Galen Charlton
* updated to reflect recent (and old) changes to the API * corrected test plan * adopted Test::More * correctly handle and test functionality to not add duplicate bibs to a list Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <>
143 lines
4.2 KiB
Executable file
143 lines
4.2 KiB
Executable file
# This file is a test script for
# Author : Antoine Farnault,
use strict;
use warnings;
use C4::Context;
use Test::More tests => 92;
# Getting some borrowers from database.
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $query = qq/
SELECT borrowernumber
FROM borrowers
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
my @borrowers;
while(my $borrower = $sth->fetchrow){
push @borrowers, $borrower;
# Getting some biblionumbers from database
$query = qq/
SELECT biblionumber
FROM biblio
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
my @biblionumbers;
while(my $biblionumber = $sth->fetchrow){
push @biblionumbers, $biblionumber;
# ---
my $delete_virtualshelf = qq/
DELETE FROM virtualshelves WHERE 1
my $delete_virtualshelfcontent =qq/
DELETE FROM virtualshelfcontents WHERE 1
$sth = $dbh->prepare($delete_virtualshelf);
$sth = $dbh->prepare($delete_virtualshelfcontent);
# ---
#-----------------------TEST AddShelf function------------------------#
# usage : $shelfnumber = &AddShelf( $shelfname, $owner, $category);
# creating 10 good shelves.
my @shelves;
for(my $i=0; $i<10;$i++){
my $ShelfNumber = AddShelf("Shelf_".$i,$borrowers[$i] || '',int(rand(3))+1);
die "test Not ok, remove some shelves before" if ($ShelfNumber == -1);
ok($ShelfNumber > -1, "created shelf"); # Shelf creation successful;
push @shelves, $ShelfNumber if $ShelfNumber > -1;
ok(10 == scalar @shelves, 'created 10 lists'); # 10 shelves in @shelves;
# try to create some shelf which already exists.
for(my $i=0;$i<10;$i++){
my $badNumShelf = AddShelf("Shelf_".$i,$borrowers[$i] || '','');
ok(-1 == $badNumShelf, 'do not create lists with duplicate names'); # AddShelf returns -1 if name already exist.
#-----------TEST AddToShelf & GetShelfContents & DelFromShelf functions--------------#
# usage : &AddToShelf($biblionumber, $shelfnumber);
# usage : $biblist = &GetShelfContents($shelfnumber);
# usage : $biblist = GetShelfContents($shelfnumber);
my %used = ();
for(my $i=0; $i<10;$i++){
my $bib = $biblionumbers[int(rand(9))];
my $shelfnumber = $shelves[int(rand(9))];
my $key = "$bib\t$shelfnumber";
my $should_fail if exists $used{$key};
my ($biblistBefore,$countbefore) = GetShelfContents($shelfnumber);
my $status = AddToShelf($bib,$shelfnumber);
my ($biblistAfter,$countafter) = GetShelfContents($shelfnumber);
if ($should_fail) {
ok(!defined($status), 'failed to add to list when we should');
} else {
ok(defined($status), 'added to list when we should');
if (defined $status) {
ok($countbefore == $countafter - 1, 'added bib to list'); # the bib has been successfuly added.
} else {
ok($countbefore == $countafter, 'did not add duplicate bib to list'); # the bib has been successfuly added.
#-----------------------TEST ModShelf & GetShelf functions------------------------#
# usage : ModShelf($shelfnumber, $shelfname, $owner, $category )
# usage : (shelfnumber,shelfname,owner,category) = GetShelf($shelfnumber);
for(my $i=0; $i<10;$i++){
my $rand = int(rand(9));
my $numA = $shelves[$rand];
my $shelf = { shelfname => "NewName_".$rand,
owner => $borrowers[$rand],
category => int(rand(3))+1 };
my ($numB,$nameB,$ownerB,$categoryB) = GetShelf($numA);
ok($numA == $numB, 'modified shelf');
ok($shelf->{shelfname} eq $nameB, '... and name change took');
ok($shelf->{owner} eq $ownerB, '... and owner change took');
ok($shelf->{category} eq $categoryB, '... and category change took');
#-----------------------TEST DelShelf & DelFromShelf functions------------------------#
# usage : ($status) = &DelShelf($shelfnumber);
for(my $i=0; $i<10;$i++){
my $shelfnumber = $shelves[$i];
my $status = DelShelf($shelfnumber);
ok(1 == $status, "deleted shelf $shelfnumber and its contents");