This commit is generated using: % perl misc/devel/tidy.pl *within* ktd, to get the same version of perltidy than what will be used by our CI (currently v20230309). Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer@bsz-bw.de>
517 lines
19 KiB
Executable file
517 lines
19 KiB
Executable file
# Copyright 2000-2009 Biblibre S.A
# John Soros <john.soros@biblibre.com>
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
#need to open cgi and get the fh before anything else opens a new cgi context (see C4::Auth)
use CGI qw ( -utf8 );
my $input = CGI->new;
my $uploadbarcodes = $input->param('uploadbarcodes');
my $barcodelist = $input->param('barcodelist');
use C4::Auth qw( get_template_and_user );
use C4::Context;
use C4::Output qw( output_html_with_http_headers );
use C4::Items qw( GetItemsForInventory );
use C4::Koha qw( GetAuthorisedValues );
use C4::Circulation qw( barcodedecode AddReturn );
use C4::Reports::Guided qw( );
use C4::Charset qw( NormalizeString );
use Koha::Biblios;
use Koha::DateUtils qw( dt_from_string );
use Koha::Database::Columns;
use Koha::AuthorisedValues;
use Koha::BiblioFrameworks;
use Koha::ClassSources;
use Koha::Items;
use List::MoreUtils qw( none );
my $minlocation = $input->param('minlocation') || '';
my $maxlocation = $input->param('maxlocation');
my $class_source = $input->param('class_source');
$maxlocation = $minlocation . 'Z' unless ( $maxlocation || !$minlocation );
my $location = $input->param('location') || '';
my $ignoreissued = $input->param('ignoreissued');
my $ignore_waiting_holds = $input->param('ignore_waiting_holds');
my $datelastseen = $input->param('datelastseen'); # last inventory date
my $branchcode = $input->param('branchcode') || '';
my $branch = $input->param('branch');
my $op = $input->param('op') // q{};
my $compareinv2barcd = $input->param('compareinv2barcd');
my $dont_checkin = $input->param('dont_checkin');
my $out_of_order = $input->param('out_of_order');
my $ccode = $input->param('ccode');
my ( $template, $borrowernumber, $cookie ) = get_template_and_user(
template_name => "tools/inventory.tt",
query => $input,
type => "intranet",
flagsrequired => { tools => 'inventory' },
my @authorised_value_list;
my $authorisedvalue_categories = '';
my $frameworks = Koha::BiblioFrameworks->search( {}, { order_by => ['frameworktext'] } )->unblessed;
unshift @$frameworks, { frameworkcode => '' };
my @collections = ();
my @collection_codes = ();
for my $fwk (@$frameworks) {
my $fwkcode = $fwk->{frameworkcode};
my $mss = Koha::MarcSubfieldStructures->search(
frameworkcode => $fwkcode, kohafield => 'items.location',
authorised_value => [ -and => { '!=' => undef }, { '!=' => '' } ]
my $authcode = $mss->count ? $mss->next->authorised_value : undef;
if ( $authcode && $authorisedvalue_categories !~ /\b$authcode\W/ ) {
$authorisedvalue_categories .= "$authcode ";
my $data = GetAuthorisedValues($authcode);
foreach my $value (@$data) {
$value->{selected} = 1 if ( $value->{authorised_value} eq ($location) );
push @authorised_value_list, @$data;
my $statuses = [];
my @notforloans;
for my $statfield (qw/items.notforloan items.itemlost items.withdrawn items.damaged/) {
my $hash = {};
$hash->{fieldname} = $statfield;
my $mss = Koha::MarcSubfieldStructures->search(
frameworkcode => '', kohafield => $statfield,
authorised_value => [ -and => { '!=' => undef }, { '!=' => '' } ]
$hash->{authcode} = $mss->count ? $mss->next->authorised_value : undef;
if ( $hash->{authcode} ) {
my $arr = GetAuthorisedValues( $hash->{authcode} );
if ( $statfield eq 'items.notforloan' ) {
# Add notforloan == 0 to the list of possible notforloan statuses
# The lib value is replaced in the template
push @$arr, { authorised_value => 0, id => 'stat0', lib => '__IGNORE__' }
if !grep { $_->{authorised_value} eq '0' } @$arr;
@notforloans = map { $_->{'authorised_value'} } @$arr;
$hash->{values} = $arr;
push @$statuses, $hash;
$template->param( statuses => $statuses );
my $staton = {}; #authorized values that are ticked
for my $authvfield (@$statuses) {
$staton->{ $authvfield->{fieldname} } = [];
for my $authval ( @{ $authvfield->{values} } ) {
if ( defined $input->param( 'status-' . $authvfield->{fieldname} . '-' . $authval->{authorised_value} )
&& $input->param( 'status-' . $authvfield->{fieldname} . '-' . $authval->{authorised_value} ) eq 'on' )
push @{ $staton->{ $authvfield->{fieldname} } }, $authval->{authorised_value};
my $report_lost_items;
if ( defined $input->param('ReportLostItems') && $input->param('ReportLostItems') eq 'on' ) {
$report_lost_items = "1";
my $report_items_without_problems;
if ( defined $input->param('ReportItemsWithoutProblem') && $input->param('ReportItemsWithoutProblem') eq 'on' ) {
$report_items_without_problems = "1";
# if there's a list of not for loans types selected use it rather than
# the full set.
@notforloans = @{ $staton->{'items.notforloan'} }
if defined $staton->{'items.notforloan'} and scalar @{ $staton->{'items.notforloan'} } > 0;
my @class_sources = Koha::ClassSources->search( { used => 1 } )->as_list;
my $pref_class = C4::Context->preference("DefaultClassificationSource");
my @itemtypes = Koha::ItemTypes->search->as_list;
my @selected_itemtypes;
foreach my $itemtype (@itemtypes) {
if ( defined $input->param( 'itemtype-' . $itemtype->itemtype ) ) {
push @selected_itemtypes, "'" . $itemtype->itemtype . "'";
authorised_values => \@authorised_value_list,
today => dt_from_string,
minlocation => $minlocation,
maxlocation => $maxlocation,
location => $location,
ignoreissued => $ignoreissued,
branchcode => $branchcode,
branch => $branch,
datelastseen => $datelastseen,
compareinv2barcd => $compareinv2barcd,
uploadedbarcodesflag => ( $uploadbarcodes || $barcodelist ) ? 1 : 0,
ignore_waiting_holds => $ignore_waiting_holds,
class_sources => \@class_sources,
pref_class => $pref_class,
itemtypes => \@itemtypes,
ccode => $ccode,
# Walk through uploaded barcodes, report errors, mark as seen, check in
my $results = {};
my @scanned_items;
my @errorloop;
my $moddatecount = 0;
my @lost_items;
if ( $op eq 'cud-inventory'
&& ( ( $uploadbarcodes && length($uploadbarcodes) > 0 ) || ( $barcodelist && length($barcodelist) > 0 ) ) )
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $date = $input->param('setdate');
my $date_dt = dt_from_string($date);
my @barcodes;
my @uploadedbarcodes;
my $sth = $dbh->column_info( undef, undef, "items", "barcode" );
my $barcode_def = $sth->fetchall_hashref('COLUMN_NAME');
my $barcode_size = $barcode_def->{barcode}->{COLUMN_SIZE};
my $err_length = 0;
my $err_data = 0;
my $lines_read = 0;
if ( $uploadbarcodes && length($uploadbarcodes) > 0 ) {
binmode( $uploadbarcodes, ":encoding(UTF-8)" );
while ( my $barcode = <$uploadbarcodes> ) {
my $split_chars = C4::Context->preference('BarcodeSeparators');
push @uploadedbarcodes, grep { /\S/ } split( /[$split_chars]/, $barcode );
} else {
push @uploadedbarcodes, split( /\s\n/, scalar $input->param('barcodelist') );
$uploadbarcodes = $barcodelist;
for my $barcode (@uploadedbarcodes) {
next unless $barcode;
$barcode = barcodedecode($barcode);
if ( length($barcode) > $barcode_size ) {
$err_length += 1;
my $check_barcode = $barcode;
$check_barcode =~ s/\p{Print}//g;
if ( length($check_barcode) > 0 ) { # Only printable unicode characters allowed.
$err_data += 1;
next if length($barcode) > $barcode_size;
next if ( length($check_barcode) > 0 );
push @barcodes, $barcode;
$template->param( LinesRead => $lines_read );
if ( !@barcodes ) {
push @errorloop, { 'barcode' => 'No valid barcodes!' };
$op = ''; # force the initial inventory screen again.
} else {
err_length => $err_length,
err_data => $err_data
my @items = Koha::Items->search( { barcode => { -in => \@barcodes } } )->as_list;
my %items = map { lc( $_->barcode ) => $_ } @items;
foreach my $barcode (@barcodes) {
my $item = $items{ lc($barcode) };
if ($item) {
if ( $item->withdrawn ) {
push @errorloop, { 'barcode' => $barcode, 'ERR_WTHDRAWN' => 1 };
# Modify date last seen for scanned items, remove lost status
if ( $item->unblessed->{itemlost} ) {
push @lost_items, $barcode;
$item->set( { itemlost => 0, datelastseen => $date_dt } )->store;
my $item_unblessed = $item->unblessed;
unless ($dont_checkin) {
if ( $item->onloan ) {
#TODO Assuming item homebranch for return here. Might allow current branch too?
my ( $doreturn, $messages, $iteminformation, $borrower ) = AddReturn( $barcode, $item->homebranch );
if ($doreturn) {
$item_unblessed->{onloan} = undef;
$item_unblessed->{datelastseen} = dt_from_string;
} else {
push @errorloop, { barcode => $barcode, ERR_ONLOAN_NOT_RET => 1 };
push @scanned_items, $item_unblessed;
} else {
push @errorloop, { barcode => $barcode, ERR_BARCODE => 1 };
$template->param( date => $date );
$template->param( errorloop => \@errorloop ) if (@errorloop);
# Build inventorylist: used as result list when you do not pass barcodes
# This list is also used when you want to compare with barcodes
my ( $inventorylist, $rightplacelist );
if ( $op eq 'cud-inventory' && ( !$uploadbarcodes || $compareinv2barcd ) ) {
($inventorylist) = GetItemsForInventory(
minlocation => $minlocation,
maxlocation => $maxlocation,
class_source => $class_source,
location => $location,
ignoreissued => $ignoreissued,
datelastseen => $datelastseen,
branchcode => $branchcode,
branch => $branch,
offset => 0,
statushash => $staton,
ccode => $ccode,
ignore_waiting_holds => $ignore_waiting_holds,
itemtypes => \@selected_itemtypes,
# Build rightplacelist used to check if a scanned item is in the right place.
if (@scanned_items) {
# For the items that may be marked as "wrong place", we only check the location (callnumbers, location, ccode and branch)
($rightplacelist) = GetItemsForInventory(
minlocation => $minlocation,
maxlocation => $maxlocation,
class_source => $class_source,
location => $location,
ignoreissued => undef,
datelastseen => undef,
branchcode => $branchcode,
branch => $branch,
offset => 0,
statushash => undef,
ignore_waiting_holds => $ignore_waiting_holds,
itemtypes => \@selected_itemtypes,
ccode => $ccode,
# Convert the structure to a hash on barcode
$rightplacelist = { map { $_->{barcode} ? ( $_->{barcode}, $_ ) : (); } @$rightplacelist };
# Report scanned items that are on the wrong place, or have a wrong notforloan
# status, or are still checked out.
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @scanned_items ; $i++ ) {
my $item = $scanned_items[$i];
$item->{notforloancode} = $item->{notforloan}; # save for later use
# If we have scanned items with a non-matching notforloan value
if ( none { $item->{'notforloancode'} eq $_ } @notforloans ) {
$item->{problems}->{changestatus} = 1;
additemtoresults( $item, $results );
# Check for items shelved out of order
if ($out_of_order) {
unless ( $i == 0 ) {
my $previous_item = $scanned_items[ $i - 1 ];
if ( $previous_item && $item->{cn_sort} lt $previous_item->{cn_sort} ) {
$item->{problems}->{out_of_order} = 1;
additemtoresults( $item, $results );
unless ( $i == scalar(@scanned_items) ) {
my $next_item = $scanned_items[ $i + 1 ];
if ( $next_item && $item->{cn_sort} gt $next_item->{cn_sort} ) {
$item->{problems}->{out_of_order} = 1;
additemtoresults( $item, $results );
# Report an item that is checked out (unusual!) or wrongly placed
if ( $item->{onloan} ) {
$item->{problems}->{checkedout} = 1;
additemtoresults( $item, $results );
next; # do not modify item
} elsif ( !exists $rightplacelist->{ $item->{barcode} } ) {
$item->{problems}->{wrongplace} = 1;
additemtoresults( $item, $results );
# Report a lost item if asked
if ( @lost_items && ( scalar grep { $_ eq $item->{barcode} } @lost_items ) && $report_lost_items ) {
$item->{problems}->{lost} = 1;
additemtoresults( $item, $results );
if ($report_items_without_problems) {
additemtoresults( $item, $results );
# Compare barcodes with inventory list, report no_barcode and not_scanned.
# not_scanned can be interpreted as missing
if ($compareinv2barcd) {
my @scanned_barcodes = map { $_->{barcode} } @scanned_items;
for my $item (@$inventorylist) {
my $barcode = $item->{barcode};
if ( !$barcode ) {
$item->{problems}->{no_barcode} = 1;
} elsif ( grep { $_ eq $barcode } @scanned_barcodes ) {
} else {
$item->{problems}->{not_scanned} = 1;
additemtoresults( $item, $results );
# Construct final results, add biblio information
my $loop =
? [ map { $results->{$_} } keys %$results ]
: $inventorylist // [];
for my $item (@$loop) {
my $biblio = Koha::Biblios->find( $item->{biblionumber} );
$item->{title} = $biblio->title;
$item->{author} = $biblio->author;
moddatecount => $moddatecount,
loop => $loop,
op => $op,
# Export to csv
if ( defined $input->param('CSVexport') && $input->param('CSVexport') eq 'on' ) {
eval { use Text::CSV (); };
my $csv = Text::CSV->new( { formula => 'empty' } )
or die Text::CSV->error_diag();
binmode STDOUT, ":encoding(UTF-8)";
print $input->header(
-type => 'text/csv',
-attachment => 'inventory.csv',
my $columns = Koha::Database::Columns->columns;
my @translated_keys;
for my $key (
qw / biblioitems.title biblio.author
items.barcode items.itemnumber
items.homebranch items.location items.ccode
items.itemcallnumber items.notforloan
items.itemlost items.damaged
items.withdrawn items.stocknumber
my ( $table, $column ) = split '\.', $key;
push @translated_keys, NormalizeString( $columns->{$table}->{$column} // '' );
push @translated_keys, 'Problem' if $uploadbarcodes;
print $csv->string, "\n";
my @keys =
qw/ title author barcode itemnumber homebranch location ccode itemcallnumber notforloan itemlost damaged withdrawn stocknumber /;
for my $item (@$loop) {
my @line;
for my $key (@keys) {
push @line, $item->{$key};
my $errstr = '';
foreach my $key ( keys %{ $item->{problems} } ) {
if ( $key eq 'wrongplace' ) {
$errstr .= "wrong place,";
} elsif ( $key eq 'changestatus' ) {
$errstr .= "unselected notforloan status $item->{notforloan},";
} elsif ( $key eq 'not_scanned' ) {
$errstr .= "missing,";
} elsif ( $key eq 'no_barcode' ) {
$errstr .= "no barcode,";
} elsif ( $key eq 'checkedout' ) {
$errstr .= "checked out,";
} elsif ( $key eq 'out_of_order' ) {
$errstr .= "shelved out of order,";
} elsif ( $key eq 'lost' ) {
$errstr .= "item was lost";
$errstr =~ s/,$//;
push @line, $errstr;
print $csv->string, "\n";
# Adding not found barcodes
foreach my $error (@errorloop) {
my @line;
if ( $error->{'ERR_BARCODE'} ) {
push @line, map { $_ eq 'barcode' ? $error->{'barcode'} : '' } @keys;
push @line, "barcode not found";
print $csv->string, "\n";
output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output;
sub additemtoresults {
my ( $item, $results ) = @_;
my $itemno = $item->{itemnumber};
my $fc = $item->{'frameworkcode'} || '';
# Populating with authorised values description
foreach my $field (qw/ location notforloan itemlost damaged withdrawn /) {
my $av = Koha::AuthorisedValues->get_description_by_koha_field(
{ frameworkcode => $fc, kohafield => "items.$field", authorised_value => $item->{$field} } );
if ( $av and defined $item->{$field} and defined $av->{lib} ) {
$item->{$field} = $av->{lib};
# since the script appends to $item, we can just overwrite the hash entry
$results->{$itemno} = $item;