Owen Leonard e0193051e1
Bug 36640: (follow-up) CSS fixes for DataTables controls
This patch adds CSS fixes to try to keep styling of DataTables and
related controls consistent with how it looked before the upgrade.

This version of DataTables introduced a lot of usage of "!important" in
the CSS which severly limited our options. For that reason I modified
the file to remove all of those instances. Both the minified and
unminified versions are changed.

This patch continues the pre-upgrade practice of picking only the
relevant DataTables CSS and including it in our CSS build. This means a
smaller total CSS download for the user and eliminates the "!important"

Signed-off-by: Jake Deery <jake.deery@ptfs-europe.com>
Signed-off-by: Lisette Scheer <lisette@bywatersolutions.com>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer@bsz-bw.de>
2024-11-14 14:19:34 +01:00

443 lines
15 KiB

/* eslint-env node */
/* eslint no-console:"off" */
const { dest, parallel, series, src, watch } = require('gulp');
const child_process = require('child_process');
const fs = require('fs');
const os = require('os');
const path = require('path');
const util = require('util');
const stream = require('stream/promises');
const sass = require('gulp-sass')(require('sass'));
const tildeImporter = require('node-sass-tilde-importer');
const rtlcss = require('gulp-rtlcss');
const sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
const autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer');
const concatPo = require('gulp-concat-po');
const exec = require('gulp-exec');
const merge = require('merge-stream');
const through2 = require('through2');
const Vinyl = require('vinyl');
const args = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2), { default: { 'generate-pot': 'always' } });
const rename = require('gulp-rename');
const STAFF_CSS_BASE = "koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/css";
const OPAC_CSS_BASE = "koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl/bootstrap/css";
var CSS_BASE = args.view == "opac"
var sassOptions = {
importer: tildeImporter,
includePaths: [
__dirname + '/node_modules',
__dirname + '/../node_modules'
// CSS processing for development
function css(css_base) {
css_base = css_base || CSS_BASE
var stream = src(css_base + "/src/**/*.scss", { sourcemaps: true } );
if (args.view == "opac") {
stream = stream
.pipe(sass(sassOptions).on('error', sass.logError))
suffix: '-rtl'
})) // Append "-rtl" to the filename.
.pipe(dest(css_base, { sourcemaps: "./maps" } ));
} else {
stream = stream
.pipe(sass(sassOptions).on('error', sass.logError))
suffix: '-rtl'
})) // Append "-rtl" to the filename.
.pipe(dest(css_base, { sourcemaps: "./maps" } ));
return stream;
// CSS processing for production
function build(css_base) {
css_base = css_base || CSS_BASE;
sassOptions.outputStyle = "compressed";
var stream = src(css_base + "/src/**/*.scss")
.pipe(sass(sassOptions).on('error', sass.logError))
suffix: '-rtl'
})) // Append "-rtl" to the filename.
return stream;
function opac_css(){
return css(OPAC_CSS_BASE);
function staff_css(){
return css(STAFF_CSS_BASE);
const poTasks = {
'marc-MARC21': {
extract: po_extract_marc_marc21,
create: po_create_marc_marc21,
update: po_update_marc_marc21,
'marc-UNIMARC': {
extract: po_extract_marc_unimarc,
create: po_create_marc_unimarc,
update: po_update_marc_unimarc,
'staff-prog': {
extract: po_extract_staff,
create: po_create_staff,
update: po_update_staff,
'opac-bootstrap': {
extract: po_extract_opac,
create: po_create_opac,
update: po_update_opac,
'pref': {
extract: po_extract_pref,
create: po_create_pref,
update: po_update_pref,
'messages': {
extract: po_extract_messages,
create: po_create_messages,
update: po_update_messages,
'messages-js': {
extract: po_extract_messages_js,
create: po_create_messages_js,
update: po_update_messages_js,
'installer': {
extract: po_extract_installer,
create: po_create_installer,
update: po_update_installer,
'installer-MARC21': {
extract: po_extract_installer_marc21,
create: po_create_installer_marc21,
update: po_update_installer_marc21,
'installer-UNIMARC': {
extract: po_extract_installer_unimarc,
create: po_create_installer_unimarc,
update: po_update_installer_unimarc,
function getPoTasks () {
let tasks = [];
let all_tasks = Object.keys(poTasks);
if (args.task) {
tasks = [args.task].flat(Infinity);
} else {
return all_tasks;
let invalid_tasks = tasks.filter( function( el ) {
return all_tasks.indexOf( el ) < 0;
if ( invalid_tasks.length ) {
console.error("Invalid task");
return [];
return tasks;
const poTypes = getPoTasks();
function po_extract_marc (type) {
return src(`koha-tmpl/*-tmpl/*/en/**/*${type}*`, { read: false, nocase: true })
.pipe(xgettext('misc/translator/xgettext.pl --charset=UTF-8 -F', `Koha-marc-${type}.pot`))
function po_extract_marc_marc21 () { return po_extract_marc('MARC21') }
function po_extract_marc_unimarc () { return po_extract_marc('UNIMARC') }
function po_extract_staff () {
const globs = [
return src(globs, { read: false, nocase: true })
.pipe(xgettext('misc/translator/xgettext.pl --charset=UTF-8 -F', 'Koha-staff-prog.pot'))
function po_extract_opac () {
const globs = [
return src(globs, { read: false, nocase: true })
.pipe(xgettext('misc/translator/xgettext.pl --charset=UTF-8 -F', 'Koha-opac-bootstrap.pot'))
const xgettext_options = '--from-code=UTF-8 --package-name Koha '
+ '--package-version= -k -k__ -k__x -k__n:1,2 -k__nx:1,2 -k__xn:1,2 '
+ '-k__p:1c,2 -k__px:1c,2 -k__np:1c,2,3 -k__npx:1c,2,3 -kN__ '
+ '-kN__n:1,2 -kN__p:1c,2 -kN__np:1c,2,3 '
+ '-k -k$__ -k$__x -k$__n:1,2 -k$__nx:1,2 -k$__xn:1,2 '
+ '--force-po';
function po_extract_messages_js () {
const globs = [
return src(globs, { read: false, nocase: true })
.pipe(xgettext(`xgettext -L JavaScript ${xgettext_options}`, 'Koha-messages-js.pot'))
function po_extract_messages () {
const perlStream = src(['**/*.pl', '**/*.pm'], { read: false, nocase: true })
.pipe(xgettext(`xgettext -L Perl ${xgettext_options}`, 'Koha-perl.pot'))
const ttStream = src([
], { read: false, nocase: true })
.pipe(xgettext('misc/translator/xgettext-tt2 --from-code=UTF-8', 'Koha-tt.pot'))
const headers = {
'Project-Id-Version': 'Koha',
'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8',
return merge(perlStream, ttStream)
.pipe(concatPo('Koha-messages.pot', { headers }))
function po_extract_pref () {
return src('koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/admin/preferences/*.pref', { read: false })
.pipe(xgettext('misc/translator/xgettext-pref', 'Koha-pref.pot'))
function po_extract_installer () {
const globs = [
return src(globs, { read: false, nocase: true })
.pipe(xgettext('misc/translator/xgettext-installer', 'Koha-installer.pot'))
function po_extract_installer_marc (type) {
const globs = `installer/data/mysql/en/marcflavour/${type}/**/*.yml`;
return src(globs, { read: false, nocase: true })
.pipe(xgettext('misc/translator/xgettext-installer', `Koha-installer-${type}.pot`))
function po_extract_installer_marc21 () { return po_extract_installer_marc('MARC21') }
function po_extract_installer_unimarc () { return po_extract_installer_marc('UNIMARC') }
function po_create_type (type) {
const access = util.promisify(fs.access);
const exec = util.promisify(child_process.exec);
const pot = `misc/translator/Koha-${type}.pot`;
// Generate .pot only if it doesn't exist or --force-extract is given
const extract = () => stream.finished(poTasks[type].extract());
const p =
args['generate-pot'] === 'always' ? extract() :
args['generate-pot'] === 'auto' ? access(pot).catch(extract) :
args['generate-pot'] === 'never' ? Promise.resolve(0) :
Promise.reject(new Error('Invalid value for option --generate-pot: ' + args['generate-pot']))
return p.then(function () {
const languages = getLanguages();
const promises = [];
for (const language of languages) {
const locale = language.split('-').filter(s => s.length !== 4).join('_');
const po = `misc/translator/po/${language}-${type}.po`;
const promise = access(po)
.catch(() => exec(`msginit -o ${po} -i ${pot} -l ${locale} --no-translator`))
return Promise.all(promises);
function po_create_marc_marc21 () { return po_create_type('marc-MARC21') }
function po_create_marc_unimarc () { return po_create_type('marc-UNIMARC') }
function po_create_staff () { return po_create_type('staff-prog') }
function po_create_opac () { return po_create_type('opac-bootstrap') }
function po_create_pref () { return po_create_type('pref') }
function po_create_messages () { return po_create_type('messages') }
function po_create_messages_js () { return po_create_type('messages-js') }
function po_create_installer () { return po_create_type('installer') }
function po_create_installer_marc21 () { return po_create_type('installer-MARC21') }
function po_create_installer_unimarc () { return po_create_type('installer-UNIMARC') }
function po_update_type (type) {
const access = util.promisify(fs.access);
const exec = util.promisify(child_process.exec);
const pot = `misc/translator/Koha-${type}.pot`;
// Generate .pot only if it doesn't exist or --force-extract is given
const extract = () => stream.finished(poTasks[type].extract());
const p =
args['generate-pot'] === 'always' ? extract() :
args['generate-pot'] === 'auto' ? access(pot).catch(extract) :
args['generate-pot'] === 'never' ? Promise.resolve(0) :
Promise.reject(new Error('Invalid value for option --generate-pot: ' + args['generate-pot']))
return p.then(function () {
const languages = getLanguages();
const promises = [];
for (const language of languages) {
const po = `misc/translator/po/${language}-${type}.po`;
promises.push(exec(`msgmerge --backup=off --no-wrap --quiet -F --update ${po} ${pot}`));
return Promise.all(promises);
function po_update_marc_marc21 () { return po_update_type('marc-MARC21') }
function po_update_marc_unimarc () { return po_update_type('marc-UNIMARC') }
function po_update_staff () { return po_update_type('staff-prog') }
function po_update_opac () { return po_update_type('opac-bootstrap') }
function po_update_pref () { return po_update_type('pref') }
function po_update_messages () { return po_update_type('messages') }
function po_update_messages_js () { return po_update_type('messages-js') }
function po_update_installer () { return po_update_type('installer') }
function po_update_installer_marc21 () { return po_update_type('installer-MARC21') }
function po_update_installer_unimarc () { return po_update_type('installer-UNIMARC') }
* Gulp plugin that executes xgettext-like command `cmd` on all files given as
* input, and then outputs the result as a POT file named `filename`.
* `cmd` should accept -o and -f options
function xgettext (cmd, filename) {
const filenames = [];
function transform (file, encoding, callback) {
filenames.push(path.relative(file.cwd, file.path));
function flush (callback) {
fs.mkdtemp(path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'koha-'), (err, folder) => {
const outputFilename = path.join(folder, filename);
const filesFilename = path.join(folder, 'files');
fs.writeFile(filesFilename, filenames.join(os.EOL), err => {
if (err) return callback(err);
const command = `${cmd} -o ${outputFilename} -f ${filesFilename}`;
child_process.exec(command, err => {
if (err) return callback(err);
fs.readFile(outputFilename, (err, data) => {
if (err) return callback(err);
const file = new Vinyl();
file.path = path.join(file.base, filename);
file.contents = data;
callback(null, file);
fs.rmSync(folder, { recursive: true });
return through2.obj(transform, flush);
* Return languages selected for PO-related tasks
* This can be either languages given on command-line with --lang option, or
* all the languages found in misc/translator/po otherwise
function getLanguages () {
if (Array.isArray(args.lang)) {
return args.lang;
if (args.lang) {
return [args.lang];
const filenames = fs.readdirSync('misc/translator/po/')
.filter(filename => filename.endsWith('-installer.po'))
.filter(filename => !filename.startsWith('.'))
const re = new RegExp('-installer.po');
languages = filenames.map(filename => filename.replace(re, ''))
return Array.from(new Set(languages));
exports.build = function(next){build(); next();};
exports.css = function(next){css(); next();};
exports.opac_css = opac_css;
exports.staff_css = staff_css;
exports.watch = function () {
watch(OPAC_CSS_BASE + "/src/**/*.scss", series('opac_css'));
watch(STAFF_CSS_BASE + "/src/**/*.scss", series('staff_css'));
if (args['_'][0].match("po:") && !fs.existsSync('misc/translator/po')) {
console.log("misc/translator/po does not exist. You should clone koha-l10n there. See https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Translation_files for more details.");
exports['po:create'] = parallel(...poTypes.map(type => poTasks[type].create));
exports['po:update'] = parallel(...poTypes.map(type => poTasks[type].update));
exports['po:extract'] = parallel(...poTypes.map(type => poTasks[type].extract));