Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <> Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
513 lines
17 KiB
Executable file
513 lines
17 KiB
Executable file
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <>.
use Modern::Perl;
use MARC::File::XML;
use List::MoreUtils qw( uniq );
use Getopt::Long qw( GetOptions );
use Pod::Usage qw( pod2usage );
use Koha::Script;
use C4::Auth;
use C4::Context;
use C4::Record;
use C4::Reports::Guided qw( execute_query );
use Koha::Biblioitems;
use Koha::Database;
use Koha::CsvProfiles;
use Koha::Exporter::Record;
use Koha::DateUtils qw( dt_from_string output_pref );
use Koha::Reports;
my (
'format=s' => \$output_format,
'date=s' => \$timestamp,
'dont_export_items' => \$dont_export_items,
'csv_profile_id=s' => \$csv_profile_id,
'deleted_barcodes' => \$deleted_barcodes,
'clean' => \$clean,
'filename=s' => \$filename,
'record-type=s' => \$record_type,
'id_list_file=s' => \$id_list_file,
'starting_authid=s' => \$starting_authid,
'ending_authid=s' => \$ending_authid,
'authtype=s' => \$authtype,
'starting_biblionumber=s' => \$starting_biblionumber,
'ending_biblionumber=s' => \$ending_biblionumber,
'itemtype=s' => \$itemtype,
'starting_callnumber=s' => \$starting_callnumber,
'ending_callnumber=s' => \$ending_callnumber,
'start_accession=s' => \$start_accession,
'end_accession=s' => \$end_accession,
'marc_conditions=s' => \$marc_conditions,
'embed_see_from_headings' => \$embed_see_from_headings,
'report_id=s' => \$report_id,
'report_param=s' => \@report_params,
'h|help|?' => \$help
) || pod2usage(1);
if ($help) {
$filename ||= 'koha.mrc';
$output_format ||= 'iso2709';
$record_type ||= 'bibs';
# Retrocompatibility for the format parameter
$output_format = 'iso2709' if $output_format eq 'marc';
if ( $output_format eq 'csv' and $record_type eq 'auths' ) {
pod2usage(q|CSV output is only available for biblio records|);
if ( $output_format eq 'csv' and not $csv_profile_id ) {
pod2usage(q|Define a csv profile to export in CSV|);
if ( $record_type ne 'bibs' and $record_type ne 'auths' ) {
pod2usage(q|--record_type is not valid|);
if ( $deleted_barcodes and $record_type ne 'bibs' ) {
pod2usage(q|--deleted_barcodes can only be used with biblios|);
if ($report_id) {
# Check report exists
$report = Koha::Reports->find($report_id);
unless ($report) {
pod2usage( sprintf( "No saved report (%s) found", $report_id ) );
$sql = $report->savedsql;
# Check defined report can be used to export the record_type
if ( $sql !~ /biblionumber/ && $record_type eq 'bibs' ) {
pod2usage(q|The --report_id you specified does not fetch a biblionumber|);
} elsif ( $sql !~ /authid/ && $record_type eq 'auths' ) {
pod2usage(q|The --report_id you specified does not fetch an authid|);
# convert SQL parameters to placeholders
my $params_needed = ( $sql =~ s/(<<[^>]+>>)/\?/g );
die( "You supplied " . scalar @report_params . " parameter(s) and $params_needed are required by the report" )
if scalar @report_params != $params_needed;
$start_accession = dt_from_string($start_accession) if $start_accession;
$end_accession = dt_from_string($end_accession) if $end_accession;
# Parse marc conditions
my @marc_conditions;
if ($marc_conditions) {
foreach my $condition ( split( /,\s*/, $marc_conditions ) ) {
if ( $condition =~ /^(\d{3})([\w\d]?)(=|(?:!=)|>|<)([^,]+)$/ ) {
push @marc_conditions, [ $1, $2, $3, $4 ];
} elsif ( $condition =~ /^(exists|not_exists)\((\d{3})([\w\d]?)\)$/ ) {
push @marc_conditions, [ $2, $3, $1 eq 'exists' ? '?' : '!?' ];
} else {
die("Invalid condititon: $condition");
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# Redirect stdout
open STDOUT, '>', $filename if $filename;
my @record_ids;
$timestamp =
($timestamp) ? output_pref( { dt => dt_from_string($timestamp), dateformat => 'iso', dateonly => 0, } ) : '';
if ( $record_type eq 'bibs' ) {
if ($report) {
# Run the report and fetch biblionumbers
my ($sth) = execute_query(
sql => $sql,
sql_params => \@report_params,
report_id => $report_id,
while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
if ( $row->{biblionumber} ) {
push @record_ids, $row->{biblionumber};
} else {
pod2usage(q|The --report_id you specified returned no biblionumbers|);
} elsif ($timestamp) {
if ( !$dont_export_items ) {
push @record_ids, $_->{biblionumber} for @{
q| (
SELECT biblio_metadata.biblionumber
FROM biblio_metadata
LEFT JOIN items USING(biblionumber)
WHERE biblio_metadata.timestamp >= ?
OR items.timestamp >= ?
SELECT biblio_metadata.biblionumber
FROM biblio_metadata
LEFT JOIN deleteditems USING(biblionumber)
WHERE biblio_metadata.timestamp >= ?
OR deleteditems.timestamp >= ?
) |, { Slice => {} }, ($timestamp) x 4
} else {
push @record_ids, $_->{biblionumber} for @{
q| (
SELECT biblio_metadata.biblionumber
FROM biblio_metadata
WHERE biblio_metadata.timestamp >= ?
) |, { Slice => {} }, $timestamp
} else {
my $conditions = {
( $starting_biblionumber or $ending_biblionumber )
? (
"me.biblionumber" => {
( $starting_biblionumber ? ( '>=' => $starting_biblionumber ) : () ),
( $ending_biblionumber ? ( '<=' => $ending_biblionumber ) : () ),
: (),
( $starting_callnumber or $ending_callnumber )
? (
callnumber => {
( $starting_callnumber ? ( '>=' => $starting_callnumber ) : () ),
( $ending_callnumber ? ( '<=' => $ending_callnumber ) : () ),
: (),
( $start_accession or $end_accession )
? (
dateaccessioned => {
( $start_accession ? ( '>=' => $start_accession ) : () ),
( $end_accession ? ( '<=' => $end_accession ) : () ),
: (),
? C4::Context->preference('item-level_itypes')
? ( 'items.itype' => $itemtype )
: ( 'me.itemtype' => $itemtype )
: ()
my $biblioitems = Koha::Biblioitems->search( $conditions, { join => 'items' } );
while ( my $biblioitem = $biblioitems->next ) {
push @record_ids, $biblioitem->biblionumber;
} elsif ( $record_type eq 'auths' ) {
if ($report) {
# Run the report and fetch authids
my ($sth) = execute_query(
sql => $sql,
sql_params => \@report_params,
report_id => $report_id,
while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
if ( $row->{authid} ) {
push @record_ids, $row->{authid};
} else {
pod2usage(q|The --report_id you specified returned no authids|);
} elsif ($timestamp) {
push @record_ids, $_->{authid} for @{
q| (
SELECT authid
FROM auth_header
WHERE modification_time >= ?
) |, { Slice => {} }, $timestamp
} else {
my $conditions = {
( $starting_authid or $ending_authid )
? (
authid => {
( $starting_authid ? ( '>=' => $starting_authid ) : () ),
( $ending_authid ? ( '<=' => $ending_authid ) : () ),
: (),
( $authtype ? ( authtypecode => $authtype ) : () ),
# Koha::MetadataRecord::Authority is not a Koha::Object...
my $authorities = Koha::Database->new->schema->resultset('AuthHeader')->search($conditions);
@record_ids = map { $_->authid } $authorities->all;
@record_ids = uniq @record_ids;
if ( @record_ids and $id_list_file ) {
open my $fh, '<', $id_list_file or die "Cannot open file $id_list_file ($!)";
my @filter_record_ids = <$fh>;
@filter_record_ids = map { my $id = $_; $id =~ s/[\r\n]*$//; $id } @filter_record_ids;
# intersection
my %record_ids = map { $_ => 1 } @record_ids;
@record_ids = grep $record_ids{$_}, @filter_record_ids;
if ($deleted_barcodes) {
for my $record_id (@record_ids) {
my $barcode = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
FROM deleteditems
WHERE deleteditems.biblionumber = ?
AND barcode IS NOT NULL AND barcode != ''
|, { Slice => {} }, $record_id
say $_->{barcode} for @$barcode;
} else {
record_type => $record_type,
record_ids => \@record_ids,
record_conditions => @marc_conditions ? \@marc_conditions : undef,
format => $output_format,
csv_profile_id => $csv_profile_id,
export_items => ( not $dont_export_items ),
clean => $clean || 0,
embed_see_from_headings => $embed_see_from_headings || 0,
=head1 NAME
export records - This script exports record (biblios or authorities)
| [-h|--help] [--format=format] [--date=datetime] [--record-type=TYPE] [--dont_export_items] [--deleted_barcodes] [--clean] [--id_list_file=PATH] --filename=outputfile
=head1 OPTIONS
=item B<-h|--help>
Print a brief help message.
=item B<--format>
--format=FORMAT FORMAT is either 'xml', 'csv' (biblio records only) or 'marc' (default).
=item B<--date>
--date=DATETIME DATETIME should be entered as the 'dateformat' syspref is
set (dd/mm/yyyy[ hh:mm:ss] for metric, yyyy-mm-dd[ hh:mm:ss] for iso,
mm/dd/yyyy[ hh:mm:ss] for us) records exported are the ones that
have been modified since DATETIME.
=item B<--record-type>
--record-type=TYPE TYPE is 'bibs' or 'auths'.
=item B<--dont_export_items>
--dont_export_items If enabled, the item infos won't be exported.
=item B<--csv_profile_id>
--csv_profile_id=ID Generate a CSV file with the given CSV profile id (see tools/
This can only be used to export biblio records.
=item B<--deleted_barcodes>
--deleted_barcodes If used, a list of barcodes of items deleted since DATE
is produced (or from all deleted items if no date is
specified). Used only if TYPE is 'bibs'.
=item B<--clean>
--clean removes NSE/NSB.
=item B<--id_list_file>
--id_list_file=PATH PATH is a path to a file containing a list of
IDs (biblionumber or authid) with one ID per line.
This list works as a filter; it is compatible with
other parameters for selecting records.
=item B<--filename>
--filename=FILENAME FILENAME used to export the data.
=item B<--starting_authid>
--starting_authid=ID Export authorities with authid >= ID
=item B<--ending_authid>
--ending_authid=ID Export authorities with authid <= ID
=item B<--authtype>
--authtype=AUTHTYPE Export authorities from the given AUTHTYPE
=item B<--starting_biblionumber>
--starting_biblionumber=ID Export biblio with biblionumber >= ID
=item B<--ending_biblionumber>
--ending_biblionumber=ID Export biblio with biblionumber <= ID
=item B<--itemtype>
--itemtype=ITEMTYPE Export biblio from the given ITEMTYPE
=item B<--starting_callnumber>
--starting_callnumber=CALLNUMBER Export biblio with callnumber >=CALLNUMBER
=item B<--ending_callnumber>
--ending_callnumber=CALLNUMBER Export biblio with callnumber <=CALLNUMBER
=item B<--start_accession>
--starting_accession=DATE Export biblio with an item accessionned after DATE
=item B<--end_accession>
--end_accession=DATE Export biblio with an item accessionned after DATE
=item B<--marc_conditions>
--marc_conditions=CONDITIONS Only include biblios with MARC data matching CONDITIONS.
CONDITIONS is on the format: <marc_target><binary_operator><value>,
or <unary_operation>(<marc_target>).
with multiple conditions separated by commas (,).
For example: --marc_conditions="035a!=(EXAMPLE)123,041a=swe".
Multiple conditions are all required to match.
If <marc_target> has multiple values all values
are also required to match.
Valid operators are: = (equal to), != (not equal to),
> (great than) and < (less than).
Two unary operations are also supported:
exists(<marc_target>) and not_exists(<marc_target>).
For example: --marc_conditions="exists(035a)".
"exists(<marc_target)" will include marc records where
<marc_target> exists regardless of target value, and
"exists(<marc_target>)" will include marc records where
no <marc_target> exists.
=item B<--embed_see_from_headings>
--embed_see_from_headings Embed see from (non-preferred form) headings in bibliographic record.
=item B<--report_id>
--report_id=ID Export biblionumbers or authids from a given saved report output.
If you want to export authority records then your report must
select authid and you must define --record-type=auths when
running this script.
=item B<--report_param>
--report_param=PARAM Repeatable, should provide one param per param requested for the
Report params are not combined as on the staff side, so you may
need to repeat params.
=head1 AUTHOR
Koha Development Team
Copyright Koha Team
=head1 LICENSE
This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <>.