tgarip1957 0451359813 New set of routines for HEAD.
Uses a complete new ZEBRA Indexing.
ZEBRA is now XML and comprises of a KOHA meta record. Explanatory notes will be on koha-devel
Fixes UTF8 problems
Fixes bug with authorities
SQL database major changes.
Separate biblioograaphic and holdings records. Biblioitems table depreceated
etc. etc.
Wait for explanatory document on koha-devel
2006-08-25 21:07:08 +00:00

885 lines
25 KiB
Executable file

package C4::Search;
# Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
# Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
use strict;
require Exporter;
use C4::Context;
use C4::Reserves2;
use C4::Biblio;
use Date::Calc;
use MARC::File::USMARC;
use MARC::Record;
use MARC::File::XML;
# FIXME - C4::Search uses C4::Reserves2, which uses C4::Search.
# So Perl complains that all of the functions here get redefined.
use C4::Date;
# set the version for version checking
$VERSION = do { my @v = '$Revision$' =~ /\d+/g;
shift(@v) . "." . join("_", map {sprintf "%03d", $_ } @v); };
=head1 NAME
C4::Search - Functions for searching the Koha catalog and other databases
use C4::Search;
my ($count, @results) = catalogsearch4($env, $type, $search, $num, $offset);
This module provides the searching facilities for the Koha catalog and
ZEBRA databases.
=over 2
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(
&barcodes &ItemInfo &itemcount
&getcoverPhoto &add_query_line
&FindDuplicate &ZEBRAsearch_kohafields &sqlsearch &cataloguing_search
&getMARCnotes &getMARCsubjects &getMARCurls &parsefields);
# make all your functions, whether exported or not;
ZEBRAsearchkohafields is the underlying API for searching zebra for KOHA internal use
its kept similar to earlier version Koha Marc searches. instead of passing marc tags to the routine
you pass named kohafields
So you give an array of @kohafieldnames,@values, what relation they have @relations (equal, truncation etc) @and_or and
you receive an array of XML records.
The routine also has a flag $fordisplay and if it is set to 1 it will return the @results as an array of Perl hashes so that your previous
search results templates do actually work.
However more advanced search frontends will be available and this routine can serve as the connecting API for circulation and serials management
See sub FindDuplicates for an example;
sub ZEBRAsearch_kohafields{
my ($kohafield,$value, $relation,$sort, $and_or, $fordisplay,$reorder,$startfrom,$number_of_results,$searchfrom)=@_;
return (0,0) unless (@$value[0]);
my $server="biblioserver";
my @results;
my $attr;
my $query;
my $i;
for ( $i=0; $i<=$#{$value}; $i++){
last if (@$value[$i] eq "");
my $keyattr=MARCfind_attr_from_kohafield(@$kohafield[$i]) if (@$kohafield[$i]);
if (!$keyattr){$keyattr=" \@attr 1=any";}
@$value[$i]=~ s/(\.|\?|\;|\=|\/|\\|\||\:|\*|\!|\,|\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\}|\/)/ /g;
$query.=@$relation[$i]." ".$keyattr." \"".@$value[$i]."\" " if @$value[$i];
for (my $z= 0;$z<=$#{$and_or};$z++){
$query=@$and_or[$z]." ".$query if (@$value[$z+1] ne "");
#warn $query;
my @oConnection;
if ($reorder){
my (@sortpart)=split /,/,$reorder;
if (@sortpart<2){
push @sortpart,1; ##
my ($sortattr)=MARCfind_attr_from_kohafield($sortpart[0]);
my @sortfield=split /@/,$sortattr; ## incase our $sortattr contains type modifiers
$query.=" \@attr 7=".$sortpart[1]." \@".$sortfield[1]." 0";##
$query= "\@or ".$query;
}elsif ($sort){
my (@sortpart)=split /,/,$sort;
if (@sortpart<2){
push @sortpart,1; ## Ascending by default
my ($sortattr)=MARCfind_attr_from_kohafield($sortpart[0]);
my @sortfield=split /@/,$sortattr; ## incase our $sortattr contains type modifiers
$query.=" \@attr 7=".$sortpart[1]." \@".$sortfield[1]." 0";## fix to accept secondary sort as well
$query= "\@or ".$query;
unless($query=~/4=109/){ ###ranked sort not valid for numeric fields
##Use Ranked sort
$query="\@attr 2=102 ".$query;
#warn $query;
my $oResult;
my $tried=0;
my $numresults;
$oResult= $oConnection[0]->search_pqf($query);
my $i;
my $event;
while (($i = ZOOM::event(\@oConnection)) != 0) {
$event = $oConnection[$i-1]->last_event();
last if $event == ZOOM::Event::ZEND;
}# while
my($error, $errmsg, $addinfo, $diagset) = $oConnection[0]->error_x();
if ($error==10007 && $tried<3) {## timeout --another 30 looonng seconds for this update
goto "retry";
}elsif ($error==2 && $tried<2) {## timeout --temporary zebra error !whatever that means
goto "retry";
}elsif ($error){
warn "Error-$server /errcode:, $error, /MSG:,$errmsg,$addinfo \n";
return (undef,undef);
my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh;
$numresults=$oResult->size() ;
if ($numresults>0){
my $ri=0;
my $z=0;
$ri=$startfrom if $startfrom;
for ( $ri; $ri<$numresults ; $ri++){
my $xmlrecord=$oResult->record($ri)->raw();
if (!$fordisplay){
### Turn into hash of xml
push @results,$xmlrecord;
last if ($number_of_results && $z>=$number_of_results);
}## for #numresults
if ($fordisplay){
my (@parsed)=parsefields($dbh,$searchfrom,@results);
return ($numresults,@parsed) ;
}# if numresults
return ($numresults,@results) ;
#return (0,undef);
=item add_bold_fields
After a search the searched keyword is <b>boldened</b> in the displayed search results if it exists in the title or author
It is now depreceated
sub add_html_bold_fields {
my ($type, $data, $search) = @_;
foreach my $key ('title', 'author') {
my $new_key;
$new_key = 'bold_' . $key;
$data->{$new_key} = $data->{$key};
my $key1;
$key1 = $key;
my @keys;
my $i = 1;
if ($type eq 'keyword') {
my $newkey=$search->{'keyword'};
$newkey=~s /\++//g;
@keys = split " ", $newkey;
my $count = @keys;
for ($i = 0; $i < $count ; $i++) {
if (($data->{$new_key} =~ /($keys[$i])/i) && (lc($keys[$i]) ne 'b') ) {
my $word = $1;
$data->{$new_key} =~ s/$word/<b>$word<\/b>/;
sub sqlsearch{
## This searches the SQL database only for biblionumber,itemnumber,barcode
### Not very useful on production but as a debug tool useful during system maturing for ZEBRA operations
my ($dbh,$search)=@_;
my $sth;
if ($search->{'barcode'} ne '') {
$sth=$dbh->prepare("SELECT biblionumber from items where barcode=?");
}elsif ($search->{'itemnumber'} ne '') {
$sth=$dbh->prepare("SELECT biblionumber from items where itemnumber=?");
}elsif ($search->{'biblionumber'} ne '') {
$sth=$dbh->prepare("SELECT biblionumber from biblio where biblionumber=?");
return (undef,undef);
my $result=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
return (1,$result) if $result;
sub cataloguing_search{
## This is an SQL based search designed to be used when adding a new biblio incase library sets
## preference zebraorsql to sql when adding a new biblio
my ($search,$num,$offset) = @_;
my ($count,@results);
my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh;
#Prepare search
my $query;
my $condition="select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS marc from biblio where ";
if ($search->{'isbn'} ne''){
$condition.= " isbn like ? ";
return (0,undef) unless $search->{title};
$condition.= " MATCH (title) AGAINST(? in BOOLEAN MODE ) ";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($condition);
my $nbresult=$dbh->prepare("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()");
my $count=$nbresult->fetchrow;
my $limit = $num + $offset;
my $startfrom = $offset;
my $i=0;
my @results;
while (my $marc=$sth->fetchrow){
if (($i >= $startfrom) && ($i < $limit)) {
my $record=MARC::File::USMARC::decode($marc);
my $data=MARCmarc2koha($dbh,$record,"biblios");
push @results,$data;
last if $i==$limit;
return ($count,@results);
sub FindDuplicate {
my ($record)=@_;
my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh;
my $result = MARCmarc2koha($dbh,$record,"biblios");
my @kohafield;
my @value;
my @relation;
my @and_or;
# search duplicate on ISBN, easy and fast..
if ($result->{isbn}) {
push @kohafield,"isbn";
###Temporary fix for ISBN
my $isbn=$result->{isbn};
$isbn=~ s/(\.|\?|\;|\=|\/|\\|\||\:|\!|\'|,|\-|\"|\*|\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\}|\/)//g;
push @value,$isbn;
$result->{title}=~s /\\//g;
$result->{title}=~s /\"//g;
$result->{title}=~ s/(\.|\?|\;|\=|\/|\\|\||\:|\*|\!|\,|\-|\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\}|\/)/ /g;
push @kohafield,"title";
push @value,$result->{title};
push @relation,"\@attr 6=3 \@attr 4=1 \@attr 5=1"; ## right truncated,phrase,whole field
my ($total,@result)=ZEBRAsearch_kohafields(\@kohafield,\@value,\@relation,"",\@and_or,0,"",0,1);
if ($total){
my $title=XML_readline($result[0],"title","biblios") ;
my $biblionumber=XML_readline($result[0],"biblionumber","biblios") ;
return $biblionumber,$title ;
sub add_query_line {
my ($type,$search,$results)=@_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $searchdesc = '';
my $from;
my $borrowernumber = $search->{'borrowernumber'};
my $remote_IP = $search->{'remote_IP'};
my $remote_URL= $search->{'remote_URL'};
my $searchdesc = $search->{'searchdesc'};
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO phrase_log(phr_phrase,phr_resultcount,phr_ip,user,actual) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)");
=item ItemInfo
@results = &ItemInfo($env, $biblionumber, $type);
Returns information about books with the given biblionumber.
C<$type> may be either C<intra> or anything else. If it is not set to
C<intra>, then the search will exclude lost, very overdue, and
withdrawn items.
C<$env> is ignored.
C<&ItemInfo> returns a list of references-to-hash. Each element
contains a number of keys. Most of them are table items from the
C<biblio>, C<biblioitems>, C<items>, and C<itemtypes> tables in the
Koha database. Other keys include:
=over 4
=item C<$data-E<gt>{branchname}>
The name (not the code) of the branch to which the book belongs.
=item C<$data-E<gt>{datelastseen}>
This is simply C<items.datelastseen>, except that while the date is
stored in YYYY-MM-DD format in the database, here it is converted to
DD/MM/YYYY format. A NULL date is returned as C<//>.
=item C<$data-E<gt>{datedue}>
=item C<$data-E<gt>{class}>
This is the concatenation of C<biblioitems.classification>, the book's
Dewey code, and C<biblioitems.subclass>.
=item C<$data-E<gt>{ocount}>
I think this is the number of copies of the book available.
=item C<$data-E<gt>{order}>
If this is set, it is set to C<One Order>.
sub ItemInfo {
my ($dbh,$data) = @_;
my $i=0;
my @results;
my ($date_due, $count_reserves);
my $datedue = '';
my $isth=$dbh->prepare("Select issues.*,borrowers.cardnumber from issues,borrowers where itemnumber = ? and returndate is null and issues.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber");
if (my $idata=$isth->fetchrow_hashref){
$data->{borrowernumber} = $idata->{borrowernumber};
$data->{cardnumber} = $idata->{cardnumber};
$datedue = format_date($idata->{'date_due'});
if ($datedue eq '' || $datedue eq "0000-00-00"){
my ($restype,$reserves)=C4::Reserves2::CheckReserves($data->{'itemnumber'});
if ($restype) {
$count_reserves = $restype;
#get branch information.....
my $bsth=$dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM branches WHERE branchcode = ?");
if (my $bdata=$bsth->fetchrow_hashref){
$data->{'branchname'} = $bdata->{'branchname'};
my $date=substr($data->{'datelastseen'},0,8);
$data->{'count_reserves'} = $count_reserves;
# get notforloan complete status if applicable
my ($tagfield,$tagsub)=MARCfind_marc_from_kohafield("notforloan","holdings");
my $sthnflstatus = $dbh->prepare("select authorised_value from holdings_subfield_structure where tagfield='$tagfield' and tagsubfield='$tagsub'");
my ($authorised_valuecode) = $sthnflstatus->fetchrow;
if ($authorised_valuecode) {
$sthnflstatus = $dbh->prepare("select lib from authorised_values where category=? and authorised_value=?");
my ($lib) = $sthnflstatus->fetchrow;
$data->{notforloan} = $lib;
# my shelf procedures
my ($tagfield,$tagsubfield)=MARCfind_marc_from_kohafield("shelf","holdings");
my $shelfstatus = $dbh->prepare("select authorised_value from holdings_subfield_structure where tagfield='$tagfield' and tagsubfield='$tagsubfield'");
$authorised_valuecode = $shelfstatus->fetchrow;
if ($authorised_valuecode) {
$shelfstatus = $dbh->prepare("select lib from authorised_values where category=? and authorised_value=?");
my ($lib) = $shelfstatus->fetchrow;
$data->{shelf} = $lib;
=item barcodes
@barcodes = &barcodes($biblioitemnumber);
Given a biblioitemnumber, looks up the corresponding items.
Returns an array of references-to-hash; the keys are C<barcode> and
The returned items include very overdue items, but not lost ones.
sub barcodes{
#called from request.pl
my ($biblionumber)=@_;
warn $biblionumber;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my @kohafields;
my @values;
my @relations;
my $sort;
my @and_or;
my @fields;
push @kohafields, "biblionumber";
push @values,$biblionumber;
push @relations, " "," \@attr 2=1"; ## selecting wthdrawn less then 1
push @and_or, "\@and";
my ($count,@results)=ZEBRAsearch_kohafields(\@kohafields,\@values,\@relations,$sort,\@and_or,"","");
push @fields,"barcode","itemlost","itemnumber","date_due","wthdrawn","notforloan";
my ($biblio,@items)=XMLmarc2koha($dbh,$results[0],"holdings", @fields);
sub getMARCnotes {
my ($dbh, $record, $marcflavour) = @_;
my ($mintag, $maxtag);
if ($marcflavour eq "MARC21") {
$mintag = "500";
$maxtag = "599";
} else { # assume unimarc if not marc21
$mintag = "300";
$maxtag = "399";
my @marcnotes;
my $note = "";
my $tag = "";
my $marcnote;
foreach my $field ($record->field('5..')) {
my $value = $field->as_string();
if ( $note ne "") {
$marcnote = {marcnote => $note,};
push @marcnotes, $marcnote;
if ($note ne $value) {
$note = $note." ".$value;
if ($note) {
$marcnote = {MARCNOTE => $note};
push @marcnotes, $marcnote; #load last tag into array
my $marcnotesarray=\@marcnotes;
return $marcnotesarray;
} # end getMARCnotes
sub getMARCsubjects {
my ($dbh, $record, $marcflavour) = @_;
my ($mintag, $maxtag);
if ($marcflavour eq "MARC21") {
$mintag = "600";
$maxtag = "699";
} else { # assume unimarc if not marc21
$mintag = "600";
$maxtag = "619";
my @marcsubjcts;
my $subjct = "";
my $subfield = "";
my $marcsubjct;
foreach my $field ($record->field('6..')) {
my $value = $field->subfield('a');
$marcsubjct = {MARCSUBJCT => $value,};
push @marcsubjcts, $marcsubjct;
$subjct = $value;
my $marcsubjctsarray=\@marcsubjcts;
return $marcsubjctsarray;
} #end getMARCsubjects
sub getMARCurls {
### This code is wrong only works with MARC21
my ($dbh, $record, $marcflavour) = @_;
my ($mintag, $maxtag);
if ($marcflavour eq "MARC21") {
$mintag = "856";
$maxtag = "856";
} else { # assume unimarc if not marc21
$mintag = "600";
$maxtag = "619";
my @marcurls;
my $url = "";
my $subfil = "";
my $marcurl;
foreach my $field ($record->field('856')) {
my $value = $field->subfield('u');
# my $subfil = $data->[1];
if ( $value ne $url) {
$marcurl = {MARCURL => $value,};
push @marcurls, $marcurl;
$url = $value;
my $marcurlsarray=\@marcurls;
return $marcurlsarray;
} #end getMARCurls
sub parsefields{
#pass this a MARC record and it will parse it for display purposes
my ($dbh,$intranet,@marcrecords)=@_;
my @results;
my @items;
my $retrieve_from=C4::Context->preference('retrieve_from');
#Build brancnames hash for displaying in OPAC - more user friendly
#find branchname
#get branch information.....
my %branches;
my $bsth=$dbh->prepare("SELECT branchcode,branchname FROM branches");
while (my $bdata=$bsth->fetchrow_hashref){
$branches{$bdata->{'branchcode'}}= $bdata->{'branchname'};
#Building shelving hash if library has shelves defined like junior section, non-fiction, audio-visual room etc
my %shelves;
#find shelvingname
my ($tagfield,$tagsubfield)=MARCfind_marc_from_kohafield("shelf","holdings");
my $shelfstatus = $dbh->prepare("select authorised_value from holdings_subfield_structure where tagfield='$tagfield' and tagsubfield='$tagsubfield'");
my ($authorised_valuecode) = $shelfstatus->fetchrow;
if ($authorised_valuecode) {
$shelfstatus = $dbh->prepare("select lib,authorised_value from authorised_values where category=? ");
while (my $lib = $shelfstatus->fetchrow_hashref){
$shelves{$lib->{'authorised_value'}} = $lib->{'lib'};
my $even=1;
foreach my $xmlrecord(@marcrecords){
my $xml=XML_xml2hash($xmlrecord);
my @kohafields; ## just name those necessary for the result page
push @kohafields, "biblionumber","title","author","publishercode","classification","itemtype","copyrightdate", "holdingbranch","date_due","location","shelf","itemcallnumber","notforloan","itemlost","wthdrawn";
my ($oldbiblio,@itemrecords) = XMLmarc2koha($dbh,$xml,"",@kohafields);
my $bibliorecord;
my %counts;
my $noitems = 1;
my $norequests = 1;
##Loop for each item field
foreach my $item (@itemrecords) {
$norequests = 0 unless $item->{'itemnotforloan'};
$noitems = 0;
my $status;
#renaming some fields according to templates
$status="Lost" if ($item->{'itemlost'}>0);
$status="Withdrawn" if ($item->{'wthdrawn'}>0);
if ($intranet eq "intranet"){ ## we give full itemcallnumber detail in intranet
$status="Due:".format_date($item->{'date_due'}) if ($item->{'date_due'} gt "0000-00-00");
$status = $item->{'holdingbranch'}."-".$item->{'shelf'}."[".$item->{'itemcallnumber'}."]" unless defined $status;
$status="On Loan" if ($item->{'date_due'} gt "0000-00-00");
$status = $item->{'branchname'}."[".$item->{'shelves'}."]" unless defined $status;
$oldbiblio->{'noitems'} = $noitems;
$oldbiblio->{'norequests'} = $norequests;
$oldbiblio->{'even'} = $even;
$even= not $even;
if ($even){
} else {
} ; ## some forms seems to use toggle
$oldbiblio->{'itemcount'} = $counts{'total'};
my $totalitemcounts = 0;
foreach my $key (keys %counts){
if ($key ne 'total'){
$totalitemcounts+= $counts{$key};
my ($locationtext, $locationtextonly, $notavailabletext) = ('','','');
foreach (sort keys %{$oldbiblio->{'locationhash'}}) {
if ($_ eq 'notavailable') {
$notavailabletext="Not available";
my $c=$oldbiblio->{'locationhash'}->{$_};
} else {
my $c=$oldbiblio->{'locationhash'}->{$_};
if ($_ eq 'Lost') {
$oldbiblio->{'lost-p'} = $c;
} elsif ($_ eq 'Withdrawn') {
$oldbiblio->{'withdrawn-p'} = $c;
} elsif ($_ =~/\^Due:/) {
$oldbiblio->{'on-loan-p'} = $c;
} else {
$locationtextonly.= $_;
$locationtextonly.= " ($c)<br> " if $totalitemcounts > 1;
if ($totalitemcounts>1) {
$locationtext.=" ($c)<br> ";
if ($notavailabletext) {
$locationtext.= $notavailabletext;
} else {
$locationtext=~s/, $//;
$oldbiblio->{'location'} = $locationtext;
$oldbiblio->{'location-only'} = $locationtextonly;
$oldbiblio->{'use-location-flags-p'} = 1;
push @results,$oldbiblio;
}## For each record received
sub getcoverPhoto {
## return the address of a cover image if defined otherwise the amazon cover images
my $record =shift @_;
if ($phototag){
my $imagetag=$record->field($phototag);
my $image=$imagetag->subfield($photosubtag) if $imagetag;
return $image if $image;
# if there is no image put the amazon cover image adress
my $isbn=$record->field($isbntag)->subfield($isbnsubtag) if $record->field($isbntag);
return "http://images.amazon.com/images/P/".$isbn.".01.MZZZZZZZ.jpg";
=item itemcount
($count, $lcount, $nacount, $fcount, $scount, $lostcount,
$mending, $transit,$ocount) =
&itemcount($env, $biblionumber, $type);
Counts the number of items with the given biblionumber, broken down by
C<$env> is ignored.
If C<$type> is not set to C<intra>, lost, very overdue, and withdrawn
items will not be counted.
C<&itemcount> returns a nine-element list:
C<$count> is the total number of items with the given biblionumber.
C<$lcount> is the number of items at the Levin branch.
C<$nacount> is the number of items that are neither borrowed, lost,
nor withdrawn (and are therefore presumably on a shelf somewhere).
C<$fcount> is the number of items at the Foxton branch.
C<$scount> is the number of items at the Shannon branch.
C<$lostcount> is the number of lost and very overdue items.
C<$mending> is the number of items at the Mending branch (being
C<$transit> is the number of items at the Transit branch (in transit
between branches?).
C<$ocount> is the number of items that haven't arrived yet
(aqorders.quantity - aqorders.quantityreceived).
sub itemcount {
my ($env,$bibnum,$type)=@_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my @kohafield;
my @value;
my @relation;
my @and_or;
my $sort;
my $query="Select * from items where
biblionumber=? ";
push @kohafield,"biblionumber";
push @value,$bibnum;
my ($total,@result)=ZEBRAsearch_kohafields(\@kohafield,\@value, \@relation,"", \@and_or, 0);## there is only one record no need for $num or $offset
my @fields;## extract only the fields required
push @fields,"itemnumber","itemlost","wthdrawn","holdingbranch","date_due";
my ($biblio,@items)=XMLmarc2koha ($dbh,$result[0],"holdings",\@fields);
my $count=0;
my $lcount=0;
my $nacount=0;
my $fcount=0;
my $scount=0;
my $lostcount=0;
my $mending=0;
my $transit=0;
my $ocount=0;
foreach my $data(@items){
if ($type ne "intra"){
next if ($data->{itemlost} || $data->{wthdrawn});
} ## Probably trying to hide lost item from opac ?
## Now it seems we want to find those which are onloan
if ( $data->{date_due} gt "0000-00-00"){
### The rest of this code is hardcoded for Foxtrot Shanon etc. We urgently need a global understanding of these terms--TG
if ($data->{'holdingbranch'} eq 'C' || $data->{'holdingbranch'} eq 'LT'){
if ($data->{'holdingbranch'} eq 'F' || $data->{'holdingbranch'} eq 'FP'){
if ($data->{'holdingbranch'} eq 'S' || $data->{'holdingbranch'} eq 'SP'){
if ($data->{'itemlost'} eq '1'){
if ($data->{'itemlost'} eq '2'){
if ($data->{'holdingbranch'} eq 'FM'){
if ($data->{'holdingbranch'} eq 'TR'){
# if ($count == 0){
my $sth2=$dbh->prepare("Select * from aqorders where biblionumber=?");
if (my $data=$sth2->fetchrow_hashref){
$ocount=$data->{'quantity'} - $data->{'quantityreceived'};
# $count+=$ocount;
return ($count,$lcount,$nacount,$fcount,$scount,$lostcount,$mending,$transit,$ocount);
END { } # module clean-up code here (global destructor)
=head1 AUTHOR
Koha Developement team <info@koha.org>
# New functions to comply with ZEBRA search and new KOHA 3 API added 2006 Tumer Garip tgarip@neu.edu.tr