As requested by Jonathan, we need more flexibility ;) Here it comes. Test plan: Run t/CookieManager.t Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <> Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <> Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
139 lines
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Executable file
139 lines
6 KiB
Executable file
# Copyright 2022 Rijksmuseum, Koha Development Team
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <>.
use Modern::Perl;
use CGI;
use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
use Test::More tests => 3;
use t::lib::Mocks;
use C4::Context;
use Koha::CookieManager;
subtest 'new' => sub {
plan tests => 3;
t::lib::Mocks::mock_config( Koha::CookieManager::DENY_LIST_VAR, 'just_one' );
my $cmgr = Koha::CookieManager->new;
is( scalar keys %{$cmgr->{_remove_unless}}, 1, 'one entry' );
is( exists $cmgr->{_secure}, 1, 'secure key found' );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_config( Koha::CookieManager::DENY_LIST_VAR, [ 'two', 'entries' ] );
$cmgr = Koha::CookieManager->new;
is( scalar keys %{$cmgr->{_remove_unless}}, 2, 'two entries' );
subtest 'clear_unless' => sub {
plan tests => 17;
t::lib::Mocks::mock_config( Koha::CookieManager::DENY_LIST_VAR, [ 'aap', 'noot' ] );
my $q = CGI->new;
my $cmgr = Koha::CookieManager->new;
my $cookie1 = $q->cookie( -name => 'aap', -value => 'aap', -expires => '+1d' );
my $cookie2 = $q->cookie( -name => 'noot', -value => 'noot' );
my $cookie3 = $q->cookie( -name => 'wim', -value => q{wim}, -HttpOnly => 1 );
my $cookie4 = $q->cookie( -name => 'aap', -value => q{aap2}, -HttpOnly => 1 );
my $list = [ $cookie1, $cookie2, $cookie3, $cookie4, 'mies', 'zus' ]; # 4 cookies, 2 names
# No results expected
is( @{$cmgr->clear_unless}, 0, 'Empty list' );
is( @{$cmgr->clear_unless( { hash => 1 }, [ 'array' ], $q )}, 0, 'Empty list for invalid arguments' );
# Pass list, expect 5 cookies (3 cleared, last aap kept)
my @rv = @{$cmgr->clear_unless( @$list )};
is( @rv, 5, '5 expected' );
is( $rv[0]->name, 'noot', '1st cookie' );
is( $rv[1]->name, 'wim', '2nd cookie' );
is( $rv[2]->name, 'aap', '3rd cookie' );
is( $rv[3]->name, 'mies', '4th cookie' );
is( $rv[4]->name, 'zus', '5th cookie' );
is( $rv[0]->value, q{noot}, 'noot not empty' );
is( $rv[1]->value, q{}, 'wim empty' );
is( $rv[2]->value, q{aap2}, 'aap not empty' );
is( $rv[3]->value, q{}, 'mies empty' );
is( $rv[4]->value, q{}, 'zus empty' );
is( $rv[1]->httponly, 0, 'cleared wim is not httponly' );
is( $rv[2]->httponly, 1, 'aap httponly' );
# Test with numeric suffix (via regex)
t::lib::Mocks::mock_config( Koha::CookieManager::DENY_LIST_VAR, [ 'catalogue_editor_\d+' ] );
$cmgr = Koha::CookieManager->new;
$cookie1 = $q->cookie( -name => 'catalogue_editor_abc', -value => '1', -expires => '+1y' );
$cookie2 = $q->cookie( -name => 'catalogue_editor_345', -value => '1', -expires => '+1y' );
$cookie3 = $q->cookie( -name => 'catalogue_editor_', -value => '1', -expires => '+1y' );
$cookie4 = $q->cookie( -name => 'catalogue_editor_123x', -value => '1', -expires => '+1y' );
$list = [ $cookie1, $cookie2, $cookie3, $cookie4 ];
@rv = @{$cmgr->clear_unless( @$list )};
is_deeply( [ map { $_->value ? $_->name : () } @rv ],
[ 'catalogue_editor_345' ],
'Cookie2 should be found only' );
# Test with another regex (yes, highly realistic examples :)
t::lib::Mocks::mock_config( Koha::CookieManager::DENY_LIST_VAR, [ 'next_\w+_number\d{2}_(now|never)' ] );
$cmgr = Koha::CookieManager->new;
my $cookie5;
$cookie1 = $q->cookie( -name => 'next_mynewword_number99_never', -value => '1', -expires => '+1y' ); #fine
$cookie2 = $q->cookie( -name => 'prefixed_next_mynewword_number99_never', -value => '1', -expires => '+1y' ); # wrong prefix
$cookie3 = $q->cookie( -name => 'next_mynew-word_number99_never', -value => '1', -expires => '+1y' ); # wrong: hyphen in word
$cookie4 = $q->cookie( -name => 'mynewword_number999_never', -value => '1', -expires => '+1y' ); # wrong: three digits
$cookie5 = $q->cookie( -name => 'next_mynewword_number99_always', -value => '1', -expires => '+1y' ); # wrong: always
@rv = @{$cmgr->clear_unless( $cookie1, $cookie2, $cookie3, $cookie4, $cookie5 )};
is_deeply( [ map { $_->value ? $_->name : () } @rv ], [ 'next_mynewword_number99_never' ], 'Only cookie1 matched' );
subtest 'replace_in_list' => sub {
plan tests => 13;
my $q = CGI->new;
my $cmgr = Koha::CookieManager->new;
my $cookie1 = $q->cookie( -name => 'c1', -value => q{c1} );
my $cookie2 = $q->cookie( -name => 'c2', -value => q{c2} );
my $cookie3 = $q->cookie( -name => 'c3', -value => q{c3} );
my $cookie4 = $q->cookie( -name => 'c2', -value => q{c4} ); # name c2 !
# Unusual arguments (show that $cmgr handles the cookie mocks in Auth.t)
my $res = $cmgr->replace_in_list( [ 1, 2, 3 ], 4 );
is( @$res, 0, 'No cookies' );
$res = $cmgr->replace_in_list( [ 1, 2, 3 ], $cookie1 );
is( @$res, 1, 'One cookie added' );
is( $res->[0]->name, 'c1', '1st cookie' );
$res = $cmgr->replace_in_list( [ $cookie2, 2, 3 ], 4 ); # filter 2,3 and ignore 4
is( @$res, 1, 'One cookie found' );
is( $res->[0]->name, 'c2', 'c2 found' );
# Pass c1 c2, add c3
$res = $cmgr->replace_in_list( [ $cookie1, $cookie2 ], $cookie3 );
is( @$res, 3, 'Returns three' );
is( $res->[2]->name, 'c3', '3rd cookie' );
is( $res->[2]->value, 'c3', 'value c3' );
# Pass c1 c2 c3 and replace c2
$res = $cmgr->replace_in_list( [ $cookie1, $cookie2, $cookie3 ], $cookie4 );
is( @$res, 3, 'Returns three' );
is( $res->[0]->name, 'c1', '1st cookie' );
is( $res->[1]->name, 'c3', '2nd cookie' );
is( $res->[2]->name, 'c2', '3rd cookie' );
is( $res->[2]->value, 'c4', 'value replaced' );