Nick Clemens 723ed39c2a
Bug 38777: Use branch reply to for HOLD messages
When sending a notice of a hold ready for pickup (not digest) we use the library where the hold is at.

We should also use this when setting the reply to.

To test:
1 - Set the email/replyto for a patron's library to be:
2 - Set the email/replyto for another branch to be:
3 - Place a hold for the patron for pickup at the other branch
4 - Check in and set hold waiting
5 - SELECT * FROM message_queue
6 - Note the message is from the hold branch, but has a null replyto
    This means we will use patron branch when sending
7 - Apply patch
8 - Revert hold waiting status
9 - Checkin and confirm hold again
10  -Check message queue
11 - Hold now has reply address of branch

Signed-off-by: David Nind <david@davidnind.com>
Signed-off-by: Baptiste Wojtkowski <baptiste.wojtkowski@biblibre.com>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer@bsz-bw.de>
2025-01-07 15:47:52 +01:00

2253 lines
80 KiB

package C4::Reserves;
# Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications
# 2006 SAN Ouest Provence
# 2007-2010 BibLibre Paul POULAIN
# 2011 Catalyst IT
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use C4::Accounts;
use C4::Biblio qw( GetMarcFromKohaField );
use C4::Circulation qw( CheckIfIssuedToPatron GetAgeRestriction GetBranchItemRule );
use C4::Context;
use C4::Items qw( CartToShelf get_hostitemnumbers_of );
use C4::Letters;
use C4::Log qw( logaction );
use C4::Members::Messaging;
use C4::Members;
use Koha::Account::Lines;
use Koha::BackgroundJob::BatchUpdateBiblioHoldsQueue;
use Koha::Biblios;
use Koha::Calendar;
use Koha::Cache::Memory::Lite;
use Koha::CirculationRules;
use Koha::Database;
use Koha::DateUtils qw( dt_from_string output_pref );
use Koha::Holds;
use Koha::ItemTypes;
use Koha::Items;
use Koha::Libraries;
use Koha::Patrons;
use Koha::Plugins;
use Koha::Policy::Holds;
use List::MoreUtils qw( any );
=head1 NAME
C4::Reserves - Koha functions for dealing with reservation.
use C4::Reserves;
This modules provides somes functions to deal with reservations.
Reserves are stored in reserves table.
The following columns contains important values :
- priority >0 : then the reserve is at 1st stage, and not yet affected to any item.
=0 : then the reserve is being dealed
- found : NULL : means the patron requested the 1st available, and we haven't chosen the item
T(ransit) : the reserve is linked to an item but is in transit to the pickup branch
W(aiting) : the reserve is linked to an item, is at the pickup branch, and is waiting on the hold shelf
F(inished) : the reserve has been completed, and is done
P(rocessing) : reserved item has been returned using self-check machine and reserve needs to be confirmed
by librarian before notice is send and status changed to waiting.
Applicable only if HoldsNeedProcessingSIP system preference is set.
- itemnumber : empty : the reserve is still unaffected to an item
filled: the reserve is attached to an item
The complete workflow is :
==== 1st use case ====
patron request a document, 1st available : P >0, F=NULL, I=NULL
a library having it run "transfertodo", and clic on the list
if there is no transfer to do, the reserve waiting
patron can pick it up P =0, F=W, I=filled
if there is a transfer to do, write in branchtransfer P =0, F=T, I=filled
The pickup library receive the book, it check in P =0, F=W, I=filled
The patron borrow the book P =0, F=F, I=filled
==== 2nd use case ====
patron requests a document, a given item,
If pickup is holding branch P =0, F=W, I=filled
If transfer needed, write in branchtransfer P =0, F=T, I=filled
The pickup library receive the book, it checks it in P =0, F=W, I=filled
The patron borrow the book P =0, F=F, I=filled
our (@ISA, @EXPORT_OK);
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(
=head2 AddReserve
branchcode => $branchcode,
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
priority => $priority,
reservation_date => $reservation_date,
expiration_date => $expiration_date,
notes => $notes,
title => $title,
itemnumber => $itemnumber,
found => $found,
itemtype => $itemtype,
item_group_id => $item_group_id
Adds reserve and generates HOLDPLACED message and HOLDPLACED_PATRON message.
The following tables are available witin the HOLDPLACED message:
The following tables are available within the HOLDPLACED_PATRON message:
sub AddReserve {
my ($params) = @_;
my $branch = $params->{branchcode};
my $borrowernumber = $params->{borrowernumber};
my $biblionumber = $params->{biblionumber};
my $priority = $params->{priority};
my $resdate = $params->{reservation_date};
my $patron_expiration_date = $params->{expiration_date};
my $notes = $params->{notes};
my $title = $params->{title};
my $checkitem = $params->{itemnumber};
my $found = $params->{found};
my $itemtype = $params->{itemtype};
my $non_priority = $params->{non_priority};
my $item_group_id = $params->{item_group_id};
$resdate ||= dt_from_string;
# if we have an item selectionned, and the pickup branch is the same as the holdingbranch
# of the document, we force the value $priority and $found .
if ( $checkitem and not C4::Context->preference('ReservesNeedReturns') ) {
my $item = Koha::Items->find( $checkitem ); # FIXME Prevent bad calls
if (
# If item is already checked out, it cannot be set waiting
# The item can't be waiting if it needs a transfer
&& $item->holdingbranch eq $branch
# Similarly, if in transit it can't be waiting
&& !$item->get_transfer
# If we can't hold damaged items, and it is damaged, it can't be waiting
&& ( $item->damaged && C4::Context->preference('AllowHoldsOnDamagedItems') || !$item->damaged )
# Lastly, if this already has holds, we shouldn't make it waiting for the new hold
&& !$item->current_holds->count )
$priority = 0;
$found = 'W';
if ( C4::Context->preference( 'AllowHoldDateInFuture' ) ) {
# Make room in reserves for this if passed a priority
$priority = _ShiftPriority( $biblionumber, $priority );
my $waitingdate;
# If the reserv had the waiting status, we had the value of the resdate
if ( $found && $found eq 'W' ) {
$waitingdate = $resdate;
# Don't add itemtype limit if specific item is selected
$itemtype = undef if $checkitem;
# updates take place here
my $hold = Koha::Hold->new(
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
item_group_id => $item_group_id,
reservedate => $resdate,
branchcode => $branch,
priority => $priority,
reservenotes => $notes,
itemnumber => $checkitem,
found => $found,
waitingdate => $waitingdate,
patron_expiration_date => $patron_expiration_date,
itemtype => $itemtype,
item_level_hold => $checkitem ? 1 : 0,
non_priority => $non_priority ? 1 : 0,
$hold->set_waiting() if $found && $found eq 'W';
# record patron activity
logaction( 'HOLDS', 'CREATE', $hold->id, $hold )
if C4::Context->preference('HoldsLog');
my $reserve_id = $hold->id();
# add a reserve fee if needed
if ( C4::Context->preference('HoldFeeMode') ne 'any_time_is_collected' ) {
my $reserve_fee = GetReserveFee( $borrowernumber, $biblionumber );
ChargeReserveFee( $borrowernumber, $reserve_fee, $title );
_FixPriority({ biblionumber => $biblionumber});
# Send e-mail to librarian if syspref is active
my $patron = $hold->patron;
my $library = $patron->library;
if ( my $letter = C4::Letters::GetPreparedLetter (
module => 'reserves',
letter_code => 'HOLDPLACED',
branchcode => $branch,
lang => $patron->lang,
tables => {
'branches' => $library->unblessed,
'borrowers' => $patron->unblessed,
'biblio' => $biblionumber,
'biblioitems' => $biblionumber,
'items' => $checkitem,
'reserves' => $hold->unblessed,
) ) {
my $branch_email_address = $library->inbound_email_address;
letter => $letter,
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
message_transport_type => 'email',
to_address => $branch_email_address,
# Send email to patron if syspref is active
if ( C4::Context->preference("EmailPatronWhenHoldIsPlaced") ) {
my $patron = $hold->patron;
if (
my $letter = C4::Letters::GetPreparedLetter(
module => 'reserves',
letter_code => 'HOLDPLACED_PATRON',
branchcode => $branch,
lang => $patron->lang,
tables => {
borrowers => $patron->unblessed,
reserves => $hold->unblessed,
letter => $letter,
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
message_transport_type => 'email',
to_address => $patron->notice_email_address,
Koha::Plugins->call('after_hold_create', $hold);
action => 'place',
payload => { hold => $hold->get_from_storage }
biblio_ids => [ $biblionumber ]
) if C4::Context->preference('RealTimeHoldsQueue');
return $reserve_id;
=head2 CanBookBeReserved
$canReserve = &CanBookBeReserved($borrowernumber, $biblionumber, $branchcode, $params)
if ($canReserve eq 'OK') { #We can reserve this Item! }
$params are passed directly through to CanItemBeReserved
See CanItemBeReserved() for possible return values.
sub CanBookBeReserved{
my ($borrowernumber, $biblionumber, $pickup_branchcode, $params) = @_;
# Check that patron have not checked out this biblio (if AllowHoldsOnPatronsPossessions set)
if ( !C4::Context->preference('AllowHoldsOnPatronsPossessions')
&& C4::Circulation::CheckIfIssuedToPatron( $borrowernumber, $biblionumber ) ) {
return { status =>'alreadypossession' };
if ( $params->{itemtype} ) {
# biblio-level, item type-contrained
my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find($borrowernumber);
my $reservesallowed = Koha::CirculationRules->get_effective_rule(
itemtype => $params->{itemtype},
categorycode => $patron->categorycode,
branchcode => $pickup_branchcode,
rule_name => 'reservesallowed',
$reservesallowed = ( $reservesallowed eq '' ) ? undef : $reservesallowed;
my $count = $patron->holds->search(
'-or' => [
{ 'me.itemtype' => $params->{itemtype} },
{ 'item.itype' => $params->{itemtype} }
join => ['item']
return { status => '' }
if defined $reservesallowed and $reservesallowed < $count + 1;
my $items;
#get items linked via host records
my @hostitemnumbers = get_hostitemnumbers_of($biblionumber);
if (@hostitemnumbers){
$items = Koha::Items->search({
-or => [
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
itemnumber => { -in => @hostitemnumbers }
} else {
$items = Koha::Items->search({ biblionumber => $biblionumber});
my $canReserve = { status => '' };
my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find( $borrowernumber );
while ( my $item = $items->next ) {
$canReserve = CanItemBeReserved( $patron, $item, $pickup_branchcode, $params );
return { status => 'OK' } if $canReserve->{status} eq 'OK';
return $canReserve;
=head2 CanItemBeReserved
$canReserve = &CanItemBeReserved($patron, $item, $branchcode, $params)
if ($canReserve->{status} eq 'OK') { #We can reserve this Item! }
current params are:
'ignore_hold_counts' - we use this routine to check if an item can fill a hold - on this case we
should not check if there are too many holds as we only care about reservability
@RETURNS { status => OK }, if the Item can be reserved.
{ status => ageRestricted }, if the Item is age restricted for this borrower.
{ status => damaged }, if the Item is damaged.
{ status => cannotReserveFromOtherBranches }, if syspref 'canreservefromotherbranches' is OK.
{ status => branchNotInHoldGroup }, if borrower home library is not in hold group, and holds are only allowed from hold groups.
{ status => tooManyReserves, limit => $limit }, if the borrower has exceeded their maximum reserve amount.
{ status => notReservable }, if holds on this item are not allowed
{ status => libraryNotFound }, if given branchcode is not an existing library
{ status => libraryNotPickupLocation }, if given branchcode is not configured to be a pickup location
{ status => cannotBeTransferred }, if branch transfer limit applies on given item and branchcode
{ status => pickupNotInHoldGroup }, pickup location is not in hold group, and pickup locations are only allowed from hold groups.
{ status => recall }, if the borrower has already placed a recall on this item
our $CanItemBeReserved_cache_key;
sub _cache {
my ( $return ) = @_;
my $memory_cache = Koha::Cache::Memory::Lite->get_instance();
$memory_cache->set_in_cache( $CanItemBeReserved_cache_key, $return );
return $return;
sub CanItemBeReserved {
my ( $patron, $item, $pickup_branchcode, $params ) = @_;
my $memory_cache = Koha::Cache::Memory::Lite->get_instance();
$CanItemBeReserved_cache_key = sprintf "Hold_CanItemBeReserved:%s:%s:%s", $patron->borrowernumber, $item->itemnumber, $pickup_branchcode || "";
if ( $params->{get_from_cache} ) {
my $cached = $memory_cache->get_from_cache($CanItemBeReserved_cache_key);
return $cached if $cached;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $ruleitemtype; # itemtype of the matching issuing rule
my $allowedreserves = 0; # Total number of holds allowed across all records, default to none
# We check item branch if IndependentBranches is ON
# and canreservefromotherbranches is OFF
if ( C4::Context->preference('IndependentBranches')
and !C4::Context->preference('canreservefromotherbranches') )
if ( $item->homebranch ne $patron->branchcode ) {
return _cache { status => 'cannotReserveFromOtherBranches' };
# If an item is damaged and we don't allow holds on damaged items, we can stop right here
return _cache { status =>'damaged' }
if ( $item->damaged
&& !C4::Context->preference('AllowHoldsOnDamagedItems') );
if( GetMarcFromKohaField('biblioitems.agerestriction') ){
my $biblio = $item->biblio;
# Check for the age restriction
my $ageRestriction = C4::Circulation::GetAgeRestriction( $biblio->biblioitem->agerestriction );
return _cache { status => 'ageRestricted' } if $ageRestriction && $patron->dateofbirth && $ageRestriction > $patron->get_age();
# Check that the patron doesn't have an item level hold on this item already
return _cache { status =>'itemAlreadyOnHold' }
if ( !$params->{ignore_hold_counts} && Koha::Holds->search( { borrowernumber => $patron->borrowernumber, itemnumber => $item->itemnumber } )->count() );
# Check that patron have not checked out this biblio (if AllowHoldsOnPatronsPossessions set)
if ( !C4::Context->preference('AllowHoldsOnPatronsPossessions')
&& C4::Circulation::CheckIfIssuedToPatron( $patron->borrowernumber, $item->biblionumber ) ) {
return _cache { status =>'alreadypossession' };
# check if a recall exists on this item from this borrower
return _cache { status => 'recall' }
if $patron->recalls->filter_by_current->search({ item_id => $item->itemnumber })->count;
my $controlbranch = C4::Context->preference('ReservesControlBranch');
my $reserves_control_branch;
my $branchfield = "reserves.branchcode";
if ( $controlbranch eq "ItemHomeLibrary" ) {
$branchfield = "items.homebranch";
$reserves_control_branch = $item->homebranch;
elsif ( $controlbranch eq "PatronLibrary" ) {
$branchfield = "borrowers.branchcode";
$reserves_control_branch = $patron->branchcode;
# we retrieve rights
if (
my $reservesallowed = Koha::CirculationRules->get_effective_rule({
itemtype => $item->effective_itemtype,
categorycode => $patron->categorycode,
branchcode => $reserves_control_branch,
rule_name => 'reservesallowed',
) {
$ruleitemtype = $reservesallowed->itemtype;
$allowedreserves = $reservesallowed->rule_value // 0; #undefined is 0, blank is unlimited
else {
$ruleitemtype = undef;
my $rights = Koha::CirculationRules->get_effective_rules({
categorycode => $patron->categorycode,
itemtype => $item->effective_itemtype,
branchcode => $reserves_control_branch,
rules => ['holds_per_record','holds_per_day']
my $holds_per_record = $rights->{holds_per_record} // 1;
my $holds_per_day = $rights->{holds_per_day};
if ( defined $holds_per_record && $holds_per_record ne '' ){
if ( $holds_per_record == 0 ) {
return _cache { status => "noReservesAllowed" };
if ( !$params->{ignore_hold_counts} ) {
my $search_params = {
borrowernumber => $patron->borrowernumber,
biblionumber => $item->biblionumber,
my $holds = Koha::Holds->search($search_params);
return _cache { status => "tooManyHoldsForThisRecord", limit => $holds_per_record } if $holds->count() >= $holds_per_record;
if (!$params->{ignore_hold_counts} && defined $holds_per_day && $holds_per_day ne '')
my $today_holds = Koha::Holds->search({
borrowernumber => $patron->borrowernumber,
reservedate => dt_from_string->date
return _cache { status => 'tooManyReservesToday', limit => $holds_per_day } if $today_holds->count() >= $holds_per_day;
# we check if it's ok or not
if ( defined $allowedreserves && $allowedreserves ne '' ){
if( $allowedreserves == 0 ){
return _cache { status => 'noReservesAllowed' };
if ( !$params->{ignore_hold_counts} ) {
# we retrieve count
my $querycount = q{
SELECT count(*) AS count
FROM reserves
LEFT JOIN items USING (itemnumber)
LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON (reserves.biblionumber=biblioitems.biblionumber)
LEFT JOIN borrowers USING (borrowernumber)
WHERE borrowernumber = ?
$querycount .= "AND ( $branchfield = ? OR $branchfield IS NULL )";
# If using item-level itypes, fall back to the record
# level itemtype if the hold has no associated item
if ( defined $ruleitemtype ) {
if ( C4::Context->preference('item-level_itypes') ) {
$querycount .= q{
AND ( COALESCE( items.itype, biblioitems.itemtype ) = ?
OR reserves.itemtype = ? )
else {
$querycount .= q{
AND ( biblioitems.itemtype = ?
OR reserves.itemtype = ? )
my $sthcount = $dbh->prepare($querycount);
if ( defined $ruleitemtype ) {
$sthcount->execute( $patron->borrowernumber, $reserves_control_branch, $ruleitemtype, $ruleitemtype );
else {
$sthcount->execute( $patron->borrowernumber, $reserves_control_branch );
my $reservecount = "0";
if ( my $rowcount = $sthcount->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
$reservecount = $rowcount->{count};
return _cache { status => 'tooManyReserves', limit => $allowedreserves } if $reservecount >= $allowedreserves;
# Now we need to check hold limits by patron category
my $rule = Koha::CirculationRules->get_effective_rule(
categorycode => $patron->categorycode,
branchcode => $reserves_control_branch,
rule_name => 'max_holds',
if (!$params->{ignore_hold_counts} && $rule && defined( $rule->rule_value ) && $rule->rule_value ne '' ) {
my $total_holds_count = Koha::Holds->search(
borrowernumber => $patron->borrowernumber
return _cache { status => 'tooManyReserves', limit => $rule->rule_value} if $total_holds_count >= $rule->rule_value;
my $branchitemrule =
C4::Circulation::GetBranchItemRule( $reserves_control_branch, $item->effective_itemtype );
if ( $branchitemrule->{holdallowed} eq 'not_allowed' ) {
return _cache { status => 'notReservable' };
if ( $branchitemrule->{holdallowed} eq 'from_home_library'
&& $patron->branchcode ne $item->homebranch )
return _cache { status => 'cannotReserveFromOtherBranches' };
my $item_library = Koha::Libraries->find( {branchcode => $item->homebranch} );
if ( $branchitemrule->{holdallowed} eq 'from_local_hold_group') {
if($patron->branchcode ne $item->homebranch && !$item_library->validate_hold_sibling( {branchcode => $patron->branchcode} )) {
return _cache { status => 'branchNotInHoldGroup' };
if ($pickup_branchcode) {
my $destination = Koha::Libraries->find({
branchcode => $pickup_branchcode,
unless ($destination) {
return _cache { status => 'libraryNotFound' };
unless ($destination->pickup_location) {
return _cache { status => 'libraryNotPickupLocation' };
unless ($item->can_be_transferred({ to => $destination })) {
return _cache { status => 'cannotBeTransferred' };
if ($branchitemrule->{hold_fulfillment_policy} eq 'holdgroup' && !$item_library->validate_hold_sibling( {branchcode => $pickup_branchcode} )) {
return _cache { status => 'pickupNotInHoldGroup' };
if ($branchitemrule->{hold_fulfillment_policy} eq 'patrongroup' && !Koha::Libraries->find({branchcode => $patron->branchcode})->validate_hold_sibling({branchcode => $pickup_branchcode})) {
return _cache { status => 'pickupNotInHoldGroup' };
return _cache { status => 'OK' };
=head2 ChargeReserveFee
$fee = ChargeReserveFee( $borrowernumber, $fee, $title );
Charge the fee for a reserve (if $fee > 0)
sub ChargeReserveFee {
my ( $borrowernumber, $fee, $title ) = @_;
return if !$fee || $fee == 0; # the last test is needed to include 0.00
Koha::Account->new( { patron_id => $borrowernumber } )->add_debit(
amount => $fee,
description => $title,
note => undef,
user_id => C4::Context->userenv ? C4::Context->userenv->{'number'} : undef,
library_id => C4::Context->userenv ? C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'} : undef,
interface => C4::Context->interface,
invoice_type => undef,
type => 'RESERVE',
item_id => undef
=head2 GetReserveFee
$fee = GetReserveFee( $borrowernumber, $biblionumber );
Calculate the fee for a reserve (if applicable).
sub GetReserveFee {
my ( $borrowernumber, $biblionumber ) = @_;
my $borquery = qq{
SELECT reservefee FROM borrowers LEFT JOIN categories ON borrowers.categorycode = categories.categorycode WHERE borrowernumber = ?
my $issue_qry = qq{
LEFT JOIN issues USING (itemnumber)
WHERE items.biblionumber=? AND issues.issue_id IS NULL
my $holds_qry = qq{
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM reserves WHERE biblionumber=? AND borrowernumber<>?
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my ( $fee ) = $dbh->selectrow_array( $borquery, undef, ($borrowernumber) );
$fee += 0;
my $hold_fee_mode = C4::Context->preference('HoldFeeMode') || 'not_always';
if( $fee and $fee > 0 and $hold_fee_mode eq 'not_always' ) {
# This is a reconstruction of the old code:
# Compare number of items with items issued, and optionally check holds
# If not all items are issued and there are no holds: charge no fee
# NOTE: Lost, damaged, not-for-loan, etc. are just ignored here
my ( $notissued, $reserved );
( $notissued ) = $dbh->selectrow_array( $issue_qry, undef,
( $biblionumber ) );
if( $notissued == 0 ) {
# all items are issued
( $reserved ) = $dbh->selectrow_array( $holds_qry, undef,
( $biblionumber, $borrowernumber ) );
$fee = 0 if $reserved == 0;
} else {
$fee = 0;
return $fee;
=head2 GetReserveStatus
$reservestatus = GetReserveStatus($itemnumber);
Takes an itemnumber and returns the status of the reserve placed on it.
If several reserves exist, the reserve with the lower priority is given.
## FIXME: I don't think this does what it thinks it does.
## It only ever checks the first reserve result, even though
## multiple reserves for that bib can have the itemnumber set
## the sub is only used once in the codebase.
sub GetReserveStatus {
my ($itemnumber) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my ($sth, $found, $priority);
if ( $itemnumber ) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT found, priority FROM reserves WHERE itemnumber = ? order by priority LIMIT 1");
($found, $priority) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
if(defined $found) {
return 'Waiting' if $found eq 'W' and $priority == 0;
return 'Processing' if $found eq 'P';
return 'Finished' if $found eq 'F';
return 'Reserved' if defined $priority && $priority > 0;
return ''; # empty string here will remove need for checking undef, or less log lines
=head2 CheckReserves
($status, $matched_reserve, $possible_reserves) = &CheckReserves($item);
($status, $matched_reserve, $possible_reserves) = &CheckReserves($item, $lookahead);
Find a book in the reserves.
C<$item> is the book's item.
C<$lookahead> is the number of days to look in advance for future reserves.
As I understand it, C<&CheckReserves> looks for the given item in the
reserves. If it is found, that's a match, and C<$status> is set to
Otherwise, it finds the most important item in the reserves with the
same biblio number as this book (I'm not clear on this) and returns it
with C<$status> set to C<Reserved>.
C<&CheckReserves> returns a two-element list:
C<$status> is either C<Waiting>, C<Reserved> (see above), or 0.
C<$reserve> is the reserve item that matched. It is a
reference-to-hash whose keys are mostly the fields of the reserves
table in the Koha database.
sub CheckReserves {
my ( $item, $lookahead_days, $ignore_borrowers ) = @_;
# note: we get the itemnumber because we might have started w/ just the barcode. Now we know for sure we have it.
return unless $item; # bail if we got nothing.
return if ( $item->damaged && !C4::Context->preference('AllowHoldsOnDamagedItems') );
# if item is not for loan it cannot be reserved either.....
# except where items.notforloan < 0 : This indicates the item is holdable.
my @SkipHoldTrapOnNotForLoanValue = split( '\|', C4::Context->preference('SkipHoldTrapOnNotForLoanValue') );
return if grep { $_ eq $item->notforloan } @SkipHoldTrapOnNotForLoanValue;
my $dont_trap = C4::Context->preference('TrapHoldsOnOrder') ? $item->notforloan > 0 : $item->notforloan;
if ( !$dont_trap ) {
my $item_type = $item->effective_itemtype;
if ( $item_type ) {
return if Koha::ItemTypes->find( $item_type )->notforloan;
else {
# Find this item in the reserves
my @reserves = _Findgroupreserve( $item->biblionumber, $item->itemnumber, $lookahead_days, $ignore_borrowers);
# $priority and $highest are used to find the most important item
# in the list returned by &_Findgroupreserve. (The lower $priority,
# the more important the item.)
# $highest is the most important item we've seen so far.
my $highest;
if (scalar @reserves) {
my $LocalHoldsPriority = C4::Context->preference('LocalHoldsPriority');
my $LocalHoldsPriorityPatronControl = C4::Context->preference('LocalHoldsPriorityPatronControl');
my $LocalHoldsPriorityItemControl = C4::Context->preference('LocalHoldsPriorityItemControl');
my $priority = 10000000;
foreach my $res (@reserves) {
if ($res->{'found'} && $res->{'found'} eq 'W') {
return ( "Waiting", $res, \@reserves ); # Found it, it is waiting
} elsif ($res->{'found'} && $res->{'found'} eq 'P') {
return ( "Processing", $res, \@reserves ); # Found determinated hold, e. g. the transferred one
} elsif ($res->{'found'} && $res->{'found'} eq 'T') {
return ( "Transferred", $res, \@reserves ); # Found determinated hold, e. g. the transferred one
} else {
my $patron;
my $local_hold_match;
if ($LocalHoldsPriority) {
$patron = Koha::Patrons->find( $res->{borrowernumber} );
unless ($item->exclude_from_local_holds_priority || $patron->category->exclude_from_local_holds_priority) {
my $local_holds_priority_item_branchcode =
my $local_holds_priority_patron_branchcode =
( $LocalHoldsPriorityPatronControl eq 'PickupLibrary' )
? $res->{branchcode}
: ( $LocalHoldsPriorityPatronControl eq 'HomeLibrary' )
? $patron->branchcode
: undef;
$local_hold_match =
$local_holds_priority_item_branchcode eq
# See if this item is more important than what we've got so far
if ( ( $res->{'priority'} && $res->{'priority'} < $priority ) || $local_hold_match ) {
next if $res->{item_group_id} && ( !$item->item_group || $item->item_group->id != $res->{item_group_id} );
next if $res->{itemtype} && $res->{itemtype} ne $item->effective_itemtype;
$patron //= Koha::Patrons->find( $res->{borrowernumber} );
my $branch = Koha::Policy::Holds->holds_control_library( $item, $patron );
my $branchitemrule = C4::Circulation::GetBranchItemRule($branch,$item->effective_itemtype);
next if ($branchitemrule->{'holdallowed'} eq 'not_allowed');
next if (($branchitemrule->{'holdallowed'} eq 'from_home_library') && ($item->homebranch ne $patron->branchcode));
my $library = Koha::Libraries->find({branchcode=>$item->homebranch});
next if (($branchitemrule->{'holdallowed'} eq 'from_local_hold_group') && (!$library->validate_hold_sibling({branchcode => $patron->branchcode}) ));
my $hold_fulfillment_policy = $branchitemrule->{hold_fulfillment_policy};
next if ( ($hold_fulfillment_policy eq 'holdgroup') && (!$library->validate_hold_sibling({branchcode => $res->{branchcode}})) );
next if ( ($hold_fulfillment_policy eq 'homebranch') && ($res->{branchcode} ne $item->$hold_fulfillment_policy) );
next if ( ($hold_fulfillment_policy eq 'holdingbranch') && ($res->{branchcode} ne $item->$hold_fulfillment_policy) );
next unless $item->can_be_transferred( { to => Koha::Libraries->find( $res->{branchcode} ) } );
$priority = $res->{'priority'};
$highest = $res;
last if $local_hold_match;
# If we get this far, then no exact match was found.
# We return the most important (i.e. next) reservation.
if ($highest) {
$highest->{'itemnumber'} = $item->itemnumber;
return ( "Reserved", $highest, \@reserves );
return ( '' );
=head2 CancelExpiredReserves
Cancels all reserves with an expiration date from before today.
sub CancelExpiredReserves {
my $cancellation_reason = shift;
my $today = dt_from_string();
my $cancel_on_holidays = C4::Context->preference('ExpireReservesOnHolidays');
my $expireWaiting = C4::Context->preference('ExpireReservesMaxPickUpDelay');
my $dtf = Koha::Database->new->schema->storage->datetime_parser;
my $params = {
-or => [
{ expirationdate => { '<', $dtf->format_date($today) } },
{ patron_expiration_date => { '<' => $dtf->format_date($today) } }
$params->{found} = [ { '!=', 'W' }, undef ] unless $expireWaiting;
# FIXME To move to Koha::Holds->search_expired (?)
my $holds = Koha::Holds->search( $params );
while ( my $hold = $holds->next ) {
my $calendar = Koha::Calendar->new( branchcode => $hold->branchcode );
next if !$cancel_on_holidays && $calendar->is_holiday( $today );
my $cancel_params = {};
$cancel_params->{cancellation_reason} = $cancellation_reason if defined($cancellation_reason);
if ( defined($hold->found) && $hold->found eq 'W' ) {
$cancel_params->{charge_cancel_fee} = 1;
$cancel_params->{autofill} = C4::Context->preference('ExpireReservesAutoFill');
$hold->cancel( $cancel_params );
=head2 AutoUnsuspendReserves
Unsuspends all suspended reserves with a suspend_until date from before today.
sub AutoUnsuspendReserves {
my $today = dt_from_string();
my @holds = Koha::Holds->search( { suspend_until => { '<=' => $today->ymd() } } )->as_list;
map { $_->resume() } @holds;
=head2 ModReserve
ModReserve({ rank => $rank,
reserve_id => $reserve_id,
branchcode => $branchcode
[, itemnumber => $itemnumber ]
[, biblionumber => $biblionumber, $borrowernumber => $borrowernumber ]
Change a hold request's priority or cancel it.
C<$rank> specifies the effect of the change. If C<$rank>
is 'n', nothing happens. This corresponds to leaving a
request alone when changing its priority in the holds queue
for a bib.
If C<$rank> is 'del', the hold request is cancelled.
If C<$rank> is an integer greater than zero, the priority of
the request is set to that value. Since priority != 0 means
that the item is not waiting on the hold shelf, setting the
priority to a non-zero value also sets the request's found
status and waiting date to NULL.
If the hold is 'found' (waiting, in-transit, processing) the
only field that can be updated is the expiration date.
The optional C<$itemnumber> parameter is used only when
C<$rank> is a non-zero integer; if supplied, the itemnumber
of the hold request is set accordingly; if omitted, the itemnumber
is cleared.
B<FIXME:> Note that the forgoing can have the effect of causing
item-level hold requests to turn into title-level requests. This
will be fixed once reserves has separate columns for requested
itemnumber and supplying itemnumber.
sub ModReserve {
my ( $params ) = @_;
my $rank = $params->{'rank'};
my $reserve_id = $params->{'reserve_id'};
my $branchcode = $params->{'branchcode'};
my $itemnumber = $params->{'itemnumber'};
my $suspend_until = $params->{'suspend_until'};
my $borrowernumber = $params->{'borrowernumber'};
my $biblionumber = $params->{'biblionumber'};
my $cancellation_reason = $params->{'cancellation_reason'};
my $date = $params->{expirationdate};
return if defined $rank && $rank eq "n";
return unless ( $reserve_id || ( $borrowernumber && ( $biblionumber || $itemnumber ) ) );
my $hold;
unless ( $reserve_id ) {
my $holds = Koha::Holds->search({ biblionumber => $biblionumber, borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, itemnumber => $itemnumber });
return unless $holds->count; # FIXME Should raise an exception
$hold = $holds->next;
$reserve_id = $hold->reserve_id;
$hold ||= Koha::Holds->find($reserve_id);
# FIXME Other calls may fail
Koha::Exceptions::ObjectNotFound->throw( 'No hold with id ' . $reserve_id ) unless $hold;
my $original = C4::Context->preference('HoldsLog') ? $hold->unblessed : undef;
if ( $rank eq "del" ) {
$hold->cancel({ cancellation_reason => $cancellation_reason });
elsif ($hold->found && $hold->priority eq '0' && $date) {
# The only column that can be updated for a found hold is the expiration date
logaction( 'HOLDS', 'MODIFY', $hold->reserve_id, $hold, undef, $original )
if C4::Context->preference('HoldsLog');
elsif ($rank =~ /^\d+/ and $rank > 0) {
my $properties = {
priority => $rank,
branchcode => $branchcode,
itemnumber => $itemnumber,
found => undef,
waitingdate => undef
if (exists $params->{reservedate}) {
$properties->{reservedate} = $params->{reservedate} || undef;
if (exists $params->{expirationdate}) {
$properties->{expirationdate} = $params->{expirationdate} || undef;
if ( defined( $suspend_until ) ) {
if ( $suspend_until ) {
$hold->suspend_hold( $suspend_until );
} else {
# If the hold is suspended leave the hold suspended, but convert it to an indefinite hold.
# If the hold is not suspended, this does nothing.
$hold->set( { suspend_until => undef } )->store();
_FixPriority( { reserve_id => $reserve_id, rank => $rank } );
logaction( 'HOLDS', 'MODIFY', $hold->reserve_id, $hold, undef, $original )
if C4::Context->preference('HoldsLog');
=head2 ModReserveStatus
&ModReserveStatus($itemnumber, $newstatus);
Update the reserve status for the active (priority=0) reserve.
$itemnumber is the itemnumber the reserve is on
$newstatus is the new status.
sub ModReserveStatus {
#first : check if we have a reservation for this item .
my ($itemnumber, $newstatus) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $query = "UPDATE reserves SET found = ?, waitingdate = NOW() WHERE itemnumber = ? AND found IS NULL AND priority = 0";
my $sth_set = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth_set->execute( $newstatus, $itemnumber );
my $item = Koha::Items->find($itemnumber);
if ( $item->location && $item->location eq 'CART'
&& ( !$item->permanent_location || $item->permanent_location ne 'CART' )
&& $newstatus ) {
CartToShelf( $itemnumber );
=head2 ModReserveAffect
&ModReserveAffect($itemnumber,$borrowernumber,$diffBranchSend,$reserve_id, $desk_id, $notify_library);
This function affect an item and a status for a given reserve, either fetched directly
by record_id, or by borrowernumber and itemnumber or biblionumber. If only biblionumber
is given, only first reserve returned is affected, which is ok for anything but
multi-item holds.
if $transferToDo is not set, then the status is set to "Waiting" as well.
otherwise, a transfer is on the way, and the end of the transfer will
take care of the waiting status
This function also removes any entry of the hold in holds queue table.
sub ModReserveAffect {
my ( $itemnumber, $borrowernumber, $transferToDo, $reserve_id, $desk_id, $notify_library ) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# we want to attach $itemnumber to $borrowernumber, find the biblionumber
# attached to $itemnumber
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT biblionumber FROM items WHERE itemnumber=?");
my ($biblionumber) = $sth->fetchrow;
# get request - need to find out if item is already
# waiting in order to not send duplicate hold filled notifications
my $hold;
# Find hold by id if we have it
$hold = Koha::Holds->find( $reserve_id ) if $reserve_id;
# Find item level hold for this item if there is one
$hold ||= Koha::Holds->search( { borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, itemnumber => $itemnumber } )->next();
# Find record level hold if there is no item level hold
$hold ||= Koha::Holds->search( { borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblionumber } )->next();
return unless $hold;
my $original = $hold->unblessed;
my $already_on_shelf = $hold->found && $hold->found eq 'W';
if ($transferToDo) {
} elsif (C4::Context->preference('HoldsNeedProcessingSIP')
&& C4::Context->interface eq 'sip'
&& !$already_on_shelf) {
} else {
_koha_notify_reserve( $hold->reserve_id ) unless $already_on_shelf;
# Complete transfer if one exists
my $transfer = $hold->item->get_transfer;
$transfer->receive if $transfer;
_koha_notify_hold_changed( $hold ) if $notify_library;
_FixPriority( { biblionumber => $biblionumber } );
my $item = Koha::Items->find($itemnumber);
if ( $item->location && $item->location eq 'CART'
&& ( !$item->permanent_location || $item->permanent_location ne 'CART' ) ) {
CartToShelf( $itemnumber );
my $std = $dbh->prepare(q{
FROM tmp_holdsqueue q
INNER JOIN hold_fill_targets t
ON q.borrowernumber = t.borrowernumber
AND q.biblionumber = t.biblionumber
AND q.itemnumber = t.itemnumber
AND q.item_level_request = t.item_level_request
AND q.holdingbranch = t.source_branchcode
WHERE t.reserve_id = ?
logaction( 'HOLDS', 'MODIFY', $hold->reserve_id, $hold, undef, $original )
if C4::Context->preference('HoldsLog');
=head2 ModReserveCancelAll
($messages,$nextreservinfo) = &ModReserveCancelAll($itemnumber,$borrowernumber,$reason);
function to cancel reserve and check other reserves
sub ModReserveCancelAll {
my $messages;
my $nextreservinfo;
my ( $itemnumber, $borrowernumber, $cancellation_reason ) = @_;
my $item = Koha::Items->find($itemnumber);
#step 1 : cancel the reservation
my $holds = Koha::Holds->search({ itemnumber => $itemnumber, borrowernumber => $borrowernumber });
return unless $holds->count;
$holds->next->cancel({ cancellation_reason => $cancellation_reason });
#step 2 check for other reserves on this item
( undef, $nextreservinfo, undef ) = CheckReserves($item);
if ($nextreservinfo) {
if( $item->holdingbranch ne $nextreservinfo->{'branchcode'} ) {
$messages->{'transfert'} = $nextreservinfo->{'branchcode'};
else {
$messages->{'waiting'} = 1;
return ( $messages, $nextreservinfo->{borrowernumber} );
=head2 ModReserveMinusPriority
Reduce the values of queued list
sub ModReserveMinusPriority {
my ( $itemnumber, $reserve_id ) = @_;
#first step update the value of the first person on reserv
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $query = "
UPDATE reserves
SET priority = 0 , itemnumber = ?
WHERE reserve_id = ?
my $sth_upd = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth_upd->execute( $itemnumber, $reserve_id );
# second step update all others reserves
_FixPriority({ reserve_id => $reserve_id, rank => '0' });
=head2 IsAvailableForItemLevelRequest
my $is_available = IsAvailableForItemLevelRequest( $item_record, $borrower_record, $pickup_branchcode );
Checks whether a given item record is available for an
item-level hold request. An item is available if
* it is not lost AND
* it is not damaged AND
* it is not withdrawn AND
* a waiting or in transit reserve is placed on
* does not have a not for loan value > 0
Need to check the issuingrules onshelfholds column,
if this is set items on the shelf can be placed on hold
Note that IsAvailableForItemLevelRequest() does not
check if the staff operator is authorized to place
a request on the item - in particular,
this routine does not check IndependentBranches
and canreservefromotherbranches.
Note also that this subroutine does not checks smart
rules limits for item by reservesallowed/holds_per_record
values, this complemented in calling code with calls and
checks with CanItemBeReserved or CanBookBeReserved.
sub IsAvailableForItemLevelRequest {
my $item = shift;
my $patron = shift;
my $pickup_branchcode = shift;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# must check the notforloan setting of the itemtype
# FIXME - a lot of places in the code do this
# or something similar - need to be
# consolidated
my $itemtype = $item->effective_itemtype;
return 0
unless defined $itemtype;
my $notforloan_per_itemtype = Koha::ItemTypes->find($itemtype)->notforloan;
return 0 if
$notforloan_per_itemtype ||
$item->itemlost ||
$item->notforloan > 0 || # item with negative or zero notforloan value is holdable
$item->withdrawn ||
($item->damaged && !C4::Context->preference('AllowHoldsOnDamagedItems'));
if ($pickup_branchcode) {
my $destination = Koha::Libraries->find($pickup_branchcode);
return 0 unless $destination;
return 0 unless $destination->pickup_location;
return 0 unless $item->can_be_transferred( { to => $destination } );
my $reserves_control_branch = Koha::Policy::Holds->holds_control_library( $item, $patron );
my $branchitemrule =
C4::Circulation::GetBranchItemRule( $reserves_control_branch, $item->itype );
my $home_library = Koha::Libraries->find( {branchcode => $item->homebranch} );
return 0 unless $branchitemrule->{hold_fulfillment_policy} ne 'holdgroup' || $home_library->validate_hold_sibling( {branchcode => $pickup_branchcode} );
my $on_shelf_holds = Koha::CirculationRules->get_onshelfholds_policy( { item => $item, patron => $patron } );
if ( $on_shelf_holds == 1 ) {
return 1;
} elsif ( $on_shelf_holds == 2 ) {
# These calculations work at the biblio level, and can be expensive
# we use the in-memory cache to avoid calling once per item when looping items on a biblio
my $memory_cache = Koha::Cache::Memory::Lite->get_instance();
my $cache_key = sprintf "ItemsAnyAvailableAndNotRestricted:%s:%s", $patron->id, $item->biblionumber;
my $any_available = $memory_cache->get_from_cache($cache_key);
return $any_available ? 0 : 1 if defined($any_available);
$any_available =
ItemsAnyAvailableAndNotRestricted( { biblionumber => $item->biblionumber, patron => $patron } );
$memory_cache->set_in_cache( $cache_key, $any_available );
return $any_available ? 0 : 1;
} else { # on_shelf_holds == 0 "If any unavailable" (the description is rather cryptic and could still be improved)
return $item->notforloan < 0 || $item->onloan || $item->holds->filter_by_found->count;
=head2 ItemsAnyAvailableAndNotRestricted
ItemsAnyAvailableAndNotRestricted( { biblionumber => $biblionumber, patron => $patron });
This function checks all items for specified biblionumber (numeric) against patron (object)
and returns true (1) if at least one item available for loan/check out/present/not held
and also checks other parameters logic which not restricts item for hold at all (for ex.
AllowHoldsOnDamagedItems or 'holdallowed' own/sibling library)
sub ItemsAnyAvailableAndNotRestricted {
my $param = shift;
my @items = Koha::Items->search( { biblionumber => $param->{biblionumber} } )->as_list;
foreach my $i (@items) {
my $reserves_control_branch = Koha::Policy::Holds->holds_control_library( $i, $param->{patron} );
my $branchitemrule =
C4::Circulation::GetBranchItemRule( $reserves_control_branch, $i->itype );
my $item_library = Koha::Libraries->find( { branchcode => $i->homebranch } );
# we can return (end the loop) when first one found:
return 1
unless $i->itemlost
|| $i->notforloan # items with non-zero notforloan cannot be checked out
|| $i->withdrawn
|| $i->onloan
|| $i->holds->filter_by_found->count
|| ( $i->damaged
&& ! C4::Context->preference('AllowHoldsOnDamagedItems') )
|| Koha::ItemTypes->find( $i->effective_itemtype() )->notforloan
|| $branchitemrule->{holdallowed} eq 'from_home_library' && $param->{patron}->branchcode ne $i->homebranch
|| $branchitemrule->{holdallowed} eq 'from_local_hold_group' && ! $item_library->validate_hold_sibling( { branchcode => $param->{patron}->branchcode } )
|| CanItemBeReserved( $param->{patron}, $i )->{status} ne 'OK';
return 0;
=head2 AlterPriority
AlterPriority( $where, $reserve_id, $prev_priority, $next_priority, $first_priority, $last_priority );
This function changes a reserve's priority up, down, to the top, or to the bottom.
Input: $where is 'up', 'down', 'top' or 'bottom'. Biblionumber, Date reserve was placed
sub AlterPriority {
my ( $where, $reserve_id, $prev_priority, $next_priority, $first_priority, $last_priority ) = @_;
my $hold = Koha::Holds->find( $reserve_id );
return unless $hold;
if ( $hold->cancellationdate ) {
warn "I cannot alter the priority for reserve_id $reserve_id, the reserve has been cancelled (" . $hold->cancellationdate . ')';
if ( $where eq 'up' ) {
return unless $prev_priority;
_FixPriority({ reserve_id => $reserve_id, rank => $prev_priority })
} elsif ( $where eq 'down' ) {
return unless $next_priority;
_FixPriority({ reserve_id => $reserve_id, rank => $next_priority })
} elsif ( $where eq 'top' ) {
_FixPriority({ reserve_id => $reserve_id, rank => $first_priority })
} elsif ( $where eq 'bottom' ) {
_FixPriority({ reserve_id => $reserve_id, rank => $last_priority });
biblio_ids => [ $hold->biblionumber ]
) if C4::Context->preference('RealTimeHoldsQueue');
# FIXME Should return the new priority
=head2 ToggleLowestPriority
ToggleLowestPriority( $borrowernumber, $biblionumber );
This function sets the lowestPriority field to true if is false, and false if it is true.
sub ToggleLowestPriority {
my ( $reserve_id ) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "UPDATE reserves SET lowestPriority = NOT lowestPriority WHERE reserve_id = ?");
$sth->execute( $reserve_id );
_FixPriority({ reserve_id => $reserve_id, rank => '999999' });
=head2 SuspendAll
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
[ biblionumber => $biblionumber, ]
[ suspend_until => $suspend_until, ]
[ suspend => $suspend ]
This function accepts a set of hash keys as its parameters.
It requires either borrowernumber or biblionumber, or both.
suspend_until is wholly optional.
sub SuspendAll {
my %params = @_;
my $borrowernumber = $params{'borrowernumber'} || undef;
my $biblionumber = $params{'biblionumber'} || undef;
my $suspend_until = $params{'suspend_until'} || undef;
my $suspend = defined( $params{'suspend'} ) ? $params{'suspend'} : 1;
return unless ( $borrowernumber || $biblionumber );
my $params;
$params->{found} = undef;
$params->{borrowernumber} = $borrowernumber if $borrowernumber;
$params->{biblionumber} = $biblionumber if $biblionumber;
my @holds = Koha::Holds->search($params)->as_list;
if ($suspend) {
map { $_->suspend_hold($suspend_until) } @holds;
else {
map { $_->resume() } @holds;
=head2 _FixPriority
reserve_id => $reserve_id,
[rank => $rank,]
[ignoreSetLowestRank => $ignoreSetLowestRank]
_FixPriority({ biblionumber => $biblionumber});
This routine adjusts the priority of a hold request and holds
on the same bib.
In the first form, where a reserve_id is passed, the priority of the
hold is set to supplied rank, and other holds for that bib are adjusted
accordingly. If the rank is "del", the hold is cancelled. If no rank
is supplied, all of the holds on that bib have their priority adjusted
as if the second form had been used.
In the second form, where a biblionumber is passed, the holds on that
bib (that are not captured) are sorted in order of increasing priority,
then have reserves.priority set so that the first non-captured hold
has its priority set to 1, the second non-captured hold has its priority
set to 2, and so forth.
In both cases, holds that have the lowestPriority flag on are have their
priority adjusted to ensure that they remain at the end of the line.
Note that the ignoreSetLowestRank parameter is meant to be used only
when _FixPriority calls itself.
sub _FixPriority {
my ( $params ) = @_;
my $reserve_id = $params->{reserve_id};
my $rank = $params->{rank} // '';
my $ignoreSetLowestRank = $params->{ignoreSetLowestRank};
my $biblionumber = $params->{biblionumber};
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $hold;
if ( $reserve_id ) {
$hold = Koha::Holds->find( $reserve_id );
if (!defined $hold){
# may have already been checked out and hold fulfilled
require Koha::Old::Holds;
$hold = Koha::Old::Holds->find( $reserve_id );
return unless $hold;
unless ( $biblionumber ) { # FIXME This is a very weird API
$biblionumber = $hold->biblionumber;
if ( $rank eq "del" ) { # FIXME will crash if called without $hold
elsif ( $reserve_id && ( $rank eq "W" || $rank eq "0" ) ) {
# make sure priority for waiting or in-transit items is 0
my $query = "
UPDATE reserves
SET priority = 0
WHERE reserve_id = ?
AND found IN ('W', 'T', 'P')
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute( $reserve_id );
my @priority;
# get whats left
my $query = "
SELECT reserve_id, borrowernumber, reservedate
FROM reserves
WHERE biblionumber = ?
AND ((found <> 'W' AND found <> 'T' AND found <> 'P') OR found IS NULL)
ORDER BY priority ASC
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute( $biblionumber );
while ( my $line = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
push( @priority, $line );
# FIXME This whole sub must be rewritten, especially to highlight what is done when reserve_id is not given
# To find the matching index
my $i;
my $key = -1; # to allow for 0 to be a valid result
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < @priority ; $i++ ) {
if ( $reserve_id && $reserve_id == $priority[$i]->{'reserve_id'} ) {
$key = $i; # save the index
# if index exists in array then move it to new position
if ( $key > -1 && $rank ne 'del' && $rank > 0 ) {
my $new_rank = $rank - 1; # $new_rank is what you want the new index to be in the array
my $moving_item = splice( @priority, $key, 1 );
$new_rank = scalar @priority if $new_rank > scalar @priority;
splice( @priority, $new_rank, 0, $moving_item );
# now fix the priority on those that are left....
$query = "
UPDATE reserves
SET priority = ?
WHERE reserve_id = ?
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
for ( my $j = 0 ; $j < @priority ; $j++ ) {
$j + 1,
unless ( $ignoreSetLowestRank ) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT reserve_id FROM reserves WHERE lowestPriority = 1 AND biblionumber = ? ORDER BY priority" );
while ( my $res = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
reserve_id => $res->{'reserve_id'},
rank => '999999',
ignoreSetLowestRank => 1
=head2 _Findgroupreserve
@results = &_Findgroupreserve($biblionumber, $itemnumber, $lookahead, $ignore_borrowers);
Looks for a holds-queue based item-specific match first, then for a holds-queue title-level match, returning the
first match found. If neither, then we look for non-holds-queue based holds.
Lookahead is the number of days to look in advance.
C<&_Findgroupreserve> returns :
C<@results> is an array of references-to-hash whose keys are mostly
fields from the reserves table of the Koha database, plus
This routine with either return:
1 - Item specific holds from the holds queue
2 - Title level holds from the holds queue
3 - All holds for this biblionumber
All return values will respect any borrowernumbers passed as arrayref in $ignore_borrowers
sub _Findgroupreserve {
my ( $biblionumber, $itemnumber, $lookahead, $ignore_borrowers) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# check for targeted match form the holds queue
my $hold_target_query = qq{
SELECT reserves.biblionumber AS biblionumber,
reserves.borrowernumber AS borrowernumber,
reserves.reservedate AS reservedate,
reserves.branchcode AS branchcode,
reserves.cancellationdate AS cancellationdate,
reserves.found AS found,
reserves.reservenotes AS reservenotes,
reserves.priority AS priority,
reserves.timestamp AS timestamp,
biblioitems.biblioitemnumber AS biblioitemnumber,
reserves.itemnumber AS itemnumber,
reserves.reserve_id AS reserve_id,
reserves.itemtype AS itemtype,
reserves.non_priority AS non_priority,
reserves.item_group_id AS item_group_id
FROM reserves
JOIN biblioitems USING (biblionumber)
JOIN hold_fill_targets USING (reserve_id)
AND priority > 0
AND hold_fill_targets.itemnumber = ?
AND reservedate <= DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL ? DAY)
AND suspend = 0
ORDER BY priority
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($hold_target_query);
$sth->execute($itemnumber, $lookahead||0);
my @results;
if ( my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
push( @results, $data )
unless any{ $data->{borrowernumber} eq $_ } @$ignore_borrowers ;
return @results if @results;
my $query = qq{
SELECT reserves.biblionumber AS biblionumber,
reserves.borrowernumber AS borrowernumber,
reserves.reservedate AS reservedate,
reserves.waitingdate AS waitingdate,
reserves.branchcode AS branchcode,
reserves.cancellationdate AS cancellationdate,
reserves.found AS found,
reserves.reservenotes AS reservenotes,
reserves.priority AS priority,
reserves.timestamp AS timestamp,
reserves.itemnumber AS itemnumber,
reserves.reserve_id AS reserve_id,
reserves.itemtype AS itemtype,
reserves.non_priority AS non_priority,
reserves.item_group_id AS item_group_id
FROM reserves
WHERE reserves.biblionumber = ?
AND (reserves.itemnumber IS NULL OR reserves.itemnumber = ?)
AND reserves.reservedate <= DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL ? DAY)
AND suspend = 0
ORDER BY priority
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute( $biblionumber, $itemnumber, $lookahead||0);
@results = ();
while ( my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
push( @results, $data )
unless any{ $data->{borrowernumber} eq $_ } @$ignore_borrowers ;
return @results;
=head2 _koha_notify_reserve
_koha_notify_reserve( $hold->reserve_id );
Sends a notification to the patron that their hold has been filled (through
The letter code for this notice may be found using the following query:
select distinct letter_code
from message_transports
inner join message_attributes using (message_attribute_id)
where message_name = 'Hold_Filled'
This will probably sipmly be 'HOLD', but because it is defined in the database,
it is subject to addition or change.
The following tables are availalbe witin the notice:
sub _koha_notify_reserve {
my $reserve_id = shift;
my $hold = Koha::Holds->find($reserve_id);
my $borrowernumber = $hold->borrowernumber;
my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find( $borrowernumber );
# Try to get the borrower's email address
my $to_address = $patron->notice_email_address;
my $messagingprefs = C4::Members::Messaging::GetMessagingPreferences( {
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
message_name => 'Hold_Filled'
} );
my $library = Koha::Libraries->find( $hold->branchcode );
my $from_email_address = $library->from_email_address;
my $reply_email_address = $library->inbound_email_address;
my %letter_params = (
module => 'reserves',
branchcode => $hold->branchcode,
lang => $patron->lang,
tables => {
'branches' => $library->unblessed,
'borrowers' => $patron->unblessed,
'biblio' => $hold->biblionumber,
'biblioitems' => $hold->biblionumber,
'reserves' => $hold->unblessed,
'items' => $hold->itemnumber,
my $notification_sent = 0; #Keeping track if a Hold_filled message is sent. If no message can be sent, then default to a print message.
my $do_not_lock = ( exists $ENV{_} && $ENV{_} =~ m|prove| ) || $ENV{KOHA_TESTING};
my $send_notification = sub {
my ( $mtt, $letter_code, $wants_digest ) = (@_);
return unless defined $letter_code;
$letter_params{letter_code} = $letter_code;
$letter_params{message_transport_type} = $mtt;
my $letter = C4::Letters::GetPreparedLetter(%letter_params);
unless ($letter) {
warn "Could not find a letter called '$letter_params{'letter_code'}' for $mtt in the 'reserves' module";
unless ($wants_digest) {
letter => $letter,
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
from_address => $from_email_address,
reply_address => $reply_email_address,
message_transport_type => $mtt,
} else {
C4::Context->dbh->do(q|LOCK TABLE message_queue READ|) unless $do_not_lock;
C4::Context->dbh->do(q|LOCK TABLE message_queue WRITE|) unless $do_not_lock;
my $message = C4::Message->find_last_message( $patron->unblessed, $letter_code, $mtt );
unless ($message) {
C4::Context->dbh->do(q|UNLOCK TABLES|) unless $do_not_lock;
C4::Message->enqueue( $letter, $patron, $mtt );
} else {
C4::Context->dbh->do(q|UNLOCK TABLES|) unless $do_not_lock;
while ( my ( $mtt, $letter_code ) = each %{ $messagingprefs->{transports} } ) {
next if (
( $mtt eq 'email' and not $to_address ) # No email address
or ( $mtt eq 'sms' and not $patron->smsalertnumber ) # No SMS number
or ( $mtt eq 'itiva' and C4::Context->preference('TalkingTechItivaPhoneNotification') ) # Notice is handled by TalkingTech_itiva_outbound.pl
or ( $mtt eq 'phone' and not $patron->phone ) # No phone number to call
&$send_notification($mtt, $letter_code, $messagingprefs->{wants_digest});
#Making sure that a print notification is sent if no other transport types can be utilized.
if (! $notification_sent) {
&$send_notification('print', 'HOLD');
=head2 _koha_notify_hold_changed
_koha_notify_hold_changed( $hold_object );
sub _koha_notify_hold_changed {
my $hold = shift;
my $patron = $hold->patron;
my $library = $hold->branch;
my $letter = C4::Letters::GetPreparedLetter(
module => 'reserves',
letter_code => 'HOLD_CHANGED',
branchcode => $hold->branchcode,
substitute => { today => output_pref( dt_from_string ) },
tables => {
'branches' => $library->unblessed,
'borrowers' => $patron->unblessed,
'biblio' => $hold->biblionumber,
'biblioitems' => $hold->biblionumber,
'reserves' => $hold->unblessed,
'items' => $hold->itemnumber,
return unless $letter;
my $email =
|| $library->inbound_email_address;
letter => $letter,
borrowernumber => $patron->id,
message_transport_type => 'email',
from_address => $library->from_email_address,
to_address => $email,
=head2 _ShiftPriority
$new_priority = _ShiftPriority( $biblionumber, $priority );
This increments the priority of all reserves after the one
with either the lowest date after C<$reservedate>
or the lowest priority after C<$priority>.
It effectively makes room for a new reserve to be inserted with a certain
priority, which is returned.
This is most useful when the reservedate can be set by the user. It allows
the new reserve to be placed before other reserves that have a later
reservedate. Since priority also is set by the form in reserves/request.pl
the sub accounts for that too.
sub _ShiftPriority {
my ( $biblio, $new_priority ) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $query = "SELECT priority FROM reserves WHERE biblionumber = ? AND priority > ? ORDER BY priority ASC LIMIT 1";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $query );
$sth->execute( $biblio, $new_priority );
my $min_priority = $sth->fetchrow;
# if no such matches are found, $new_priority remains as original value
$new_priority = $min_priority if ( $min_priority );
# Shift the priority up by one; works in conjunction with the next SQL statement
$query = "UPDATE reserves
SET priority = priority+1
WHERE biblionumber = ?
AND borrowernumber = ?
AND reservedate = ?
AND found IS NULL";
my $sth_update = $dbh->prepare( $query );
# Select all reserves for the biblio with priority greater than $new_priority, and order greatest to least
$query = "SELECT borrowernumber, reservedate FROM reserves WHERE priority >= ? AND biblionumber = ? ORDER BY priority DESC";
$sth = $dbh->prepare( $query );
$sth->execute( $new_priority, $biblio );
while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
$sth_update->execute( $biblio, $row->{borrowernumber}, $row->{reservedate} );
return $new_priority; # so the caller knows what priority they wind up receiving
=head2 MoveReserve
MoveReserve( $itemnumber, $borrowernumber, $cancelreserve )
Use when checking out an item to handle reserves
If $cancelreserve boolean is set to true, it will remove existing reserve
sub MoveReserve {
my ( $itemnumber, $borrowernumber, $cancelreserve ) = @_;
$cancelreserve //= 0;
my $lookahead = C4::Context->preference('ConfirmFutureHolds'); #number of days to look for future holds
my $item = Koha::Items->find($itemnumber);
my ( $restype, $res, undef ) = CheckReserves( $item, $lookahead );
return unless $res;
my $biblionumber = $res->{biblionumber};
if ($res->{borrowernumber} == $borrowernumber) {
my $hold = Koha::Holds->find( $res->{reserve_id} );
$hold->fill({ item_id => $itemnumber });
else {
# warn "Reserved";
# The item is reserved by someone else.
# Find this item in the reserves
my $borr_res = Koha::Holds->search({
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
order_by => 'priority'
if ( $borr_res ) {
# The item is reserved by the current patron
$borr_res->fill({ item_id => $itemnumber });
if ( $cancelreserve eq 'revert' ) { ## Revert waiting reserve to priority 1
RevertWaitingStatus({ itemnumber => $itemnumber });
elsif ( $cancelreserve eq 'cancel' || $cancelreserve ) { # cancel reserves on this item
my $hold = Koha::Holds->find( $res->{reserve_id} );
=head2 MergeHolds
MergeHolds($dbh,$to_biblio, $from_biblio);
This shifts the holds from C<$from_biblio> to C<$to_biblio> and reorders them by the date they were placed
sub MergeHolds {
my ( $dbh, $to_biblio, $from_biblio ) = @_;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
"SELECT count(*) as reserve_count FROM reserves WHERE biblionumber = ?"
if ( my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
# holds exist on old record, if not we don't need to do anything
$sth = $dbh->prepare(
"UPDATE reserves SET biblionumber = ? WHERE biblionumber = ?");
$sth->execute( $to_biblio, $from_biblio );
# Reorder by date
# don't reorder those already waiting
$sth = $dbh->prepare(
"SELECT * FROM reserves WHERE biblionumber = ? AND (found NOT IN ('W', 'T', 'P') OR found is NULL) ORDER BY reservedate ASC"
my $upd_sth = $dbh->prepare(
"UPDATE reserves SET priority = ? WHERE biblionumber = ? AND borrowernumber = ?
AND reservedate = ? AND (itemnumber = ? or itemnumber is NULL) "
$sth->execute( $to_biblio );
my $priority = 1;
while ( my $reserve = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
$priority, $to_biblio,
$reserve->{'borrowernumber'}, $reserve->{'reservedate'},
=head2 RevertWaitingStatus
RevertWaitingStatus({ itemnumber => $itemnumber });
Reverts a 'waiting' hold back to a regular hold with a priority of 1.
Caveat: Any waiting hold fixed with RevertWaitingStatus will be an
item level hold, even if it was only a bibliolevel hold to
begin with. This is because we can no longer know if a hold
was item-level or bib-level after a hold has been set to
waiting status.
sub RevertWaitingStatus {
my ( $params ) = @_;
my $itemnumber = $params->{'itemnumber'};
return unless ( $itemnumber );
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
## Get the waiting reserve we want to revert
my $hold = Koha::Holds->search(
itemnumber => $itemnumber,
found => { not => undef },
my $original = C4::Context->preference('HoldsLog') ? $hold->unblessed : undef;
## Increment the priority of all other non-waiting
## reserves for this bib record
my $holds = Koha::Holds->search({ biblionumber => $hold->biblionumber, priority => { '>' => 0 } })
->update({ priority => \'priority + 1' }, { no_triggers => 1 });
## Fix up the currently waiting reserve
priority => 1,
found => undef,
waitingdate => undef,
expirationdate => $hold->patron_expiration_date,
itemnumber => $hold->item_level_hold ? $hold->itemnumber : undef,
)->store( { hold_reverted => 1 } );
logaction( 'HOLDS', 'MODIFY', $hold->id, $hold, undef, $original )
if C4::Context->preference('HoldsLog');
_FixPriority( { biblionumber => $hold->biblionumber } );
biblio_ids => [ $hold->biblionumber ]
) if C4::Context->preference('RealTimeHoldsQueue');
return $hold;
=head2 ReserveSlip
branchcode => $branchcode,
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
[ itemnumber => $itemnumber, ]
[ barcode => $barcode, ]
Returns letter hash ( see C4::Letters::GetPreparedLetter ) or undef
The letter code will be HOLD_SLIP, and the following tables are
available within the slip:
sub ReserveSlip {
my ($args) = @_;
my $branchcode = $args->{branchcode};
my $reserve_id = $args->{reserve_id};
my $itemnumber = $args->{itemnumber};
my $hold = Koha::Holds->find($reserve_id);
return unless $hold;
my $patron = $hold->borrower;
my $reserve = $hold->unblessed;
return C4::Letters::GetPreparedLetter (
module => 'circulation',
letter_code => 'HOLD_SLIP',
branchcode => $branchcode,
lang => $patron->lang,
tables => {
'reserves' => $reserve,
'branches' => $reserve->{branchcode},
'borrowers' => $reserve->{borrowernumber},
'biblio' => $reserve->{biblionumber},
'biblioitems' => $reserve->{biblionumber},
'items' => $reserve->{itemnumber} || $itemnumber,
=head2 CalculatePriority
my $p = CalculatePriority($biblionumber, $resdate);
Calculate priority for a new reserve on biblionumber, placing it at
the end of the line of all holds whose start date falls before
the current system time and that are neither on the hold shelf
or in transit.
The reserve date parameter is optional; if it is supplied, the
priority is based on the set of holds whose start date falls before
the parameter value.
After calculation of this priority, it is recommended to call
_ShiftPriority. Note that this is currently done in
sub CalculatePriority {
my ( $biblionumber, $resdate ) = @_;
my $sql = q{
WHERE biblionumber = ?
AND priority > 0
AND (found IS NULL OR found = '')
#skip found==W or found==T or found==P (waiting, transit or processing holds)
if( $resdate ) {
$sql.= ' AND ( reservedate <= ? )';
else {
$sql.= ' AND ( reservedate < NOW() )';
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh();
my @row = $dbh->selectrow_array(
$resdate ? ($biblionumber, $resdate) : ($biblionumber)
return @row ? $row[0]+1 : 1;
=head2 GetMaxPatronHoldsForRecord
my $holds_per_record = ReservesControlBranch( $borrowernumber, $biblionumber );
For multiple holds on a given record for a given patron, the max
number of record level holds that a patron can be placed is the highest
value of the holds_per_record rule for each item if the record for that
patron. This subroutine finds and returns the highest holds_per_record
rule value for a given patron id and record id.
sub GetMaxPatronHoldsForRecord {
my ( $borrowernumber, $biblionumber ) = @_;
my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find($borrowernumber);
my @items = Koha::Items->search( { biblionumber => $biblionumber } )->as_list;
my $controlbranch = C4::Context->preference('ReservesControlBranch');
my $categorycode = $patron->categorycode;
my $branchcode;
$branchcode = $patron->branchcode if ( $controlbranch eq "PatronLibrary" );
my $max = 0;
foreach my $item (@items) {
my $itemtype = $item->effective_itemtype();
$branchcode = $item->homebranch if ( $controlbranch eq "ItemHomeLibrary" );
my $rule = Koha::CirculationRules->get_effective_rule({
categorycode => $categorycode,
itemtype => $itemtype,
branchcode => $branchcode,
rule_name => 'holds_per_record'
my $holds_per_record = $rule ? $rule->rule_value : 0;
$max = $holds_per_record if $holds_per_record > $max;
return $max;
=head1 AUTHOR
Koha Development Team <http://koha-community.org/>