map { $regex } 1 .. 2 ],
"SendQueuedMessages with limit 3";
$messages_sent, 2,
'Sent 2 messages with limit of 3 and 2 unprocessed messages'
is( $send_or_die_count, 5, '5 messages sent' );
# Mimic correct status in queue for next tests
Koha::Notice::Messages->search( { to_address => { 'LIKE', '%wrong.net' } } )->update( { status => 'sent' } );
# Now add a few domain limits too, sending 2 more mails to wrongnet, 2 to fake1, 2 to fake2
# Since we already sent 5 to wrong.net, we expect one deferral when limiting to 6
# Similarly we arrange for 1 deferral for fake1, and 2 for fake2
# We set therefore limit to 3 sent messages: we expect 2 sent, 4 deferred (so 6 processed)
domain => [
{ name => 'wrong.net', limit => 6, unit => '1m' },
{ name => 'fake1.domain', limit => 1, unit => '1m' },
{ name => 'fake2.domain', limit => 0, unit => '1m' },
C4::Letters::EnqueueLetter($my_message) for 1 .. 2;
$my_message->{to_address} = 'someone@fake1.domain';
C4::Letters::EnqueueLetter($my_message) for 1 .. 2;
$my_message->{to_address} = 'another@fake2.domain';
C4::Letters::EnqueueLetter($my_message) for 1 .. 2;
my $mocked_util = Test::MockModule->new('Koha::Notice::Util');
my $count_exceeds_calls = 0;
sub {
warnings_like {
$messages_sent = C4::Letters::SendQueuedMessages( { limit => 3 } )
[ qr/wrong.net reached limit/, $regex, qr/fake1.domain reached limit/, $regex ],
"SendQueuedMessages with limit 2 and domain limits";
is( $messages_sent, 2, 'Only expecting 2 sent messages' );
is( Koha::Notice::Messages->search( { status => 'pending' } )->count, 4, 'Still 4 pending' );
is( $count_exceeds_calls, 6, 'We saw 6 messages while checking domain limits: so we deferred 4' );
subtest 'Test message_id parameter for SendQueuedMessages' => sub {
plan tests => 8;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $borrowernumber = Koha::Patron->new(
firstname => 'Jane',
surname => 'Smith',
categorycode => $patron_category,
branchcode => $library->{branchcode},
dateofbirth => $date,
smsalertnumber => undef,
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM message_queue|);
$my_message = {
'letter' => {
'content' => 'a message',
'metadata' => 'metadata',
'code' => 'TEST_MESSAGE',
'content_type' => 'text/plain',
'title' => 'message title'
'borrowernumber' => $borrowernumber,
'to_address' => 'to@example.org',
'message_transport_type' => 'email',
'from_address' => '@example.com' # invalid from_address
my $message_id = C4::Letters::EnqueueLetter($my_message);
$send_or_die_count = 0; # reset
my $processed = C4::Letters::SendQueuedMessages( { message_id => $message_id } );
is( $send_or_die_count, 0, 'Nothing sent when one message_id passed' );
my $message_1 = C4::Letters::GetMessage($message_id);
is( $message_1->{status}, 'failed', 'Invalid from_address => status failed' );
is( $message_1->{failure_code}, 'INVALID_EMAIL:from', 'Failure code set correctly for invalid email parameter' );
$my_message->{from_address} = 'root@example.org'; # valid from_address
$message_id = C4::Letters::EnqueueLetter($my_message);
warning_like { C4::Letters::SendQueuedMessages( { message_id => $message_id } ); }
qr|Fake send_or_die|,
"SendQueuedMessages is using the mocked send_or_die routine";
is( $send_or_die_count, 1, 'One message passed through' );
$message_1 = C4::Letters::GetMessage( $message_1->{message_id} );
my $message_2 = C4::Letters::GetMessage($message_id);
is( $message_1->{status}, 'failed', 'Message 1 status is unchanged' );
is( $message_2->{status}, 'sent', 'Valid from_address => status sent' );
subtest 'Template toolkit syntax in parameters' => sub {
my $borrowernumber = Koha::Patron->new(
firstname => 'Robert',
surname => '[% USE Categories %][% Categories.all().search_related("borrowers").count() %]',
categorycode => $patron_category,
branchcode => $library->{branchcode},
dateofbirth => $date,
smsalertnumber => undef,
my $title = q|<<branches.branchname>> - <<status>>|;
my $content = q{Dear <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>};
q|INSERT INTO letter(branchcode,module,code,name,is_html,title,content,message_transport_type) VALUES (?,'my module','tt test','my name',1,?,?,'email')|,
undef, $library->{branchcode}, $title, $content
my $tables = {
borrowers => $borrowernumber,
branches => $library->{branchcode},
biblio => $biblionumber,
my $substitute = {
status => 'overdue',
my $prepared_letter = GetPreparedLetter(
module => 'my module',
branchcode => $library->{branchcode},
letter_code => 'tt test',
tables => $tables,
substitute => $substitute,
repeat => [],
'Dear Robert [% USE Categories %][% Categories.all().search_related("borrowers").count() %]',
'Template toolkit syntax in parameter was not evaluated.'
subtest 'Quote user params in GetPreparedLetter' => sub {
plan tests => 1;
my $patron = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Patrons' } );
my $biblio = $builder->build_sample_biblio;
my %loops = ( biblio => [ $biblio->biblionumber . ') AND (SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(10)))x)-- -' ] );
my %substitute = ( comment => 'some comment' );
module => 'catalogue',
code => 'CART',
branchcode => '',
message_transport_type => 'email',
content =>
'Hello [% borrower.firstname %], Some comments about those biblios [% FOR b IN biblios %][% biblio.title %][% END %]: [% comment %]',
my $t = time;
my $letter = C4::Letters::GetPreparedLetter(
module => 'catalogue',
letter_code => 'CART',
tables => {
borrowers => $patron->borrowernumber,
message_transport_type => 'email',
loops => \%loops,
substitute => \%substitute,
my $exec_time = time - $t;
ok( $exec_time < 10, "We should not exec the SLEEP" )
or diag sprintf(
"Spent %ss to run GetPreparredLetter, SLEEP has certainly been executed which could lead to SQL injections",
subtest 'Virtual method ->strftime in notices' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
my $patron = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Patrons' } );
$patron->update( { lastseen => dt_from_string('2024-12-19 12:00:00'), surname => 'Lener' } )->store;
my $hold = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Holds' } );
# In the following tests we use waitingdate as date field and lastseen as datetime.
my $notice_content =
q|1=[% borrower.lastseen.strftime('%a') %],2=[% borrower.lastseen.strftime('test') %],3=[% borrower.lastseen.strftime('') %],4=[% borrower.surname.strftime('%a') %],5=[% borrower.lastseen.strftime('%A %B') %],6=[% borrower.lastseen.strftime('%A %B','nl_NL') %],7=[% blessed_hold.waitingdate.strftime('%d-%m') %],8=[% unblessed_hold.waitingdate.strftime('%d-%m') %],9=[% iso_date.strftime('%d-%m') %],10=[% metric_date.strftime('%m') %],11=[% us_date.strftime('%m') %],12=[% unrecognized.strftime('%d-%m') %]|;
my $notice = Koha::Notice::Template->new(
module => 'circulation',
code => 'TEST_strftime',
branchcode => '',
message_transport_type => 'email',
content => $notice_content,
# Trying metric first. Note that the us date then contains month 17, so will not be recognized and passed as-is.
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'dateformat', 'metric' ); # d/m/y
my $expected_output =
q|1=Thu,2=test,3=,4=Lener,5=Thursday December,6=donderdag december,7=18-12,8=18-12,9=17-12,10=12,11=12/17/2024,12=20241217|;
my $get_letter = sub {
return C4::Letters::GetPreparedLetter(
module => 'circulation',
letter_code => 'TEST_strftime',
tables => {
borrowers => $patron->borrowernumber,
message_transport_type => 'email',
substitute => {
blessed_hold => $hold,
unblessed_hold => $hold->unblessed,
iso_date => '2024-12-17',
metric_date => '17/12/2024',
us_date => '12/17/2024',
unrecognized => '20241217',
is( $get_letter->()->{content}, $expected_output, 'Check generated content for metric dateformat' );
# Switch dateformat pref, only expect different results for 10=metric_date and 11=us_date.
# When using 'us', the metric date with month 17 will not be recognized and passed as-is.
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'dateformat', 'us' ); # m/d/y
$expected_output =~ s/10=12/10=17\/12\/2024/;
$expected_output =~ s/11=.{10}/11=12/;
is( $get_letter->()->{content}, $expected_output, 'Check generated content for us dateformat' );