This patch restores the grouping of orderlines by fund rather than one line per item. It also re-enables the reading of the barcoe, enumchron and coded_location_qualifier fields as well as passing the sort1 and sort2 values to the orderline. It also reintroduces some missed functionality for when MarcItemFieldsToOrder is not passed through and can now create order lines and records for an imported file when this is the case Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <> Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
338 lines
15 KiB
Executable file
338 lines
15 KiB
Executable file
#A script that lets the user populate a basket from an iso2709 file
#the script first displays a list of import batches, then when a batch is selected displays all the biblios in it.
#The user can then pick which biblios they want to order
# Copyright 2008 - 2011 BibLibre SARL
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <>.
use Modern::Perl;
use CGI qw ( -utf8 );
use List::MoreUtils;
use Encode;
use Scalar::Util qw( looks_like_number );
use C4::Context;
use C4::Auth qw( get_template_and_user );
use C4::Output qw( output_html_with_http_headers );
use C4::ImportBatch qw( SetImportBatchStatus );
use C4::Matcher;
use C4::Search qw( FindDuplicate );
use C4::Biblio qw(
use C4::Items qw( PrepareItemrecordDisplay AddItemFromMarc );
use C4::Budgets qw( GetBudget GetBudgets GetBudgetHierarchy CanUserUseBudget );
use C4::Suggestions; # GetSuggestion
use C4::Members;
use Koha::Number::Price;
use Koha::Libraries;
use Koha::Acquisition::Baskets;
use Koha::Acquisition::Currencies;
use Koha::Acquisition::Orders;
use Koha::Acquisition::Booksellers;
use Koha::ImportBatches;
use Koha::Import::Records;
use Koha::Patrons;
use Koha::MarcOrder;
my $input = CGI->new;
my ( $template, $loggedinuser, $cookie, $userflags ) = get_template_and_user(
template_name => "acqui/",
query => $input,
type => "intranet",
flagsrequired => { acquisition => 'order_manage' },
my $cgiparams = $input->Vars;
my $op = $cgiparams->{'op'} || '';
my $booksellerid = $input->param('booksellerid');
my $allmatch = $input->param('allmatch');
my $bookseller = Koha::Acquisition::Booksellers->find($booksellerid);
scriptname => "/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/",
booksellerid => $booksellerid,
booksellername => $bookseller->name,
if ( $cgiparams->{'import_batch_id'} && $op eq "" ) {
$op = "batch_details";
#Needed parameters:
if ( !$cgiparams->{'basketno'} ) {
die "Basketnumber required to order from iso2709 file import";
my $basket = Koha::Acquisition::Baskets->find( $cgiparams->{basketno} );
# 1st step = choose the file to import into acquisition
if ( $op eq "" ) {
$template->param( "basketno" => $cgiparams->{'basketno'} );
#display batches
my $batches_list = Koha::MarcOrder->import_batches_list();
batch_list => $batches_list->{list},
num_results => $batches_list->{num_results}
# 2nd step = display the content of the chosen file
} elsif ( $op eq "batch_details" ) {
#display lines inside the selected batch
"batch_details" => 1,
"basketno" => $cgiparams->{'basketno'},
# get currencies (for change rates calcs if needed)
currencies => Koha::Acquisition::Currencies->search,
bookseller => $bookseller,
"allmatch" => $allmatch,
my $biblios_list = Koha::MarcOrder->import_biblios_list( $cgiparams->{'import_batch_id'} );
my $overlay_action = $biblios_list->{overlay_action};
my $nomatch_action = $biblios_list->{nomatch_action};
my $item_action = $biblios_list->{item_action};
my $batch = $biblios_list->{batch};
import_biblio_list => $biblios_list->{import_biblio_list},
num_results => $biblios_list->{num_results},
import_batch_id => $biblios_list->{import_batch_id},
"overlay_action_${overlay_action}" => 1,
overlay_action => $overlay_action,
"nomatch_action_${nomatch_action}" => 1,
nomatch_action => $nomatch_action,
"item_action_${item_action}" => 1,
item_action => $biblios_list->{item_action},
item_error => $biblios_list->{item_error},
libraries => Koha::Libraries->search,
locationloop => $biblios_list->{locationloop},
itemtypes => Koha::ItemTypes->search,
ccodeloop => $biblios_list->{ccodeloop},
notforloanloop => $biblios_list->{notforloanloop},
can_commit => $biblios_list->{can_commit},
can_revert => $biblios_list->{can_revert},
current_matcher_id => $biblios_list->{current_matcher_id},
current_matcher_code => $biblios_list->{current_matcher_code},
current_matcher_description => $biblios_list->{current_matcher_description},
available_matchers => $biblios_list->{available_matchers},
batch_info => 1,
file_name => $batch->{'file_name'},
comments => $batch->{'comments'},
import_status => $batch->{'import_status'},
upload_timestamp => $batch->{'upload_timestamp'},
num_records => $batch->{'num_records'},
num_items => $batch->{'num_items'}
if ( $basket->effective_create_items eq 'ordering' && !$basket->is_standing ) {
# prepare empty item form
my $cell = PrepareItemrecordDisplay( '', '', undef, 'ACQ' );
# warn "==> ".Data::Dumper::Dumper($cell);
unless ($cell) {
$cell = PrepareItemrecordDisplay( '', '', undef, '' );
$template->param( 'NoACQframework' => 1 );
my @itemloop;
push @itemloop, $cell;
$template->param( items => \@itemloop );
# 3rd step = import the records
} elsif ( $op eq 'cud-import_records' ) {
#import selected lines
$template->param('basketno' => $cgiparams->{'basketno'});
# Budget_id is mandatory for adding an order, we just add a default, the user needs to modify this aftewards
my $budgets = GetBudgets();
if ( scalar @$budgets == 0 ) {
die "No budgets defined, can't continue";
my $budget_id = @$budgets[0]->{'budget_id'};
#get all records from a batch, and check their import status to see if they are checked.
#(default values: quantity 1, uncertainprice yes, first budget)
# retrieve the file you want to import
my $import_batch_id = $cgiparams->{'import_batch_id'};
my $import_batch = Koha::ImportBatches->find($import_batch_id);
my $overlay_action = $import_batch->overlay_action;
my $import_records = Koha::Import::Records->search(
import_batch_id => $import_batch_id,
my $duplinbatch;
my $imported = 0;
my @import_record_id_selected = $input->multi_param("import_record_id");
my $matcher_id = $input->param('matcher_id');
my $active_currency = Koha::Acquisition::Currencies->get_active;
while ( my $import_record = $import_records->next ) {
my $marcrecord = $import_record->get_marc_record || die "couldn't translate marc information";
my @homebranches = $input->multi_param( 'homebranch_' . $import_record->import_record_id );
my @holdingbranches = $input->multi_param( 'holdingbranch_' . $import_record->import_record_id );
my @itypes = $input->multi_param( 'itype_' . $import_record->import_record_id );
my @nonpublic_notes = $input->multi_param( 'nonpublic_note_' . $import_record->import_record_id );
my @public_notes = $input->multi_param( 'public_note_' . $import_record->import_record_id );
my @locs = $input->multi_param( 'loc_' . $import_record->import_record_id );
my @ccodes = $input->multi_param( 'ccode_' . $import_record->import_record_id );
my @notforloans = $input->multi_param( 'notforloan_' . $import_record->import_record_id );
my @uris = $input->multi_param( 'uri_' . $import_record->import_record_id );
my @copynos = $input->multi_param( 'copyno_' . $import_record->import_record_id );
my @budget_codes = $input->multi_param( 'budget_code_' . $import_record->import_record_id );
my @itemprices = $input->multi_param( 'itemprice_' . $import_record->import_record_id );
my @replacementprices = $input->multi_param( 'itemreplacementprice_' . $import_record->import_record_id );
my @itemcallnumbers = $input->multi_param( 'itemcallnumber_' . $import_record->import_record_id );
my @coded_location_qualifiers =
$input->multi_param( 'coded_location_qualifier_' . $import_record->import_record_id );
my @barcodes = $input->multi_param( 'barcode_' . $import_record->import_record_id );
my @enumchrons = $input->multi_param( 'enumchron_' . $import_record->import_record_id );
my @tags = $input->multi_param('tag');
my @subfields = $input->multi_param('subfield');
my @field_values = $input->multi_param('field_value');
my @serials = $input->multi_param('serial');
my $order_internalnote = $cgiparams->{'all_order_internalnote'};
my $order_vendornote = $cgiparams->{'all_order_vendornote'};
my $all_currency = $cgiparams->{'all_currency'};
my $client_item_fields = {
quantity => scalar(@homebranches),
homebranches => \@homebranches,
holdingbranches => \@holdingbranches,
itypes => \@itypes,
nonpublic_notes => \@nonpublic_notes,
public_notes => \@public_notes,
locs => \@locs,
ccodes => \@ccodes,
notforloans => \@notforloans,
uris => \@uris,
copynos => \@copynos,
budget_codes => \@budget_codes,
itemprices => \@itemprices,
replacementprices => \@replacementprices,
itemcallnumbers => \@itemcallnumbers,
coded_location_qualifiers => \@coded_location_qualifiers,
barcodes => \@barcodes,
enumchrons => \@enumchrons,
tags => \@tags,
subfields => \@subfields,
field_values => \@field_values,
serials => \@serials,
c_quantity =>
$input->param( 'quantity_' . $import_record->import_record_id )
|| GetMarcQuantity( $marcrecord, C4::Context->preference('marcflavour') )
|| 1,
c_budget_id =>
$input->param( 'budget_id_' . $import_record->import_record_id )
|| $input->param('all_budget_id')
|| $budget_id,
c_discount => $input->param( 'discount_' . $import_record->import_record_id ),
c_sort1 => $input->param( 'sort1_' . $import_record->import_record_id ) || $input->param('all_sort1') || '',
c_sort2 => $input->param( 'sort2_' . $import_record->import_record_id ) || $input->param('all_sort2') || '',
c_replacement_price => $input->param( 'replacementprice_' . $import_record->import_record_id ),
c_price => $input->param( 'price_' . $import_record->import_record_id )
|| GetMarcPrice( $marcrecord, C4::Context->preference('marcflavour') ),
order_internalnote => $order_internalnote,
order_vendornote => $order_vendornote,
all_currency => $all_currency,
my $args = {
import_batch_id => $import_batch_id,
import_record => $import_record,
matcher_id => $matcher_id,
overlay_action => $overlay_action,
agent => 'client',
import_record_id_selected => \@import_record_id_selected,
client_item_fields => $client_item_fields,
basket_id => $cgiparams->{'basketno'},
vendor => $bookseller,
budget_id => $budget_id,
my $result = Koha::MarcOrder->import_record_and_create_order_lines($args);
$duplinbatch = $result->{duplicates_in_batch} if $result->{duplicates_in_batch};
next if $result->{skip}; # If a duplicate is found, or the import record wasn't selected it will be skipped
# If all bibliographic records from the batch have been imported we modifying the status of the batch accordingly
SetImportBatchStatus( $import_batch_id, 'imported' )
if Koha::Import::Records->search( { import_batch_id => $import_batch_id, status => 'imported' } )->count ==
Koha::Import::Records->search( { import_batch_id => $import_batch_id } )->count;
# go to basket page
if ($imported) {
print $input->redirect(
"/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/" . $cgiparams->{'basketno'} . "&duplinbatch=$duplinbatch" );
} else {
print $input->redirect( "/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/$import_batch_id&basketno="
. $cgiparams->{'basketno'}
. "&booksellerid=$booksellerid&allmatch=1" );
my $budgets = GetBudgets();
my $budget_id = @$budgets[0]->{'budget_id'};
# build bookfund list
my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find($loggedinuser)->unblessed;
my $budget = GetBudget($budget_id);
# build budget list
my $budget_loop = [];
my $budgets_hierarchy = GetBudgetHierarchy;
foreach my $r ( @{$budgets_hierarchy} ) {
next unless ( CanUserUseBudget( $patron, $r, $userflags ) );
push @{$budget_loop},
b_id => $r->{budget_id},
b_txt => $r->{budget_name},
b_code => $r->{budget_code},
b_sort1_authcat => $r->{'sort1_authcat'},
b_sort2_authcat => $r->{'sort2_authcat'},
b_active => $r->{budget_period_active},
b_sel => ( $r->{budget_id} == $budget_id ) ? 1 : 0,
@{$budget_loop} =
sort { uc( $a->{b_txt} ) cmp uc( $b->{b_txt} ) } @{$budget_loop};
$template->param( budget_loop => $budget_loop, );
output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output;