Koha Development Team d659526b5a
Bug 38664: Tidy the whole codebase
This commit is generated using:
  % perl misc/devel/tidy.pl
*within* ktd, to get the same version of perltidy than what will be used
by our CI (currently v20230309).

Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer@bsz-bw.de>
2025-02-11 14:58:24 +01:00

265 lines
9.9 KiB
Executable file
Raw Permalink Blame History

# This file is part of Koha.
# Script to manage the opac news.
# written 11/04
# Casta<74>eda, Carlos Sebastian - seba3c@yahoo.com.ar - Physics Library UNLP Argentina
# Modified to include news to KOHA intranet - tgarip@neu.edu.tr NEU library -Cyprus
# Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications
# Copyright (C) 2013 Mark Tompsett
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use CGI qw ( -utf8 );
use Try::Tiny;
use Array::Utils qw( array_minus );
use C4::Auth qw(get_template_and_user);
use C4::Koha;
use C4::Context;
use C4::Log qw( logaction );
use C4::Output qw(output_html_with_http_headers output_and_exit_if_error);
use C4::Languages qw(getTranslatedLanguages);
use Koha::DateUtils qw( dt_from_string output_pref );
use Koha::AdditionalContents;
my $cgi = CGI->new;
my $op = $cgi->param('op') || 'list';
my $id = $cgi->param('id');
my $category = $cgi->param('category') || 'news';
my $wysiwyg;
my $redirect = $cgi->param('redirect');
my $editmode;
if ( $cgi->param('editmode') ) {
$wysiwyg = $cgi->param('editmode') eq "wysiwyg" ? 1 : 0;
} else {
$wysiwyg = C4::Context->preference("AdditionalContentsEditor") eq "tinymce" ? 1 : 0;
$editmode = $wysiwyg eq 1 ? "wysiwyg" : "text";
my ( $template, $borrowernumber, $cookie ) = get_template_and_user(
template_name => "tools/additional-contents.tt",
query => $cgi,
type => "intranet",
flagsrequired => { tools => 'edit_additional_contents' },
my @messages;
if ( $op eq 'add_form' ) {
my $additional_content = Koha::AdditionalContents->find($id);
my $translated_contents;
if ($additional_content) {
$translated_contents = { map { $_->lang => $_ } $additional_content->translated_contents->as_list };
$category = $additional_content->category;
additional_content => $additional_content,
translated_contents => $translated_contents,
} elsif ( $op eq 'cud-add_validate' ) {
output_and_exit_if_error( $cgi, $cookie, $template, { check => 'csrf_token' } );
my $location = $cgi->param('location');
my $code = $cgi->param('code');
my $branchcode = $cgi->param('branchcode') || undef;
my @lang = $cgi->multi_param('lang');
my $expirationdate = $cgi->param('expirationdate');
my $published_on = $cgi->param('published_on');
my $number = $cgi->param('number');
try {
sub {
my $additional_content;
my $params = {
location => $location,
branchcode => $branchcode,
expirationdate => $expirationdate,
published_on => $published_on,
number => $number,
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
if ($id) {
$additional_content = Koha::AdditionalContents->find($id);
} else {
$additional_content = Koha::AdditionalContent->new(
category => $category,
code => $code,
branchcode => $branchcode,
unless ($code) {
$code =
$category eq 'news'
? 'News_' . $additional_content->id
: $location . '_' . $additional_content->id;
$id = $additional_content->id;
my @translated_contents;
my $existing_contents = $additional_content->translated_contents;
my @seen_ids;
for my $lang (@lang) {
my $id = $cgi->param( 'id_' . $lang );
my $title = $cgi->param( 'title_' . $lang );
my $content = $cgi->param( 'content_' . $lang );
$content ||= '<!-- no_content -->' if $lang eq 'default';
next unless $title || $content;
push @seen_ids, $id;
my $translated_content = {
title => $title,
content => $content,
lang => $lang,
my $existing_content = $existing_contents->find($id);
if ($existing_content) {
if ( $existing_content->title ne $title || $existing_content->content ne $content ) {
if ( C4::Context->preference("NewsLog") ) {
'NEWS', 'MODIFY', undef,
sprintf( "%s|%s|%s|%s", $code, $title, $lang, $content )
} else {
$translated_content->{updated_on} = $existing_content->updated_on;
} elsif ( C4::Context->preference("NewsLog") ) {
logaction( 'NEWS', 'ADD', undef, sprintf( "%s|%s|%s|%s", $code, $title, $lang, $content ) );
push @translated_contents, $translated_content;
if ( C4::Context->preference("NewsLog") ) {
my @existing_ids = $existing_contents->get_column('id');
my @deleted_ids = array_minus( @existing_ids, @seen_ids );
for my $id (@deleted_ids) {
my $c = $existing_contents->find($id);
logaction( 'NEWS', 'DELETE', undef, sprintf( "%s|%s|%s", $code, $c->lang, $c->content ) );
$additional_content->translated_contents( \@translated_contents );
} catch {
warn $_;
if ($id) {
push @messages, { type => 'error', code => 'error_on_update' };
} else {
push @messages, { type => 'error', code => 'error_on_insert' };
if ( $redirect eq "just_save" ) {
print $cgi->redirect(
} else {
$op = 'list';
} elsif ( $op eq 'cud-delete_confirmed' ) {
output_and_exit_if_error( $cgi, $cookie, $template, { check => 'csrf_token' } );
my @ids = $cgi->multi_param('ids');
try {
sub {
my $contents = Koha::AdditionalContents->search( { id => \@ids } );
if ( C4::Context->preference("NewsLog") ) {
while ( my $c = $contents->next ) {
my $translated_contents = $c->translated_contents;
while ( my $translated_content = $translated_contents->next ) {
'NEWS', 'DELETE', undef,
"%s|%s|%s|%s", $c->code, $translated_content->lang, $translated_content->content
push @messages, { type => 'message', code => 'success_on_delete' };
} catch {
warn $_;
push @messages, { type => 'error', code => 'error_on_delete' };
$op = 'list';
if ( $op eq 'list' ) {
my $additional_contents = Koha::AdditionalContents->search(
{ category => $category, 'additional_contents_localizations.lang' => 'default' },
{ order_by => { -desc => 'published_on' }, join => 'additional_contents_localizations' }
$template->param( additional_contents => $additional_contents );
my $translated_languages = C4::Languages::getTranslatedLanguages();
my @languages;
for my $language (@$translated_languages) {
for my $sublanguage ( @{ $language->{sublanguages_loop} } ) {
if ( $language->{plural} ) {
push @languages,
lang => $sublanguage->{rfc4646_subtag},
description => $sublanguage->{native_description} . ' '
. $sublanguage->{region_description} . ' ('
. $sublanguage->{rfc4646_subtag} . ')',
} else {
push @languages,
lang => $sublanguage->{rfc4646_subtag},
description => $sublanguage->{native_description} . ' (' . $sublanguage->{rfc4646_subtag} . ')',
unshift @languages, { lang => 'default' } if @languages;
op => $op,
category => $category,
wysiwyg => $wysiwyg,
editmode => $editmode,
languages => \@languages,
messages => \@messages,
output_html_with_http_headers $cgi, $cookie, $template->output;