Baptiste Wojtkowski 7d65987a4a
Bug 37434: Sort by publicationyear when copyrightdate is set in UNIMARC
TEST PLAN (on an UNIMARC machine):
1 - Create a list with items with different publicationyear if you do not have one.
2 - Edit the list and select "copyrightdate as date"
3 - See they are not sorted by date
4 - Apply patch
5 - See they are now sorted by date.

Note: The transformation of copyrightdate before loading the template is
only useful if the list is sorted by copyrightdate, which is quite
inconsistent but is actual for every Kohas at the moment.

Signed-off-by: Roman Dolny <roman.dolny@jezuici.pl>

Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <m.de.rooy@rijksmuseum.nl>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer@bsz-bw.de>
2025-02-13 16:18:02 +01:00

439 lines
19 KiB
Executable file

# Copyright 2015 Koha Team
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use CGI qw ( -utf8 );
use C4::Auth qw( get_template_and_user haspermission );
use C4::Circulation qw( barcodedecode );
use C4::Context;
use C4::Koha qw(
use C4::Members;
use C4::Output qw( pagination_bar output_html_with_http_headers output_and_exit_if_error );
use C4::XSLT qw( XSLTParse4Display );
use Koha::Biblios;
use Koha::Biblioitems;
use Koha::Items;
use Koha::ItemTypes;
use Koha::CsvProfiles;
use Koha::Patrons;
use Koha::Virtualshelves;
use constant ANYONE => 2;
use constant STAFF => 3;
use constant PERMITTED => 4;
my $query = CGI->new;
my ( $template, $loggedinuser, $cookie ) = get_template_and_user(
template_name => "virtualshelves/shelves.tt",
query => $query,
type => "intranet",
flagsrequired => { catalogue => 1 },
my $op = $query->param('op') || 'list';
my $referer = $query->param('referer') || $op;
my $page = int( $query->param('page') || 1 );
my ( $public, $shelf, $shelfnumber, @messages, $allow_transfer, $allow_create_public_lists );
# work out permissions once
# this check is for the create list permission
$allow_create_public_lists = haspermission( C4::Context->userenv->{id}, { lists => 'create_public_lists' } ) ? 1 : 0;
# we want the user to be able to pick if public or private only if they are allowed
$public = ( $query->param('public') == 1 && $allow_create_public_lists == 1 ) ? 1 : 0;
# PART1: Perform a few actions
if ( $op eq 'add_form' ) {
# Only pass default
$shelf = { allow_change_from_owner => 1 };
} elsif ( $op eq 'edit_form' ) {
$shelfnumber = $query->param('shelfnumber');
$shelf = Koha::Virtualshelves->find($shelfnumber);
if ($shelf) {
$public = $shelf->public;
my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find( $shelf->owner )->unblessed;
$template->param( owner => $patron, );
unless ( $shelf->can_be_managed($loggedinuser) ) {
push @messages, { type => 'alert', code => 'unauthorized_on_update' };
$op = 'list';
} else {
push @messages, { type => 'alert', code => 'does_not_exist' };
} elsif ( $op eq 'cud-add' ) {
output_and_exit_if_error( $query, $cookie, $template, { check => 'csrf_token' } );
my $allow_changes_from = $query->param('allow_changes_from');
eval {
$shelf = Koha::Virtualshelf->new(
shelfname => scalar $query->param('shelfname'),
sortfield => scalar $query->param('sortfield'),
public => $public,
allow_change_from_owner => $allow_changes_from > 0,
allow_change_from_others => $allow_changes_from == ANYONE,
allow_change_from_staff => $allow_changes_from == STAFF,
allow_change_from_permitted_staff => $allow_changes_from == PERMITTED,
owner => scalar $query->param('owner'),
$shelfnumber = $shelf->shelfnumber;
if ($@) {
push @messages, { type => 'alert', code => ref($@), msg => $@ };
} elsif ( not $shelf ) {
push @messages, { type => 'alert', code => 'error_on_insert' };
} else {
push @messages, { type => 'message', code => 'success_on_insert' };
$op = 'view';
} elsif ( $op eq 'cud-edit' ) {
output_and_exit_if_error( $query, $cookie, $template, { check => 'csrf_token' } );
$shelfnumber = $query->param('shelfnumber');
$shelf = Koha::Virtualshelves->find($shelfnumber);
if ($shelf) {
$op = $referer;
my $sortfield = $query->param('sortfield');
$sortfield = 'title'
unless grep { $_ eq $sortfield } qw( title author copyrightdate publicationyear itemcallnumber dateadded );
if ( $sortfield == 'copyrightdate' and C4::Context->preference('marcflavour') == 'UNIMARC' ) {
$sortfield = 'publicationyear';
if ( $shelf->can_be_managed($loggedinuser) ) {
$shelf->shelfname( scalar $query->param('shelfname') );
my $allow_changes_from = $query->param('allow_changes_from');
$shelf->allow_change_from_owner( $allow_changes_from > 0 );
$shelf->allow_change_from_others( $allow_changes_from == ANYONE );
$shelf->allow_change_from_staff( $allow_changes_from == STAFF );
$shelf->allow_change_from_permitted_staff( $allow_changes_from == PERMITTED );
$shelf->public( scalar $query->param('public') );
eval { $shelf->store };
if ($@) {
push @messages, { type => 'alert', code => 'error_on_update' };
$op = 'cud-edit_form';
} else {
push @messages, { type => 'message', code => 'success_on_update' };
} else {
push @messages, { type => 'alert', code => 'unauthorized_on_update' };
} else {
push @messages, { type => 'alert', code => 'does_not_exist' };
} elsif ( $op eq 'cud-delete' ) {
output_and_exit_if_error( $query, $cookie, $template, { check => 'csrf_token' } );
$shelfnumber = $query->param('shelfnumber');
$shelf = Koha::Virtualshelves->find($shelfnumber);
if ($shelf) {
if ( $shelf->can_be_deleted($loggedinuser) ) {
eval { $shelf->delete; };
if ($@) {
push @messages, { type => 'alert', code => ref($@), msg => $@ };
} else {
push @messages, { type => 'message', code => 'success_on_delete' };
} else {
push @messages, { type => 'alert', code => 'unauthorized_on_delete' };
} else {
push @messages, { type => 'alert', code => 'does_not_exist' };
$op = 'list';
} elsif ( $op eq 'cud-add_biblio' ) {
output_and_exit_if_error( $query, $cookie, $template, { check => 'csrf_token' } );
$shelfnumber = $query->param('shelfnumber');
$shelf = Koha::Virtualshelves->find($shelfnumber);
if ($shelf) {
if ( my $barcodes = $query->param('barcodes') ) {
if ( $shelf->can_biblios_be_added($loggedinuser) ) {
my @barcodes = split /\n/, $barcodes; # Entries are effectively passed in as a <cr> separated list
foreach my $barcode (@barcodes) {
$barcode = barcodedecode($barcode) if $barcode;
next if $barcode eq '';
my $item = Koha::Items->find( { barcode => $barcode } );
if ($item) {
my $added = eval { $shelf->add_biblio( $item->biblionumber, $loggedinuser ); };
if ($@) {
push @messages, { item_barcode => $barcode, type => 'alert', code => ref($@), msg => $@ };
} elsif ($added) {
push @messages,
{ item_barcode => $barcode, type => 'message', code => 'success_on_add_biblio' };
} else {
push @messages,
{ item_barcode => $barcode, type => 'message', code => 'error_on_add_biblio' };
} else {
push @messages, { item_barcode => $barcode, type => 'alert', code => 'item_does_not_exist' };
} else {
push @messages, { type => 'alert', code => 'unauthorized_on_add_biblio' };
if ( my $biblionumbers = $query->param('biblionumbers') ) {
if ( $shelf->can_biblios_be_added($loggedinuser) ) {
my @biblionumbers = split /\n/, $biblionumbers;
foreach my $biblionumber (@biblionumbers) {
$biblionumber =~ s/\r$//; # strip any naughty return chars
next if $biblionumber eq '';
my $biblio = Koha::Biblios->find($biblionumber);
if ( defined $biblio ) {
my $added = eval { $shelf->add_biblio( $biblionumber, $loggedinuser ); };
if ($@) {
push @messages, { bibnum => $biblionumber, type => 'alert', code => ref($@), msg => $@ };
} elsif ($added) {
push @messages,
{ bibnum => $biblionumber, type => 'message', code => 'success_on_add_biblio' };
} else {
push @messages,
{ bibnum => $biblionumber, type => 'message', code => 'error_on_add_biblio' };
} else {
push @messages, { bibnum => $biblionumber, type => 'alert', code => 'item_does_not_exist' };
} else {
push @messages, { type => 'alert', code => 'unauthorized_on_add_biblio' };
} else {
push @messages, { type => 'alert', code => 'does_not_exist' };
$op = $referer;
} elsif ( $op eq 'cud-remove_biblios' ) {
output_and_exit_if_error( $query, $cookie, $template, { check => 'csrf_token' } );
$shelfnumber = $query->param('shelfnumber');
$shelf = Koha::Virtualshelves->find($shelfnumber);
my @biblionumbers = $query->multi_param('biblionumber');
if ($shelf) {
if ( $shelf->can_biblios_be_removed($loggedinuser) ) {
my $number_of_biblios_removed = eval {
biblionumbers => \@biblionumbers,
borrowernumber => $loggedinuser,
if ($@) {
push @messages, { type => 'alert', code => ref($@), msg => $@ };
} elsif ($number_of_biblios_removed) {
push @messages, { type => 'message', code => 'success_on_remove_biblios' };
} else {
push @messages, { type => 'alert', code => 'no_biblio_removed' };
} else {
push @messages, { type => 'alert', code => 'unauthorized_on_remove_biblios' };
} else {
push @messages, { type => 'alert', code => 'does_not_exist' };
$op = $referer;
} elsif ( $op eq 'transfer' ) {
$shelfnumber = $query->param('shelfnumber');
$shelf = Koha::Virtualshelves->find($shelfnumber) if $shelfnumber;
} elsif ( $op eq 'cud-transfer' ) {
$shelfnumber = $query->param('shelfnumber');
$shelf = Koha::Virtualshelves->find($shelfnumber) if $shelfnumber;
my $new_owner = $query->param('new_owner'); # is a borrowernumber
my $error_code =
? $shelf->cannot_be_transferred( { by => $loggedinuser, to => $new_owner, interface => 'intranet' } )
: 'does_not_exist';
if ( !$new_owner && $error_code eq 'missing_to_parameter' ) {
# show form
} elsif ($error_code) {
push @messages, { type => 'error', code => $error_code };
$op = 'list';
} else {
$op = 'list';
# PART2: After a possible action, further prepare form
if ( $op eq 'view' ) {
$shelfnumber ||= $query->param('shelfnumber');
$shelf = Koha::Virtualshelves->find($shelfnumber);
if ($shelf) {
if ( $shelf->can_be_viewed($loggedinuser) ) {
my $sortfield =
|| $shelf->sortfield
|| 'title'; # Passed in sorting overrides default sorting
$sortfield = 'title'
unless grep { $_ eq $sortfield }
qw( title author copyrightdate publicationyear itemcallnumber dateadded );
if ( $sortfield == 'copyrightdate' and C4::Context->preference('marcflavour') == 'UNIMARC' ) {
$sortfield = 'publicationyear';
my $direction = $query->param('direction') || 'asc';
$direction = 'asc' if $direction ne 'asc' and $direction ne 'desc';
my $rows;
if ( $query->param('print') ) {
$page = "";
} else {
$rows = C4::Context->preference('numSearchResults') || 20;
my $order_by = $sortfield eq 'itemcallnumber' ? 'items.cn_sort' : $sortfield;
my $contents = $shelf->get_contents->search(
distinct => 'biblionumber',
join => [ { 'biblionumber' => { 'biblioitems' => 'items' } } ],
page => $page,
rows => $rows,
order_by => { "-$direction" => $order_by },
my @items;
while ( my $content = $contents->next ) {
my $this_item;
my $biblionumber = $content->biblionumber;
my $biblio = Koha::Biblios->find($biblionumber);
my $record = $biblio->metadata->record;
$this_item->{XSLTBloc} = XSLTParse4Display(
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
record => $record,
xsl_syspref => 'XSLTListsDisplay',
fix_amps => 1,
my $marcflavour = C4::Context->preference("marcflavour");
my $itemtype = Koha::Biblioitems->search( { biblionumber => $content->biblionumber } )->next->itemtype;
$itemtype = Koha::ItemTypes->find($itemtype);
$this_item->{title} = $biblio->title;
$this_item->{subtitle} = $biblio->subtitle;
$this_item->{medium} = $biblio->medium;
$this_item->{part_number} = $biblio->part_number;
$this_item->{part_name} = $biblio->part_name;
$this_item->{author} = $biblio->author;
$this_item->{dateadded} = $content->dateadded;
$this_item->{imageurl} =
$itemtype ? C4::Koha::getitemtypeimagelocation( 'intranet', $itemtype->imageurl ) : q{};
$this_item->{description} =
$itemtype ? $itemtype->description : q{}; #FIXME Should this be translated_description ?
$this_item->{notforloan} = $itemtype->notforloan if $itemtype;
$this_item->{'coins'} = $biblio->get_coins;
$this_item->{'normalized_upc'} = GetNormalizedUPC( $record, $marcflavour );
$this_item->{'normalized_ean'} = GetNormalizedEAN( $record, $marcflavour );
$this_item->{'normalized_oclc'} = GetNormalizedOCLCNumber( $record, $marcflavour );
$this_item->{'normalized_isbn'} = GetNormalizedISBN( undef, $record, $marcflavour );
unless ( defined $this_item->{size} ) {
#TT has problems with size
$this_item->{size} = q||;
# Getting items infos for location display
my $items = $biblio->items;
$this_item->{'ITEM_RESULTS'} = $items;
$this_item->{biblionumber} = $biblionumber;
push @items, $this_item;
my $some_private_shelves = Koha::Virtualshelves->get_some_shelves(
borrowernumber => $loggedinuser,
add_allowed => 1,
public => 0,
my $some_public_shelves = Koha::Virtualshelves->get_some_shelves(
borrowernumber => $loggedinuser,
add_allowed => 1,
public => 1,
add_to_some_private_shelves => $some_private_shelves,
add_to_some_public_shelves => $some_public_shelves,
can_manage_shelf => $shelf->can_be_managed($loggedinuser),
can_remove_shelf => $shelf->can_be_deleted($loggedinuser),
can_remove_biblios => $shelf->can_biblios_be_removed($loggedinuser),
can_add_biblios => $shelf->can_biblios_be_added($loggedinuser),
sortfield => $sortfield,
itemsloop => \@items,
sortfield => $sortfield,
direction => $direction,
if ($page) {
my $pager = $contents->pager;
pagination_bar => pagination_bar(
q||, $pager->last_page - $pager->first_page + 1,
$page, "page",
op => 'view', shelfnumber => $shelf->shelfnumber, sortfield => $sortfield,
direction => $direction,
} else {
push @messages, { type => 'error', code => 'unauthorized_on_view' };
undef $shelf;
} else {
push @messages, { type => 'alert', code => 'does_not_exist' };
} elsif ( $op eq 'list' ) {
$allow_transfer = haspermission( C4::Context->userenv->{id}, { lists => 'edit_public_lists' } ) ? 1 : 0;
# this check only serves for button display
op => $op,
referer => $referer,
shelf => $shelf,
messages => \@messages,
public => $public,
print => scalar $query->param('print') || 0,
csv_profiles => [ Koha::CsvProfiles->search( { type => 'marc', used_for => 'export_records' } )->as_list ],
allow_transfer => $allow_transfer,
allow_create_public_lists => $allow_create_public_lists,
output_html_with_http_headers $query, $cookie, $template->output;