Olli-Antti Kivilahti 8bf72439c0 Bug 18226 - Remove "use Test::DBIx::Class" instantiations' dangerous code duplication
Is 'instantiations' even a word?

Use a Test::DBIx::Class defaults instead.

Save your keyboard and prevent horrible bugs from emerging from rampant code duplication.

This change doesn't seem to have any impact on the speed of executing those tests.

Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <m.de.rooy@rijksmuseum.nl>

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org>
2017-06-05 17:52:48 -03:00

333 lines
9.9 KiB
Executable file

# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More;
use Test::MockModule;
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Duration;
use Koha::Caches;
use Koha::DateUtils;
use Module::Load::Conditional qw/check_install/;
if ( check_install( module => 'Test::DBIx::Class' ) ) {
plan tests => 38;
} else {
plan skip_all => "Need Test::DBIx::Class"
use Test::DBIx::Class;
sub fixtures {
my ( $data ) = @_;
fixtures_ok [
Biblio => [
[ qw/ biblionumber datecreated timestamp / ],
], 'add fixtures';
my $db = Test::MockModule->new('Koha::Database');
_new_schema => sub { return Schema(); }
# We need to mock the C4::Context->preference method for
# simplicity and re-usability of the session definition. Any
# syspref fits for syspref-agnostic tests.
my $module_context = new Test::MockModule('C4::Context');
sub {
return 'Calendar';
fixtures_ok [
# weekly holidays
RepeatableHoliday => [
[ qw( branchcode day month weekday title description) ],
[ 'MPL', undef, undef, 0, '', '' ], # sundays
[ 'MPL', undef, undef, 6, '', '' ],# saturdays
[ 'MPL', 1, 1, undef, '', ''], # new year's day
[ 'MPL', 25, 12, undef, '', ''], # chrismas
# exception holidays
SpecialHoliday => [
[qw( branchcode day month year title description isexception )],
[ 'MPL', 11, 11, 2012, '', '', 1 ], # sunday exception
[ 'MPL', 1, 6, 2011, '', '', 0 ],
[ 'MPL', 4, 7, 2012, '', '', 0 ],
[ 'CPL', 6, 8, 2012, '', '', 0 ],
], "add fixtures";
my $cache = Koha::Caches->get_instance();
$cache->clear_from_cache( 'single_holidays') ;
# 'MPL' branch is arbitrary, is not used at all but is needed for initialization
my $cal = Koha::Calendar->new( branchcode => 'MPL' );
isa_ok( $cal, 'Koha::Calendar', 'Calendar class returned' );
my $saturday = DateTime->new(
year => 2012,
month => 11,
day => 24,
my $sunday = DateTime->new(
year => 2012,
month => 11,
day => 25,
my $monday = DateTime->new(
year => 2012,
month => 11,
day => 26,
my $new_year = DateTime->new(
year => 2013,
month => 1,
day => 1,
my $single_holiday = DateTime->new(
year => 2011,
month => 6,
day => 1,
); # should be a holiday
my $notspecial = DateTime->new(
year => 2011,
month => 6,
day => 2
); # should NOT be a holiday
my $sunday_exception = DateTime->new(
year => 2012,
month => 11,
day => 11
my $day_after_christmas = DateTime->new(
year => 2012,
month => 12,
day => 26
); # for testing negative addDate
my $holiday_for_another_branch = DateTime->new(
year => 2012,
month => 8,
day => 6, # This is a monday
{ # Syspref-agnostic tests
is ( $saturday->day_of_week, 6, '\'$saturday\' is actually a saturday (6th day of week)');
is ( $sunday->day_of_week, 7, '\'$sunday\' is actually a sunday (7th day of week)');
is ( $monday->day_of_week, 1, '\'$monday\' is actually a monday (1st day of week)');
is ( $cal->is_holiday($saturday), 1, 'Saturday is a closed day' );
is ( $cal->is_holiday($sunday), 1, 'Sunday is a closed day' );
is ( $cal->is_holiday($monday), 0, 'Monday is not a closed day' );
is ( $cal->is_holiday($new_year), 1, 'Month/Day closed day test (New year\'s day)' );
is ( $cal->is_holiday($single_holiday), 1, 'Single holiday closed day test' );
is ( $cal->is_holiday($notspecial), 0, 'Fixed single date that is not a holiday test' );
is ( $cal->is_holiday($sunday_exception), 0, 'Exception holiday is not a closed day test' );
is ( $cal->is_holiday($holiday_for_another_branch), 0, 'Holiday defined for another branch should not be defined as an holiday' );
{ # Bugzilla #8966 - is_holiday truncates referenced date
my $later_dt = DateTime->new( # Monday
year => 2012,
month => 9,
day => 17,
hour => 17,
minute => 30,
time_zone => 'Europe/London',
is( $cal->is_holiday($later_dt), 0, 'bz-8966 (1/2) Apply is_holiday for the next test' );
cmp_ok( $later_dt, 'eq', '2012-09-17T17:30:00', 'bz-8966 (2/2) Date should be the same after is_holiday' );
{ # Bugzilla #8800 - is_holiday should use truncated date for 'contains' call
my $single_holiday_time = DateTime->new(
year => 2011,
month => 6,
day => 1,
hour => 11,
minute => 2
is( $cal->is_holiday($single_holiday_time),
$cal->is_holiday($single_holiday) ,
'bz-8800 is_holiday should truncate the date for holiday validation' );
my $one_day_dur = DateTime::Duration->new( days => 1 );
my $two_day_dur = DateTime::Duration->new( days => 2 );
my $seven_day_dur = DateTime::Duration->new( days => 7 );
my $dt = dt_from_string( '2012-07-03','iso' ); #tuesday
my $test_dt = DateTime->new( # Monday
year => 2012,
month => 7,
day => 23,
hour => 11,
minute => 53,
my $later_dt = DateTime->new( # Monday
year => 2012,
month => 9,
day => 17,
hour => 17,
minute => 30,
time_zone => 'Europe/London',
{ ## 'Datedue' tests
sub {
return 'Datedue';
$cal = Koha::Calendar->new( branchcode => 'MPL' );
is($cal->addDate( $dt, $one_day_dur, 'days' ), # tuesday
'Single day add (Datedue, matches holiday, shift)' );
is($cal->addDate( $dt, $two_day_dur, 'days' ),
'Two days add, skips holiday (Datedue)' );
cmp_ok($cal->addDate( $test_dt, $seven_day_dur, 'days' ), 'eq',
'Add 7 days (Datedue)' );
is( $cal->addDate( $saturday, $one_day_dur, 'days' )->day_of_week, 1,
'addDate skips closed Sunday (Datedue)' );
is( $cal->addDate($day_after_christmas, -1, 'days')->ymd(), '2012-12-24',
'Negative call to addDate (Datedue)' );
## Note that the days_between API says closed days are not considered.
## This tests are here as an API test.
cmp_ok( $cal->days_between( $test_dt, $later_dt )->in_units('days'),
'==', 40, 'days_between calculates correctly (Days)' );
cmp_ok( $cal->days_between( $later_dt, $test_dt )->in_units('days'),
'==', 40, 'Test parameter order not relevant (Days)' );
{ ## 'Calendar' tests'
sub {
return 'Calendar';
$cal = Koha::Calendar->new( branchcode => 'MPL' );
$dt = dt_from_string('2012-07-03','iso');
is($cal->addDate( $dt, $one_day_dur, 'days' ),
'Single day add (Calendar)' );
cmp_ok($cal->addDate( $test_dt, $seven_day_dur, 'days' ), 'eq',
'Add 7 days (Calendar)' );
is( $cal->addDate( $saturday, $one_day_dur, 'days' )->day_of_week, 1,
'addDate skips closed Sunday (Calendar)' );
is( $cal->addDate($day_after_christmas, -1, 'days')->ymd(), '2012-12-24',
'Negative call to addDate (Calendar)' );
cmp_ok( $cal->days_between( $test_dt, $later_dt )->in_units('days'),
'==', 40, 'days_between calculates correctly (Calendar)' );
cmp_ok( $cal->days_between( $later_dt, $test_dt )->in_units('days'),
'==', 40, 'Test parameter order not relevant (Calendar)' );
{ ## 'Days' tests
sub {
return 'Days';
$cal = Koha::Calendar->new( branchcode => 'MPL' );
$dt = dt_from_string('2012-07-03','iso');
is($cal->addDate( $dt, $one_day_dur, 'days' ),
'Single day add (Days)' );
cmp_ok($cal->addDate( $test_dt, $seven_day_dur, 'days' ),'eq',
'Add 7 days (Days)' );
is( $cal->addDate( $saturday, $one_day_dur, 'days' )->day_of_week, 7,
'addDate doesn\'t skip closed Sunday (Days)' );
is( $cal->addDate($day_after_christmas, -1, 'days')->ymd(), '2012-12-25',
'Negative call to addDate (Days)' );
## Note that the days_between API says closed days are not considered.
## This tests are here as an API test.
cmp_ok( $cal->days_between( $test_dt, $later_dt )->in_units('days'),
'==', 40, 'days_between calculates correctly (Days)' );
cmp_ok( $cal->days_between( $later_dt, $test_dt )->in_units('days'),
'==', 40, 'Test parameter order not relevant (Days)' );
$cal = Koha::Calendar->new( branchcode => 'CPL' );
is ( $cal->is_holiday($single_holiday), 0, 'Single holiday for MPL, not CPL' );
is ( $cal->is_holiday($holiday_for_another_branch), 1, 'Holiday defined for CPL should be defined as an holiday' );