Jonathan Druart c66637670b
Bug 21684: Fix UploadedFile[s]->delete
Tests were failing with:
 #   Failed test 'Test delete via UploadedFile as well as UploadedFiles'
 #   at t/db_dependent/Upload.t line 193.
 DBIx::Class::Row::delete(): Not in database at /kohadevbox/koha/Koha/Object.pm line 219

I am not sure this patch is perfect, a set of uploaded files should be
deleted in a transaction, which would be rollback if something is wrong.
But it will be tricky to restore the files after they have been deleted.
It seems that we should deal with that with a more complicated process
and should be part of a separate bug.

Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <martin.renvoize@ptfs-europe.com>
2020-01-07 16:32:53 +00:00

348 lines
13 KiB

use Modern::Perl;
use File::Temp qw/ tempdir /;
use Test::More tests => 13;
use Test::Warn;
use Try::Tiny;
use Test::MockModule;
use t::lib::Mocks;
use t::lib::TestBuilder;
use C4::Context;
use Koha::Database;
use Koha::DateUtils;
use Koha::UploadedFile;
use Koha::UploadedFiles;
use Koha::Uploader;
my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema;
our $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new;
our $current_upload = 0;
our $uploads = [
{ name => 'file1', cat => 'A', size => 6000 },
{ name => 'file2', cat => 'A', size => 8000 },
{ name => 'file3', cat => 'B', size => 1000 },
{ name => 'file4', cat => undef, size => 5000 }, # temporary
{ name => 'file2', cat => 'A', size => 8000 },
# uploading a duplicate in cat A should fail
{ name => 'file4', cat => undef, size => 5000 }, # temp duplicate
{ name => 'file5', cat => undef, size => 7000 },
{ name => 'file6', cat => undef, size => 6500 },
{ name => 'file7', cat => undef, size => 6501 },
# Redirect upload dir structure and mock C4::Context and CGI
my $tempdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_config('upload_path', $tempdir);
my $specmod = Test::MockModule->new( 'C4::Context' );
$specmod->mock( 'temporary_directory' => sub { return $tempdir; } );
my $cgimod = Test::MockModule->new( 'CGI' );
$cgimod->mock( 'new' => \&newCGI );
# Start testing
subtest 'Make a fresh start' => sub {
plan tests => 1;
# Delete existing records (for later tests)
# Passing keep_file suppresses warnings (and does not delete files)
# Note that your files are not in danger, since we redirected
# all files to a new empty temp folder
Koha::UploadedFiles->delete({ keep_file => 1 });
is( Koha::UploadedFiles->count, 0, 'No records left' );
subtest 'permanent_directory and temporary_directory' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
# Check mocked directories
is( Koha::UploadedFile->permanent_directory, $tempdir,
'Check permanent directory' );
is( C4::Context::temporary_directory, $tempdir,
'Check temporary directory' );
subtest 'Add two uploads in category A' => sub {
plan tests => 9;
my $upl = Koha::Uploader->new({
category => $uploads->[$current_upload]->[0]->{cat},
my $cgi= $upl->cgi;
my $res= $upl->result;
is( $res =~ /^\d+,\d+$/, 1, 'Upload 1 includes two files' );
is( $upl->count, 2, 'Count returns 2 also' );
is( $upl->err, undef, 'No errors reported' );
my $rs = Koha::UploadedFiles->search({
id => [ split ',', $res ]
}, { order_by => { -asc => 'filename' }});
my $rec = $rs->next;
is( $rec->filename, 'file1', 'Check file name' );
is( $rec->uploadcategorycode, 'A', 'Check category A' );
is( $rec->filesize, 6000, 'Check size of file1' );
$rec = $rs->next;
is( $rec->filename, 'file2', 'Check file name 2' );
is( $rec->filesize, 8000, 'Check size of file2' );
is( $rec->public, undef, 'Check public undefined' );
subtest 'Add another upload, check file_handle' => sub {
plan tests => 5;
my $upl = Koha::Uploader->new({
category => $uploads->[$current_upload]->[0]->{cat},
public => 1,
my $cgi= $upl->cgi;
is( $upl->count, 1, 'Upload 2 includes one file' );
my $res= $upl->result;
my $rec = Koha::UploadedFiles->find( $res );
is( $rec->uploadcategorycode, 'B', 'Check category B' );
is( $rec->public, 1, 'Check public == 1' );
my $fh = $rec->file_handle;
is( ref($fh) eq 'IO::File' && $fh->opened, 1, 'Get returns a file handle' );
my $orgname = $rec->filename;
$rec->filename( 'doesprobablynotexist' )->store;
is( $rec->file_handle, undef, 'Sabotage with file handle' );
$rec->filename( $orgname )->store;
subtest 'Add temporary upload' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
my $upl = Koha::Uploader->new({ tmp => 1 }); #temporary
my $cgi= $upl->cgi;
is( $upl->count, 1, 'Upload 3 includes one temporary file' );
my $rec = Koha::UploadedFiles->find( $upl->result );
is( $rec->uploadcategorycode =~ /_upload$/, 1, 'Check category temp file' );
subtest 'Add same file in same category' => sub {
plan tests => 3;
my $upl = Koha::Uploader->new({
category => $uploads->[$current_upload]->[0]->{cat},
my $cgi= $upl->cgi;
is( $upl->count, 0, 'Upload 4 failed as expected' );
is( $upl->result, undef, 'Result is undefined' );
my $e = $upl->err;
is( $e->{file2}->{code}, Koha::Uploader::ERR_EXISTS, "Already exists error reported" );
subtest 'Test delete via UploadedFile as well as UploadedFiles' => sub {
plan tests => 10;
# add temporary file with same name and contents (file4)
my $upl = Koha::Uploader->new({ tmp => 1 });
my $cgi= $upl->cgi;
is( $upl->count, 1, 'Add duplicate temporary file (file4)' );
my $id = $upl->result;
my $path = Koha::UploadedFiles->find( $id )->full_path;
# testing delete via UploadedFiles (plural)
my $delete = Koha::UploadedFiles->search({ id => $id })->delete;
isnt( $delete, "0E0", 'Delete successful' );
isnt( -e $path, 1, 'File no longer found after delete' );
is( Koha::UploadedFiles->find( $id ), undef, 'Record also gone' );
# testing delete via UploadedFile (singular)
# Note that find returns a Koha::Object
$upl = Koha::Uploader->new({ tmp => 1 });
my $kohaobj = Koha::UploadedFiles->find( $upl->result );
$path = $kohaobj->full_path;
$delete = $kohaobj->delete;
ok( $delete, 'Delete successful' );
isnt( -e $path, 1, 'File no longer found after delete' );
# add another record with TestBuilder, so file does not exist
# catch warning
my $upload01 = $builder->build({ source => 'UploadedFile' });
warning_like { $delete = Koha::UploadedFiles->find( $upload01->{id} )->delete; }
qr/file was missing/,
'delete warns when file is missing';
ok( $delete, 'Deleting record was successful' );
is( Koha::UploadedFiles->count, 4, 'Back to four uploads now' );
# add another one with TestBuilder and delete twice (file does not exist)
$upload01 = $builder->build({ source => 'UploadedFile' });
$kohaobj = Koha::UploadedFiles->find( $upload01->{id} );
$delete = $kohaobj->delete({ keep_file => 1 });
try {
$delete = $kohaobj->delete({ keep_file => 1 });
} catch {
ok( $_->isa("DBIx::Class::Exception"), 'Repeated delete unsuccessful' );
subtest 'Test delete_missing' => sub {
plan tests => 5;
# If we add files via TestBuilder, they do not exist
my $upload01 = $builder->build({ source => 'UploadedFile' });
my $upload02 = $builder->build({ source => 'UploadedFile' });
# dry run first
my $deleted = Koha::UploadedFiles->delete_missing({ keep_record => 1 });
is( $deleted, 2, 'Expect two records with missing files' );
isnt( Koha::UploadedFiles->find( $upload01->{id} ), undef, 'Not deleted' );
$deleted = Koha::UploadedFiles->delete_missing;
ok( $deleted =~ /^(2)$/, 'Deleted two records with missing files' );
is( Koha::UploadedFiles->search({
id => [ $upload01->{id}, $upload02->{id} ],
})->count, 0, 'Records are gone' );
# Repeat it
$deleted = Koha::UploadedFiles->delete_missing;
is( $deleted, "0E0", "Return value of 0E0 expected" );
subtest 'Call search_term with[out] private flag' => sub {
plan tests => 3;
my @recs = Koha::UploadedFiles->search_term({ term => 'file' });
is( @recs, 1, 'Returns only one public result' );
is( $recs[0]->filename, 'file3', 'Should be file3' );
is( Koha::UploadedFiles->search_term({
term => 'file', include_private => 1,
})->count, 4, 'Returns now four results' );
subtest 'Simple tests for httpheaders and getCategories' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
my $rec = Koha::UploadedFiles->search_term({ term => 'file' })->next;
my @hdrs = $rec->httpheaders;
is( @hdrs == 4 && $hdrs[1] =~ /application\/octet-stream/, 1, 'Simple test for httpheaders');
$builder->build({ source => 'AuthorisedValue', value => { category => 'UPLOAD', authorised_value => 'HAVE_AT_LEAST_ONE', lib => 'Hi there' } });
my $cat = Koha::UploadedFiles->getCategories;
is( @$cat >= 1, 1, 'getCategories returned at least one category' );
subtest 'Testing allows_add_by' => sub {
plan tests => 4;
my $patron = $builder->build({
source => 'Borrower',
value => { flags => 0 }, #no permissions
my $patronid = $patron->{borrowernumber};
is( Koha::Uploader->allows_add_by( $patron->{userid} ),
undef, 'Patron is not allowed to do anything' );
# add some permissions: edit_catalogue
my $fl = 2**9; # edit_catalogue
$schema->resultset('Borrower')->find( $patronid )->update({ flags => $fl });
is( Koha::Uploader->allows_add_by( $patron->{userid} ),
undef, 'Patron is still not allowed to add uploaded files' );
# replace flags by all tools
$fl = 2**13; # tools
$schema->resultset('Borrower')->find( $patronid )->update({ flags => $fl });
is( Koha::Uploader->allows_add_by( $patron->{userid} ),
1, 'Patron should be allowed now to add uploaded files' );
# remove all tools and add upload_general_files only
$fl = 0; # no modules
$schema->resultset('Borrower')->find( $patronid )->update({ flags => $fl });
source => 'UserPermission',
value => {
borrowernumber => $patronid,
module_bit => { module_bit => { flag => 'tools' } },
code => 'upload_general_files',
is( Koha::Uploader->allows_add_by( $patron->{userid} ),
1, 'Patron is still allowed to add uploaded files' );
subtest 'Testing delete_temporary' => sub {
plan tests => 9;
# Add two temporary files: result should be 3 + 3
Koha::Uploader->new({ tmp => 1 })->cgi; # add file6 and file7
is( Koha::UploadedFiles->search->count, 6, 'Test starting count' );
is( Koha::UploadedFiles->search({ permanent => 1 })->count, 3,
'Includes 3 permanent' );
# Move all permanents to today - 1
# Move temp 1 to today - 3, and temp 2,3 to today - 5
my $today = dt_from_string;
$today->subtract( minutes => 2 ); # should be enough :)
my $dt = $today->clone->subtract( days => 1 );
foreach my $rec ( Koha::UploadedFiles->search({ permanent => 1 }) ) {
my @recs = Koha::UploadedFiles->search({ permanent => 0 });
$dt = $today->clone->subtract( days => 3 );
$dt = $today->clone->subtract( days => 5 );
# Now call delete_temporary with 6, 5 and 0
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('UploadPurgeTemporaryFilesDays', 6 );
my $delete = Koha::UploadedFiles->delete_temporary;
is( $delete, '0E0', 'Check return value with 6' );
is( Koha::UploadedFiles->search->count, 6, 'Delete with pref==6' );
# use override parameter
$delete = Koha::UploadedFiles->delete_temporary({ override_pref => 5 });
is( $delete, 2, 'Check return value with 5' );
is( Koha::UploadedFiles->search->count, 4, 'Delete with override==5' );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('UploadPurgeTemporaryFilesDays', 0 );
$delete = Koha::UploadedFiles->delete_temporary;
is( $delete, 1, 'Check return value with 0' );
is( Koha::UploadedFiles->search->count, 3, 'Delete with pref==0 makes 3' );
is( Koha::UploadedFiles->search({ permanent => 1 })->count, 3,
'Still 3 permanent uploads' );
subtest 'Testing download headers' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
my $test_pdf = Koha::UploadedFile->new({ filename => 'pdf.pdf', uploadcategorycode => 'B', filesize => 1000 });
my $test_not = Koha::UploadedFile->new({ filename => 'pdf.not', uploadcategorycode => 'B', filesize => 1000 });
my @pdf_expect = ( '-type'=>'application/pdf','Content-Disposition'=>'inline; filename=pdf.pdf' );
my @not_expect = ( '-type'=>'application/octet-stream','-attachment'=>'pdf.not' );
my @pdf_head = $test_pdf->httpheaders;
my @not_head = $test_not->httpheaders;
is_deeply(\@pdf_head, \@pdf_expect,"Get inline pdf headers for pdf");
is_deeply(\@not_head, \@not_expect,"Get download headers for non pdf");
# The end
# Helper routine
sub newCGI {
my ( $class, $hook ) = @_;
my $read = 0;
foreach my $uh ( @{$uploads->[ $current_upload ]} ) {
for( my $i=0; $i< $uh->{size}; $i+=1000 ) {
$read+= 1000;
&$hook( $uh->{name}, 'a'x1000, $read );
return $class;