This patch removes the 'StaffDetailItemSelection' along with any usages of it. Now, the checkboxes on an item details page are always there. To test: 1) Apply patch, restart_all, updatedatabase 2) In sys prefs, search for 'StaffDetailItemSelection', nothing should show up. 3) Visit an items details page, make sure there are checkboxes next each item that allow you to perform modification/deletion. Signed-off-by: Eric Garcia <> Signed-off-by: Heather Hernandez <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <> Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
530 lines
18 KiB
Executable file
530 lines
18 KiB
Executable file
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <>.
use Modern::Perl;
use CGI qw ( -utf8 );
use HTML::Entities;
use C4::Auth qw( get_template_and_user );
use C4::Context;
use C4::Koha qw(
use C4::Serials qw( CountSubscriptionFromBiblionumber SearchSubscriptions GetLatestSerials );
use C4::Output qw( output_html_with_http_headers );
use C4::Biblio qw( GetBiblioData GetFrameworkCode );
use C4::Items qw( GetAnalyticsCount );
use C4::Reserves;
use C4::Serials qw( CountSubscriptionFromBiblionumber SearchSubscriptions GetLatestSerials );
use C4::XISBN qw( get_xisbns );
use C4::External::Amazon qw( get_amazon_tld );
use C4::Search qw( z3950_search_args enabled_staff_search_views new_record_from_zebra );
use C4::Tags qw( get_tags );
use C4::XSLT qw( XSLTParse4Display );
use Koha::DateUtils qw( format_sqldatetime );
use C4::HTML5Media;
use C4::CourseReserves qw( GetItemCourseReservesInfo );
use Koha::AuthorisedValues;
use Koha::Biblios;
use Koha::Biblio::ItemGroup::Items;
use Koha::Biblio::ItemGroups;
use Koha::CoverImages;
use Koha::DateUtils;
use Koha::ILL::Requests;
use Koha::Items;
use Koha::ItemTypes;
use Koha::Patrons;
use Koha::Virtualshelves;
use Koha::Plugins;
use Koha::Recalls;
use Koha::Reviews;
use Koha::SearchEngine::Search;
use Koha::SearchEngine::QueryBuilder;
use Koha::Serial::Items;
my $query = CGI->new();
my $analyze = $query->param('analyze');
my ( $template, $borrowernumber, $cookie, $flags ) = get_template_and_user(
template_name => 'catalogue/',
query => $query,
type => "intranet",
flagsrequired => { catalogue => 1 },
# Determine if we should be offering any enhancement plugin buttons
if ( C4::Context->config('enable_plugins') ) {
# Only pass plugins that can offer a toolbar button
my @plugins = Koha::Plugins->new()->GetPlugins({
method => 'intranet_catalog_biblio_enhancements_toolbar_button'
plugins => \@plugins,
my $activetab = $query->param('activetab');
my $biblionumber = $query->param('biblionumber');
$biblionumber = HTML::Entities::encode($biblionumber);
my $biblio = Koha::Biblios->find( $biblionumber );
biblio => $biblio,
activetab => $activetab,
unless ( $biblio ) {
# biblionumber invalid -> report and exit
$template->param( unknownbiblionumber => 1,
biblionumber => $biblionumber );
output_html_with_http_headers $query, $cookie, $template->output;
my $marc_record = eval { $biblio->metadata->record };
my $invalid_marc_record = $@ || !$marc_record;
if ($invalid_marc_record) {
$template->param( decoding_error => $@ );
my $marc_xml = C4::Charset::StripNonXmlChars( $biblio->metadata->metadata );
$marc_record = eval {
MARC::Record::new_from_xml( $marc_xml, 'UTF-8',
C4::Context->preference('marcflavour') );
my $op = $query->param('op') || q{};
if ( $op eq 'set_item_group' ) {
my $item_group_id = $query->param('item_group_id');
my @itemnumbers = $query->multi_param('itemnumber');
foreach my $item_id (@itemnumbers) {
my $item_group_item = Koha::Biblio::ItemGroup::Items->find( { item_id => $item_id } );
if ($item_group_item) {
else {
$item_group_item = Koha::Biblio::ItemGroup::Item->new(
item_id => $item_id,
item_group_id => $item_group_id,
elsif ( $op eq 'unset_item_group' ) {
my $item_group_id = $query->param('item_group_id');
my @itemnumbers = $query->multi_param('itemnumber');
foreach my $item_id (@itemnumbers) {
my $item_group_item = Koha::Biblio::ItemGroup::Items->find( { item_id => $item_id } );
$item_group_item->delete() if $item_group_item;
my $holdfor_patron = Koha::Patrons->find( $query->cookie("holdfor") );
if ( $holdfor_patron ) {
holdfor => $query->cookie("holdfor"),
holdfor_patron => $holdfor_patron,
my ( $basketno, $vendorid ) = split( /\//, $query->cookie("searchToOrder") );
searchtoorder_basketno => $basketno,
searchtoorder_vendorid => $vendorid
my $fw = GetFrameworkCode($biblionumber);
my $showallitems = $query->param('showallitems');
my $marcflavour = C4::Context->preference("marcflavour");
$template->param( 'SpineLabelShowPrintOnBibDetails' => C4::Context->preference("SpineLabelShowPrintOnBibDetails") );
$template->param( ocoins => !$invalid_marc_record ? $biblio->get_coins : undef );
# some useful variables for enhanced content;
# in each case, we're grabbing the first value we find in
# the record and normalizing it
my $upc = GetNormalizedUPC($marc_record,$marcflavour);
my $ean = GetNormalizedEAN($marc_record,$marcflavour);
my $oclc = GetNormalizedOCLCNumber($marc_record,$marcflavour);
my $isbn = GetNormalizedISBN(undef,$marc_record,$marcflavour);
my $content_identifier_exists;
if ( $isbn or $ean or $oclc or $upc ) {
$content_identifier_exists = 1;
normalized_upc => $upc,
normalized_ean => $ean,
normalized_oclc => $oclc,
normalized_isbn => $isbn,
content_identifier_exists => $content_identifier_exists,
my $itemtypes = { map { $_->itemtype => $_ } @{ Koha::ItemTypes->search_with_localization->as_list } };
my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find( $borrowernumber );
my $include_lost_items = !$patron->category->hidelostitems || $showallitems;
my $items_params = {
( $invalid_marc_record ? () : ( host_items => 1 ) ),
my $all_items = $biblio->items($items_params);
my $items_to_display = $all_items->search({ $include_lost_items ? () : ( itemlost => 0 ) });
my $dat = &GetBiblioData($biblionumber);
#is biblio a collection and are bundles enabled
my $leader = $marc_record->leader();
$dat->{bundlesEnabled} = ( ( substr( $leader, 7, 1 ) eq 'c' )
&& C4::Context->preference('BundleNotLoanValue') ) ? 1 : 0;
#coping with subscriptions
my $subscriptionsnumber = CountSubscriptionFromBiblionumber($biblionumber);
my @subscriptions = SearchSubscriptions({ biblionumber => $biblionumber, orderby => 'title' });
my @subs;
foreach my $subscription (@subscriptions) {
my %cell;
my $serials_to_display;
$cell{subscriptionid} = $subscription->{subscriptionid};
$cell{subscriptionnotes} = $subscription->{internalnotes};
$cell{missinglist} = $subscription->{missinglist};
$cell{librariannote} = $subscription->{librariannote};
$cell{branchcode} = $subscription->{branchcode};
$cell{hasalert} = $subscription->{hasalert};
$cell{callnumber} = $subscription->{callnumber};
$cell{location} = $subscription->{location};
$cell{closed} = $subscription->{closed};
#get the three latest serials.
$serials_to_display = $subscription->{staffdisplaycount};
$serials_to_display = C4::Context->preference('StaffSerialIssueDisplayCount') unless $serials_to_display;
$cell{staffdisplaycount} = $serials_to_display;
$cell{latestserials} =
GetLatestSerials( $subscription->{subscriptionid}, $serials_to_display );
push @subs, \%cell;
# Get component parts details
my $showcomp = C4::Context->preference('ShowComponentRecords');
my $show_analytics;
if ( $showcomp eq 'both' || $showcomp eq 'staff' ) {
if ( my $components = !$invalid_marc_record ? $biblio->get_marc_components(C4::Context->preference('MaxComponentRecords')) : undef ) {
$show_analytics = 1 if @{$components}; # just show link when having results
$template->param( analytics_error => 1 ) if grep { $_->message eq 'component_search' } @{$biblio->object_messages};
my $parts;
for my $part ( @{$components} ) {
$part = C4::Search::new_record_from_zebra( 'biblioserver', $part );
my $id = Koha::SearchEngine::Search::extract_biblionumber( $part );
push @{$parts},
biblionumber => $id,
record => $part,
xsl_syspref => "XSLTResultsDisplay",
fix_amps => 1,
$template->param( ComponentParts => $parts );
my ( $comp_query, $comp_query_str, $comp_sort ) = $biblio->get_components_query;
my $cpq = $comp_query_str . "&sort_by=" . $comp_sort;
$template->param( ComponentPartsQuery => $cpq );
} else { # check if we should show analytics anyway
$show_analytics = 1 if !$invalid_marc_record && @{$biblio->get_marc_components(1)}; # count matters here, results does not
$template->param( analytics_error => 1 ) if grep { $_->message eq 'component_search' } @{$biblio->object_messages};
# Display volumes link
my $show_volumes = ( !$invalid_marc_record && @{ $biblio->get_marc_volumes(1) } ) ? 1 : 0;
# XSLT processing of some stuff
my $xslt_variables = {
show_analytics_link => $show_analytics,
show_volumes_link => $show_volumes
XSLTDetailsDisplay => '1',
XSLTBloc => XSLTParse4Display({
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
record => $marc_record,
xsl_syspref => "XSLTDetailsDisplay",
fix_amps => 1,
xslt_variables => $xslt_variables,
# Get acquisition details
if ( C4::Context->preference('AcquisitionDetails') ) {
my $orders = Koha::Acquisition::Orders->search(
{ biblionumber => $biblionumber },
join => 'basketno',
order_by => 'basketno.booksellerid'
); # GetHistory sorted by aqbooksellerid, but does it make sense?
orders => $orders,
acq_status => $biblio->acq_status,
if ( C4::Context->preference('suggestion') ) {
my $suggestions = Koha::Suggestions->search(
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
archived => 0,
order_by => { -desc => 'suggesteddate' }
my $nb_archived_suggestions = Koha::Suggestions->search({ biblionumber => $biblionumber, archived => 1 })->count;
$template->param( suggestions => $suggestions, nb_archived_suggestions => $nb_archived_suggestions );
if ( defined $dat->{'itemtype'} ) {
$dat->{imageurl} = getitemtypeimagelocation( 'intranet', $itemtypes->{ $dat->{itemtype} }->imageurl );
if ( C4::Context->preference('SeparateHoldings') ) {
my $SeparateHoldingsBranch = C4::Context->preference('SeparateHoldingsBranch') || 'homebranch';
my $other_holdings_count = $items_to_display->search({ $SeparateHoldingsBranch => { '!=' => C4::Context->userenv->{branch} } })->count;
$template->param( other_holdings_count => $other_holdings_count );
count => $all_items->count, # FIXME 'count' is used in
# But it's not a meaningful variable, we should rename it there
all_items_count => $all_items->count,
items_to_display_count => $items_to_display->count,
my $some_private_shelves = Koha::Virtualshelves->get_some_shelves(
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
add_allowed => 1,
public => 0,
my $some_public_shelves = Koha::Virtualshelves->get_some_shelves(
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
add_allowed => 1,
public => 1,
add_to_some_private_shelves => $some_private_shelves,
add_to_some_public_shelves => $some_public_shelves,
MARCNOTES => !$invalid_marc_record ? $biblio->get_marc_notes() : undef,
z3950_search_params => C4::Search::z3950_search_args($dat),
if (C4::Context->preference("AlternateHoldingsField") && $items_to_display->count == 0) {
my $fieldspec = C4::Context->preference("AlternateHoldingsField");
my $subfields = substr $fieldspec, 3;
my $holdingsep = C4::Context->preference("AlternateHoldingsSeparator") || ' ';
my @alternateholdingsinfo = ();
my @holdingsfields = $marc_record->field(substr $fieldspec, 0, 3);
for my $field (@holdingsfields) {
my %holding = ( holding => '' );
my $havesubfield = 0;
for my $subfield ($field->subfields()) {
if ((index $subfields, $$subfield[0]) >= 0) {
$holding{'holding'} .= $holdingsep if (length $holding{'holding'} > 0);
$holding{'holding'} .= $$subfield[1];
if ($havesubfield) {
push(@alternateholdingsinfo, \%holding);
ALTERNATEHOLDINGS => \@alternateholdingsinfo,
if ( C4::Context->preference('OPACComments') ) {
my $reviews = Koha::Reviews->search(
{ biblionumber => $biblionumber },
{ order_by => { -desc => 'datereviewed' } }
my $libravatar_enabled = 0;
if ( C4::Context->preference('ShowReviewer') and C4::Context->preference('ShowReviewerPhoto') ) {
eval {
require Libravatar::URL;
if ( !$@ ) {
$libravatar_enabled = 1;
for my $review (@$reviews) {
my $review_patron =
Koha::Patrons->find( $review->{borrowernumber} ); # FIXME Should be Koha::Review->reviewer or similar
# setting some borrower info into this hash
if ($review_patron) {
$review->{patron} = $review_patron;
if ( $libravatar_enabled and $review_patron->email ) {
$review->{avatarurl} = libravatar_url( email => $review_patron->email, https => $ENV{HTTPS} );
$template->param( 'reviews' => $reviews );
my @results = ( $dat, );
foreach ( keys %{$dat} ) {
$template->param( "$_" => defined $dat->{$_} ? $dat->{$_} : '' );
# does not work: my %views_enabled = map { $_ => 1 } $template->query(loop => 'EnableViews');
# method query not found?!?!
$template->param( AmazonTld => get_amazon_tld() ) if ( C4::Context->preference("AmazonCoverImages"));
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
($analyze? 'analyze':'detailview') =>1,
subscriptions => \@subs,
subscriptionsnumber => $subscriptionsnumber,
subscriptiontitle => $dat->{title},
searchid => scalar $query->param('searchid'),
# Lists
if (C4::Context->preference("virtualshelves") ) {
my $shelves = Koha::Virtualshelves->search(
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
public => 1,
join => 'virtualshelfcontents',
$template->param( 'shelves' => $shelves );
# XISBN Stuff
if (C4::Context->preference("FRBRizeEditions")==1) {
eval {
XISBNS => scalar get_xisbns($isbn, $biblionumber)
if ($@) { warn "XISBN Failed $@"; }
if ( C4::Context->preference("LocalCoverImages") == 1 ) {
my $images = $biblio->cover_images;
localimages => $biblio->cover_images->search(
{}, { order_by => [ \"COALESCE(itemnumber, 0, 1)", 'timestamp' ] }
# HTML5 Media
if ( (C4::Context->preference("HTML5MediaEnabled") eq 'both') or (C4::Context->preference("HTML5MediaEnabled") eq 'staff') ) {
$template->param( C4::HTML5Media->gethtml5media($marc_record));
# Displaying tags
my $tag_quantity;
if (C4::Context->preference('TagsEnabled') and $tag_quantity = C4::Context->preference('TagsShowOnDetail')) {
TagsEnabled => 1,
TagsShowOnDetail => $tag_quantity
$template->param(TagLoop => get_tags({biblionumber=>$biblionumber, approved=>1,
'sort'=>'-weight', limit=>$tag_quantity}));
#we only need to pass the number of holds to the template
my $holds = $biblio->holds;
$template->param( holdcount => $holds->count );
# Check if there are any ILL requests connected to the biblio
my $illrequests =
? Koha::ILL::Requests->search( { biblio_id => $biblionumber } )
: [];
$template->param( illrequests => $illrequests );
# get biblionumbers stored in the cart
my @cart_list;
my $cart_list = $query->cookie("intranet_bib_list");
@cart_list = split(/\//, $cart_list);
if ( grep {$_ eq $biblionumber} @cart_list) {
$template->param( incart => 1 );
if ( C4::Context->preference('UseCourseReserves') ) {
my $course_reserves = GetItemCourseReservesInfo( biblionumber => $biblionumber );
$template->param( course_reserves => $course_reserves );
my @libraries = $patron->libraries_where_can_edit_items;
$template->param(can_edit_items_from => \@libraries);
my @itemtypes = Koha::ItemTypes->search->as_list;
my %item_type_image_locations = map {
$_->itemtype => $_->image_location('intranet')
} @itemtypes;
$template->param(item_type_image_locations => \%item_type_image_locations);
$template->param(found1 => scalar $query->param('found1') );
$template->param(biblio => $biblio);
output_html_with_http_headers $query, $cookie, $template->output;