Koha Development Team d659526b5a
Bug 38664: Tidy the whole codebase
This commit is generated using:
  % perl misc/devel/tidy.pl
*within* ktd, to get the same version of perltidy than what will be used
by our CI (currently v20230309).

Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer@bsz-bw.de>
2025-02-11 14:58:24 +01:00

187 lines
9.2 KiB
Executable file

use Modern::Perl;
use List::MoreUtils 'any';
use Test::More tests => 21;
use t::lib::TestBuilder;
use Koha::Database;
use FindBin;
use lib $FindBin::Bin;
my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM issues|);
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM library_groups|);
my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new();
my $library1 = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } );
my $library2 = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } );
my $library3 = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } );
my $library4 = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } );
my $library5 = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } );
my $library6 = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } );
my $library7 = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } );
my $root_group =
Koha::Library::Group->new( { title => "Test root group" } )->store();
my @root_groups = Koha::Library::Groups->get_root_groups->as_list;
my $in_list = any { $_->id eq $root_group->id } @root_groups;
ok( $in_list, 'New root group is in the list returned by the get_root_groups method' );
my $groupA = Koha::Library::Group->new( { parent_id => $root_group->id, title => 'Group A' } )->store();
my $groupA1 = Koha::Library::Group->new( { parent_id => $groupA->id, title => 'Group A1' } )->store();
my $groupA2 = Koha::Library::Group->new( { parent_id => $groupA->id, title => 'Group A2' } )->store();
my $groupB = Koha::Library::Group->new( { parent_id => $root_group->id, title => 'Group B' } )->store();
my $groupA_library1 =
Koha::Library::Group->new( { parent_id => $groupA->id, branchcode => $library1->{branchcode} } )->store();
my $groupB_library1 =
Koha::Library::Group->new( { parent_id => $groupB->id, branchcode => $library1->{branchcode} } )->store();
my $groupA1_library2 =
Koha::Library::Group->new( { parent_id => $groupA1->id, branchcode => $library2->{branchcode} } )->store();
my @children = $root_group->children()->as_list();
is( $children[0]->id, $groupA->id, 'Child of root group set correctly' );
@children = $groupA->children()->as_list();
is( $children[1]->id, $groupA1->id, 'Child 1 of 2nd level group set correctly' );
is( $children[2]->id, $groupA2->id, 'Child 2 of 2nd level group set correctly' );
is( $children[0]->id, $groupA_library1->id, 'Child 3 of 2nd level group set correctly' );
is( $children[0]->branchcode, $groupA_library1->branchcode, 'Child 3 is correctly set as leaf node' );
@children = $groupA1->children()->as_list();
is( $children[0]->branchcode, $library2->{branchcode}, 'Child 1 of 3rd level group correctly set as leaf node' );
my $library = $groupA_library1->library();
is( ref($library), 'Koha::Library', 'Method library returns a Koha::Library object' );
is( $library->id, $groupA_library1->branchcode, 'Branchcode for fetched library matches' );
my @libraries_not_direct_children = $groupA->libraries_not_direct_children->as_list;
$in_list = any { $_->id eq $groupA_library1->branchcode } @libraries_not_direct_children;
'Method libraries_not_direct_children returns all libraries not direct descendants of group, library 1 is not in the list'
$in_list = any { $_->id eq $groupA1_library2->branchcode } @libraries_not_direct_children;
'Method libraries_not_direct_children returns all libraries not direct descendants of group, library 2 is in the list'
subtest 'Koha::Library->library_groups' => sub {
plan tests => 4;
my $library3 = Koha::Libraries->find( $library3->{branchcode} );
my $groups = $library3->library_groups;
is( ref($groups), 'Koha::Library::Groups', 'Koha::Library->library_groups should return Koha::Library::Groups' );
is( $groups->count, 0, 'Library 3 should not be part of any groups' );
my $library1 = Koha::Libraries->find( $library1->{branchcode} );
$groups = $library1->library_groups;
is( ref($groups), 'Koha::Library::Groups', 'Koha::Library->library_groups should return Koha::Library::Groups' );
is( $groups->count, 2, 'Library 1 should be part of 2 groups' );
# root_group
# + groupA
# + groupA1
# + groupA1_library2
# + groupA_library1
# + groupA2
# + groupB
# + groupB_library1
subtest 'Koha::Library::Group->has_child' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
is( $groupA->has_child( $library1->{branchcode} ), 1, 'library1 should be condidered as a child of groupA' );
is( $groupB->has_child( $library2->{branchcode} ), 0, 'library2 should not be considered as a child of groupB' );
# TODO This is not implemented because not used yet
# ->has_child only works with libraries
#is( $groupA->has_child( $groupA1 ), 1, 'groupA1 should be condidered as a child of groupA' );
# FIXME At the time of writing this test fails because the ->children methods does not return more than 1 level of depth
# See Bug 15707 comments 166-170+
#is( $groupA->has_child( $groupA1_library2->branchcode ), 1, 'groupA1_library2 should be considered as a child of groupA (it is a grandchild)' );
subtest 'Koha::Library::Group->get_search_groups' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
#Enable as search groups
#Update the objects
$groupA = Koha::Library::Groups->find( $groupA->id );
$groupB = Koha::Library::Groups->find( $groupB->id );
my @groups = Koha::Library::Groups->get_search_groups( { interface => 'opac' } )->as_list;
is_deeply( $groups[0]->unblessed, $groupA->unblessed, 'Get search groups opac should return enabled group' );
@groups = Koha::Library::Groups->get_search_groups( { interface => 'staff' } )->as_list;
is_deeply( $groups[0]->unblessed, $groupB->unblessed, 'Get search groups staff should return enabled group' );
my $groupX = Koha::Library::Group->new( { title => "Group X" } )->store();
my $groupX_library1 =
Koha::Library::Group->new( { parent_id => $groupX->id, branchcode => $library1->{branchcode} } )->store();
my $groupX_library2 =
Koha::Library::Group->new( { parent_id => $groupX->id, branchcode => $library2->{branchcode} } )->store();
my $groupX1 = Koha::Library::Group->new( { parent_id => $groupX->id, title => 'Group X1' } )->store();
my $groupX1_library3 =
Koha::Library::Group->new( { parent_id => $groupX1->id, branchcode => $library3->{branchcode} } )->store();
my $groupX1_library4 =
Koha::Library::Group->new( { parent_id => $groupX1->id, branchcode => $library4->{branchcode} } )->store();
my $groupX2 = Koha::Library::Group->new( { parent_id => $groupX->id, title => 'Group X2' } )->store();
my $groupX2_library5 =
Koha::Library::Group->new( { parent_id => $groupX2->id, branchcode => $library5->{branchcode} } )->store();
my $groupX2_library6 =
Koha::Library::Group->new( { parent_id => $groupX2->id, branchcode => $library6->{branchcode} } )->store();
my @branchcodes = sort( $library1->{branchcode}, $library2->{branchcode} );
my @group_branchcodes = sort( map { $_->branchcode } $groupX->libraries->as_list );
is_deeply( \@branchcodes, \@group_branchcodes, "Group libraries are returned correctly" );
is( ref( $groupX->libraries ), 'Koha::Libraries', '->libraries should return a Koha::Libraries iterator' );
@branchcodes = sort( $library1->{branchcode}, $library2->{branchcode}, $library3->{branchcode}, $library4->{branchcode},
$library5->{branchcode}, $library6->{branchcode} );
@group_branchcodes = sort( map { $_->branchcode } $groupX->all_libraries );
is_deeply( \@branchcodes, \@group_branchcodes, "Group all_libraries are returned correctly" );
ref( ( $groupX->all_libraries )[0] ), 'Koha::Library',
'->all_libraries should return a list of Koha::Library - in the future it should be fixed to return a Koha::Libraries iterator instead'
); # FIXME
subtest 'Koha::Library::Groups->get_root_ancestor' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
my $groupY = Koha::Library::Group->new( { title => "Group Y" } )->store();
my $groupY_library1 =
Koha::Library::Group->new( { parent_id => $groupY->id, branchcode => $library1->{branchcode} } )->store();
my $groupY1 = Koha::Library::Group->new( { parent_id => $groupY->id, title => "Group Y1" } )->store();
my $groupY1_library2 =
Koha::Library::Group->new( { parent_id => $groupY1->id, branchcode => $library2->{branchcode} } )->store();
my $groupZ = Koha::Library::Group->new( { title => "Group Z" } )->store();
my $groupZ1 = Koha::Library::Group->new( { parent_id => $groupZ->id, title => "Group Z1" } )->store();
my $groupZ2 = Koha::Library::Group->new( { parent_id => $groupZ1->id, title => "Group Z2" } )->store();
my $groupZ2_library2 =
Koha::Library::Group->new( { parent_id => $groupZ2->id, branchcode => $library2->{branchcode} } )->store();
my $ancestor1 = Koha::Library::Groups->get_root_ancestor( $groupY1_library2->unblessed );
my $ancestor2 = Koha::Library::Groups->get_root_ancestor( $groupZ2_library2->unblessed );
is( $ancestor1->id, $groupY->id, "Get root ancestor should return group's root ancestor" );
ok( $ancestor1->id ne $ancestor2->id, "Both root groups should have different ids" );