
510 lines
13 KiB
Executable file

use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
my (@in_files, $str_file, $split_char, $recursive, $type, $out_dir, $in_dir, @excludes, $filter);
my $help;
my $exclude_regex;
$split_char = ' ';
'input|i=s' => \@in_files,
'outputdir|o=s' => \$out_dir,
'str-file|s=s' => \$str_file,
'recursive|r' => \$recursive,
'filter=s' => \$filter,
'type=s' => \$type,
'exclude=s' => \@excludes,
'sep=s' => \$split_char,
'help' => sub { help() },
) || usage();
# utiliser glob() pour tous les fichiers d'un repertoire
my $action = shift or usage();
my %strhash = ();
# Checks for missing input and string list arguments
if( !@in_files || !defined($str_file) )
usage("You must at least specify input and string list filenames.");
# Type match defaults to *.tmpl if not specified
$type = "tmpl|inc" if !defined($type);
$filter = "./text-extract.pl -f" if !defined($filter);
# Input is not a file nor a directory
if( !(-d $in_files[0]) && !(-f $in_files[0]))
usage("Unknown input. Input must a file or a directory. (Symbolic links are not supported for the moment.)");
elsif( -d $in_files[0] )
# input is a directory, generates list of files to process
$in_dir = $in_files[0];
$in_dir =~ s/\/$//; # strips the trailing / if any
print "Generating list of files to process...\n";
@in_files = ();
@in_files = &listfiles(\@in_files, $in_dir, $type, $recursive);
if(scalar(@in_files) == 0)
warn "Nothing to process in $in_dir matching *.$type.";
exit -1;
# Generates the global exclude regular expression
$exclude_regex = "(".join("|", @excludes).")" if @excludes;
if( $action eq "create" )
# updates the list. As the list is empty, every entry will be added
%strhash = &update_strhash(\%strhash, \@in_files, $exclude_regex, $filter);
# saves the list to the file
write_strhash(\%strhash, $str_file, "\t");
elsif( $action eq "update" )
# restores the string list from file
%strhash = &restore_strhash(\%strhash, $str_file, $split_char,1);
# updates the list, adding new entries if any
%strhash = &update_strhash(\%strhash, \@in_files, $exclude_regex, $filter);
# saves the list to the file
write_strhash(\%strhash, $str_file, $split_char);
elsif( $action eq "install" )
usage("You must specify an output directory when using the install method.");
if( $in_dir eq $out_dir )
warn "You must specify a different input and output directory.\n";
exit -1;
# restores the string list from file
%strhash = &restore_strhash(\%strhash, $str_file, $split_char,0);
# creates the new tmpl file using the new translation
&install_strhash(\%strhash, \@in_files, $in_dir, $out_dir);
usage("Unknown action specified.");
exit 0;
# Creates the new template files in the output directory #
sub install_strhash
my($strhash, $in_files, $in_dir, $out_dir) = @_;
my $fh_in; my $fh_out; # handles for input and output files
my $tmp_dir; # temporary directory name (used to create destination dir)
my $starttime = time();
$out_dir =~ s/\/$//; # chops the trailing / if any.
# Processes every entry found.
foreach my $file (@{$in_files})
if( !open($fh_in, "< $file") )
warn "Can't open $file : $!\n";
# generates the name of the output file
my $out_file = $file;
my $out_file_tmp = $file.".tmp"; # used to check if file has changed or not.
if(!defined $in_dir)
# processing single files not an entire directory
$out_file = "$out_dir/$file";
$out_file =~ s/^$in_dir/$out_dir/;
my $slash = rindex($out_file, "\/");
$tmp_dir = substr($out_file, 0, $slash); #gets the directory where the file will be saved
# the file doesn't exist
if( !(-f $tmp_dir) && !(-l $tmp_dir) && !(-e $tmp_dir) )
if(!mkdir($tmp_dir,0775)) # creates with rwxrwxr-x permissions
warn("Make directory $tmp_dir : $!");
elsif((-f $tmp_dir) || (-l $tmp_dir))
warn("Unable to create directory $tmp_dir.\n A file or symbolic link with the same name already exists.");
# opens handle for output
if( !open($fh_out, "> $out_file_tmp") )
warn "Can''t write $out_file : $!\n";
my $lines;
while(my $line = <$fh_in>)
foreach my $text (sort {length($b) <=> length($a) || uc($b) cmp uc($a) } keys %{$strhash})
# Test if the key has been translated
if( %{$strhash}->{$text} != 1)
# Does the file contains text that needs to be changed ?
# escaping \|()[{}^$*+?.
my $subst = %{$strhash}->{$text};
$text =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
$text =~ s/\//\\\//g;
$text =~ s/\|/\\\|/g;
$text =~ s/\(/\\\(/g;
$text =~ s/\)/\\\)/g;
$text =~ s/\[/\\\[/g;
$text =~ s/\]/\\\]/g;
$text =~ s/\{/\\\{/g;
$text =~ s/\}/\\\}/g;
$text =~ s/\^/\\\^/g;
$text =~ s/\$/\\\$/g;
$text =~ s/\*/\\\*/g;
$text =~ s/\+/\\\+/g;
$text =~ s/\?/\\\?/g;
$text =~ s/\./\\\./g;
if(%{$strhash}->{$text} ne "IGNORE" )
if (%{$strhash}->{$text} =~ "LIMITED")
# changing text
$subst =~ s/UNUSED;//;
$subst =~ s/^LIMITED;//g;
$lines =~ s/(.*)>$text(\W)/$1>$subst$2/g;
$lines =~ s/(.*) title="$text/$1 title="$subst/g;
$lines =~ s/(.*) alt="$text/$1 alt="$subst/g;
} else {
# changing text
$subst =~ s/UNUSED;//;
$lines =~ s/(\W)$text(\W)/$1$subst$2/g;
$lines =~ s/\<TMPL_(.*?)\>/\<\!-- TMPL_$1 --\>/g;
$lines =~ s/\<\/TMPL_(.*?)\>/\<\!-- \/TMPL_$1 --\>/g;
# Writing the modified (or not) file to output
printf($fh_out "%s", $lines);
# check if fh_out and previous fh_out has changed or not.
my $diff;
if(-f $out_file) {
$diff = `diff $out_file $out_file_tmp`;
} else {
$diff = "write it, it's new";#'
if ($diff) {
print "WRITING : $out_file\n";
unlink $out_file;
system("mv $out_file_tmp $out_file");
} else {
print "no changes in $out_file\n";
unlink $out_file_tmp;
my $timeneeded = time() - $starttime;
print "done in $timeneeded seconds\n";
# Updates the string list hash with the new components #
sub update_strhash
my($strhash, $in_files, $exclude, $filter)= @_;
my $fh;
# Processes every file entries
foreach my $in (@{$in_files})
print "Processing $in...\n";
# 'Creates a filehandle containing all the strings returned by
# the plain text program extractor
open($fh, "$filter $in |") or print "$filter $in : $!";
next $in if !defined $fh;
# Processes every string returned
while(my $str = <$fh>)
$str =~ s/[\n\r\f]+$//; # chomps the trailing \n (or <cr><lf> if file was edited with Windows)
$str =~ s/^[\s+:\(]*//; # remove useless characters
$str =~ s/[\s\*:\[*\(|\.,\)]*$//;#]
# the line begins with letter(s) followed by optional words and/or spaces
if($str =~ /^[ ]*[\w]+[ \w]*/)
# the line is to be excluded ?
if( !(defined($exclude) && ($str =~ /$exclude/o) && $str>0) )
if( !defined(%{$strhash}->{$str}) )
# the line is not already in the list so add it
} else {
# remove UNUSED;
%{$strhash}->{$str} =~ s/^UNUSED;//;
return %{$strhash};
# Reads the input file and returns a generated hash #
sub restore_strhash
my($strhash, $str_file, $split_char, $detect_unused) = @_;
my $fh;
open($fh, "< $str_file") or die "$str_file : $!";
print "Restoring string list from $str_file...\n";
while( my $line = <$fh> )
chomp $line;
# extracts the two fields
my ($original, $translated) = split(/$split_char/, $line, 2);
if($translated ne "*****")
# the key has been translated
%{$strhash}->{$original} = $translated;
# the key exist but has no translation.
%{$strhash}->{$original} = 1;
if ($detect_unused) {
%{$strhash}->{$original} = "UNUSED;".%{$strhash}->{$original} unless %{$strhash}->{$original}=~ /^UNUSED;/;
return %{$strhash};
# Writes the string hashtable to a file #
sub write_strhash
my($strhash, $str_file, $split_char) = @_;
my $fh;
# Opens a handle for saving the list
open($fh, "> $str_file") or die "$str_file : $!";
print "Writing string list to $str_file...\n";
foreach my $str(sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b) || length($b) <=> length($a)} keys %{$strhash})
printf($fh "%s%s%s\n", $str, $split_char, %{$strhash}->{$str});
printf($fh "%s%s%s\n", $str, $split_char,"*****") unless ($str >0 || length($str) eq 1);
# List the contents of dir matching the pattern *.type #
sub listfiles
my($in_files, $dir, $type, $recursive) = @_;
my $dir_h;
# my @types = split(/ /,$type);
opendir($dir_h, $dir) or warn("Can't open $dir : $!\n");
my @tmp_list = grep(!/^\.\.?$/, readdir($dir_h));
foreach my $tmp_file (@tmp_list)
if( $recursive && (-d "$dir/$tmp_file") ) # entry is a directory
@{$in_files} = listfiles($in_files, "$dir/$tmp_file", $type);
elsif( $tmp_file =~ /\.$type$/ && !($tmp_file =~ /^\./))
push(@{$in_files}, "$dir/$tmp_file");
return @{$in_files};
# Prints the contents of a hashtable #
sub print_strhash
my($strhash, $split_char) = @_;
foreach my $str(sort keys %{$strhash})
if(%{$strhash}->{$str} != 1)
printf("%s%s%s\n", $str, $split_char, %{$strhash}->{$str});
printf("%s%s\n", $str, $split_char);
# Short help messsage printing function #
sub usage
warn join(" ", @_)."\n" if @_;
warn <<EOF;
Usage : $0 method -i input.tmpl|/input/dir -s strlist.file
[-o /output/dir] [options]
where method can be :
* create : creates the string list from scratch using the input files.
* update : updates an existing string list, adding the new strings to
the list, leaving the others alone.
* install : creates the new .tmpl files using the string list config file
(--outputdir must be used to specify the output directory).
Use $0 --help for a complete listing of options.
# Long help message describing every options #
sub help
warn <<EOF;
Usage : $0 method [options]
where method can be :
* create : creates the string list from scratch using the input files.
* update : updates an existing string list, adding the new strings to
the list, leaving the others alone.
* install : creates the new .tmpl files using the string list config file
(-o must be used to specify the output directory).
options can be :
-i or --input=
Specify the input to process. Input can be a file or a directory.
When input is a directory, files matching the --type option will be
When using files, the parameter can be repeated to process a list
of files.
Example: $0 create -i foo.tmpl --input=bar.tmpl -s foobar.txt
-s or --str-file=
Specify the file where the different strings will be stored.
-o or --outputdir=
Specify the output directory to use when generating the translated
input files.
-r or --recursive
Use the recursive mode to process every entry in subdirectories.
Note: Symbolic links used to link directories are not supported.
Defines the type of files to match when input is a directory.
By default --type=tmpl
Use this option to exclude some entries extracted by the program.
This option can be repeated to exclude many types of strings.
Example: $0 create -i foo.tmpl -s foo.txt --exclude=^\[0-9\]+\$
will create a list from foo.tmpl called foo.txt where lines
composed of numbers only are excluded. Special characters need to
be escaped.
Specify the program to use to extract plain text from files.
Default is str-extract which means str-extract must be in the path
in order to use it.
Use this option to specify the char to be used to separate entries
in the string list file.
This help message.