Signed-off-by: Lucas Gass <> Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
524 lines
20 KiB
Executable file
524 lines
20 KiB
Executable file
# Copyright 2012 BibLibre
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <>.
# Batch Edit Patrons
# Modification for patron's fields:
# surname firstname branchcode categorycode city state zipcode country sort1
# sort2 dateenrolled dateexpiry borrowernotes protected
# And for patron attributes.
use Modern::Perl;
use CGI qw ( -utf8 );
use C4::Auth qw( get_template_and_user );
use C4::Koha qw( GetAuthorisedValues );
use C4::Members;
use C4::Output qw( output_html_with_http_headers );
use C4::Context;
use Koha::DateUtils qw( dt_from_string );
use Koha::List::Patron qw( GetPatronLists );
use Koha::Libraries;
use Koha::Patron::Categories;
use Koha::Patron::Debarments qw( AddDebarment DelDebarment );
use Koha::Patrons;
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
use Koha::Patron::Messages;
use Try::Tiny;
my $input = CGI->new;
my $op = $input->param('op') || 'show_form';
my ( $template, $loggedinuser, $cookie ) = get_template_and_user(
template_name => "tools/",
query => $input,
type => "intranet",
flagsrequired => { tools => "edit_patrons" },
my $logged_in_user = Koha::Patrons->find($loggedinuser);
if ( $logged_in_user->is_superlibrarian ) {
$template->param( CanUpdatePasswordExpiration => 1 );
$template->param( CanUpdateProtectPatron => 1 );
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# Show borrower informations
if ( $op eq 'cud-show' || $op eq 'show' ) {
my @borrowers;
my @patronidnumbers;
my @notfoundcardnumbers;
my $useborrowernumbers = 0;
# Get cardnumbers from a file or the input area
if ( my $cardnumberlist = $input->param('cardnumberlist') ) {
# User submitted a list of card numbers
push @patronidnumbers, split( /\s\n/, $cardnumberlist );
} elsif ( my $cardnumberuploadfile = $input->param('cardnumberuploadfile') ) {
# User uploaded a file of card numbers
binmode $cardnumberuploadfile, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
while ( my $content = <$cardnumberuploadfile> ) {
next unless $content;
$content =~ s/[\r\n]*$//;
push @patronidnumbers, $content if $content;
} elsif ( my $borrowernumberlist = $input->param('borrowernumberlist') ) {
# User submitted a list of borrowernumbers
$useborrowernumbers = 1;
push @patronidnumbers, split( /\s\n/, $borrowernumberlist );
} elsif ( my $borrowernumberuploadfile = $input->param('borrowernumberuploadfile') ) {
# User uploaded a file of borrowernumbers
$useborrowernumbers = 1;
binmode $borrowernumberuploadfile, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
while ( my $content = <$borrowernumberuploadfile> ) {
next unless $content;
$content =~ s/[\r\n]*$//;
push @patronidnumbers, $content if $content;
} elsif ( my $patron_list_id = $input->param('patron_list_id') ) {
# User selected a patron list
my ($list) = GetPatronLists( { patron_list_id => $patron_list_id } );
@patronidnumbers =
my $max_nb_attr = 0;
# Make sure there is only one of each patron id number
@patronidnumbers = uniq(@patronidnumbers);
for my $patronidnumber (@patronidnumbers) {
my $patron;
if ( $useborrowernumbers == 1 ) {
$patron = Koha::Patrons->find( { borrowernumber => $patronidnumber } );
} else {
$patron = Koha::Patrons->find( { cardnumber => $patronidnumber } );
if ($patron) {
if ( $logged_in_user->can_see_patron_infos($patron) ) {
my $borrower = $patron->unblessed;
my $attributes = $patron->extended_attributes;
my $patron_messages = Koha::Patron::Messages->search(
'me.borrowernumber' => $patron->borrowernumber,
$borrower->{patron_messages} = $patron_messages->as_list;
$borrower->{patron_attributes} = $attributes->as_list;
$borrower->{patron_attributes_count} = $attributes->count;
$max_nb_attr = $borrower->{patron_attributes_count}
if $borrower->{patron_attributes_count} > $max_nb_attr;
push @borrowers, $borrower;
} else {
push @notfoundcardnumbers, $patronidnumber;
} else {
push @notfoundcardnumbers, $patronidnumber;
# Just for a correct display
for my $borrower (@borrowers) {
my $length = $borrower->{patron_attributes_count};
push @{ $borrower->{patron_attributes} }, {} for ( $length .. $max_nb_attr - 1 );
# Construct the patron attributes list
my @patron_attributes_values;
my @patron_attributes_codes;
my $library_id = C4::Context->userenv ? C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'} : undef;
my $patron_attribute_types = Koha::Patron::Attribute::Types->search_with_library_limits( {}, {}, $library_id );
my @patron_categories =
Koha::Patron::Categories->search_with_library_limits( {}, { order_by => ['description'] } )->as_list;
while ( my $attr_type = $patron_attribute_types->next ) {
next if $attr_type->unique_id; # Don't display patron attributes that must be unqiue
my $options =
? GetAuthorisedValues( $attr_type->authorised_value_category )
: undef;
push @patron_attributes_values,
attribute_code => $attr_type->code,
options => $options,
my $category_code = $attr_type->category_code;
my ($category_lib) =
map { ( defined $category_code and $attr_type->category_code eq $_->categorycode ) ? $_->description : () }
push @patron_attributes_codes,
attribute_code => $attr_type->code,
attribute_lib => $attr_type->description,
category_lib => $category_lib,
type => $attr_type->authorised_value_category ? 'select' : 'text',
my @attributes_header = ();
for ( 1 .. scalar($max_nb_attr) ) {
push @attributes_header, { attribute => "Attributes $_" };
$template->param( borrowers => \@borrowers );
$template->param( attributes_header => \@attributes_header );
@notfoundcardnumbers = map { { cardnumber => $_ } } @notfoundcardnumbers;
$template->param( notfoundcardnumbers => \@notfoundcardnumbers )
if @notfoundcardnumbers;
$template->param( useborrowernumbers => $useborrowernumbers );
# Construct drop-down list values
my $branches = Koha::Libraries->search( {}, { order_by => ['branchname'] } )->unblessed;
my @branches_option;
push @branches_option, { value => $_->{branchcode}, lib => $_->{branchname} } for @$branches;
unshift @branches_option, { value => "", lib => "" };
my @categories_option;
push @categories_option, { value => $_->categorycode, lib => $_->description } for @patron_categories;
unshift @categories_option, { value => "", lib => "" };
my $bsort1 = GetAuthorisedValues("Bsort1");
my @sort1_option;
push @sort1_option, { value => $_->{authorised_value}, lib => $_->{lib} } for @$bsort1;
unshift @sort1_option, { value => "", lib => "" }
if @sort1_option;
my $bsort2 = GetAuthorisedValues("Bsort2");
my @sort2_option;
push @sort2_option, { value => $_->{authorised_value}, lib => $_->{lib} } for @$bsort2;
unshift @sort2_option, { value => "", lib => "" }
if @sort2_option;
my @mandatoryFields = split( /\|/, C4::Context->preference("BorrowerMandatoryField") );
my @fields = (
name => "surname",
type => "text",
mandatory => ( grep /surname/, @mandatoryFields ) ? 1 : 0
name => "firstname",
type => "text",
mandatory => ( grep /firstname/, @mandatoryFields ) ? 1 : 0,
name => "branchcode",
type => "select",
option => \@branches_option,
mandatory => ( grep /branchcode/, @mandatoryFields ) ? 1 : 0,
name => "categorycode",
type => "select",
option => \@categories_option,
mandatory => ( grep /categorycode/, @mandatoryFields ) ? 1 : 0,
name => "streetnumber",
type => "text",
mandatory => ( grep /streetnumber/, @mandatoryFields ) ? 1 : 0,
name => "address",
type => "text",
mandatory => ( grep /address/, @mandatoryFields ) ? 1 : 0,
name => "address2",
type => "text",
mandatory => ( grep /address2/, @mandatoryFields ) ? 1 : 0,
name => "city",
type => "text",
mandatory => ( grep /city/, @mandatoryFields ) ? 1 : 0,
name => "state",
type => "text",
mandatory => ( grep /state/, @mandatoryFields ) ? 1 : 0,
name => "zipcode",
type => "text",
mandatory => ( grep /zipcode/, @mandatoryFields ) ? 1 : 0,
name => "country",
type => "text",
mandatory => ( grep /country/, @mandatoryFields ) ? 1 : 0,
name => "email",
type => "text",
mandatory => ( grep /email/, @mandatoryFields ) ? 1 : 0,
name => "phone",
type => "text",
mandatory => ( grep /phone/, @mandatoryFields ) ? 1 : 0,
name => "mobile",
type => "text",
mandatory => ( grep /mobile/, @mandatoryFields ) ? 1 : 0,
name => "fax",
type => "text",
mandatory => ( grep /fax/, @mandatoryFields ) ? 1 : 0,
name => "sort1",
type => @sort1_option ? "select" : "text",
option => \@sort1_option,
mandatory => ( grep /sort1/, @mandatoryFields ) ? 1 : 0,
name => "sort2",
type => @sort2_option ? "select" : "text",
option => \@sort2_option,
mandatory => ( grep /sort2/, @mandatoryFields ) ? 1 : 0,
name => "dateenrolled",
type => "date",
mandatory => ( grep /dateenrolled/, @mandatoryFields ) ? 1 : 0,
name => "dateexpiry",
type => "date",
mandatory => ( grep /dateexpiry/, @mandatoryFields ) ? 1 : 0,
name => "borrowernotes",
type => "text",
mandatory => ( grep /borrowernotes/, @mandatoryFields ) ? 1 : 0,
name => "opacnote",
type => "text",
mandatory => ( grep /opacnote/, @mandatoryFields ) ? 1 : 0,
name => "message",
type => "message_type",
mandatory => ( grep /message/, @mandatoryFields ) ? 1 : 0,
name => "debarred",
type => "date",
mandatory => ( grep /debarred/, @mandatoryFields ) ? 1 : 0,
name => "debarredcomment",
type => "text",
mandatory => ( grep /debarredcomment/, @mandatoryFields ) ? 1 : 0,
if ( $logged_in_user->is_superlibrarian ) {
push @fields, { name => "password_expiration_date", type => "date" };
push @fields, { name => "protected", type => "bool" };
$template->param( 'patron_attributes_codes', \@patron_attributes_codes );
$template->param( 'patron_attributes_values', \@patron_attributes_values );
$template->param( fields => \@fields );
$op = 'show';
# Process modifications
if ( $op eq 'cud-do' ) {
my @disabled = $input->multi_param('disable_input');
my $infos;
for my $field (
qw/surname firstname branchcode categorycode streetnumber address address2 city state zipcode country email phone mobile fax sort1 sort2 dateenrolled dateexpiry password_expiration_date borrowernotes opacnote debarred debarredcomment protected/
my $value = $input->param($field);
$infos->{$field} = $value if $value;
$infos->{$field} = "" if grep { $_ eq $field } @disabled;
for my $field (qw( dateenrolled dateexpiry debarred password_expiration_date )) {
$infos->{$field} = dt_from_string( $infos->{$field} ) if $infos->{$field};
delete $infos->{password_expiration_date} unless $logged_in_user->is_superlibrarian;
delete $infos->{protected} unless $logged_in_user->is_superlibrarian;
my @errors;
my @borrowernumbers = $input->multi_param('borrowernumber');
# For each borrower selected
for my $borrowernumber (@borrowernumbers) {
# If at least one field are filled, we want to modify the borrower
if ( defined $infos ) {
# If a debarred date or debarred comment has been submitted make a new debarment
if ( $infos->{debarred} || $infos->{debarredcomment} ) {
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
type => 'MANUAL',
comment => $infos->{debarredcomment},
expiration => $infos->{debarred},
# If debarment date or debarment comment are disabled then remove all debarrments
my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find($borrowernumber);
if ( grep { /debarred/ } @disabled ) {
eval {
my $debarrments = $patron->restrictions;
while ( my $debarment = $debarrments->next ) {
DelDebarment( $debarment->borrower_debarment_id );
# If 'message' or 'add_message_type' is defined then delete both at the same time
if ( grep { $_ eq 'message' } @disabled ) {
my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find($borrowernumber);
$infos->{borrowernumber} = $borrowernumber;
eval { $patron->set($infos)->store; };
if ($@) { # FIXME We could provide better error handling here
$infos->{cardnumber} = $patron ? $patron->cardnumber || '' : '';
push @errors,
error => "can_not_update", borrowernumber => $infos->{borrowernumber},
cardnumber => $infos->{cardnumber}
my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find($borrowernumber);
my @attributes = $input->multi_param('patron_attributes');
my @attr_values = $input->multi_param('patron_attributes_value');
my $attributes;
my $i = 0;
for my $code (@attributes) {
push @{ $attributes->{$code}->{values} }, shift @attr_values; # Handling repeatables
$attributes->{$code}->{disabled} = grep { $_ eq sprintf( "attr%s_value", $i++ ) } @disabled;
my @extended_attributes = map { { code => $_->code, attribute => $_->attribute } }
for my $code ( keys %$attributes ) {
my $attr_type = Koha::Patron::Attribute::Types->find($code);
next unless $attr_type;
# If this borrower is not in the category of this attribute, we don't want to modify this attribute
next if $attr_type->category_code and $attr_type->category_code ne $patron->categorycode;
# Remove any current values of same type
@extended_attributes = grep { $_->{code} ne $code } @extended_attributes;
# The attribute is disabled, we remove it for this borrower !
if ( !$attributes->{$code}->{disabled} ) {
push @extended_attributes, { code => $code, attribute => $_ } for @{ $attributes->{$code}->{values} };
try {
$patron->extended_attributes( \@extended_attributes );
} catch {
my $message = blessed $_ ? $_->full_message() : $_;
push @errors, { error => $message };
# Handle patron messages
my $message = $input->param('message');
my $branchcode = C4::Context::mybranch;
my $message_type = $input->param('add_message_type');
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
branchcode => $branchcode,
message_type => $message_type,
message => $message,
$op = "show_results"; # We have process modifications, the user want to view its
# Construct the results list
my @borrowers;
my $max_nb_attr = 0;
for my $borrowernumber (@borrowernumbers) {
my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find($borrowernumber);
if ($patron) {
my $category_description = $patron->category->description;
my $borrower = $patron->unblessed;
my $patron_messages = Koha::Patron::Messages->search(
'me.borrowernumber' => $patron->borrowernumber,
$borrower->{patron_messages} = $patron_messages->as_list;
$borrower->{category_description} = $category_description;
my $attributes = $patron->extended_attributes;
$borrower->{patron_attributes} = $attributes->as_list;
$max_nb_attr = $attributes->count if $attributes->count > $max_nb_attr;
push @borrowers, $borrower;
my @patron_attributes_option;
for my $borrower (@borrowers) {
push @patron_attributes_option, { value => "$_->{code}", lib => $_->{code} }
for @{ $borrower->{patron_attributes} };
my $length = scalar( @{ $borrower->{patron_attributes} } );
push @{ $borrower->{patron_attributes} }, {} for ( $length .. $max_nb_attr - 1 );
my @attributes_header = ();
for ( 1 .. scalar($max_nb_attr) ) {
push @attributes_header, { attribute => "Attributes $_" };
$template->param( borrowers => \@borrowers );
$template->param( attributes_header => \@attributes_header );
$template->param( errors => \@errors );
} else {
$template->param( patron_lists => [ GetPatronLists() ] );
op => $op,
output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output;